
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/roostats:$Id: HybridCalculatorOriginal.cxx 35810 2010-09-27 20:05:22Z moneta $
00003 /*************************************************************************
00004  * Project: RooStats                                                     *
00005  * Package: RooFit/RooStats                                              *
00006  * Authors:                                                              *
00007  *   Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke       *
00008  * Other author of this class: Danilo Piparo                             *
00009  *************************************************************************
00010  * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00011  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00012  *                                                                       *
00013  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00014  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00015  *************************************************************************/
00017 //_________________________________________________________________
00018 /**
00019 HybridCalculatorOriginal class: this class is a fresh rewrite in RooStats of
00020         RooStatsCms/LimitCalculator developped by D. Piparo and G. Schott
00021 Authors: D. Piparo, G. Schott - Universitaet Karlsruhe
00023 The class is born from the need to have an implementation of the CLs 
00024 method that could take advantage from the RooFit Package.
00025 The basic idea is the following: 
00026 - Instantiate an object specifying a signal+background model, a background model and a dataset.
00027 - Perform toy MC experiments to know the distributions of -2lnQ 
00028 - Calculate the CLsb and CLs values as "integrals" of these distributions.
00030 The class allows the user to input models as RooAbsPdf ( TH1 object could be used 
00031 by using the RooHistPdf class)
00032 The pdfs must be "extended": for more information please refer to 
00033 http://roofit.sourceforge.net). The dataset can be entered as a 
00034 RooAbsData objects.  
00036 Unlike the TLimit Class a complete MC generation is performed at each step 
00037 and not a simple Poisson fluctuation of the contents of the bins.
00038 Another innovation is the treatment of the nuisance parameters. The user 
00039 can input in the constructor nuisance parameters.
00040 To include the information that we have about the nuisance parameters a prior
00041 PDF (RooAbsPdf) should be specified
00043 Different test statistic can be used (likelihood ratio, number of events or 
00044 profile likelihood ratio. The default is the likelihood ratio. 
00045 See the method SetTestStatistic.
00047 The number of toys to be generated is controlled by SetNumberOfToys(n).
00049 The result of the calculations is returned as a HybridResult object pointer.
00051 see also the following interesting references:
00052 - Alex Read, "Presentation of search results: the CLs technique",
00053   Journal of Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 28 2693-2704 (2002).
00054   see http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0954-3899/28/10/313/
00056 - Alex Read, "Modified Frequentist Analysis of Search Results (The CLs Method)" CERN 2000-005 (30 May 2000)
00058 - V. Bartsch, G.Quast, "Expected signal observability at future experiments" CMS NOTE 2005/004
00060 - http://root.cern.ch/root/html/src/TLimit.html
00061 */
00064 #include "RooDataHist.h"
00065 #include "RooDataSet.h"
00066 #include "RooGlobalFunc.h"
00067 #include "RooNLLVar.h"
00068 #include "RooRealVar.h"
00069 #include "RooAbsData.h"
00070 #include "RooWorkspace.h"
00072 #include "TH1.h"
00074 #include "RooStats/HybridCalculatorOriginal.h"
00076 ClassImp(RooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal)
00078 using namespace RooStats;
00080 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00082 HybridCalculatorOriginal::HybridCalculatorOriginal(const char *name) :
00083    TNamed(name,name),
00084    fSbModel(0),
00085    fBModel(0),
00086    fObservables(0),
00087    fNuisanceParameters(0),
00088    fPriorPdf(0),
00089    fData(0),
00090    fGenerateBinned(false),
00091    fUsePriorPdf(false),   fTmpDoExtended(true)
00092 {
00093    // constructor with name and title
00094    // set default parameters
00095    SetTestStatistic(1); 
00096    SetNumberOfToys(1000); 
00097 }
00100 /// constructor without the data - is it needed ???????????
00101 HybridCalculatorOriginal::HybridCalculatorOriginal( RooAbsPdf& sbModel,
00102                                     RooAbsPdf& bModel,
00103                                     RooArgList& observables,
00104                                     const RooArgSet* nuisance_parameters,
00105                                     RooAbsPdf* priorPdf ,
00106                                     bool GenerateBinned,
00107                                     int testStatistics, 
00108                                     int numToys) :
00109    fSbModel(&sbModel),
00110    fBModel(&bModel),
00111    fNuisanceParameters(nuisance_parameters),
00112    fPriorPdf(priorPdf),
00113    fData(0),
00114    fGenerateBinned(GenerateBinned),
00115    fUsePriorPdf(false),
00116    fTmpDoExtended(true)
00117 {
00118    /// HybridCalculatorOriginal constructor without specifying a data set
00119    /// the user need to specify the models in the S+B case and B-only case,
00120    /// the list of observables of the model(s) (for MC-generation), the list of parameters 
00121    /// that are marginalised and the prior distribution of those parameters
00123    // observables are managed by the class (they are copied in) 
00124   fObservables = new RooArgList(observables);
00125   //Try to recover the informations from the pdf's
00126   //fObservables=new RooArgList("fObservables");
00127   //fNuisanceParameters=new RooArgSet("fNuisanceParameters");
00128   // if (priorPdf){
00131   SetTestStatistic(testStatistics); 
00132   SetNumberOfToys(numToys); 
00134   if (priorPdf) UseNuisance(true); 
00136    // this->Print();
00137    /* if ( _verbose ) */ //this->PrintMore("v"); /// TO DO: add the verbose mode
00138 }
00141 HybridCalculatorOriginal::HybridCalculatorOriginal( RooAbsData & data,
00142                                     RooAbsPdf& sbModel,
00143                                     RooAbsPdf& bModel,
00144                                     const RooArgSet* nuisance_parameters,
00145                                     RooAbsPdf* priorPdf,
00146                                     bool GenerateBinned,
00147                                     int testStatistics, 
00148                                     int numToys) :
00149    fSbModel(&sbModel),
00150    fBModel(&bModel),
00151    fObservables(0),
00152    fNuisanceParameters(nuisance_parameters),
00153    fPriorPdf(priorPdf),
00154    fData(&data),
00155    fGenerateBinned(GenerateBinned),
00156    fUsePriorPdf(false),
00157    fTmpDoExtended(true)
00158 {
00159    /// HybridCalculatorOriginal constructor for performing hypotesis test
00160    /// the user need to specify the data set, the models in the S+B case and B-only case. 
00161    /// In case of treatment of nuisance parameter, the user need to specify the  
00162    /// the list of parameters  that are marginalised and the prior distribution of those parameters
00165    SetTestStatistic(testStatistics);
00166    SetNumberOfToys(numToys); 
00168    if (priorPdf) UseNuisance(true); 
00169 }
00173 HybridCalculatorOriginal::HybridCalculatorOriginal( RooAbsData& data,
00174                                     const ModelConfig& sbModel, 
00175                                     const ModelConfig& bModel, 
00176                                     bool GenerateBinned,
00177                                     int testStatistics, 
00178                                     int numToys) :
00179    fSbModel(sbModel.GetPdf()),
00180    fBModel(bModel.GetPdf()),
00181    fObservables(0),  // no need to set them - can be taken from the data
00182    fNuisanceParameters((sbModel.GetNuisanceParameters()) ? sbModel.GetNuisanceParameters()  :  bModel.GetNuisanceParameters()),
00183    fPriorPdf((sbModel.GetPriorPdf()) ? sbModel.GetPriorPdf()  :  bModel.GetPriorPdf()),
00184    fData(&data),
00185    fGenerateBinned(GenerateBinned),
00186    fUsePriorPdf(false),
00187    fTmpDoExtended(true)
00188 {
00189   /// Constructor with a ModelConfig object representing the signal + background model and 
00190   /// another model config representig the background only model
00191   /// a Prior pdf for the nuiscane parameter of the signal and background can be specified in 
00192   /// the s+b model or the b model. If it is specified in the s+b model, the one of the s+b model will be used 
00194   if (fPriorPdf) UseNuisance(true);
00196   SetTestStatistic(testStatistics);
00197   SetNumberOfToys(numToys); 
00198 }
00200 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00202 HybridCalculatorOriginal::~HybridCalculatorOriginal()
00203 {
00204    /// HybridCalculatorOriginal destructor
00205    if (fObservables) delete fObservables; 
00206 }
00208 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00210 void HybridCalculatorOriginal::SetNullModel(const ModelConfig& model)
00211 {
00212    // Set the model describing the null hypothesis
00213    fBModel = model.GetPdf();
00214    // only if it has not been set before
00215    if (!fPriorPdf) fPriorPdf = model.GetPriorPdf(); 
00216    if (!fNuisanceParameters) fNuisanceParameters = model.GetNuisanceParameters(); 
00217 }
00219 void HybridCalculatorOriginal::SetAlternateModel(const ModelConfig& model)
00220 {
00221    // Set the model describing the alternate hypothesis
00222    fSbModel = model.GetPdf();
00223    fPriorPdf = model.GetPriorPdf(); 
00224    fNuisanceParameters = model.GetNuisanceParameters(); 
00225 }
00227 void HybridCalculatorOriginal::SetTestStatistic(int index)
00228 {
00229    /// set the desired test statistics:
00230    /// index=1 : likelihood ratio: 2 * log( L_sb / L_b )  (DEFAULT)
00231    /// index=2 : number of generated events
00232    /// index=3 : profiled likelihood ratio
00233    /// if the index is different to any of those values, the default is used
00234    fTestStatisticsIdx = index;
00235 }
00237 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00239 HybridResult* HybridCalculatorOriginal::Calculate(TH1& data, unsigned int nToys, bool usePriors) const
00240 {
00241    /// first compute the test statistics for data and then prepare and run the toy-MC experiments
00243    /// convert data TH1 histogram to a RooDataHist
00244    TString dataHistName = GetName(); dataHistName += "_roodatahist";
00245    RooDataHist dataHist(dataHistName,"Data distribution as RooDataHist converted from TH1",*fObservables,&data);
00247    HybridResult* result = Calculate(dataHist,nToys,usePriors);
00249    return result;
00250 }
00252 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00254 HybridResult* HybridCalculatorOriginal::Calculate(RooAbsData& data, unsigned int nToys, bool usePriors) const
00255 {
00256    /// first compute the test statistics for data and then prepare and run the toy-MC experiments
00258    double testStatData = 0;
00259    if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==2 ) {
00260       /// number of events used as test statistics
00261       double nEvents = data.sumEntries();
00262       testStatData = nEvents;
00263    } else if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==3 ) {
00264       /// profiled likelihood ratio used as test statistics
00265       if ( fTmpDoExtended ) { 
00266         RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,data,RooFit::CloneData(false),RooFit::Extended());
00267         fSbModel->fitTo(data,RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended());
00268         double sb_nll_val = sb_nll.getVal();
00269         RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,data,RooFit::CloneData(false),RooFit::Extended());
00270         fBModel->fitTo(data,RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended());
00271         double b_nll_val = b_nll.getVal();
00272         double m2lnQ = 2*(sb_nll_val-b_nll_val);
00273         testStatData = m2lnQ;
00274       } else {
00275         RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,data,RooFit::CloneData(false));
00276         fSbModel->fitTo(data,RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0));
00277         double sb_nll_val = sb_nll.getVal();
00278         RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,data,RooFit::CloneData(false));
00279         fBModel->fitTo(data,RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0));
00280         double b_nll_val = b_nll.getVal();
00281         double m2lnQ = 2*(sb_nll_val-b_nll_val);
00282         testStatData = m2lnQ;
00283       }
00284     } else if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==1 ) {
00285       /// likelihood ratio used as test statistics (default)
00286       if ( fTmpDoExtended ) { 
00287         RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,data,RooFit::Extended());
00288         RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,data,RooFit::Extended());
00289         double m2lnQ = 2*(sb_nll.getVal()-b_nll.getVal());
00290         testStatData = m2lnQ;
00291       } else {
00292         RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,data);
00293         RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,data);
00294         double m2lnQ = 2*(sb_nll.getVal()-b_nll.getVal());
00295         testStatData = m2lnQ;
00296       }
00297    }
00299    std::cout << "Test statistics has been evaluated for data\n";
00301    HybridResult* result = Calculate(nToys,usePriors);
00302    result->SetDataTestStatistics(testStatData);
00304    return result;
00305 }
00307 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00309 HybridResult* HybridCalculatorOriginal::Calculate(unsigned int nToys, bool usePriors) const
00310 {
00311    std::vector<double> bVals;
00312    bVals.reserve(nToys);
00314    std::vector<double> sbVals;
00315    sbVals.reserve(nToys);
00317    RunToys(bVals,sbVals,nToys,usePriors);
00319    HybridResult* result;
00321    TString name = "HybridResult_" + TString(GetName() );
00323    if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==2 )
00324      result = new HybridResult(name,sbVals,bVals,false);
00325    else 
00326      result = new HybridResult(name,sbVals,bVals);
00328    return result;
00329 }
00331 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00333 void HybridCalculatorOriginal::RunToys(std::vector<double>& bVals, std::vector<double>& sbVals, unsigned int nToys, bool usePriors) const
00334 {
00335    /// do the actual run-MC processing
00336    std::cout << "HybridCalculatorOriginal: run " << nToys << " toy-MC experiments\n";
00337    std::cout << "with test statistics index: " << fTestStatisticsIdx << "\n";
00338    if (usePriors) std::cout << "marginalize nuisance parameters \n";
00340    assert(nToys > 0);
00341    assert(fBModel);
00342    assert(fSbModel);
00343    if (usePriors)  { 
00344       assert(fPriorPdf); 
00345       assert(fNuisanceParameters);
00346    }
00348    std::vector<double> parameterValues; /// array to hold the initial parameter values
00349    /// backup the initial values of the parameters that are varied by the prior MC-integration
00350    int nParameters = (fNuisanceParameters) ? fNuisanceParameters->getSize() : 0;
00351    RooArgList parametersList("parametersList");  /// transforms the RooArgSet in a RooArgList (needed for .at())
00352    if (usePriors && nParameters>0) {
00353       parametersList.add(*fNuisanceParameters);
00354       parameterValues.resize(nParameters);
00355       for (int iParameter=0; iParameter<nParameters; iParameter++) {
00356          RooRealVar* oneParam = (RooRealVar*) parametersList.at(iParameter);
00357          parameterValues[iParameter] = oneParam->getVal();
00358       }
00359    }
00361    // create a cloned list of all parameters need in case of test statistics 3 where those 
00362    // changed by the best fit 
00363    RooArgSet  originalSbParams; 
00364    RooArgSet  originalBParams; 
00365    if (fTestStatisticsIdx == 3) { 
00366       RooArgSet * sbparams = fSbModel->getParameters(*fObservables);
00367       RooArgSet * bparams = fBModel->getParameters(*fObservables);
00368       if (sbparams) originalSbParams.addClone(*sbparams);
00369       if (bparams) originalBParams.addClone(*bparams);
00370       delete sbparams;
00371       delete bparams;
00372 //       originalSbParams.Print("V");
00373 //       originalBParams.Print("V");
00374    }
00377    for (unsigned int iToy=0; iToy<nToys; iToy++) {
00379       /// prints a progress report every 500 iterations
00380       /// TO DO: add a global verbose flag
00381      if ( /*verbose && */ iToy%500==0 ) {
00382            std::cout << "....... toy number " << iToy << " / " << nToys << std::endl;
00383      }
00385       /// vary the value of the integrated parameters according to the prior pdf
00386       if (usePriors && nParameters>0) {
00387          /// generation from the prior pdf (TO DO: RooMCStudy could be used here)
00388          RooDataSet* tmpValues = (RooDataSet*) fPriorPdf->generate(*fNuisanceParameters,1);
00389          for (int iParameter=0; iParameter<nParameters; iParameter++) {
00390             RooRealVar* oneParam = (RooRealVar*) parametersList.at(iParameter);
00391             oneParam->setVal(tmpValues->get()->getRealValue(oneParam->GetName()));
00392          }
00393          delete tmpValues;
00394       }
00397       /// generate the dataset in the B-only hypothesis
00398       RooAbsData* bData;
00399       if (fGenerateBinned)
00400         bData = static_cast<RooAbsData*> (fBModel->generateBinned(*fObservables,RooFit::Extended()));   
00401       else {
00402         if ( fTmpDoExtended ) bData = static_cast<RooAbsData*> (fBModel->generate(*fObservables,RooFit::Extended()));
00403         else bData = static_cast<RooAbsData*> (fBModel->generate(*fObservables,1));
00404       }
00406       /// work-around in case of an empty dataset (TO DO: need a debug in RooFit?)
00407       bool bIsEmpty = false;
00408       if (bData==NULL) {
00409          bIsEmpty = true;
00410          // if ( _verbose ) std::cout << "empty B-only dataset!\n";
00411          RooDataSet* bDataDummy=new RooDataSet("bDataDummy","empty dataset",*fObservables);
00412          bData = static_cast<RooAbsData*>(new RooDataHist ("bDataEmpty","",*fObservables,*bDataDummy));
00413          delete bDataDummy;
00414       }
00416       /// generate the dataset in the S+B hypothesis
00417       RooAbsData* sbData;
00418       if (fGenerateBinned)    
00419         sbData = static_cast<RooAbsData*> (fSbModel->generateBinned(*fObservables,RooFit::Extended()));
00420       else {
00421         if ( fTmpDoExtended ) sbData = static_cast<RooAbsData*> (fSbModel->generate(*fObservables,RooFit::Extended()));
00422         else sbData = static_cast<RooAbsData*> (fSbModel->generate(*fObservables,1));
00423       }
00425       /// work-around in case of an empty dataset (TO DO: need a debug in RooFit?)
00426       bool sbIsEmpty = false;
00427       if (sbData==NULL) {
00428          sbIsEmpty = true;
00429          // if ( _verbose ) std::cout << "empty S+B dataset!\n";
00430          RooDataSet* sbDataDummy=new RooDataSet("sbDataDummy","empty dataset",*fObservables);
00431          sbData = static_cast<RooAbsData*>(new RooDataHist ("sbDataEmpty","",*fObservables,*sbDataDummy));
00432          delete sbDataDummy;
00433       }
00435       /// restore the parameters to their initial values
00436       if (usePriors && nParameters>0) {
00437          for (int iParameter=0; iParameter<nParameters; iParameter++) {
00438             RooRealVar* oneParam = (RooRealVar*) parametersList.at(iParameter);
00439             oneParam->setVal(parameterValues[iParameter]);
00440          }
00441       }
00443       // test first the S+B hypothesis and the the B-only hypothesis
00444       for (int hypoTested=0; hypoTested<=1; hypoTested++) {
00445         RooAbsData* dataToTest = sbData;
00446         bool dataIsEmpty = sbIsEmpty;
00447         if ( hypoTested==1 ) { dataToTest = bData; dataIsEmpty = bIsEmpty; }
00448         /// evaluate the test statistic in the tested hypothesis case
00449         if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==2 ) {  /// number of events used as test statistics
00450           double nEvents = 0;
00451           if ( !dataIsEmpty ) nEvents = dataToTest->numEntries();
00452           if ( hypoTested==0 ) sbVals.push_back(nEvents);
00453           else bVals.push_back(nEvents);
00454         } else if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==3 ) {  /// profiled likelihood ratio used as test statistics
00455           if ( fTmpDoExtended ) {
00456             RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false),RooFit::Extended());
00457             fSbModel->fitTo(*dataToTest,RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended());
00458             double sb_nll_val = sb_nll.getVal();
00459             RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false),RooFit::Extended());
00460             fBModel->fitTo(*dataToTest,RooFit::PrintLevel(-1),RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0),RooFit::Extended());
00461             double b_nll_val = b_nll.getVal();
00462             double m2lnQ = -2*(b_nll_val-sb_nll_val);
00463             if ( hypoTested==0 ) sbVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00464             else bVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00465           } else {
00466             RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false));
00467             fSbModel->fitTo(*dataToTest,RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0));
00468             double sb_nll_val = sb_nll.getVal();
00469             RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false));
00470             fBModel->fitTo(*dataToTest,RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::Hesse(false),RooFit::Strategy(0));
00471             double b_nll_val = b_nll.getVal();
00472             double m2lnQ = -2*(b_nll_val-sb_nll_val);
00473             if ( hypoTested==0 ) sbVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00474             else bVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00475           }
00476         } else if ( fTestStatisticsIdx==1 ) {  /// likelihood ratio used as test statistics (default)
00477           if ( fTmpDoExtended ) { 
00478             RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false),RooFit::Extended());
00479             RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false),RooFit::Extended());
00480             double m2lnQ = -2*(b_nll.getVal()-sb_nll.getVal());
00481             if ( hypoTested==0 ) sbVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00482             else bVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00483           } else {
00484             RooNLLVar sb_nll("sb_nll","sb_nll",*fSbModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false));
00485             RooNLLVar b_nll("b_nll","b_nll",*fBModel,*dataToTest,RooFit::CloneData(false));
00486             double m2lnQ = -2*(b_nll.getVal()-sb_nll.getVal());
00487             if ( hypoTested==0 ) sbVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00488             else bVals.push_back(m2lnQ);
00489           }
00490         }
00491       }  // tested both hypotheses
00493       /// delete the toy-MC datasets
00494       delete sbData;
00495       delete bData;
00497       /// restore the parameters to their initial values in case fitting is done
00498       if (fTestStatisticsIdx == 3) { 
00499          RooArgSet * sbparams = fSbModel->getParameters(*fObservables);
00500          if (sbparams) { 
00501             assert(originalSbParams.getSize() == sbparams->getSize());
00502             *sbparams = originalSbParams; 
00503             delete sbparams; 
00504          }
00505          RooArgSet * bparams = fBModel->getParameters(*fObservables);
00506          if (bparams) { 
00507             assert(originalBParams.getSize() == bparams->getSize());
00508             *bparams = originalBParams; 
00509             delete bparams; 
00510          }
00511       }
00515    } /// end of loop over toy-MC experiments
00518    /// restore the parameters to their initial values 
00519    if (usePriors && nParameters>0) {
00520       for (int iParameter=0; iParameter<nParameters; iParameter++) {
00521          RooRealVar* oneParam = (RooRealVar*) parametersList.at(iParameter);
00522          oneParam->setVal(parameterValues[iParameter]);
00523       }
00524    }
00526    return;
00527 }
00529 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00531 void HybridCalculatorOriginal::PrintMore(const char* options) const
00532 {
00533    /// Print out some information about the input models
00535    if (fSbModel) { 
00536       std::cout << "Signal plus background model:\n";
00537       fSbModel->Print(options);
00538    }
00540    if (fBModel) { 
00541       std::cout << "\nBackground model:\n";
00542       fBModel->Print(options);
00543    }
00545    if (fObservables) {  
00546       std::cout << "\nObservables:\n";
00547       fObservables->Print(options);
00548    }
00550    if (fNuisanceParameters) { 
00551       std::cout << "\nParameters being integrated:\n";
00552       fNuisanceParameters->Print(options);
00553    }
00555    if (fPriorPdf) { 
00556       std::cout << "\nPrior PDF model for integration:\n";
00557       fPriorPdf->Print(options);
00558    }
00560    return;
00561 }
00562 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00563 // implementation of inherited methods from HypoTestCalculator
00565 HybridResult* HybridCalculatorOriginal::GetHypoTest() const {
00566    // perform the hypothesis test and return result of hypothesis test 
00568    // check first that everything needed is there 
00569    if (!DoCheckInputs()) return 0;  
00570    RooAbsData * treeData = dynamic_cast<RooAbsData *> (fData); 
00571    if (!treeData) { 
00572       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal::GetHypoTest - invalid data type - return NULL" << std::endl;
00573       return 0; 
00574    }
00575    bool usePrior = (fUsePriorPdf && fPriorPdf ); 
00576    return Calculate( *treeData, fNToys, usePrior);  
00577 }
00580 bool HybridCalculatorOriginal::DoCheckInputs() const {
00581    if (!fData) { 
00582       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal - data have not been set" << std::endl;
00583       return false; 
00584    }
00586    // if observable have not been set take them from data 
00587    if (!fObservables && fData->get() ) fObservables =  new RooArgList( *fData->get() );
00588    if (!fObservables) { 
00589       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal - no observables" << std::endl;
00590       return false; 
00591    }
00593    if (!fSbModel) { 
00594       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal - S+B pdf has not been set " << std::endl;
00595       return false; 
00596    }
00598    if (!fBModel) { 
00599       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal - B pdf has not been set" << std::endl;
00600       return false; 
00601    }
00602    if (fUsePriorPdf && !fNuisanceParameters) { 
00603       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal - nuisance parameters have not been set " << std::endl;
00604       return false; 
00605    }
00606    if (fUsePriorPdf && !fPriorPdf) { 
00607       std::cerr << "Error in HybridCalculatorOriginal - prior pdf has not been set " << std::endl;
00608       return false; 
00609    }
00610    return true; 
00611 }

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