
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/roostats:$Id:  cranmer $
00002 // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Akira Shibata
00003 /*************************************************************************
00004  * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00005  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00006  *                                                                       *
00007  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00008  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00009  *************************************************************************/
00011 //_________________________________________________
00012 /*
00014 <p>
00015 </p>
00016 END_HTML
00017 */
00018 //
00020 #include "TDOMParser.h"
00022 #include "ConfigParser.h"
00023 #include "Helper.h"
00025 using namespace RooStats;
00026 using namespace HistFactory;
00028 void HistFactory::ReadXmlConfig( string filen, vector<EstimateSummary> & summary, Double_t lumi ){
00030   TString lumiStr;
00031   lumiStr+=lumi;
00032   lumiStr.ReplaceAll(' ', TString());
00034   std::cout << "Parsing file: " << filen ;
00036   TDOMParser xmlparser;
00037   string channelName;
00038   string inputFileName;
00039   string histoName;
00040   string histoPathName;
00042   // reading in the file and parse by DOM
00043   Int_t parseError = xmlparser.ParseFile( filen.c_str() );
00044   if( parseError ) { 
00045     std::cout << "Loading of xml document \"" << filen
00046           << "\" failed" << std::endl;
00047   } 
00049   TXMLDocument* xmldoc = xmlparser.GetXMLDocument();
00050   TXMLNode* rootNode = xmldoc->GetRootNode();
00052   // not assuming that combination is the only option
00053   // single channel is also ok
00054   if( rootNode->GetNodeName() == TString( "Channel" ) ){
00056     // Walk through the node received and instanciate/configure the object
00057     TListIter attribIt = rootNode->GetAttributes();
00058     TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0;
00059     while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) {
00060       if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) {
00061         // name of the channel
00062         channelName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00063         std::cout << " : creating a channel named " << channelName<< std::endl;
00064       }
00065       if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "InputFile" ) ) {
00066         inputFileName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00067       }
00068       if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoName" ) ) {
00069         histoName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00070       }
00071       if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) {
00072         histoPathName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00073       }
00074     }
00076     string inputFileName_cache, histoName_cache, histoPathName_cache;
00077     TXMLNode* node = rootNode->GetChildren();
00078     while( node != 0 ) {
00079       if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Data" ) ) {
00080         inputFileName_cache=inputFileName;
00081         histoName_cache=histoName;
00082         histoPathName_cache=histoPathName;
00083         EstimateSummary data_channel;
00087         attribIt = node->GetAttributes();
00088         curAttr = 0;
00089         while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) {
00090           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "InputFile" ) ) {
00091             inputFileName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00092           }
00093           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoName" ) ) {
00094             histoName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00095           }
00096           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) {
00097             histoPathName=curAttr->GetValue();
00098           }
00099         }
00100         data_channel.nominal = (TH1F*) GetHisto(inputFileName, histoPathName, histoName);
00101         summary.push_back(data_channel);
00102         inputFileName=inputFileName_cache;
00103         histoName=histoName_cache;
00104         histoPathName=histoPathName_cache;
00105         //data_channel.print();
00106       }
00107       node = node->GetNextNode();
00108     }
00109     node = rootNode->GetChildren();
00110     while( node != 0 ) {
00111       if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Sample" ) ) {
00112         inputFileName_cache=inputFileName;
00113         histoName_cache=histoName;
00114         histoPathName_cache=histoPathName;
00115         EstimateSummary sample_channel;
00118         attribIt = node->GetAttributes();
00119         curAttr = 0;
00120         while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) {
00121           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) {
00122             // name of the smaple
00123   >GetValue();
00124           }
00125           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "InputFile" ) ) {
00126             inputFileName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00127           }
00128           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoName" ) ) {
00129             histoName = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00130           }
00131           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) {
00132             histoPathName=curAttr->GetValue();
00133           }
00134           if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "NormalizeByTheory" ) ) {
00135             if((curAttr->GetValue()==TString("False"))){
00136               sample_channel.normName=lumiStr;
00137             }
00138           }
00139         }
00140         sample_channel.nominal = (TH1F*) GetHisto(inputFileName, histoPathName, histoName);
00141         TXMLNode* sys = node->GetChildren();
00142         AddSystematic(sample_channel, sys, inputFileName, histoPathName, histoName);
00143         summary.push_back(sample_channel);
00144         inputFileName=inputFileName_cache;
00145         histoName=histoName_cache;
00146         histoPathName=histoPathName_cache;
00147         //sample_channel.print();
00148       }
00149       node = node->GetNextNode();
00150     }
00151   }
00152   // above two are the only options
00153   else {
00154     std::cout << "Did not find 'Channel' at the root level" 
00155               << std::endl;
00156   }
00157 }
00160 void HistFactory::AddSystematic( EstimateSummary & sample_channel, TXMLNode* node, string inputFileName, string histoPathName, string histoName){
00162   while( node != 0 ) {
00163     if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "NormFactor" ) ){
00164       TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes();
00165       EstimateSummary::NormFactor norm;
00166       TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0;
00167       while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) {
00168         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) {
00169  = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00170         }
00171         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Val" ) ) {
00172           norm.val = atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ;
00173         }
00174         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Low" ) ) {
00175           norm.low = atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ;
00176         }
00177         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "High" ) ) {
00178           norm.high = atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ;
00179         }
00180         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Const" ) ) {
00181           norm.constant =  (curAttr->GetValue()==TString("True"));
00182         }
00183       }
00184       sample_channel.normFactor.push_back(norm);
00185     }
00187     if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "HistoSys" ) ){
00188       TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes();
00189       TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0;
00190       string Name, histoPathHigh, histoPathLow, 
00191               histoNameLow, histoNameHigh, inputFileHigh, inputFileLow;
00192       inputFileLow=inputFileName; inputFileHigh=inputFileName;
00193       histoPathLow=histoPathName; histoPathHigh=histoPathName;
00194       histoNameLow=histoName; histoNameHigh=histoName;
00195       while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) {
00196         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) {
00197           Name = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00198         }
00199         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "InputFileHigh" ) ) {
00200           inputFileHigh = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00201         }
00202         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPathHigh" ) ) {
00203           histoPathHigh = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00204         }
00205         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoNameHigh" ) ) {
00206           histoNameHigh = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00207         }
00208         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "InputFileLow" ) ) {
00209           inputFileLow = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00210         }
00211         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPathLow" ) ) {
00212           histoPathLow = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00213         }
00214         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoNameLow" ) ) {
00215           histoNameLow = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00216         }
00217       }
00218       sample_channel.AddSyst(Name, 
00219                     (TH1F*) GetHisto( inputFileLow, histoPathLow, histoNameLow),
00220                     (TH1F*) GetHisto( inputFileHigh, histoPathHigh, histoNameHigh));
00221     }
00222     if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "OverallSys" ) ){
00223       TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes();
00224       TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0;
00225       string Name;
00226       Double_t Low=0, High=0;
00227       while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) {
00228         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) {
00229           Name = curAttr->GetValue() ;
00230         }
00231         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "High" ) ) {
00232           High = atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ;
00233         }
00234         if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Low" ) ) {
00235           Low = atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ;
00236         }
00237       }
00238       sample_channel.overallSyst[Name] = UncertPair(Low, High); 
00239     }
00240     node=node->GetNextNode();
00241   }
00242 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:52:28 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1