InfluxDB Time-Series Database


January 19, 2016


May 25, 2018

InfluxDB Github Repository

…is an open source time-series database

InfluxDB is a schemaless database. You can add new measurements, tags, and fields at any time.

Data Structure

Organized in time series with zero to many points consisting of:

  • time: a time-stamp (in RFC3339 UTC)
  • measurement: is a name and acts as a container for tags, fields,
    • fields: At least one key-value pair representing the measurement data (not indexed)
    • tags (optional): Zero to many key-value pairs containing meta-data (indexed)

A collection of multiple field key-value pairs makes up a field set.

Similar a tag set is a collection of all tags from a measurement.

A series is a collection of data that shares retention policy, measurement, and a tag set.

Line Protocol

Points are written using a line protocol with following format:

<measurement>[,<tag-key>=<tag-value>...] <field-key>=<field-value>[,<field2-key>=<field2-value>...] [unix-nano-timestamp]

InfluxDB Line Protocol Reference

Storage Format

The storage engine uses TSM (Time Structured Merge tree) files:

  • Read-only files mapped to memory
  • Contain sorted, compressed time series data
  • Optimized to write data in time ascending order
  • Periodic compaction to optimize storage layout for read

Data is organized into shards:

  • Contain specific sets of time series for a given time period
  • Determine the representation of data in files on storage

Shard groups is a container for one or more shards:

  • Have a defined retention policy
  • Have a defined replication factor


apt -y install curl apt-transport-https
curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb jessie stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list
apt update && apt install influxdb

Configuration, services and interfaces:

/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf        # local configuration
/var/lib/influxdb/data             # data storage location (TSM files)
/var/lib/influxdb/wal              # write log storage location
~/.influx_history                  # user command history
influxd config                     # view configuration
influx                             # start interactive shell
influx -precision rfc3339
influx -execute '<influxql>'       # execute query without database specification
influx -database <db-name> ...     # select a database to query
       -format=json -pretty        # select output format
# export all data
influx_inspect export -waldir $INFLUXDB_WAL -datadir $INFLUXDB_DATA -out /tmp/influxdb.txt
influx_inspect dumptsm <tsm-file>  # show time range and statistics


InfluxQL Reference

Managing databases:

show databases                     # display all existing databases
create database <db-name>          # create a database
use <db-name>                      # select database for all future requests
drop database <db-name             # remove a database

Working with a database

show measurements
drop measurement <measurement_name> # drops all data and series in the measurement  
show series                        
show tag keys
show field keys [from <measurement>]
inset <line-protocol>               # insert a single time-series datapoint
show retention policies

Management & metrics:

show shards                        # list shards, shard-groups, and associated retention policies
drop shard <shard_id_number>       # deletes a shard
show queries                       # query id, text, database, duration
kill query <qid>                   # stop currently running query
show retention policies            # list of retention policies
show retention policies on <db-name>
show stats                         # performance statistics
show diagnostics                   # build information, uptime, hostname, 
                                   # server configuration, memory usage, 
                                   # and Go runtime diagnostics
select ["<tag-key>",...,]"<field-key>",["<field-key>",..] from "<measurement-name>"
                                    # query from a database


Managing databases:

  • Send a POST request to the /query endpoint
  • Set the q=<statement> URL parameter
export INFLUXDB_URL=http://localhost:8086/query
# get the list of databases, and parse the output with `jq`
curl -s -XPOST $INFLUXDB_URL --data-urlencode "q=show databases"  | jq '.results[].series[].values[][0]'
# create a new database
curl -i -XPOST $INFLUXDB_URL --data-urlencode "q=create database nyx"

InfluxDB API Reference

Writing data…

  • Send a POST requests to the /write endpoint
  • Specify an existing database in the db query parameter(, optionally a retention policy with rp)
  • The body contains the time-series data using the line-protocol, or points to a properly-formatted file
# target a specific database
export INFLUXDB_URL=http://localhost:8086/write?db=<db-name>
curl -i -XPOST $INFLUXDB_URL --data-binary '<line-protocol>'
                             --data-binary @<path_to_file>