Linux Forensics


August 27, 2024


August 27, 2024

Incident Handling

Understanding the incident with questions like this:

  • What happened?
  • What seemed unusual?
  • When did you notice it?
  • Which host involved
  • What’s the purpose of the system
  • Who has access to them?
  • How are these systems set up?
  • What have you done to fix it?

Notification & Triage

  • Potential vulnerability is validated (with co-worker) …incident is declared
  • Communicate to group leader, department head, and IT security

Live Responds

Logon activities

# Check users who are currently logged in
cat /var/log/lastlog
last -f /var/log/wtmp
last -f /var/log/btmp
grep -v cron /var/log/auth.log* | grep -v sudo | grep -i user
grep -v cron /var/log/auth.log* | grep -v sudo | grep -i Accepted
grep -v cron /var/log/auth.log* | grep -v sudo | grep -i failed
grep -v cron /var/log/auth.log* | grep -v sudo | grep -i "login:session"
cat /var/log/{secure,auth.log}

Review activities

# Check command history 
# Check all files with "history" in their name in the user's home directory
cat /home/$USER/.*_history
# Check the command history  (specific to bash shell)
cat /home/$USER/.bash_history
# Check the command history for the root user (specific to bash shell)
cat /root/.bash_history
# Check the MySQL command history for the root user
cat /root/.mysql_history
# Check the FTP command history 
cat /home/$USER/.ftp_history
# Check the SFTP command history 
cat /home/$USER/.sftp_history
# Check the VIM editor history 
# Check the history of commands entered in the 'less' pager 
cat /home/$USER/.lesshst
# Check the Git configuration 
# List recent Git activity logs 
ls /home/$USER/.git/logs
# List Mozilla Firefox profiles, check history and downloads
ls /home/$USER/.mozilla/firefox
# List Google Chrome profiles, check history and downloads
ls /home/$USER/.config/google-chrome
# Search for relevant commands in the authentication logs excluding cron jobs
grep -v cron /var/log/auth.log* | grep -i -e "command=" -e "su:" -e "groupadd" -e "useradd" -e "passwd"

Review accounts

# Identify potentially active user accounts
cat /etc/passwd | grep bash
cat /etc/passwd | grep sh
cat /etc/passwd | grep dash
# Sort user accounts by their UID to detect anomalies
sort -nk3 -t: /etc/passwd
# Find files belonging to non-existent users (indicators of unauthorized access)
find / -nouser -print
# Extract password hashes for forensic analysis
cat /etc/shadow
# Examine group information for user privilege analysis
cat /etc/group
# Review sudo configuration for potential privilege escalation
cat /etc/sudoers
# Check for additional sudo configurations for backdoors
cat /etc/sudoers.d/*
# Investigate SSH authentication keys for potential unauthorized access
cat /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Analyze SSH known hosts for suspicious connections
cat /home/$USER/.ssh/known_hosts
# Review recently used files for user activity
cat /home/$USER/.recently-used.xbel

Log Entries

# Show system messages
cat /var/log/messages
# Show user authentication logs
cat /var/log/auth.log
# Show authentication log for EL systems
cat /var/log/secure
# Show system boot log.
cat /var/log/boot.log
# Show kernel ring buffer log
cat /var/log/dmesg
# Show kernel log
cat /var/log/kern.log

Network Settings

# Show all network interfaces
ifconfig -a
# Show active network connections.
netstat -antup
# Show all iptables rules
iptables -L -n -v
# Show routing table
route -n
# Show listening ports and established connections.
ss -tuln

Triage Script

CatScale 1

# run the script 
git clone ; cd LinuxCatScale
chmod +x ./
sudo ./

Output data collected saved to a compressed archive …copy data from the node…

# includes a tool properly extract the archive 

Alternative: Unix-like Artifacts Collector (UAC) 2

Data Preservation

Better procedure to preserver data for later forensic analysis

  • Is dd of local storage devices enough (from a live device?)
  • ..or offline (after shutdown) …from a live boot to memory
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/evidence/image.dd bs=4096 conv=sync,noerror
# conversion will continue even with read errors...
# if there is an error, null fill the rest of the block

Patched GNU dd for forensic acquisition of data: dc3dd & dcfldd

dcfldd if=/dev/sdb1 conv=sync,noerror hash=sha256 hashlog=hash.log
# hash the input data as it is being transferred, helping to ensure data integrity