
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef MTDIRXS_H
00002 #define MTDIRXS_H
00004 #include <TArrayI.h>
00006 #include "NdbDefs.h"
00007 #include "NdbMT.h"
00008 #include "NdbMaterial.h"
00010 /* ========= NdbMTDir ============ */
00011 class NdbMTDir : public NdbMT
00012 {
00013 protected:
00014         Float_t         ZA;
00015         Float_t         AWR;
00016         Int_t           LRP;            // Flag for resonances in MF=2
00017         Int_t           LFI;            // Whether this material fissions
00018         Int_t           NLIB;           // Library
00019         Int_t           NVER;           // Version
00020         Int_t           NFOR;           // Format
00021         Float_t         ELIS;           // Excitation energy
00022         Int_t           STA;            // Stability flag
00023         Int_t           LIS;            // Ground state
00024         Int_t           LISO;           // Isomeric state number
00025         Int_t           NMOD;           // Modification number
00026         Float_t         AWI;            // Mass in neutron units
00027         Int_t           NSUB;           // Sublibrary number
00028         Float_t         TEMP;           // Target temperature
00029         Int_t           LDRV;           // Special Derived material flag
00030         Int_t           NWD;            // Number of records
00031         Int_t           NXC;            // Number of records in the dir.
00032         char            *ZSYMAM;        //! Symbol
00033         char            *ALAB;          //! Laboratory mnemonic
00034         char            *EDATE;         //! Evaluation date
00035         char            *AUTH;          //! Authors name
00036         char            *REF;           //! Primary reference
00037         char            *DDATE;         //! Distribution date
00038         char            *RDATE;         //! Date&Number of last revision
00039         char            *ENDATE;        //! Master entry date yymmdd
00040         TString         INFO;
00043         TArrayI         dir_mf;         // Directory entries
00044         TArrayI         dir_mt;
00045         TArrayI         dir_mc;
00046         TArrayI         dir_mod;
00048 public:
00049         NdbMTDir()
00050         : NdbMT(451,"Descriptive Data and Directory")
00051         {
00052                 NXC     = 0;
00053                 ZSYMAM  = NULL;
00054                 ALAB    = NULL;
00055                 EDATE   = NULL;
00056                 AUTH    = NULL;
00057                 REF     = NULL;
00058                 DDATE   = NULL;
00059                 RDATE   = NULL;
00060                 ENDATE  = NULL;
00061         }
00063         ~NdbMTDir();
00065         // --- Input/Output routines ---
00066         Bool_t          LoadENDF(char *filename);
00068         inline  Int_t   Sections()      const { return NXC; }
00069         inline  Int_t   DIRMF(Int_t i)  { return dir_mf[i]; }
00070         inline  Int_t   DIRMT(Int_t i)  { return dir_mt[i]; }
00071         inline  Int_t   DIRMC(Int_t i)  { return dir_mc[i]; }
00072         inline  Int_t   DIRMOD(Int_t i) { return dir_mod[i]; }
00074         inline  char*   SymbolName()            { return ZSYMAM; }
00075         inline  char*   Laboratory()            { return ALAB; }
00076         inline  char*   EvaluationDate()        { return EDATE;}
00077         inline  char*   Author()                { return AUTH; }
00078         inline  char*   Reference()             { return REF; }
00079         inline  char*   DistributionDate()      { return DDATE; }
00080         inline  char*   LastRevisionDate()      { return RDATE; }
00081         inline  char*   MasterEntryDate()       { return ENDATE; }
00082         inline  TString GetInfo()               { return INFO; }
00084         ClassDef(NdbMTDir,1)
00085 }; // NdbMTDir
00087 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:15:04 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1