Anaconda & Kickstart

Enterprise Linux Installation


November 5, 2015


February 14, 2024


Install/configure DHCP and HTTP services:

# Install a web-server
>>> yum -y install httpd && systemctl enable httpd && systemctl start httpd
>>> firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http && firewall-cmd --reload

# Disable SELinux
>>> grep ^SELINUX= /etc/selinux/config
>>> setenforce 0 && sestatus

Add an iPXE configuration to the DHCP server…

>>> yum -y install tftp-server 
>>> cat /etc/dnsmasq.d/ipxe.conf
# restart dnsmasq

# build iPXE and copy the boot image
>>> yum -y install gcc binutils make perl syslinux xz-devel genisoimage git
>>> git clone git:// ipxe && cd ipxe/src
>>> make bin/undionly.kpxe && cp bin/undionly.kpxe /var/lib/tftpboot

Extract boot images from the official source, CentOS mirros

curl -o /tmp/centos.iso
mount -o loop /tmp/centos.iso /mnt
mkdir -p ${www}/boot/centos/7/1611 && cp -r /mnt/* ${www}/boot/centos/7/1611
umount /mnt
ln -s ${www}/boot/centos/7/1611 ${www}/boot/centos/current

More then 1GB memory required for the CentOS LiveOS!


Anaconda 1 installation program used by Enterprise Linux…

  • …install the operating system software on the target computer

Lorax 2 tool is used to create the Anaconda installer boot.iso

Network Configuration

Network connection missing?

  • Check if the require network device is available with ip a
  • If the device is visible check the NetworkManager configuration

NetworkManager configuration (logs to /tmp/syslog):

  • Anaconda Boot Options can be used to enable network (e.g. to download a kickstart file)
  • Anaconda is communicating with NetworkManager mostly with ifcfg files located in /etc/sysconfig/netwrok-scripts/ifcfg-<device name>
  • Note that the Kickstart network option can be used both to enable and configure devices also!

Boot Configuration

Boot into the interactive installation:

>>> cat /var/www/html/centos/boot/menu.ipxe 
set base http://lxdev01.devops.test/centos/boot
kernel ${base}/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img inst.repo=${base} inst.text inst.ks=http://lxdev01.devops.test/kickstart/base.cfg
initrd ${base}/images/pxeboot/initrd.img
boot || goto shell

List of kernel arguments:

inst.repo=http://                    # location of the install source
inst.proxy=http://                   # HTTP proxy for the installation
inst.ks=http://...                   # location of the kickstart file
inst.text                            # use text-base UI
inst.headless                        # no display during installation
inst.sshd                            # SSH login during installation

Target System

Mount points used by the installer…

  • /mnt/sysimage …physical root of the target system
  • /mnt/sysroot …mount point of the system root of the target system
    • …recommended to be used for chroot


Kickstart 3 provides a method to automate the installation of Enterprise Linux…

The kickstart file contains answers for the Anaconda installer program:

  • …simple text file …list of items, each identified by a keyword
  • …omitting required items prompts the user for an interactive answer

Simple kickstart file:

## Common Section ##

install                       # install a fresh system
url --url="http://...."       #  from a remote server over HTTP
reboot                        # reboot automatically

keyboard --vckeymap=us        # keyboard layout
lang en_US.UTF-8              # system language
timezone Europe/Berlin        # system timezone

# dummy accounts for a test environment
auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
rootpw --plaintext root
user --name=devops --password=devops --plaintext

# enable DHPC, no IPv6
network  --bootproto=dhcp --noipv6

zerombr                      # initialize invalid partition table
ignoredisk --only-use=vda    # ingnore disks except of vda
clearpart --initlabel --all  # overwrite all partitions
# partition layout and file-systems
part /     --ondisk=vda --asprimary --fstype=ext4 --size=8192
part /var  --ondisk=vda             --fstype=ext4 --size=8192
part /tmp  --ondisk=vda             --fstype=ext4 --size=8192 --maxsize=20480 --grow
part /srv  --ondisk=vda --asprimary --fstype=ext4 --size=10240                --grow

Package Section

Lists the packages you would like to install:

  • %packages begins the section listing packages, must end with the %end
  • Leading dash excludes packages//groups from the installation

Minimal base system:

## Package Section ##

%packages --nobase --excludedocs
@core --nodefaults

Deploy a configuration management e.g. Chef:

## This repository should host the chef packages from
repo --name=site --baseurl="http://lxdev01.devops.test/repo"

## Add the client package to be installed


Related commands…

  • ignoredisk safeguard storage device from partitioning
  • zerombr initialize unrecognizable storage devices
  • clearpart remove partitions (non by default)
  • part/partition partition storage devices
  • raid Linux software RAID…mdadm
  • volgroup LVM volume groups…

Log is written to /tmp/storage.log

Boot device (non EFI) on first SATA device….

clearpart --all
ignoredisk --only-use=sda
part /     --ondisk=sda --asprimary --fstype=xfs --size=20000
part /var  --ondisk=sda             --fstype=xfs --size=100000
part /tmp  --ondisk=sda             --fstype=xfs --size=35000  --grow
part swap  --ondisk=sda                          --size=10000

Boot device (EFI) on first NVMe device…

clearpart --all
ignoredisk --only-use=nvme0n1
part /boot/efi --fstype=efi  --size=20     --grow --maxsize=200
part /boot     --fstype=ext4 --size=1024
part /         --fstype=xfs  --size=20000         --asprimary
part /var      --fstype=xfs  --size=100000
part /tmp      --fstype=xfs  --size=35000  --grow
part swap                    --size=128000

RAID mirror for /var/spool using two NVMe devices…

# ...make sure to clean any additonal devices...
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=sda,nvme*
part raid.01 --ondisk=nvme0n1 --fstype="mdmember" --size=1 --grow       
part raid.02 --ondisk=nvme1n1 --fstype="mdmember" --size=1 --grow
raid --level=RAID1 --device=spool --fstype=ext4 /var/spool raid.01 raid.02

Post Installation

Commands to run on the system once the installation is complete…

  • …section starts with the %post command …closed with corresponding %end
    • --log=/var/log/name.log …write output to a log-file
    • --erroronfail …halt installation of failure
    • --nochroot …run outside the chroot environment
    • --interpreter /usr/bin/python …non-default interpreter

Add the FQDN to /etc/hostname:

%post --log=/var/log/post-install.log
echo "Write hostname to /etc/hostname"
/bin/hostname -f > /etc/hostname

Install custom SSH keys for the root user:

%post --log=/var/log/post-install.log
echo "Install SSH keys for the root user"
mkdir -m 0700 /root/.ssh/
cat <<EOF >/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
restorecon -R /root/.ssh/