
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/roostats:$Id:  cranmer $
00002 // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Akira Shibata
00003 /*************************************************************************
00004  * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00005  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00006  *                                                                       *
00007  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00008  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00009  *************************************************************************/
00011 //_________________________________________________
00012 /*
00014 <p>
00015 </p>
00016 END_HTML
00017 */
00018 //
00020 #include <algorithm>
00021 #include "RooStats/HistFactory/EstimateSummary.h"
00023 ClassImp(RooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary)
00025 using namespace std; 
00027 namespace RooStats {
00028   namespace HistFactory {
00030     EstimateSummary::EstimateSummary(){
00031       nominal=0; 
00032       normName="Lumi";
00033     }
00034     EstimateSummary::~EstimateSummary(){}
00036     void EstimateSummary::Print(const char * /*opt*/) const {
00037       cout << "EstimateSummary (name = " << name << " empty = " << name.empty() << ")"<< endl;
00038       cout << "  TObj name = " << this->GetName() << endl;
00039       cout << "  Channel = " << channel << endl;
00040       cout << "  NormName = " << normName << endl;
00041       cout << "  Nominal ptr = " << nominal << endl;
00042       if (nominal) cout << "  Nominal hist name = " << nominal->GetName() << endl;
00043       cout << "  Number of hist variations = " << systSourceForHist.size() 
00044      << " " << lowHists.size() << " " 
00045      << " " << highHists.size() << endl;
00046       cout << "  Number of overall systematics = " << overallSyst.size() << endl;
00047     }
00049     void EstimateSummary::AddSyst(const  string &sname, TH1F* low, TH1F* high){
00050       systSourceForHist.push_back(sname);
00051       lowHists.push_back(low);
00052       highHists.push_back(high);
00053     }
00055     bool EstimateSummary::operator==(const EstimateSummary &other) const {
00056       // Comparator for two Estimate summary objects. Useful to make sure two analyses are the same
00058       //this->print();
00059       //other.print();
00060       if(! ({
00061         cout << "names don't match : " << name << " vs " << << endl;
00062         return false;
00063       }
00064       if(! ({
00065         cout << "channel names don't match : " << channel << " vs " << << endl;
00066         return false;
00067       }
00068       if(! (normName==other.normName)){
00069         cout << "norm names don't match : " << normName << " vs " << other.normName << endl;
00070         return false;
00071       }
00072       if (nominal && other.nominal)
00073       if(! CompareHisto( this->nominal,  other.nominal ) ) {
00074         cout << "nominal histo don't match" << endl;
00075         return false;
00076       }
00077       /// compare histo sys
00078       int counter=0;
00079       for( vector<string>::const_iterator itr=systSourceForHist.begin(); itr!=systSourceForHist.end(); ++itr){
00080         unsigned int ind = find(other.systSourceForHist.begin(), other.systSourceForHist.end(), *itr) - other.systSourceForHist.begin();
00081         if(ind<other.systSourceForHist.size() && systSourceForHist.size() == other.systSourceForHist.size()){
00082           if(! (CompareHisto( lowHists[ counter ], other.lowHists[ ind ]))){
00083             cout << "contents of sys histo low " << *itr << " did not match" << endl;
00084           }
00085           else if (!( CompareHisto( highHists[counter], other.highHists[ ind ]) ) ){
00086             cout << "contents of sys histo high " << *itr << " did not match" << endl;
00087           } 
00088         } else {
00089           cout << "mismatch in systSourceForHist : " << systSourceForHist.size() << " vs " << other.systSourceForHist.size() << endl;
00090           for( vector<string>::const_iterator itr_this=systSourceForHist.begin(); itr_this!=systSourceForHist.end(); ++itr_this){
00091             cout << "  this contains: " << *itr_this << endl;
00092           }
00093           for( vector<string>::const_iterator itr_other=other.systSourceForHist.begin(); itr_other!=other.systSourceForHist.end(); ++itr_other){
00094             cout << "  other contains: " << *itr_other << endl;
00095           }
00096           return false;
00097         }
00098         counter++;
00099       }
00100       /// compare overall sys
00101       if( overallSyst.size() != other.overallSyst.size()){
00102         cout << "mismatch in overallSyst : " << overallSyst.size() << " vs " << other.overallSyst.size() << endl;
00103         return false;
00104       }
00105       for( map<string, pair<double, double> >::const_iterator itr=overallSyst.begin(); itr!=overallSyst.end(); ++itr){
00106         map<string, pair<double, double> >::const_iterator found=other.overallSyst.find(itr->first);
00107         if(found==other.overallSyst.end()){
00108           cout << "mismatch in overallSyst, didn't find " << itr->first << endl;
00109           return false;
00110         }
00111         if(! (itr->second.first==found->second.first && itr->second.second==found->second.second)){
00112           cout << "mismatch in overall Syst value of " << itr->first << endl;
00113           return false;
00114         }
00115       }
00116       return true;
00117     }
00119     bool EstimateSummary::CompareHisto( const TH1 * one, const TH1 * two) const {
00121        if (!one && !two) return true; 
00122        if (!one) return false; 
00123        if (!two) return false; 
00125       for(int i=1; i<=one->GetNbinsX(); ++i){
00126         if(!(one->GetBinContent(i)-two->GetBinContent(i)==0)) return false;
00127       }
00128       return true;
00129       //if(one->Integral()-two->Integral()==0) return true;
00130       //cout << "Integral of " << one->GetName() <<  " : " << one->Integral() << " vs Integral ov " << two->GetName() << " : " << two->Integral() << endl;
00131     }
00133   }
00134 }

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