Container Orchestration


March 12, 2018


January 4, 2024

Automated arrangement, coordination, and management of software containers

Containerized workloads: portable, insulated, independent dependencies

Open-Source for container orchestration:

Name Family Cf.
PBS (Portable Batch System) WMS
HT (High Throughput) Condor WMS
Slurm WMS
Mesos¹ (with Marathon) COE
Kubernetes COE
Docker Swarm COE

¹Mesos is a common resource management system hosting multiple distributed computing (workload management) frameworks (2-level scheduling).

Slurm and/or/vs Kubernetes, Tim Wickberg, SchedMD, 2023/11

User Workloads

Users Submit a wide variety of computational applications (jobs, tasks) for processing

  • Different parallel execution paradigms (levels of parallelism)
  • Different execution requirements (i.e. run-time, required hardware (CPUs, RAM,etc.))
Workload Description
service Service (daemon) process (long running, persistent execution)
periodical Processes executed in a defined interval
batch Single (independent) processes (sequential execution)
array Pleasantly parallel processes (asynchronously executed)
parallel Synchronously parallel processes (simultaneous execution)
analytics Combination of the above categories

Comparing workloads

  • Traditional HPC - Strict resource constrains, highly parallel, performance oriented (fast storage, low latency interconnect)
  • Data analytics - Malleable requirements, load-balanced, fault-tolerant (replication to avoid data loss)

Workload Execution

Match/execute user workloads efficently on available computing resources:

Classification of workload schedulers:

Type x Description
monolithic Single central scheduling for all tasks (i.e. all HPC WMS, Kubernetes, Swarm)
two-level Separate resources allocation from task placement (i.e. Mesos)
shared state Shared state (protocol) for multiple (application specific) schedulers (no examples)

Many possible resource metrics and tunable settings for the scheduling algorithm

  • Resource - amount, type, duration, cost/power, topology…
  • Account - user, group, project, tags, limits…
  • Policies - job size/age, priority, fair share, reservation,…

Methods to optimize mapping of requested resources to the available resources:

Method Description
time sharing Allocate multiple workloads from one or more user on a single node
backfilling Schedule pending workloads out of order to maximize utilization
job chunking Run similar workloads of multiple users simultaneously
bin packing Group workloads of multiple user to optimize utilization
gang scheduling Allow users to submit multiple process within a single workload
job dependencies Allow user to define workflows for execution (direct acyclic graphs (DAGs))

User defined factors contributing to scheduling decisions:

Factor Description
fair-share Uses historic resource utilization as a factor to balance target shares
quality of service Special treatment of jobs based on specified criteria
reservation All to reserve resources in advance
job dependencies Task workflows/sequencing defined by users

Multi-factor priority is the use of multiple factors to determine the execution of workloads.

Workload Management

Responsibilities/components of a workload management system:

Component Description
scheduling Allocate resources and assign a workload from the queue
lifecycle management Receive and queue workloads, prioritize/sort candidate workloads
resource management Collect resource capabilities and state information for the scheduler
execution/monitoring Launch the workload, track its state and collect performance metrics

Resource Management

Typically involves following capabilities:

Capability Description
heterogeneous resources The scheduler can accommodate different hardware configurations
allocation policy Prioritization of jobs according to specific resource requirements (i.e. run-time)
consumable resources Enforced static (CPUs, RAM) and dynamic (load, bandwidth) resource constrains
network-aware scheduling Consideration of network topology by the scheduler for job allocation
accelerator support Specialized hardware GPUs, FPGAs, PHIs (Intel)
power capping Limit the power consumption of workloads
  • At minimum resources are managed at the granularity of a node
  • Typically fine-grained management of CPU cores & memory
  • Eventually includes software licenses, network bandwidth, shared storage space, accelerators

Workload placement

Usually highly configurable:

  • Replacement/reordering - Dynamically manged job order in the queue to react to state changes (resource, jobs, etc)
  • Power-aware scheduling - Drain, shutdown unused nodes to minimize power consumption
  • Prolog/epilog support - Allow scripts to be executed before/after a job
  • Data staging - Support for copying files to local storage before job execution
  • Checkpointing - Allow applications to save execution state in intervals (fault-tolerance)
  • Job migration - Move jobs during execution to mitigate failure states (rebalancing of long-running or service-oriented jobs)
  • Job restarting - Automatic restart of aborted of failed jobs
  • Job preemption - Suspend low-priority jobs to free resources of required