Pandoc Document Converter


February 19, 2016


January 21, 2023

pandoc generates documents from various input and output formats.

Therefore it is used to convert between document formats as well.

Input, output and document formats…

# list all supported markdown variants
pandoc --list-input-formats | grep markdown


Instead of using command-line options & arguments…

  • …use a defaults file …in the form of a YAML file
  • …option -d,--defaults= …path to file, for example pandox.yaml
  • ${.} variable
    • …resolve to the directory containing the defaults file itself
    • …only works in fields that expect file paths
  • # …to prefix comments


from: markdown+yaml_metadata_block
standalone: true
self-contained: true
toc: true
template: ${.}/_templates/page.html 
  - ${.}/_templates/normalize.css
  - ${.}/_templates/main.css
  - .
  - ${.}/images


Option --template for custom template documents…

  • pandoc -D $format to print the default template
  • …templates contain variables set
    • default variables
    • …with option -V,--variable
    • …YAML metadata block…
      • …within the file header
      • …dedicated file with option --metadata-file
      • ..defaults file metadata: or metadata-file:

Headers & References

ATX-style heading…

  • +auto_identifiers extension
    • {#<label>} specific label for a header
    • {-} will not be numbered
  • +implicit_header_references extension
    • …behaves as if reference links have been defined for each heading
    • [heading] to reference an existing # heading
# A level-one heading {#level-1}

## A level-two heading {-}

### A level-three heading

...[level one](#level-1)

[A level-three heading]

pandoc-secnos filter…

  • …for numbering section references
  • Source Code Repository, GitHub
  • Enables…
    • …cross-referencing syntax
    • {@sec:label} prefix for a unique reference
    • +@sec:label adds reference number mid sentence

Text Style

Use the common Markdown inline formatting for emphasis. Pandoc support in addition…

strong emphasis
strong emphasis
feasible, not feasable
deleted text
H2O is a liquid. 210 is 1024.


__strong emphasis__
**strong emphasis**
feas*ible*, not feas*able*
~~deleted text~~
H~2~O is a liquid.  2^10^ is 1024.

…HTML markup…

<strong>strong emphasis</strong>
<strong>strong emphasis</strong>
"feas"<em>ible</em>, not "feas"<em>able</em>
<del>deleted text</del>
"H"<sub>2</sub>"O is a liquid.  2<sup>10</sup>" is 1024"

<mark> Element

Mark relevant text using the <mark> HTML element…

  • …requires bracketed_spans extension (enabled by default)
  • …append {.mark} to a text enclosed with [...]

Text within a mark-element


[Text within a mark-element]{.mark}

…HTML markup…

<mark>Text within a mark-element]</mark>

…style sheet…

mark {
  background-color: rgba(255, 238, 0, 0.38);

<span> Element

Syntax highlight text (for example colors) with <span> elements…

Text in light
Text in medium
Text in dark


[Text in light]{.light}
[Text in medium]{.medium}
[Text in dark]{.dark}

…HTML markup…

<span class="light">Text in light</span>
<span class="medium">Text in medium</span>
<span class="dark">Text in dark</span>

…style sheet…

span.light {
  color: rgba(232, 232, 232, 1);
span.medium {
  color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 1);
span.dark {
  color: rgba(114, 114, 114, 1);

Code Fragments

<code> Element


<pre> Element

Fenced code blocks with backticks…

  • …enables syntax high-lighting for code blocks
  • pandoc --list-highlight-languages lists supported languages

Append language identifier to the backticks…

puts "Hello World"


puts "Hello World"

Optional attributes in curly braces {...}

  • #label to specify a reference identifier label
  • .syntax to for a specific language syntax to highlight
  • .numberLines to enable line numbering
function _error() {
        echo 1>&2 "$SCRIPT error: $@"
        exit 1


```{#label .sh .numberLines}
function _error() {
        echo 1>&2 "$SCRIPT error: $@"
        exit 1



  • pandoc --list-extensions to list extensions enabled by default
  • …configure with --from markdown[+-]...
    • …enable +EXTENSION
    • …disable -EXTENSION


Lua filters

  • Manipulate the Pandoc abstract syntax tree (AST)…
  • …between parsing input and writing output
  • …option --lua-filter= to pass a Lua filter