
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/tmva $Id: MethodPDERS.cxx 36966 2010-11-26 09:50:13Z evt $
00002 // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Yair Mahalalel, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss
00004 /***********************************************************************************
00005  * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis        *
00006  * Package: TMVA                                                                   *
00007  * Class  : MethodPDERS                                                            *
00008  * Web    :                                            *
00009  *                                                                                 *
00010  * Description:                                                                    *
00011  *      Implementation                                                             *
00012  *                                                                                 *
00013  * Authors (alphabetical):                                                         *
00014  *      Krzysztof Danielowski <>       - IFJ PAN & AGH, Poland     *
00015  *      Andreas Hoecker       <> - CERN, Switzerland         *
00016  *      Kamil Kraszewski      <>           - IFJ PAN & UJ, Poland      *
00017  *      Maciej Kruk           <>          - IFJ PAN & AGH, Poland     *
00018  *      Yair Mahalalel        <> - CERN, Switzerland         *
00019  *      Helge Voss            <>     - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany *
00020  *      Kai Voss              <>       - U. of Victoria, Canada    *
00021  *                                                                                 *
00022  * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                             *
00023  *      CERN, Switzerland                                                          *
00024  *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                     *
00025  *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                  *
00026  *                                                                                 *
00027  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without              *
00028  * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE            *
00029  * (                                           *
00030  ***********************************************************************************/
00032 //_______________________________________________________________________
00033 // Begin_Html
00034 /*
00035   This is a generalization of the above Likelihood methods to <i>N</i><sub>var</sub>
00036   dimensions, where <i>N</i><sub>var</sub> is the number of input variables
00037   used in the MVA. If the multi-dimensional probability density functions
00038   (PDFs) for signal and background were known, this method contains the entire
00039   physical information, and is therefore optimal. Usually, kernel estimation
00040   methods are used to approximate the PDFs using the events from the
00041   training sample. <br><p></p>
00043   A very simple probability density estimator (PDE) has been suggested
00044   in <a href="">hep-ex/0211019</a>. The
00045   PDE for a given test event is obtained from counting the (normalized)
00046   number of signal and background (training) events that occur in the
00047   "vicinity" of the test event. The volume that describes "vicinity" is
00048   user-defined. A <a href="">search
00049   method based on binary-trees</a> is used to effectively reduce the
00050   selection time for the range search. Three different volume definitions
00051   are optional: <br><p></p>
00052   <ul>
00053   <li><u>MinMax:</u>
00054   the volume is defined in each dimension with respect
00055   to the full variable range found in the training sample. </li>
00056   <li><u>RMS:</u>
00057   the volume is defined in each dimensions with respect
00058   to the RMS estimated from the training sample. </li>
00059   <li><u>Adaptive:</u>
00060   a volume element is defined in each dimensions with
00061   respect to the RMS estimated from the training sample. The overall
00062   scale of the volume element is then determined for each event so
00063   that the total number of events confined in the volume be within
00064   a user-defined range.</li>
00065   </ul><p></p>
00066   The adaptive range search is used by default.
00067   // End_Html
00068   */
00069 //_______________________________________________________________________
00071 #include <assert.h>
00072 #include <algorithm>
00074 #include "TFile.h"
00075 #include "TObjString.h"
00076 #include "TMath.h"
00078 #include "TMVA/ClassifierFactory.h"
00079 #include "TMVA/MethodPDERS.h"
00080 #include "TMVA/Tools.h"
00081 #include "TMVA/RootFinder.h"
00083 #define TMVA_MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__
00084 #undef  TMVA_MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__
00086 namespace TMVA {
00087    const Bool_t MethodPDERS_UseFindRoot = kFALSE;
00088 };
00090 TMVA::MethodPDERS* TMVA::MethodPDERS::fgThisPDERS = NULL;
00094 ClassImp(TMVA::MethodPDERS)
00096 //_______________________________________________________________________
00097 TMVA::MethodPDERS::MethodPDERS( const TString& jobName,
00098                                 const TString& methodTitle,
00099                                 DataSetInfo& theData,
00100                                 const TString& theOption,
00101                                 TDirectory* theTargetDir ) :
00102    MethodBase( jobName, Types::kPDERS, methodTitle, theData, theOption, theTargetDir ),
00103    fFcnCall(0),
00104    fVRangeMode(kAdaptive),
00105    fKernelEstimator(kBox),
00106    fDelta(0),
00107    fShift(0),
00108    fScaleS(0),
00109    fScaleB(0),
00110    fDeltaFrac(0),
00111    fGaussSigma(0),
00112    fGaussSigmaNorm(0),
00113    fNRegOut(0),
00114    fNEventsMin(0),
00115    fNEventsMax(0),
00116    fMaxVIterations(0),
00117    fInitialScale(0),
00118    fInitializedVolumeEle(0),
00119    fkNNMin(0),
00120    fkNNMax(0),
00121    fMax_distance(0),
00122    fPrinted(0),
00123    fNormTree(0)
00124 {
00125    // standard constructor for the PDERS method
00126 }
00128 //_______________________________________________________________________
00129 TMVA::MethodPDERS::MethodPDERS( DataSetInfo& theData,
00130                                 const TString& theWeightFile,
00131                                 TDirectory* theTargetDir ) :
00132    MethodBase( Types::kPDERS, theData, theWeightFile, theTargetDir ),
00133    fFcnCall(0),
00134    fVRangeMode(kAdaptive),
00135    fKernelEstimator(kBox),
00136    fDelta(0),
00137    fShift(0),
00138    fScaleS(0),
00139    fScaleB(0),
00140    fDeltaFrac(0),
00141    fGaussSigma(0),
00142    fGaussSigmaNorm(0),
00143    fNRegOut(0),
00144    fNEventsMin(0),
00145    fNEventsMax(0),
00146    fMaxVIterations(0),
00147    fInitialScale(0),
00148    fInitializedVolumeEle(0),
00149    fkNNMin(0),
00150    fkNNMax(0),
00151    fMax_distance(0),
00152    fPrinted(0),
00153    fNormTree(0)
00154 {
00155    // construct MethodPDERS through from file
00156 }
00158 //_______________________________________________________________________
00159 Bool_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::HasAnalysisType( Types::EAnalysisType type, UInt_t numberClasses, UInt_t /*numberTargets*/ )
00160 {
00161    // PDERS can handle classification with 2 classes and regression with one or more regression-targets
00162    if (type == Types::kClassification && numberClasses == 2) return kTRUE;
00163    if (type == Types::kRegression) return kTRUE;
00164    return kFALSE;
00165 }
00167 //_______________________________________________________________________
00168 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::Init( void )
00169 {
00170    // default initialisation routine called by all constructors
00172    fBinaryTree = NULL;
00174    UpdateThis();
00176    // default options
00177    fDeltaFrac       = 3.0;
00178    fVRangeMode      = kAdaptive;
00179    fKernelEstimator = kBox;
00181    // special options for Adaptive mode
00182    fNEventsMin      = 100;
00183    fNEventsMax      = 200;
00184    fMaxVIterations  = 150;
00185    fInitialScale    = 0.99;
00186    fGaussSigma      = 0.1;
00187    fNormTree        = kFALSE;
00189    fkNNMin      = Int_t(fNEventsMin);
00190    fkNNMax      = Int_t(fNEventsMax);
00192    fInitializedVolumeEle = kFALSE;
00193    fAverageRMS.clear();
00195    // the minimum requirement to declare an event signal-like
00196    SetSignalReferenceCut( 0.0 );
00197 }
00199 //_______________________________________________________________________
00200 TMVA::MethodPDERS::~MethodPDERS( void )
00201 {
00202    // destructor
00203    if (fDelta) delete fDelta;
00204    if (fShift) delete fShift;
00206    if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree;
00207 }
00209 //_______________________________________________________________________
00210 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::DeclareOptions() 
00211 {
00212    // define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string 
00213    // know options:
00214    // VolumeRangeMode   <string>  Method to determine volume range
00215    //    available values are:        MinMax 
00216    //                                 Unscaled
00217    //                                 RMS
00218    //                                 kNN
00219    //                                 Adaptive <default>
00220    //
00221    // KernelEstimator   <string>  Kernel estimation function
00222    //    available values are:        Box <default>
00223    //                                 Sphere
00224    //                                 Teepee
00225    //                                 Gauss
00226    //                                 Sinc3
00227    //                                 Sinc5
00228    //                                 Sinc7
00229    //                                 Sinc9
00230    //                                 Sinc11
00231    //                                 Lanczos2
00232    //                                 Lanczos3
00233    //                                 Lanczos5
00234    //                                 Lanczos8
00235    //                                 Trim
00236    //
00237    // DeltaFrac         <float>   Ratio of #EventsMin/#EventsMax for MinMax and RMS volume range
00238    // NEventsMin        <int>     Minimum number of events for adaptive volume range             
00239    // NEventsMax        <int>     Maximum number of events for adaptive volume range
00240    // MaxVIterations    <int>     Maximum number of iterations for adaptive volume range
00241    // InitialScale      <float>   Initial scale for adaptive volume range           
00242    // GaussSigma        <float>   Width with respect to the volume size of Gaussian kernel estimator
00243    DeclareOptionRef(fVolumeRange="Adaptive", "VolumeRangeMode", "Method to determine volume size");
00244    AddPreDefVal(TString("Unscaled"));
00245    AddPreDefVal(TString("MinMax"));
00246    AddPreDefVal(TString("RMS"));
00247    AddPreDefVal(TString("Adaptive"));
00248    AddPreDefVal(TString("kNN"));
00250    DeclareOptionRef(fKernelString="Box", "KernelEstimator", "Kernel estimation function");
00251    AddPreDefVal(TString("Box"));
00252    AddPreDefVal(TString("Sphere"));
00253    AddPreDefVal(TString("Teepee"));
00254    AddPreDefVal(TString("Gauss"));
00255    AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc3"));
00256    AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc5"));
00257    AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc7"));
00258    AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc9"));
00259    AddPreDefVal(TString("Sinc11"));
00260    AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos2"));
00261    AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos3"));
00262    AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos5"));
00263    AddPreDefVal(TString("Lanczos8"));
00264    AddPreDefVal(TString("Trim"));
00266    DeclareOptionRef(fDeltaFrac     , "DeltaFrac",      "nEventsMin/Max for minmax and rms volume range");
00267    DeclareOptionRef(fNEventsMin    , "NEventsMin",     "nEventsMin for adaptive volume range");
00268    DeclareOptionRef(fNEventsMax    , "NEventsMax",     "nEventsMax for adaptive volume range");
00269    DeclareOptionRef(fMaxVIterations, "MaxVIterations", "MaxVIterations for adaptive volume range");
00270    DeclareOptionRef(fInitialScale  , "InitialScale",   "InitialScale for adaptive volume range");
00271    DeclareOptionRef(fGaussSigma    , "GaussSigma",     "Width (wrt volume size) of Gaussian kernel estimator");
00272    DeclareOptionRef(fNormTree      , "NormTree",       "Normalize binary search tree");
00273 }
00275 //_______________________________________________________________________
00276 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ProcessOptions() 
00277 {
00278    // process the options specified by the user
00280    if (IgnoreEventsWithNegWeightsInTraining()) {
00281       Log() << kFATAL << "Mechanism to ignore events with negative weights in training not yet available for method: "
00282             << GetMethodTypeName() 
00283             << " --> please remove \"IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining\" option from booking string."
00284             << Endl;
00285    }
00287    fGaussSigmaNorm = fGaussSigma; // * TMath::Sqrt( Double_t(GetNvar()) );
00289    fVRangeMode = MethodPDERS::kUnsupported;
00291    if      (fVolumeRange == "MinMax"    ) fVRangeMode = kMinMax;
00292    else if (fVolumeRange == "RMS"       ) fVRangeMode = kRMS;
00293    else if (fVolumeRange == "Adaptive"  ) fVRangeMode = kAdaptive;
00294    else if (fVolumeRange == "Unscaled"  ) fVRangeMode = kUnscaled;
00295    else if (fVolumeRange == "kNN"   ) fVRangeMode = kkNN;
00296    else {
00297       Log() << kFATAL << "VolumeRangeMode parameter '" << fVolumeRange << "' unknown" << Endl;
00298    }
00300    if      (fKernelString == "Box"      ) fKernelEstimator = kBox;
00301    else if (fKernelString == "Sphere"   ) fKernelEstimator = kSphere;
00302    else if (fKernelString == "Teepee"   ) fKernelEstimator = kTeepee;
00303    else if (fKernelString == "Gauss"    ) fKernelEstimator = kGauss;
00304    else if (fKernelString == "Sinc3"    ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc3;
00305    else if (fKernelString == "Sinc5"    ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc5;
00306    else if (fKernelString == "Sinc7"    ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc7;
00307    else if (fKernelString == "Sinc9"    ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc9;
00308    else if (fKernelString == "Sinc11"   ) fKernelEstimator = kSinc11;
00309    else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos2" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos2;
00310    else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos3" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos3;
00311    else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos5" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos5;
00312    else if (fKernelString == "Lanczos8" ) fKernelEstimator = kLanczos8;
00313    else if (fKernelString == "Trim"     ) fKernelEstimator = kTrim;
00314    else {
00315       Log() << kFATAL << "KernelEstimator parameter '" << fKernelString << "' unknown" << Endl;
00316    }
00318    // TODO: Add parameter validation
00320    Log() << kVERBOSE << "interpreted option string: vRangeMethod: '"
00321            << (const char*)((fVRangeMode == kMinMax) ? "MinMax" :
00322                             (fVRangeMode == kUnscaled) ? "Unscaled" :
00323                             (fVRangeMode == kRMS   ) ? "RMS" : "Adaptive") << "'" << Endl;
00324    if (fVRangeMode == kMinMax || fVRangeMode == kRMS)
00325       Log() << kVERBOSE << "deltaFrac: " << fDeltaFrac << Endl;
00326    else
00327       Log() << kVERBOSE << "nEventsMin/Max, maxVIterations, initialScale: "
00328               << fNEventsMin << "  " << fNEventsMax
00329               << "  " << fMaxVIterations << "  " << fInitialScale << Endl;
00330    Log() << kVERBOSE << "KernelEstimator = " << fKernelString << Endl;
00331 }
00333 //_______________________________________________________________________
00334 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::Train( void )
00335 {
00336    // this is a dummy training: the preparation work to do is the construction
00337    // of the binary tree as a pointer chain. It is easier to directly save the
00338    // trainingTree in the weight file, and to rebuild the binary tree in the
00339    // test phase from scratch
00341    if (IsNormalised()) Log() << kFATAL << "\"Normalise\" option cannot be used with PDERS; " 
00342                                << "please remove the option from the configuration string, or "
00343                                << "use \"!Normalise\""
00344                                << Endl;
00346    CreateBinarySearchTree( Types::kTraining );
00348    CalcAverages();
00349    SetVolumeElement();
00351    fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE;
00352 }
00354 //_______________________________________________________________________
00355 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetMvaValue( Double_t* err, Double_t* errUpper )
00356 {
00357    // init the size of a volume element using a defined fraction of the
00358    // volume containing the entire events
00359    if (fInitializedVolumeEle == kFALSE) {
00360       fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE;
00362       // binary trees must exist
00363       assert( fBinaryTree );
00365       CalcAverages();
00366       SetVolumeElement();
00367    }
00369    // cannot determine error
00370    NoErrorCalc(err, errUpper);
00372    return this->CRScalc( *GetEvent() );
00373 }
00375 //_______________________________________________________________________
00376 const std::vector< Float_t >& TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetRegressionValues()
00377 {
00378    if (fRegressionReturnVal == 0) fRegressionReturnVal = new std::vector<Float_t>;
00379    fRegressionReturnVal->clear();
00380    // init the size of a volume element using a defined fraction of the
00381    // volume containing the entire events
00382    if (fInitializedVolumeEle == kFALSE) {
00383       fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE;
00385       // binary trees must exist
00386       assert( fBinaryTree );
00388       CalcAverages();
00390       SetVolumeElement();
00391    }
00393    const Event* ev = GetEvent();
00394    this->RRScalc( *ev, fRegressionReturnVal );
00396    Event * evT = new Event(*ev);
00397    UInt_t ivar = 0;
00398    for (std::vector<Float_t>::iterator it = fRegressionReturnVal->begin(); it != fRegressionReturnVal->end(); it++ ) {
00399       evT->SetTarget(ivar,(*it));
00400       ivar++;
00401    }
00403    const Event* evT2 = GetTransformationHandler().InverseTransform( evT );
00404    fRegressionReturnVal->clear();
00406    for (ivar = 0; ivar<evT2->GetNTargets(); ivar++) {
00407       fRegressionReturnVal->push_back(evT2->GetTarget(ivar));
00408    }
00410    delete evT;
00413    return (*fRegressionReturnVal);
00414 }
00416 //_______________________________________________________________________
00417 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::CalcAverages()
00418 {
00419    // compute also average RMS values required for adaptive Gaussian
00420    if (fVRangeMode == kAdaptive || fVRangeMode == kRMS || fVRangeMode == kkNN  ) {
00421       fAverageRMS.clear();
00422       fBinaryTree->CalcStatistics();
00424       for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) { 
00425          if (!DoRegression()){ //why there are separate rms for signal and background?
00426             Float_t rmsS = fBinaryTree->RMS(Types::kSignal, ivar);
00427             Float_t rmsB = fBinaryTree->RMS(Types::kBackground, ivar);
00428             fAverageRMS.push_back( (rmsS + rmsB)*0.5 );
00429          } else {
00430             Float_t rms = fBinaryTree->RMS( ivar );
00431             fAverageRMS.push_back( rms );
00432          }
00433       }
00434    }
00435 }   
00437 //_______________________________________________________________________
00438 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::CreateBinarySearchTree( Types::ETreeType type )
00439 {
00440    // create binary search trees for signal and background
00441    if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree;
00442    fBinaryTree = new BinarySearchTree();
00443    if (fNormTree) {
00444       fBinaryTree->SetNormalize( kTRUE );
00445    }
00447    fBinaryTree->Fill( GetEventCollection(type) );
00449    if (fNormTree) {
00450       fBinaryTree->NormalizeTree();
00451    }
00453    if (!DoRegression()) {
00454       // these are the signal and background scales for the weights
00455       fScaleS = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal );
00456       fScaleB = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground );
00458       Log() << kVERBOSE << "Signal and background scales: " << fScaleS << " " << fScaleB << Endl;
00459    }
00460 }
00462 //_______________________________________________________________________
00463 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::SetVolumeElement( void ) {
00464    // defines volume dimensions
00466    if (GetNvar()==0) {
00467       Log() << kFATAL << "GetNvar() == 0" << Endl;
00468       return;
00469    }
00471    // init relative scales
00472    fkNNMin      = Int_t(fNEventsMin);
00473    fkNNMax      = Int_t(fNEventsMax);   
00475    if (fDelta) delete fDelta;
00476    if (fShift) delete fShift;
00477    fDelta = new std::vector<Float_t>( GetNvar() );
00478    fShift = new std::vector<Float_t>( GetNvar() );
00480    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
00481       switch (fVRangeMode) {
00483       case kRMS:
00484       case kkNN:
00485       case kAdaptive:
00486          // sanity check
00487          if (fAverageRMS.size() != GetNvar())
00488             Log() << kFATAL << "<SetVolumeElement> RMS not computed: " << fAverageRMS.size() << Endl;
00489          (*fDelta)[ivar] = fAverageRMS[ivar]*fDeltaFrac;
00490          Log() << kVERBOSE << "delta of var[" << (*fInputVars)[ivar]
00491                  << "\t]: " << fAverageRMS[ivar]
00492                  << "\t  |  comp with |max - min|: " << (GetXmax( ivar ) - GetXmin( ivar ))
00493                  << Endl;
00494          break;
00495       case kMinMax:
00496          (*fDelta)[ivar] = (GetXmax( ivar ) - GetXmin( ivar ))*fDeltaFrac;
00497          break;
00498       case kUnscaled:
00499          (*fDelta)[ivar] = fDeltaFrac;
00500          break;
00501       default:
00502          Log() << kFATAL << "<SetVolumeElement> unknown range-set mode: "
00503                  << fVRangeMode << Endl;
00504       }
00505       (*fShift)[ivar] = 0.5; // volume is centered around test value
00506    }
00508 }
00510 //_______________________________________________________________________
00511 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::IGetVolumeContentForRoot( Double_t scale )
00512 {
00513    // Interface to RootFinder
00514    return ThisPDERS()->GetVolumeContentForRoot( scale );
00515 }
00517 //_______________________________________________________________________
00518 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetVolumeContentForRoot( Double_t scale )
00519 {
00520    // count number of events in rescaled volume
00522    Volume v( *fHelpVolume );
00523    v.ScaleInterval( scale );
00525    Double_t count = GetBinaryTree()->SearchVolume( &v );
00527    v.Delete();
00528    return count;
00529 }
00531 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetSample( const Event& e,
00532                                    std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*>& events,
00533                                    Volume *volume )
00534 {
00535    Float_t count = 0;
00537    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00538    //
00539    // ==== test of volume search =====
00540    //
00541    // #define TMVA::MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__
00543 #ifdef  TMVA_MethodPDERS__countByHand__Debug__
00545    // starting values
00546    count = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume );
00548    Int_t iS = 0, iB = 0;
00549    UInt_t nvar = GetNvar();
00550    for (UInt_t ievt_=0; ievt_<Data()->GetNTrainingEvents(); ievt_++) {
00551       const Event * ev = GetTrainingEvent(ievt_);
00552       Bool_t inV;
00553       for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {
00554          Float_t x = ev->GetValue(ivar);
00555          inV = (x > (*volume->Lower)[ivar] && x <= (*volume->Upper)[ivar]);
00556          if (!inV) break;
00557       }
00558       if (inV) {
00559          in++;
00560       }
00561    }
00562    Log() << kVERBOSE << "debug: my test: " << in << Endl;// <- ***********tree
00563    Log() << kVERBOSE << "debug: binTree: " << count << Endl << Endl;// <- ***********tree
00565 #endif
00567    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00569    if (fVRangeMode == kRMS || fVRangeMode == kMinMax || fVRangeMode == kUnscaled) { // Constant volume
00571       std::vector<Double_t> *lb = new std::vector<Double_t>( GetNvar() );
00572       for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) (*lb)[ivar] = e.GetValue(ivar);
00573       std::vector<Double_t> *ub = new std::vector<Double_t>( *lb );
00574       for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
00575          (*lb)[ivar] -= (*fDelta)[ivar]*(1.0 - (*fShift)[ivar]);
00576          (*ub)[ivar] += (*fDelta)[ivar]*(*fShift)[ivar];
00577       }
00578       Volume* svolume = new Volume( lb, ub );
00579       // starting values
00581       fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( svolume, &events );
00582    }
00583    else if (fVRangeMode == kAdaptive) {      // adaptive volume
00585       // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00587       // TODO: optimize, perhaps multi stage with broadening limits,
00588       // or a different root finding method entirely,
00589       if (MethodPDERS_UseFindRoot) {
00591          // that won't need to search through large volume, where the bottle neck probably is
00593          fHelpVolume = volume;
00595          UpdateThis(); // necessary update of static pointer
00596          RootFinder rootFinder( &IGetVolumeContentForRoot, 0.01, 50, 200, 10 );
00597          Double_t scale = rootFinder.Root( (fNEventsMin + fNEventsMax)/2.0 );
00599          volume->ScaleInterval( scale );
00601          fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume, &events );
00603          fHelpVolume = NULL;
00604       }
00605       // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00606       else {
00608          // starting values
00609          count = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume );
00611          Float_t nEventsO = count;
00612          Int_t i_=0;
00614          while (nEventsO < fNEventsMin) { // this isn't a sain start... try again
00615             volume->ScaleInterval( 1.15 );
00616             count = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume );
00617             nEventsO = count;
00618             i_++;
00619          }
00620          if (i_ > 50) Log() << kWARNING << "warning in event: " << e
00621                             << ": adaptive volume pre-adjustment reached "
00622                             << ">50 iterations in while loop (" << i_ << ")" << Endl;
00624          Float_t nEventsN    = nEventsO;
00625          Float_t nEventsE    = 0.5*(fNEventsMin + fNEventsMax);
00626          Float_t scaleO      = 1.0;
00627          Float_t scaleN      = fInitialScale;
00628          Float_t scale       = scaleN;
00629          Float_t scaleBest   = scaleN;
00630          Float_t nEventsBest = nEventsN;
00632          for (Int_t ic=1; ic<fMaxVIterations; ic++) {
00633             if (nEventsN < fNEventsMin || nEventsN > fNEventsMax) {
00635                // search for events in rescaled volume
00636                Volume* v = new Volume( *volume );
00637                v->ScaleInterval( scale );
00638                nEventsN  = fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( v );
00640                // determine next iteration (linear approximation)
00641                if (nEventsN > 1 && nEventsN - nEventsO != 0)
00642                   if (scaleN - scaleO != 0)
00643                      scale += (scaleN - scaleO)/(nEventsN - nEventsO)*(nEventsE - nEventsN);
00644                   else
00645                      scale += (-0.01); // should not actually occur...
00646                else
00647                   scale += 0.5; // use much larger volume
00649                // save old scale
00650                scaleN   = scale;
00652                // take if better (don't accept it if too small number of events)
00653                if (TMath::Abs(nEventsN - nEventsE) < TMath::Abs(nEventsBest - nEventsE) &&
00654                    (nEventsN >= fNEventsMin || nEventsBest < nEventsN)) {
00655                   nEventsBest = nEventsN;
00656                   scaleBest   = scale;
00657                }
00659                v->Delete();
00660                delete v;
00661             }
00662             else break;
00663          }
00665          // last sanity check
00666          nEventsN = nEventsBest;
00667          // include "1" to cover float precision
00668          if (nEventsN < fNEventsMin-1 || nEventsN > fNEventsMax+1)
00669             Log() << kWARNING << "warning in event " << e
00670                   << ": adaptive volume adjustment reached "
00671                   << "max. #iterations (" << fMaxVIterations << ")"
00672                   << "[ nEvents: " << nEventsN << "  " << fNEventsMin << "  " << fNEventsMax << "]"
00673                   << Endl;
00675          volume->ScaleInterval( scaleBest );
00676          fBinaryTree->SearchVolume( volume, &events );
00677       }
00679       // end of adaptive method
00681    } else if (fVRangeMode == kkNN) {
00682       Volume v(*volume);
00684       events.clear();
00685       // check number of signals in begining volume
00686       Int_t kNNcount = fBinaryTree->SearchVolumeWithMaxLimit( &v, &events, fkNNMax+1 );
00687       //if this number is too large return fkNNMax+1
00689       Int_t t_times = 0;  // number of iterations
00691       while ( !(kNNcount >= fkNNMin && kNNcount <= fkNNMax) ) {
00692          if (kNNcount < fkNNMin) {         //if we have too less points
00693             Float_t scale = 2;      //better scale needed
00694             volume->ScaleInterval( scale );
00695          }
00696          else if (kNNcount > fkNNMax) {    //if we have too many points
00697             Float_t scale = 0.1;      //better scale needed
00698             volume->ScaleInterval( scale );
00699          }
00700          events.clear();
00702          v = *volume ;
00704          kNNcount = fBinaryTree->SearchVolumeWithMaxLimit( &v, &events, fkNNMax+1 );  //new search
00706          t_times++;
00708          if (t_times == fMaxVIterations) {
00709             Log() << kWARNING << "warining in event" << e
00710                   << ": kNN volume adjustment reached "
00711                   << "max. #iterations (" << fMaxVIterations << ")"
00712                   << "[ kNN: " << fkNNMin << " " << fkNNMax << Endl;
00713             break;
00714          }
00715       }
00717       //vector to normalize distance in each dimension
00718       Double_t *dim_normalization = new Double_t[GetNvar()];
00719       for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
00720          dim_normalization [ivar] = 1.0 / ((*v.fUpper)[ivar] - (*v.fLower)[ivar]);
00721       }
00723       std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*> tempVector;    // temporary vector for events
00725       if (kNNcount >= fkNNMin) {
00726          std::vector<Double_t> *distances = new std::vector<Double_t>( kNNcount );
00728          //counting the distance for each event
00729          for (Int_t j=0;j< Int_t(events.size()) ;j++)
00730             (*distances)[j] = GetNormalizedDistance ( e, *events[j], dim_normalization );
00732          //counting the fkNNMin-th element
00733          std::vector<Double_t>::iterator wsk = distances->begin();
00734          for (Int_t j=0;j<fkNNMin-1;j++) wsk++;
00735          std::nth_element( distances->begin(), wsk, distances->end() );
00737          //getting all elements that are closer than fkNNMin-th element
00738          //signals
00739          for (Int_t j=0;j<Int_t(events.size());j++) {
00740             Double_t dist = GetNormalizedDistance( e, *events[j], dim_normalization );
00742             if (dist <= (*distances)[fkNNMin-1])
00743                tempVector.push_back( events[j] );
00744          }
00745          fMax_distance = (*distances)[fkNNMin-1];
00746          delete distances;
00747       }
00748       delete[] dim_normalization;
00749       events = tempVector;
00751    } else {
00753       // troubles ahead...
00754       Log() << kFATAL << "<GetSample> unknown RangeMode: " << fVRangeMode << Endl;
00755    }
00756    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00757 }
00759 //_______________________________________________________________________
00760 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::CRScalc( const Event& e )
00761 {
00762    std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*> events;
00764    // computes event weight by counting number of signal and background
00765    // events (of reference sample) that are found within given volume
00766    // defined by the event
00767    std::vector<Double_t> *lb = new std::vector<Double_t>( GetNvar() );
00768    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) (*lb)[ivar] = e.GetValue(ivar);
00770    std::vector<Double_t> *ub = new std::vector<Double_t>( *lb );
00771    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
00772       (*lb)[ivar] -= (*fDelta)[ivar]*(1.0 - (*fShift)[ivar]);
00773       (*ub)[ivar] += (*fDelta)[ivar]*(*fShift)[ivar];
00774    }
00776    Volume *volume = new Volume( lb, ub );
00778    GetSample( e, events, volume );
00779    Double_t count = CKernelEstimate( e, events, *volume );
00780    delete volume;
00781    delete lb;
00782    delete ub;
00784    return count;
00785 }
00787 //_______________________________________________________________________
00788 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::RRScalc( const Event& e, std::vector<Float_t>* count )
00789 {
00790    std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*> events;
00792    // computes event weight by counting number of signal and background
00793    // events (of reference sample) that are found within given volume
00794    // defined by the event
00795    std::vector<Double_t> *lb = new std::vector<Double_t>( GetNvar() );
00796    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) (*lb)[ivar] = e.GetValue(ivar);
00798    std::vector<Double_t> *ub = new std::vector<Double_t>( *lb );
00799    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
00800       (*lb)[ivar] -= (*fDelta)[ivar]*(1.0 - (*fShift)[ivar]);
00801       (*ub)[ivar] += (*fDelta)[ivar]*(*fShift)[ivar];
00802    }
00803    Volume *volume = new Volume( lb, ub );
00805    GetSample( e, events, volume );
00806    RKernelEstimate( e, events, *volume, count );
00808    delete volume;
00810    return;
00811 }
00812 //_______________________________________________________________________
00813 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::CKernelEstimate( const Event & event,
00814                                              std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*>& events, Volume& v )
00815 {
00816    // normalization factors so we can work with radius 1 hyperspheres
00817    Double_t *dim_normalization = new Double_t[GetNvar()];
00818    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++)
00819       dim_normalization [ivar] = 2 / ((*v.fUpper)[ivar] - (*v.fLower)[ivar]);
00821    Double_t pdfSumS = 0;
00822    Double_t pdfSumB = 0;
00824    // Iteration over sample points
00825    for (std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*>::iterator iev = events.begin(); iev != events.end(); iev++) {
00827    // First switch to the one dimensional distance
00828    Double_t normalized_distance = GetNormalizedDistance (event, *(*iev), dim_normalization);
00830    // always working within the hyperelipsoid, except for when we don't
00831    // note that rejection ratio goes to 1 as nvar goes to infinity
00832    if (normalized_distance > 1 && fKernelEstimator != kBox) continue;
00834    if ( (*iev)->IsSignal() )
00835       pdfSumS += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight();
00836    else
00837       pdfSumB += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight();
00838    }
00839    pdfSumS = KernelNormalization( pdfSumS < 0. ? 0. : pdfSumS );
00840    pdfSumB = KernelNormalization( pdfSumB < 0. ? 0. : pdfSumB );
00842    delete[] dim_normalization;
00844    if (pdfSumS < 1e-20 && pdfSumB < 1e-20) return 0.5;
00845    if (pdfSumB < 1e-20) return 1.0;
00846    if (pdfSumS < 1e-20) return 0.0;
00848    Float_t r = pdfSumB*fScaleB/(pdfSumS*fScaleS);
00849    return 1.0/(r + 1.0);   // TODO: propagate errors from here
00850 }
00852 //_______________________________________________________________________
00853 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::RKernelEstimate( const Event & event,
00854                                          std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*>& events, Volume& v,
00855                                          std::vector<Float_t>* pdfSum )
00856 {
00857    // normalization factors so we can work with radius 1 hyperspheres
00858    Double_t *dim_normalization = new Double_t[GetNvar()];
00859    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++)
00860       dim_normalization [ivar] = 2 / ((*v.fUpper)[ivar] - (*v.fLower)[ivar]);
00862    //   std::vector<Float_t> pdfSum;
00863    pdfSum->clear();
00864    Float_t pdfDiv = 0;
00865     fNRegOut = 1; // for now, regression is just for 1 dimension
00867    for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNRegOut ; ivar++)
00868       pdfSum->push_back( 0 );
00870    // Iteration over sample points
00871    for (std::vector<const BinarySearchTreeNode*>::iterator iev = events.begin(); iev != events.end(); iev++) {
00873       // First switch to the one dimensional distance
00874       Double_t normalized_distance = GetNormalizedDistance (event, *(*iev), dim_normalization);
00876       // always working within the hyperelipsoid, except for when we don't
00877       // note that rejection ratio goes to 1 as nvar goes to infinity
00878       if (normalized_distance > 1 && fKernelEstimator != kBox) continue;
00880       for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNRegOut ; ivar++) {
00881          pdfSum->at(ivar) += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight() * (*iev)->GetTargets()[ivar];
00882          pdfDiv           += ApplyKernelFunction (normalized_distance) * (*iev)->GetWeight();
00883       }
00884    }
00886    delete[] dim_normalization;
00888    if (pdfDiv == 0)
00889       return;
00891    for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNRegOut ; ivar++)
00892       pdfSum->at(ivar) /= pdfDiv;
00894    return;
00895 }
00897 //_______________________________________________________________________
00898 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::ApplyKernelFunction (Double_t normalized_distance)
00899 {
00900    // from the normalized euclidean distance calculate the distance
00901    // for a certain kernel
00902    switch (fKernelEstimator) {
00903    case kBox:
00904    case kSphere:
00905       return 1;
00906       break;
00907    case kTeepee:
00908       return (1 - normalized_distance);
00909       break;
00910    case kGauss:
00911       return TMath::Gaus( normalized_distance, 0, fGaussSigmaNorm, kFALSE);
00912       break;
00913    case kSinc3:
00914    case kSinc5:
00915    case kSinc7:
00916    case kSinc9:
00917    case kSinc11: {
00918       Double_t side_crossings = 2 + ((int) fKernelEstimator) - ((int) kSinc3);
00919       return NormSinc (side_crossings * normalized_distance);
00920    }
00921       break;
00922    case kLanczos2:
00923       return LanczosFilter (2, normalized_distance);
00924       break;
00925    case kLanczos3:
00926       return LanczosFilter (3, normalized_distance);
00927       break;
00928    case kLanczos5:
00929       return LanczosFilter (5, normalized_distance);
00930       break;
00931    case kLanczos8:
00932       return LanczosFilter (8, normalized_distance);
00933       break;
00934    case kTrim: {
00935       Double_t x = normalized_distance / fMax_distance;
00936       x = 1 - x*x*x;
00937       return x*x*x;
00938    }
00939       break;
00940    default:
00941       Log() << kFATAL << "Kernel estimation function unsupported. Enumerator is " << fKernelEstimator << Endl;
00942       break;
00943    }
00945    return 0;
00946 }
00948 //_______________________________________________________________________
00949 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::KernelNormalization (Double_t pdf) 
00950 {
00951    // Calculating the normalization factor only once (might need a reset at some point. 
00952    // Can the method be restarted with different params?)
00954    // Caching jammed to disable function. 
00955    // It's not really useful afterall, badly implemented and untested :-)
00956    static Double_t ret = 1.0; 
00958    if (ret != 0.0) return ret*pdf; 
00960    // We first normalize by the volume of the hypersphere.
00961    switch (fKernelEstimator) {
00962    case kBox:
00963    case kSphere:
00964       ret = 1.;
00965       break;
00966    case kTeepee:
00967       ret =   (GetNvar() * (GetNvar() + 1) * TMath::Gamma (((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.)) /
00968          ( TMath::Power (2., (Double_t) GetNvar() + 1) * TMath::Power (TMath::Pi(), ((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.));
00969       break;
00970    case kGauss:
00971       // We use full range integral here. Reasonable because of the fast function decay.
00972       ret = 1. / TMath::Power ( 2 * TMath::Pi() * fGaussSigmaNorm * fGaussSigmaNorm, ((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.);
00973       break;
00974    case kSinc3:
00975    case kSinc5:
00976    case kSinc7:
00977    case kSinc9:
00978    case kSinc11:
00979    case kLanczos2:
00980    case kLanczos3:
00981    case kLanczos5:
00982    case kLanczos8:
00983       // We use the full range integral here. Reasonable because the central lobe domintes it.
00984       ret = 1 / TMath::Power ( 2., (Double_t) GetNvar() );
00985       break;
00986    default:
00987       Log() << kFATAL << "Kernel estimation function unsupported. Enumerator is " << fKernelEstimator << Endl;
00988    }
00990    // Normalizing by the full volume
00991    ret *= ( TMath::Power (2., GetNvar()) * TMath::Gamma (1 + (((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.)) ) /
00992       TMath::Power (TMath::Pi(), ((Double_t) GetNvar()) / 2.);
00994    return ret*pdf;
00995 }
00997 //_______________________________________________________________________
00998 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetNormalizedDistance ( const Event &base_event,
00999                                                     const BinarySearchTreeNode &sample_event,
01000                                                     Double_t *dim_normalization) 
01001 {
01002    // We use Euclidian metric here. Might not be best or most efficient.
01003    Double_t ret=0;
01004    for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
01005       Double_t dist = dim_normalization[ivar] * (sample_event.GetEventV()[ivar] - base_event.GetValue(ivar));
01006       ret += dist*dist;
01007    }
01008    // DD 26.11.2008: bugfix: division by (GetNvar()) was missing for correct normalisation
01009    ret /= GetNvar();
01010    return TMath::Sqrt (ret);
01011 }
01013 //_______________________________________________________________________
01014 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::NormSinc (Double_t x)
01015 {
01016    // NormSinc
01017    if (x < 10e-10 && x > -10e-10) {
01018       return 1; // Poor man's l'Hopital
01019    }
01021    Double_t pix = TMath::Pi() * x;
01022    Double_t sinc = TMath::Sin(pix) / pix;
01023    Double_t ret;
01025    if (GetNvar() % 2)
01026       ret = TMath::Power (sinc, GetNvar());
01027    else
01028       ret = TMath::Abs (sinc) * TMath::Power (sinc, GetNvar() - 1);
01030    return ret;
01031 }
01033 //_______________________________________________________________________
01034 Double_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::LanczosFilter (Int_t level, Double_t x)
01035 {
01036    // Lanczos Filter
01037    if (x < 10e-10 && x > -10e-10) {
01038       return 1; // Poor man's l'Hopital
01039    }
01041    Double_t pix = TMath::Pi() * x;
01042    Double_t pixtimesn = pix * ((Double_t) level);
01043    Double_t lanczos = (TMath::Sin(pix) / pix) * (TMath::Sin(pixtimesn) / pixtimesn);
01044    Double_t ret;
01046    if (GetNvar() % 2) ret = TMath::Power (lanczos, GetNvar());
01047    else               ret = TMath::Abs (lanczos) * TMath::Power (lanczos, GetNvar() - 1);
01049    return ret;
01050 }
01052 //_______________________________________________________________________
01053 Float_t TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetError( Float_t countS, Float_t countB,
01054                                      Float_t sumW2S, Float_t sumW2B ) const
01055 {
01056    // statistical error estimate for RS estimator
01058    Float_t c = fScaleB/fScaleS;
01059    Float_t d = countS + c*countB; d *= d;
01061    if (d < 1e-10) return 1; // Error is zero because of B = S = 0
01063    Float_t f = c*c/d/d;
01064    Float_t err = f*countB*countB*sumW2S + f*countS*countS*sumW2B;
01066    if (err < 1e-10) return 1; // Error is zero because of B or S = 0
01068    return sqrt(err);
01069 }
01071 //_______________________________________________________________________
01072 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::AddWeightsXMLTo( void* parent ) const
01073 {
01074    // write weights to xml file
01075    void* wght = gTools().AddChild(parent, "Weights");
01076    if (fBinaryTree)
01077       fBinaryTree->AddXMLTo(wght);
01078    else
01079       Log() << kFATAL << "Signal and background binary search tree not available" << Endl;
01080    //Log() << kFATAL << "Please implement writing of weights as XML" << Endl;
01081 }
01083 //_______________________________________________________________________
01084 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromXML( void* wghtnode)
01085 {
01086    if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree;
01087    void* treenode = gTools().GetChild(wghtnode);
01088    fBinaryTree = TMVA::BinarySearchTree::CreateFromXML(treenode);
01089    if(!fBinaryTree)
01090       Log() << kFATAL << "Could not create BinarySearchTree from XML" << Endl;
01091    if(!fBinaryTree)
01092       Log() << kFATAL << "Could not create BinarySearchTree from XML" << Endl;
01093    fBinaryTree->SetPeriode( GetNvar() );
01094    fBinaryTree->CalcStatistics();
01095    fBinaryTree->CountNodes();
01096    fScaleS = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal );
01097    fScaleB = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground );
01098    Log() << kINFO << "signal and background scales: " << fScaleS << " " << fScaleB << Endl;
01099    CalcAverages();
01100    SetVolumeElement();
01101    fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE;
01102 }
01104 //_______________________________________________________________________
01105 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromStream( istream& istr)
01106 {
01107    // read weight info from file
01108    if (NULL != fBinaryTree) delete fBinaryTree;
01110    fBinaryTree = new BinarySearchTree();
01112    istr >> *fBinaryTree;
01114    fBinaryTree->SetPeriode( GetNvar() );
01116    fBinaryTree->CalcStatistics();
01118    fBinaryTree->CountNodes();
01120    // these are the signal and background scales for the weights
01121    fScaleS = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kSignal );
01122    fScaleB = 1.0/fBinaryTree->GetSumOfWeights( Types::kBackground );
01124    Log() << kINFO << "signal and background scales: " << fScaleS << " " << fScaleB << Endl;
01126    CalcAverages();
01128    SetVolumeElement();
01130    fInitializedVolumeEle = kTRUE;
01131 }
01133 //_______________________________________________________________________
01134 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::WriteWeightsToStream( TFile& ) const
01135 {
01136    // write training sample (TTree) to file
01137 }
01139 //_______________________________________________________________________
01140 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromStream( TFile& /*rf*/ )
01141 {
01142    // read training sample from file
01143 }
01145 //_______________________________________________________________________
01146 TMVA::MethodPDERS* TMVA::MethodPDERS::ThisPDERS( void ) 
01147 { 
01148    // static pointer to this object
01149    return fgThisPDERS; 
01150 }
01151 //_______________________________________________________________________
01152 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::UpdateThis( void ) 
01153 {
01154    // update static this pointer
01155    fgThisPDERS = this; 
01156 }
01158 //_______________________________________________________________________
01159 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream& fout, const TString& className ) const
01160 {
01161    // write specific classifier response
01162    fout << "   // not implemented for class: \"" << className << "\"" << std::endl;
01163    fout << "};" << std::endl;
01164 }
01166 //_______________________________________________________________________
01167 void TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetHelpMessage() const
01168 {
01169    // get help message text
01170    //
01171    // typical length of text line: 
01172    //         "|--------------------------------------------------------------|"
01173    Log() << Endl;
01174    Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Short description:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
01175    Log() << Endl;
01176    Log() << "PDERS is a generalization of the projective likelihood classifier " << Endl;
01177    Log() << "to N dimensions, where N is the number of input variables used." << Endl;
01178    Log() << "In its adaptive form it is mostly equivalent to k-Nearest-Neighbor" << Endl;
01179    Log() << "(k-NN) methods. If the multidimensional PDF for signal and background" << Endl;
01180    Log() << "were known, this classifier would exploit the full information" << Endl;
01181    Log() << "contained in the input variables, and would hence be optimal. In " << Endl;
01182    Log() << "practice however, huge training samples are necessary to sufficiently " << Endl;
01183    Log() << "populate the multidimensional phase space. " << Endl;
01184    Log() << Endl;
01185    Log() << "The simplest implementation of PDERS counts the number of signal" << Endl;
01186    Log() << "and background events in the vicinity of a test event, and returns" << Endl;
01187    Log() << "a weight according to the majority species of the neighboring events." << Endl;
01188    Log() << "A more involved version of PDERS (selected by the option \"KernelEstimator\")" << Endl;
01189    Log() << "uses Kernel estimation methods to approximate the shape of the PDF." << Endl;
01190    Log() << Endl;
01191    Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance optimisation:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
01192    Log() << Endl;
01193    Log() << "PDERS can be very powerful in case of strongly non-linear problems, " << Endl;
01194    Log() << "e.g., distinct islands of signal and background regions. Because of " << Endl;
01195    Log() << "the exponential growth of the phase space, it is important to restrict" << Endl;
01196    Log() << "the number of input variables (dimension) to the strictly necessary." << Endl;
01197    Log() << Endl;
01198    Log() << "Note that PDERS is a slowly responding classifier. Moreover, the necessity" << Endl;
01199    Log() << "to store the entire binary tree in memory, to avoid accessing virtual " << Endl;
01200    Log() << "memory, limits the number of training events that can effectively be " << Endl;
01201    Log() << "used to model the multidimensional PDF." << Endl;
01202    Log() << Endl;
01203    Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance tuning via configuration options:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
01204    Log() << Endl;
01205    Log() << "If the PDERS response is found too slow when using the adaptive volume " << Endl;
01206    Log() << "size (option \"VolumeRangeMode=Adaptive\"), it might be found beneficial" << Endl;
01207    Log() << "to reduce the number of events required in the volume, and/or to enlarge" << Endl;
01208    Log() << "the allowed range (\"NeventsMin/Max\"). PDERS is relatively insensitive" << Endl;
01209    Log() << "to the width (\"GaussSigma\") of the Gaussian kernel (if used)." << Endl;
01210 }

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