
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* /% C++ %/ */
00002 /***********************************************************************
00003  * cint (C/C++ interpreter)
00004  ************************************************************************
00005  * CINT header file G__ci_fproto.h
00006  ************************************************************************
00007  * Description:
00008  *  C/C++ interpreter header file for API function prototypes
00009  ************************************************************************
00010  * Copyright(c) 1995~2005  Masaharu Goto (cint@pcroot.cern.ch)
00011  *
00012  * For the licensing terms see the file COPYING
00013  *
00014  ************************************************************************/
00016 G__DECL_API(0, unsigned long, G__uint, (G__value buf))
00017 G__DECL_API(1, int, G__fgetline, (char *string))
00018 G__DECL_API(2, int, G__load, (char *commandfile))
00019 /* G__DECL_API(???, float, G__float, (G__value buf))*/
00020 G__DECL_API(221, int, G__globalsetup,(void))
00021 G__DECL_API(3, int, G__call_setup_funcs, (void))
00022 G__DECL_API(4, void, G__reset_setup_funcs, (void))
00023 G__DECL_API(5, G__CONST char*, G__cint_version, (void))
00024 G__DECL_API(6, void, G__init_garbagecollection, (void))
00025 G__DECL_API(7, int, G__garbagecollection, (void))
00026 G__DECL_API(8, void, G__add_alloctable, (void* allocedmem,int type,int tagnum))
00027 G__DECL_API(9, int, G__del_alloctable, (void* allocmem))
00028 G__DECL_API(10, int, G__add_refcount, (void* allocedmem,void** storedmem))
00029 G__DECL_API(11, int, G__del_refcount, (void* allocedmem,void** storedmem))
00030 G__DECL_API(12, int, G__disp_garbagecollection, (FILE* fout))
00031 G__DECL_API(13, struct G__ifunc_table*, G__get_methodhandle, (const char *funcname,const char *argtype
00032                                            ,struct G__ifunc_table *p_ifunc
00033                                            ,long *pifn,long *poffset
00034                                            ,int withConversion
00035                                            ,int withInheritance))
00036 G__DECL_API(14, struct G__ifunc_table*, G__get_methodhandle2, (char *funcname
00037                                            ,struct G__param* libp
00038                                            ,struct G__ifunc_table *p_ifunc
00039                                            ,long *pifn,long *poffset
00040                                            ,int withConversion
00041                                            ,int withInheritance))
00042 G__DECL_API(15, struct G__var_array*, G__searchvariable, (char *varname,int varhash
00043                                        ,struct G__var_array *varlocal
00044                                        ,struct G__var_array *varglobal
00045                                        ,long *pG__struct_offset
00046                                        ,long *pstore_struct_offset
00047                                        ,int *pig15
00048                                        ,int isdecl))
00050 G__DECL_API(16, struct G__ifunc_table*, G__p2f2funchandle, (void* p2f,struct G__ifunc_table* p_ifunc,int* pindex))
00051 G__DECL_API(17, char*, G__p2f2funcname, (void *p2f))
00052 G__DECL_API(18, int, G__isinterpretedp2f, (void* p2f))
00053 G__DECL_API(19, int, G__compile_bytecode, (struct G__ifunc_table* ifunc,int index_in_ifunc))
00056 G__DECL_API(20, void, G__va_arg_setalign, (int n))
00057 G__DECL_API(21, void, G__va_arg_copyvalue, (int t,void* p,G__value* pval,int objsize))
00059 /*************************************************************************
00060 * ROOT script compiler
00061 *************************************************************************/
00062 G__DECL_API(22, void, G__Set_RTLD_NOW, (void))
00063 G__DECL_API(23, void, G__Set_RTLD_LAZY, (void))
00064 G__DECL_API(24, void, G__RegisterScriptCompiler, (int(*p2f)(G__CONST char*,G__CONST char*)))
00065 /*************************************************************************
00066 * Pointer to function evaluation function
00067 *************************************************************************/
00069 /*************************************************************************
00070 * G__atpause, G__aterror API
00071 *************************************************************************/
00073 /*************************************************************************
00074 * interface method setup functions
00075 *************************************************************************/
00077 G__DECL_API(25, int, G__defined_tagname, (G__CONST char* tagname,int noerror))
00078 G__DECL_API(26, struct G__Definedtemplateclass *,G__defined_templateclass, (G__CONST char *name))
00080 G__DECL_API(27, int, G__deleteglobal, (void* p))
00081 G__DECL_API(28, int, G__deletevariable, (G__CONST char* varname))
00082 G__DECL_API(29, int, G__optimizemode, (int optimizemode))
00083 G__DECL_API(30, int, G__getoptimizemode, (void))
00084 G__DECL_API(31, G__value, G__string2type_body, (G__CONST char *typenamin,int noerror))
00085 G__DECL_API(32, G__value, G__string2type, (G__CONST char *typenamin))
00086 G__DECL_API(33, void*, G__findsym, (G__CONST char *fname))
00088 G__DECL_API(34, int, G__IsInMacro, (void))
00089 G__DECL_API(35, void, G__storerewindposition, (void))
00090 G__DECL_API(36, void, G__rewinddictionary, (void))
00091 G__DECL_API(37, void, G__SetCriticalSectionEnv, (int (*issamethread)()
00092                               ,void (*storelockthread)()
00093                               ,void (*entercs)()
00094                               ,void (*leavecs)()))
00096 G__DECL_API(38, void, G__storelasterror, (void))
00099 G__DECL_API(39, void, G__set_smartunload, (int smartunload))
00101 G__DECL_API(40, void, G__set_autoloading, (int (* /*p2f*/) (char*)))
00103 G__DECL_API(41, void, G__set_class_autoloading_callback, (int (* /*p2f*/) (char*, char*)))
00104 G__DECL_API(42, void, G__set_class_autoloading_table, (char* classname, char* libname))
00105 G__DECL_API(259, char*, G__get_class_autoloading_table, (char* classname))
00106 G__DECL_API(43, int, G__set_class_autoloading, (int newvalue))
00108 #ifdef G__NEVER
00109 G__DECL_API(44, void*, G__operator_new, (size_t size,void* p))
00110 G__DECL_API(45, void*, G__operator_new_ary, (size_t size,void* p))
00111 G__DECL_API(46, void, G__operator_delete, (void *p))
00112 G__DECL_API(47, void, G__operator_delete_ary, (void *p))
00113 #endif
00115 G__DECL_API(48, int, G__getexitcode, (void))
00116 G__DECL_API(49, int, G__get_return, (int *exitval))
00118 #ifndef G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1485
00119 G__DECL_API(50, int, G__fprinterr, (FILE* fp,const char* fmt,...))
00120 G__DECL_API(51, int, G__fputerr, (int c))
00121 #else
00122 #define G__fprinterr  fprintf
00123 #endif
00125 G__DECL_API(52, void, G__SetUseCINTSYSDIR, (int UseCINTSYSDIR))
00126 G__DECL_API(53, void, G__SetCINTSYSDIR, (char* cintsysdir))
00127 G__DECL_API(54, void, G__set_eolcallback, (void* eolcallback))
00128 G__DECL_API(55, G__parse_hook_t*, G__set_beforeparse_hook, (G__parse_hook_t* hook))
00129 G__DECL_API(56, void, G__set_ioctortype_handler, (int (* /*p2f*/) (const char*)))
00130 G__DECL_API(57, void, G__SetCatchException, (int mode))
00132 #ifdef G__ASM_WHOLEFUNC
00133 /**************************************************************************
00134 * Interface method to run bytecode function
00135 **************************************************************************/
00136 G__DECL_API(58, int, G__exec_bytecode, (G__value *result7,G__CONST char *funcname,struct G__param *libp,int hash))
00137 #endif
00140 /**************************************************************************
00141  * Exported Cint API functions
00142  **************************************************************************/
00143 #ifdef G__WIN32
00144 G__DECL_API(59, int, G__fprintf, (FILE* fp,const char* fmt,...))
00145 G__DECL_API(60, int, G__setmasksignal, (int))
00146 #endif
00147 G__DECL_API(61, void, G__settemplevel, (int val))
00148 G__DECL_API(62, void, G__clearstack, (void))
00149 G__DECL_API(63, int, G__lasterror, (void))
00150 G__DECL_API(64, void, G__reset_lasterror, (void))
00151 G__DECL_API(65, int, G__gettempfilenum, (void))
00152 G__DECL_API(66, void, G__LockCpp, (void))
00153 G__DECL_API(67, void, G__set_sym_underscore, (int x))
00154 G__DECL_API(68, int, G__get_sym_underscore, (void))
00155 G__DECL_API(69, void*, G__get_errmsgcallback, (void))
00156 G__DECL_API(70, void, G__mask_errmsg, (char* msg))
00157 G__DECL_API(71, int, G__main, (int argc,char **argv))
00158 G__DECL_API(72, void, G__setothermain, (int othermain))
00159 G__DECL_API(73, void, G__exit, (int rtn))
00160 G__DECL_API(74, int, G__getnumbaseclass, (int tagnum))
00161 G__DECL_API(75, void, G__setnewtype, (int globalcomp,G__CONST char* comment,int nindex))
00162 G__DECL_API(76, void, G__setnewtypeindex, (int j,int type_index))
00163 G__DECL_API(77, void, G__resetplocal, (void))
00164 G__DECL_API(78, long, G__getgvp, (void))
00165 G__DECL_API(79, void, G__resetglobalenv, (void))
00166 G__DECL_API(80, void, G__lastifuncposition, (void))
00167 G__DECL_API(81, void, G__resetifuncposition, (void))
00168 G__DECL_API(82, void, G__setnull, (G__value* result))
00169 G__DECL_API(83, long, G__getstructoffset, (void))
00170 G__DECL_API(84, int, G__getaryconstruct, (void))
00171 G__DECL_API(85, long, G__gettempbufpointer, (void))
00172 G__DECL_API(86, void, G__setsizep2memfunc, (int sizep2memfunc))
00173 G__DECL_API(87, int, G__getsizep2memfunc, (void))
00174 G__DECL_API(88, int, G__get_linked_tagnum, (G__linked_taginfo *p))
00175 G__DECL_API(257, int, G__get_linked_tagnum_fwd, (G__linked_taginfo *p))
00176 G__DECL_API(89, int, G__tagtable_setup, (int tagnum,int size,int cpplink,int isabstract,G__CONST char *comment,G__incsetup setup_memvar,G__incsetup setup_memfunc))
00177 G__DECL_API(90, int, G__search_tagname, (G__CONST char *tagname,int type))
00178 G__DECL_API(91, int, G__search_typename, (G__CONST char *typenamein,int typein,int tagnum,int reftype))
00179 G__DECL_API(92, int, G__defined_typename, (G__CONST char* typenamein))
00180 G__DECL_API(93, int, G__tag_memvar_setup, (int tagnum))
00181 G__DECL_API(94, int, G__memvar_setup, (void *p,int type,int reftype,int constvar,int tagnum,int typenum,int statictype,int var_access,G__CONST char *expr,int definemacro,G__CONST char *comment))
00182 G__DECL_API(95, int, G__tag_memvar_reset, (void))
00183 G__DECL_API(96, int, G__tag_memfunc_setup, (int tagnum))
00185 #ifdef G__TRUEP2F
00186 G__DECL_API(97, int, G__memfunc_setup, (G__CONST char *funcname,int hash,G__InterfaceMethod funcp,int type
00187 ,int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype,int para_nu,int ansi,int var_access,int isconst,G__CONST char *paras,G__CONST char *comment,void* tp2f,int isvirtual))
00188 #else /* G__TRUEP2F */
00189 G__DECL_API(98, int, G__memfunc_setup, (G__CONST char *funcname,int hash,G__InterfaceMethod funcp,int type
00190 ,int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype,int para_nu,int ansi,int var_access,int isconst,G__CONST char *paras,G__CONST char *comment))
00191 #endif /* G__TRUEP2F */
00193 G__DECL_API(99, int, G__memfunc_next, (void))
00194 G__DECL_API(101, int, G__tag_memfunc_reset, (void))
00195 G__DECL_API(100, int, G__value_get_type, (G__value* buf))
00196 G__DECL_API(262, int, G__value_get_tagnum, (G__value* buf))
00197 G__DECL_API(102, void, G__letint, (G__value *buf,int type,long value))
00198 G__DECL_API(103, void, G__letdouble, (G__value *buf,int type,double value))
00199 G__DECL_API(104, void, G__store_tempobject, (G__value reg))
00200 G__DECL_API(105, int, G__inheritance_setup, (int tagnum,int basetagnum,long baseoffset,int baseaccess,int property))
00201 G__DECL_API(106, void, G__add_compiledheader, (G__CONST char *headerfile))
00202 G__DECL_API(107, void, G__add_ipath, (G__CONST char *ipath))
00203 G__DECL_API(108, int, G__delete_ipath, (G__CONST char *ipath))
00204 G__DECL_API(109, struct G__includepath*, G__getipathentry, ())
00205 G__DECL_API(110, void, G__add_macro, (G__CONST char *macro))
00206 G__DECL_API(111, void, G__check_setup_version, (int version,G__CONST char *func))
00207 G__DECL_API(112, long, G__int, (G__value buf))
00208 G__DECL_API(113, long, G__int_cast, (G__value buf))
00209 G__DECL_API(114, double, G__double, (G__value buf))
00210 G__DECL_API(115, G__value, G__calc, (G__CONST char *expr))
00211 G__DECL_API(116, int , G__loadfile, (G__CONST char* filename))
00212 G__DECL_API(117, int , G__unloadfile, (G__CONST char* filename))
00213 G__DECL_API(258, int , G__setfilecontext, (G__CONST char* filename, struct G__input_file* ifile))
00214 G__DECL_API(118, int, G__init_cint, (G__CONST char* command))
00215 G__DECL_API(119, void, G__scratch_all, (void))
00216 G__DECL_API(120, void, G__setdouble, (G__value *pbuf,double d,void* pd,int type,int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype))
00217 G__DECL_API(121, void, G__setint, (G__value *pbuf,long d,void* pd,int type,int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype))
00218 G__DECL_API(122, void, G__stubstoreenv, (struct G__StoreEnv *env,void* p,int tagnum))
00219 G__DECL_API(123, void, G__stubrestoreenv, (struct G__StoreEnv *env))
00220 G__DECL_API(124, int, G__getstream, (const char *source,int *isrc,char *string,const char *endmark))
00221 G__DECL_API(125, char*, G__type2string, (int type,int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype,int isconst))
00222 G__DECL_API(240, void, G__set_typenum,(G__value* val, const char* type))
00223 G__DECL_API(252, void, G__set_type,(G__value* val, char* type))
00224 G__DECL_API(253, void, G__set_tagnum,(G__value* val, int tagnum))
00225 G__DECL_API(126, void, G__alloc_tempobject, (int tagnum,int typenum))
00226 G__DECL_API(251, void, G__alloc_tempobject_val, (G__value* val))
00227 G__DECL_API(127, void, G__set_p2fsetup, (void (*p2f)()))
00228 G__DECL_API(128, void, G__free_p2fsetup, (void))
00229 G__DECL_API(129, int, G__genericerror, (G__CONST char *message))
00230 G__DECL_API(130, char*, G__tmpnam, (char* name))
00231 G__DECL_API(131, int, G__setTMPDIR, (char* badname))
00232 G__DECL_API(132, void, G__setPrerun, (int prerun))
00233 G__DECL_API(133, int, G__readline, (FILE *fp,char *line,char *argbuf,int *argn,char *arg[]))
00234 G__DECL_API(134, int, G__getFuncNow, (void))
00235 G__DECL_API(135, FILE*, G__getIfileFp, (void))
00236 G__DECL_API(136, void, G__incIfileLineNumber, (void))
00237 G__DECL_API(137, struct G__input_file*, G__get_ifile, (void))
00238 G__DECL_API(138, void, G__setReturn, (int rtn))
00239 G__DECL_API(139, int, G__getPrerun, (void))
00240 G__DECL_API(140, short, G__getDispsource, (void))
00241 G__DECL_API(141, FILE*, G__getSerr, (void))
00242 G__DECL_API(142, int, G__getIsMain, (void))
00243 G__DECL_API(143, void, G__setIsMain, (int ismain))
00244 G__DECL_API(144, void, G__setStep, (int step))
00245 G__DECL_API(145, int, G__getStepTrace, (void))
00246 G__DECL_API(146, void, G__setDebug, (int dbg))
00247 G__DECL_API(147, int, G__getDebugTrace, (void))
00248 G__DECL_API(148, void, G__set_asm_noverflow, (int novfl))
00249 G__DECL_API(149, int, G__get_no_exec, (void))
00250 G__DECL_API(150, int, G__get_no_exec_compile, (void))
00251 G__DECL_API(151, void, G__setdebugcond, (void))
00252 G__DECL_API(152, int, G__init_process_cmd, (void))
00253 G__DECL_API(153, int, G__process_cmd, (char *line,char *prompt,int *more,int *err,G__value *rslt))
00254 G__DECL_API(154, int, G__pause, (void))
00255 G__DECL_API(155, char*, G__input, (const char* prompt))
00256 G__DECL_API(156, int, G__split, (char *line,char *string,int *argc,char **argv))
00257 G__DECL_API(157, int, G__getIfileLineNumber, (void))
00258 G__DECL_API(158, void, G__addpragma, (char* comname, void (* /*p2f*/) (char*)) )
00259 G__DECL_API(159, void, G__add_setup_func, (G__CONST char *libname, G__incsetup func))
00260 G__DECL_API(160, void, G__remove_setup_func, (G__CONST char *libname))
00261 G__DECL_API(161, void, G__setgvp, (long gvp))
00262 G__DECL_API(162, void, G__set_stdio_handle, (FILE* s_out,FILE* s_err,FILE* s_in))
00263 G__DECL_API(163, void, G__setautoconsole, (int autoconsole))
00264 G__DECL_API(164, int, G__AllocConsole, (void))
00265 G__DECL_API(165, int, G__FreeConsole, (void))
00266 G__DECL_API(166, int, G__getcintready, (void))
00267 G__DECL_API(167, int, G__security_recover, (FILE* fout))
00268 G__DECL_API(168, void, G__breakkey, (int signame))
00269 G__DECL_API(169, int, G__stepmode, (int stepmode))
00270 G__DECL_API(170, int, G__tracemode, (int tracemode))
00271 G__DECL_API(171, int, G__setbreakpoint, (const char *breakline,const char *breakfile))
00272 G__DECL_API(172, int, G__getstepmode, (void))
00273 G__DECL_API(173, int, G__gettracemode, (void))
00274 G__DECL_API(174, int, G__printlinenum, (void))
00275 G__DECL_API(175, int, G__search_typename2, (G__CONST char *typenamein,int typein,int tagnum,int reftype,int parent_tagnum))
00276 G__DECL_API(176, void, G__set_atpause, (void (*p2f)()))
00277 G__DECL_API(177, void, G__set_aterror, (void (*p2f)()))
00278 G__DECL_API(178, void, G__p2f_void_void, (void* p2f))
00279 G__DECL_API(179, int, G__setglobalcomp, (int globalcomp))
00280 G__DECL_API(180, const char*, G__getmakeinfo, (const char *item))
00281 G__DECL_API(181, const char*, G__getmakeinfo1, (const char *item))
00282 G__DECL_API(182, int, G__get_security_error, (void))
00283 G__DECL_API(183, char*, G__map_cpp_name, (const char *in))
00284 G__DECL_API(184, char*, G__Charref, (G__value *buf))
00285 G__DECL_API(185, short*, G__Shortref, (G__value *buf))
00286 G__DECL_API(186, int*, G__Intref, (G__value *buf))
00287 G__DECL_API(187, long*, G__Longref, (G__value *buf))
00288 G__DECL_API(188, unsigned char*, G__UCharref, (G__value *buf))
00289 #ifdef G__BOOL4BYTE
00290 G__DECL_API(189, int*, G__Boolref, (G__value *buf))
00291 #else /* G__BOOL4BYTE */
00292 G__DECL_API(189, unsigned char*, G__Boolref, (G__value *buf))
00293 #endif /* G__BOOL4BYTE */
00294 G__DECL_API(190, unsigned short*, G__UShortref, (G__value *buf))
00295 G__DECL_API(191, unsigned int*, G__UIntref, (G__value *buf))
00296 G__DECL_API(192, unsigned long*, G__ULongref, (G__value *buf))
00297 G__DECL_API(193, float*, G__Floatref, (G__value *buf))
00298 G__DECL_API(194, double*, G__Doubleref, (G__value *buf))
00299 G__DECL_API(195, int, G__loadsystemfile, (G__CONST char* filename))
00300 G__DECL_API(196, void, G__set_ignoreinclude, (G__IgnoreInclude ignoreinclude))
00301 G__DECL_API(197, G__value, G__exec_tempfile_fp, (FILE *fp))
00302 G__DECL_API(198, G__value, G__exec_tempfile, (G__CONST char *file))
00303 G__DECL_API(199, G__value, G__exec_text, (G__CONST char *unnamedmacro))
00304 G__DECL_API(200, char*, G__exec_text_str, (G__CONST char *unnamedmacro,char* result))
00305 G__DECL_API(201, char*, G__lasterror_filename, (void))
00306 G__DECL_API(202, int, G__lasterror_linenum, (void))
00307 G__DECL_API(203, void, G__va_arg_put, (G__va_arg_buf* pbuf,struct G__param* libp,int n))
00309 #ifndef G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1546
00310 G__DECL_API(204, const char*, G__load_text, (G__CONST char *namedmacro))
00311 G__DECL_API(205, void, G__set_emergencycallback, (void (*p2f)()))
00312 #endif
00313 #ifndef G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1485
00314 G__DECL_API(206, void, G__set_errmsgcallback, (void* p))
00315 #endif
00316 G__DECL_API(207, void, G__letLonglong, (G__value* buf,int type,G__int64 value))
00317 G__DECL_API(208, void, G__letULonglong, (G__value* buf,int type,G__uint64 value))
00318 G__DECL_API(209, void, G__letLongdouble, (G__value* buf,int type,long double value))
00319 G__DECL_API(210, G__int64, G__Longlong, (G__value buf)) 
00320 G__DECL_API(211, G__uint64, G__ULonglong, (G__value buf))
00321 G__DECL_API(212, long double, G__Longdouble, (G__value buf))
00322 G__DECL_API(213, G__int64*, G__Longlongref, (G__value *buf))
00323 G__DECL_API(214, G__uint64*, G__ULonglongref, (G__value *buf))
00324 G__DECL_API(215, long double*, G__Longdoubleref, (G__value *buf))
00326 G__DECL_API(216, int, G__clearfilebusy, (int))
00327 G__DECL_API(217, int, G__close_inputfiles, (void))
00328 G__DECL_API(218, int, G__const_resetnoerror, (void))
00329 G__DECL_API(219, int, G__const_setnoerror, (void))
00330 G__DECL_API(220, int, G__const_whatnoerror, (void))
00331 G__DECL_API(260, void, G__enable_wrappers, (int set))
00332 G__DECL_API(261, int, G__wrappers_enabled, ())
00333 G__DECL_API(222, void, G__scratch_globals_upto, (struct G__dictposition *dictpos))
00334 G__DECL_API(223, int, G__scratch_upto, (struct G__dictposition *dictpos))
00335 G__DECL_API(224, void, G__store_dictposition, (struct G__dictposition* dictpos))
00336 #ifdef G__WIN32
00337 G__DECL_API(225, int, G__printf, (const char* fmt,...))
00338 #endif
00339 G__DECL_API(226, void, G__free_tempobject, (void))
00340 G__DECL_API(227, int, G__display_class, (FILE *fout, char *name, int base, int start))
00341 G__DECL_API(228, int, G__display_includepath, (FILE *fout))
00342 G__DECL_API(229, void, G__set_alloclockfunc, (void(*)()))
00343 G__DECL_API(230, void, G__set_allocunlockfunc, (void(*)()))
00344 #ifdef G__TRUEP2F
00345 G__DECL_API(231, int, G__usermemfunc_setup, (char *funcname,int hash,int (*funcp)(),int type,
00346                          int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype,
00347                          int para_nu,int ansi,int accessin,int isconst,
00348                          char *paras, char *comment
00349                          ,void *truep2f,int isvirtual
00350                          ,void *userparam))
00351 #else
00352 G__DECL_API(232, int, G__usermemfunc_setup, (char *funcname,int hash,int (*funcp)(),int type,
00353                          int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype,
00354                          int para_nu,int ansi,int accessin,int isconst,
00355                          char *paras, char *comment
00356                          ,void *userparam))
00357 #endif
00358 G__DECL_API(233, char, *G__fulltagname, (int tagnum,int mask_dollar))
00359 G__DECL_API(234, void, G__loadlonglong, (int* ptag,int* ptype,int which))
00360 G__DECL_API(235, int, G__isanybase, (int basetagnum,int derivedtagnum,long pobject))
00361 G__DECL_API(236, int, G__pop_tempobject, (void))
00362 G__DECL_API(263, int, G__pop_tempobject_nodel, (void))
00363 G__DECL_API(237, const char*, G__stripfilename, (const char* filename))
00365 /***********************************************************************
00366  * Native long long support
00367  ***********************************************************************/
00368 G__DECL_API(238, G__int64, G__expr_strtoll, (const char *nptr,char **endptr, register int base))
00369 G__DECL_API(239, G__uint64, G__expr_strtoull, (const char *nptr, char **endptr, register int base))
00371 G__DECL_API(250, int, G__check_drange, (int p,double low,double up,double d,G__value *result7,const char *funcname))
00372 G__DECL_API(241, int, G__check_lrange, (int p,long low,long up,long l,G__value *result7,const char *funcname))
00373 G__DECL_API(242, int, G__check_type, (int p,int t1,int t2,G__value *para,G__value *result7,const char *funcname))
00374 G__DECL_API(243, int, G__check_nonull, (int p,int t,G__value *para,G__value *result7,const char *funcname))
00375 G__DECL_API(244, void, G__printerror, (const char *funcname,int ipara,int paran))
00376 #ifdef G__SECURITY
00377 G__DECL_API(245, int, G__security_handle,(G__UINT32 category))
00378 #endif
00379 G__DECL_API(246, void, G__CurrentCall,(int, void*, long*))
00380 G__DECL_API(247, G__value, G__getfunction, (G__CONST char *item,int *known3,int memfunc_flag))
00382 G__DECL_API(248, int, G__sizeof, (G__value *object))
00383 G__DECL_API(249, void, G__exec_alloc_lock, ())
00384 G__DECL_API(254, void, G__exec_alloc_unlock, ())
00385 #ifdef _WIN32
00386 G__DECL_API(255, FILE*, FOpenAndSleep, (const char *filename, const char *mode))
00387 #endif
00388 G__DECL_API(256, void, G__letbool, (G__value* buf,int type,long value))
00389 G__DECL_API(264, int, G__Lsizeof, (const char* type_name_in))
00390 G__DECL_API(265, int, G__GetCatchException, ())
00391 #ifdef G__TRUEP2F
00392 G__DECL_API(266, int, G__memfunc_setup2, (G__CONST char *funcname,int hash,G__CONST char *mangled_name, \
00393                                           G__InterfaceMethod funcp,int type,int tagnum,int typenum, \
00394                                           int reftype,int para_nu,int ansi,int access,int isconst, \
00395                                           G__CONST char *paras,G__CONST char *comment,void* tp2f,int isvirtual))
00396 #else /* G__TRUEP2F */
00397 G__DECL_API(266, int, G__memfunc_setup2, (G__CONST char *funcname,int hash,G__CONST char *mangled_name, \
00398                                           G__InterfaceMethod funcp,int type,int tagnum,int typenum, \
00399                                           int reftype,int para_nu,int ansi,int access,int isconst, \
00400                                           G__CONST char *paras,G__CONST char *comment))
00401 #endif /* G__TRUEP2F */
00402 G__DECL_API(267, int, G__memfunc_para_setup, (int ifn,int type,int tagnum,int typenum,int reftype, \
00403                                               G__value *para_default,char *para_def,char *para_name))
00405 G__DECL_API(268, struct G__ifunc_table_internal*, G__get_ifunc_internal, (struct G__ifunc_table* iref))
00407 #define G__NUMBER_OF_API_FUNCTIONS 269

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