RPM Packages & Yum Package Repositories


August 12, 2009


August 27, 2024


The name RPM 1 refers to the .rpm file format and rpm program itself:

  • Binary RPM packages contain compiled software for a specific architecture
    • Bundles libraries, executables, data, and configuration files required
    • Includes scripts to deploy and integrate the component…
    • …configuration generators, start and stop system services, etc
  • Source RPM packages.src.rpm contain source code to build binary package

Packages use following convention for versioning:


Search for RPM packages 2 in the repositories of the Fedora Project.

rpm Command

rpm query command …-q/--query aliased to rpmquery

rpm -qi PACKAGE_NAME       # general information about a package
rpm -ql PACKAGE_NAME       # list file in an installed package
rpm -qR PACKAGE_NAME       # package dependencies and recommendations
rpm -qf FILE               # query package owning FILE


# Verify all installed packages 
rpm -Va

# Verify a specific package, verbose
rpm -Vv $package

Using RPM to Verify Installed Packages:

  • Check if system accurately reflects the contents of the RPM database
  • Don’t be too surprised if rpm -Va turns up a surprising number of files that failed verification…
    • …some attributes change during normal system operation
    • …system configuration different compared to builders environment

What Does it Verify? Output is a string of 9 characters, a possible attribute marker

Output Description
S Size
M Mode …file permissions
5 MD5 Checksum …check if all files it manipulates
D Major Number & Minor Number
L Symbolic Link String …is the file’s symbolic link contents
U Owner
G Group
T Modification Time
P Capabilities differ
  • Attribute flags will only appear if there is a problem…
  • …otherwise . (period) means the test passed
  • missing file expected by a package

Attribute markers (left to the filename)

Marker Description
a Build side-effect file (such as buildid links)
c Configuration file
d Documentation file
g Ghost file (i.e. the file contents are not included in the package payload)
l License file
m File missing, is not a verify failure
r Readme file


In case procedures fail due to a corrupted rpmdb files…

error: rpmdb: BDB0113 Thread/process 1394101/139863873272704 failed: BDB1507 Thread died in Berkeley DB library
error: db5 error(-30973) from dbenv->failchk: BDB0087 DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: cannot open Packages index using db5 -  (-30973)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
Error: Error: rpmdb open failed

…try rpm --rebuilddb

RPM Package Build

Install development tools

# RPM and build tools...
sudo dnf install -y @rpm-development-tools

# Fedora tools...
sudo dnf install git fedora-packager fedora-review

# become member of the mock group
sudo usermod -a -G mock $USER ; newgrp mock

DO NOT build packages as root!

Directories ~/rpmbuild/{SPECS,SOURCES,BUILD,RPMS,SRPMS}

  • SPECS RPM .spec files…
  • SOURCES source code archives of target software
  • RPMS binary RPM packages
  • SRPMS source RPMs (SRPMs)
  • BUILD used during the RPM build process…temporary storage

rpmdev-setuptree …set up a SRPM build environment

RPM Spec

# create a new skeleton spec file
rpmdev-newspec ${name}.spec

The “Recipe” for creating an RPM package is a .spec file 3:

  • Contain the package name, version, RPM revision number
    • …steps to build, install, and clean a package
    • …a changelog to communicate development details
  • Multiple packages can be built from a single RPM spec file

Contents of a .spec file 4:

  • Preamble …series of metadata items
  • Body contains the main part of the instructions…sections
    • %description full description of the software packaged
    • %prep commands to prepare the software to be built
    • %build commands for actually building the software into machine code
    • %check commands to test the software
    • %changelog record of changes that have happened to the package



Name:           prometheus-slurm-textfile
Version:        2.0^202404070716
Release:        el8
BuildArch:      noarch

Includes following…

  • Name …no white space …may include -
  • Version of the package
    • …alphanumeric characters 1.1
    • …optionally segmented …handle pre- & post-releases
      • ~ force sorting lower than base …example 1.1~201601 < 1.1
      • ^ force sorting higher than base …example 1.1^201601 > 1.1
    • Epoch …override normal version-release sorting
  • Release …distinguishing between different builds …typically the release version of the distribution
  • BuildArch …architecture of the resulting binary
    • x86_64 typical Intel & AMD processors
    • noarch …architecture independent


Copying the desired build artifacts…

  • …from %builddir (where the build happens)
  • …to %buildroot (directory structure with the files to be packaged)


List of files that will be installed from the package

Macros in the %files section…

  • %license …identifies the file listed as a LICENSE file
  • %doc …file listed as documentation


Build package on the host platform…options…

  • -bb build a binary package
  • -bs build a source package
  • -ba build a binary & source package
# copy input artifacts if required...
cp -vr ./* ~/rpmbuild/BUILD
# build a package from a RPM spec
rpmbuild -ba $package.spec
# list all package in the build directory
ls ~/rpmbuild/**/**/*.rpm


Evaluate arbitrary strings containing macros on the command line…

rpm --eval "%{_arch}"

# ...provide additional (or overwrite) macros
rpm --define "_release el8" --eval "%{_release}"

# ...display all build-in macros
rpm --showrc

Lists macros which are widely used…

  • %{_sysconfdir} …defaults to /etc
  • %{_bindir} …defaults to /usr/bin
  • %{_sbindir} …defaults to /usr/sbin
  • …for the build…
    • %{_topdir}%{getenv:HOME}/rpmbuild
    • %{_buildrootdir}%{_topdir}/BUILDROOT
    • %{buildroot}%{_buildrootdir}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}
    • %{_builddir}%{_topdir}/BUILD

Override the distribution macros in the ~/.rpmmacros

%{optflags} macro contains flags that determine CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FFLAGS

# ...default build flags
rpm --eval "%{optflags}"

# ...value of the LDFLAGS environment variable set by build systems
rpm -E "%{build_ldflags}"

Consume a macro within the RPM Spec file…

# ...
Version:        1.0
Release:        %{_release}
BuildArch:      noarch
# ...

Use the command-line option --define to pass macro with value…

rpmbuild --define='_release el8' #...


Inspect package content…

# show package content
rpm -qipl $package.rpm
# list file in package
rpm2cpio $package.rpm | cpio -t
# extract a single file
rpm2cpio $package.rpm | cpio -idv ./$path/$file


Mock 5 buils RPM packages for different architectures/platforms…

  • …creates chroots and builds packages within…
  • …“pristine build environment”, decoupled from the host using containers
  • mockchain…build chains of packages that depend on each other

Mock target platform configurations…

# for example RockyLinux
find /etc/mock -name 'rocky*'  
# ..or
mock --list-chroots

Build from a source package

mock -r fedora-36-x86_64 $package.src.rpm

Manual Customisation

Modifying a chroot…

# ...install packaghe into a chroot
mock -r $mock_config --install $package_name # or /path/to/rpm
# ...--no-clean option is necessary...
# ...since by default the chroot is cleaned prior to building
mock -r $mock_config --no-clean /path/to/srpm

# copy file between host anc chroot
mock -r $mock_config --copyin /path/on/host /path/in/chroot
mock -r $mock_config --copyout /path/in/chroot /path/on/host

Run commands in the chroot …user -- separator

# ...start an interactive shell
mock -r $mock_config --shell
# ...execute a command
mock --shell -- ls -l '*'

Build Options

Pass build configuration options to rpmbuild

# ...enable a build option
mock ... --with=selinux ...
# ...disable a build option
mock ... --without=pam ...
  • Both options above can be used multiple times
  • Pass arbitral additional options with --rpmbuild-opts
  • Specify an RPM macro file with --macro-file


Check the build.log to determine issues…

  • …use option --no-cleanup-after to preserve the build environment in the chroot
  • --clean to purge the chroot tree
  • --no-clean Do not clean chroot before building package


Clone the Fedora package configuration:

# checkout the Slurm packages without identification
fedpkg clone --anonymous $package
# build the package
fedpkg mockbuild
# list the newly build packages (latest Fedora...Rawhide)
find results_$package/ -name '*.rpm'

Using a specific branch…

# ...switching to the EPEL 8 branch beforehand
fedpkg switch-branch epel8 # List file with changes since epel8
git diff --name-only epel8..rawhide
# List changes since epel8
git diff epel8..rawhide

Target a specific platform…

fedpkg mockbuild --root rocky+epel-8-x86_64

Local Repositories

A repository is:

  • A collection of packages.
  • A set of metadata files (the information present in the RPM file). Allows the package manager to operate with the repository without having stored all packages locally.
  • RPM package files are retrieved on demand at installation time.

Local Upstream Mirror

Simple HTTP server setup:

yum -y install httpd
rm /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
systemctl enable --now httpd
# grant access to the HTTP port, or disable the firewall 
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http && firewall-cmd --reload
systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld
# disable SELinux
>>> grep ^SELINUX= /etc/selinux/config
>>> setenforce 0 && sestatus

Utilities to install:

  • reposync - used to synchronize remote yum repositories to a local directory, using yum to retrieve the packages
  • createrepo - Create repomd (xml-rpm-metadata) repository
dnf -y install yum-utils createrepo

Synchronize CentOS YUM repositories to the local directories

mkdir -p /var/www/html/centos/{base,updates}
reposync --downloadcomps \
         --plugins \
         --gpgcheck \
         --download-metadata \
         --repoid=base \
         --repoid=updates \
# create a new repodata for the local repositories
for repo in base updates
        createrepo --verbose\
                   --update \
                   --groupfile comps.xml \

Create a systemd service unit [2] to execute reposync and createrep:

cat > /etc/systemd/system/reposync-centos.service <<EOF
Description=Mirror package repository
ExecStart=/usr/bin/reposync -gml --download-metadata -r base -r updates -p /var/www/html/centos
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/createrepo -v --update /var/www/html/centos/base -g comps.xml
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/createrepo -v --update /var/www/html/centos/updates

Use a systemd timer unit [3] to periodically execute the service above:

cat > /etc/systemd/system/reposync-centos.timer <<EOF
Description=Periodically execute package mirror sync

Full Mirror Sync

Full mirror (of a file-system) including ISO images and network install:

mkdir /var/www/html/centos
rsync --verbose \
      --archive \
      --compress \
      --delete \
      rsync://linuxsoft.cern.ch/centos \

Note: You can use any CentOS mirror with an rsync:// endpoint.

Create a systemd service unit to execute rsync:

# write a unit file to execute rsync
cat > /etc/systemd/system/rsync-centos-mirror.service <<EOF
Description=Rsync CentOS Mirror
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/mkdir -p /var/www/html/centos
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rsync -avz --delete rsync://linuxsoft.cern.ch/centos /var/www/html/centos
# load the configuration
systemctl daemon-reload
# start rsync
systemctl start rsync-centos-mirror
# follow the rsync log...
journalctl -f -u rsync-centos-mirror

Use a systemd timer unit to periodically execute the service above:

cat > /etc/systemd/system/rsync-centos-mirror.timer <<EOF
Description=Periodically Rsync CentOS Mirror
# enable and start the timer unit
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now rsync-centos-mirror.timer
# check the date for next activation
systemctl list-timers rsync*

Partial Mirror

# create a list of packages to include
        rpm -qa --qf '\t%{NAME}.%{ARCH}\n' \
                | head -n10 \
                | tr -d '\t' \
                | tr '\n' ' ' \
                | sort \
# write a configuration file
cat > reposync.conf <<EOF
name = base
baseurl = http://mirror.centos.org/centos-7/7/os/x86_64/
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
mkdir packages
reposync --config=reposync.conf \
         --downloadcomps \
         --newest-only \
         --gpgcheck \
         --arch=x86_64 \
         --repoid=base \

Custom Repository

Create a local repository to host RPM packages:

>>> yum -y install yum-utils createrepo                       # install the tools
>>> path=/var/www/html/repo                                   # directory holding the repository
>>> mkdir -p $path && createrepo $path                        # intialize the package repository
## move RPM packages into $path
>>> createrepo --update $path                                 # update once packages have been added

Package Automation


Packit 6 help software maintainers to build RPM packages…

  • …integrates with software repositories hosted on GitHub, GitLab or Pagure 7
  • …uses Copr to build RPMs package from code changes in a software repository
  • …runs test in the Test Farm 8 infrastructure (a scalable Testing System as a Service)
  • …allows to seamlessly move packages downstream to Fedora Linux & CentOS Stream
  • …provides the packit CLI 9


Copr 10 is build system for 3rd party packages…

  • …short for COPR (Cool Other Package Repositories)
  • …allows contributors to create RPM packages
  • …share RPM packages within a public YUM repositories
  • …automatic management of program version, package release & changelog
  • …automatic building of new package versions
  • …keep packages updated by interacting only with a Git repository
  • Integrates with… tito 11 for managing RPM packages

Search for existing repositories on the public Copr front-end 12 of the Fedora Project 13


SUSE Open Build Service (OBS) 14

  • …public instance 15 available from the OpenSUSE Project
  • …documentation in the OBS users guide 16
  • Service to build & distribute packages…
    • …from source …automatic & reproducible
    • …web-interface, API, and osc CLI



  1. Introduction to RPM Packaging, OpenSUSE Project

  2. Fedora Package Search, Fedora Project

  3. What is a SPEC File?, RPM Documentation

  4. Spec file formant, RPM Documentation

  5. Mock Documentation, GitHub

  6. Packit Home-Page

  7. Packit Onboarding Guide

  8. Testing Farm Documentation

  9. Packit CLI, Packit Documentation

  10. Copr Documentation, Fedora Project

  11. Tito Source Code, GitHub

  12. Copr Web Front-end, Fedora Project

  13. Copr Section, Fedora Infrastructure Documentation

  14. Open Build Service

  15. OpenSUSE Build Service

  16. OBS User Guide, SUSE