
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <iostream>
00003 void SetAliEnSettings()
00004 {
00005    // Routine to load settings from an AliEn environment file.
00007    ifstream fileIn;
00008    fileIn.open(Form("/tmp/gclient_env_%d",gSystem->GetUid()));
00009    if (gDebug>0) {printf("P010_TAlien.C: parsing /tmp/gclient_env_$UID\n");}
00010    TString lineS,tmp;
00011    char line[4096];
00013    while (fileIn.good()){
00014       fileIn.getline(line,4096,'\n');
00015       lineS = line;
00016       if (lineS.IsNull()) continue;
00017       if (lineS.Contains("export ")) {
00018          lineS.ReplaceAll("export ","");
00020          TObjArray* array = lineS.Tokenize("=");
00022          if (array->GetEntries() == 2) {
00023             TObjString *strVar = (TObjString *) array->At(0);
00024             TObjString *strVal = (TObjString *) array->At(1);
00026             if ((strVar)&&(strVal)) {
00027                tmp = strVal->GetString();
00028                tmp.ReplaceAll("\"","");
00029                tmp.ReplaceAll("$LD_LIBRARY_PATH",gSystem->Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"));
00030                tmp.ReplaceAll("$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH",gSystem->Getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"));
00031                tmp.ReplaceAll(" ","");
00032                gSystem->Unsetenv(strVar->GetString());
00033                gSystem->Setenv(strVar->GetString(), tmp);
00034                if (gDebug>0) {
00035                   Info("P010_TAlien", "setting environment %s=\"%s\"", strVar->GetString().Data(), tmp.Data());
00036                }
00037                if (!strVar->GetString().CompareTo("GCLIENT_SERVER_LIST")) {
00038                   gSystem->Unsetenv("alien_API_SERVER_LIST");
00039                   gSystem->Setenv("alien_API_SERVER_LIST", tmp);
00040                }
00041             }
00042             if (array) {
00043                delete array;
00044                array = 0 ;
00045             }
00046          } else {
00047             // parse the MONA_ stuff
00048             TObjArray* array = lineS.Tokenize("\" ");
00049             TString key="";
00050             TString val="";
00051             for (int i=0; i< array->GetEntries(); i++) {
00052                if ( ((TObjString*) array->At(i))->GetString().Contains("=")) {
00053                   if (key.Length() && val.Length()) {
00054                      val.Resize(val.Length()-1);
00055                      if (gDebug>0) {
00056                         Info("P010_TAlien", "setting environment %s=\"%s\"", key.Data(), val.Data());
00057                      }
00058                      gSystem->Unsetenv(key);
00059                      gSystem->Setenv(key, val);
00060                      key="";
00061                      val="";
00062                   }
00063                   key = ((TObjString*) array->At(i))->GetString();
00064                   key.ReplaceAll("=","");
00065                } else {
00066                   val+=((TObjString*) array->At(i))->GetString();
00067                   val+=" ";
00068                }
00069             }
00070             if (key.Length() && val.Length()) {
00071                if (gDebug>0) {
00072                   Info("P010_TAlien", "setting environment %s=\"%s\"", key.Data(), val.Data());
00073                }
00074                gSystem->Unsetenv(key);
00075                gSystem->Setenv(key, val);
00076             }
00077          }
00078       }
00079    }
00080 }
00082 void P010_TAlien()
00083 {
00084    TString configfeatures = gROOT->GetConfigFeatures();
00085    TString ralienpath = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS");
00086    ralienpath += "/lib/"; ralienpath += "libRAliEn.so";
00088    // only if ROOT was compiled with enable-alien we do library setup and configure a handler
00089    if ((!gSystem->AccessPathName(ralienpath))) || (configfeatures.contains("alien"))) {
00090       // you can enforce
00091       if ((!gSystem->Getenv("GBBOX_ENVFILE")) ||
00092           ( gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_SOURCE_GCLIENT_ENV")) ||
00093           (!gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_SKIP_GCLIENT_ENV")) ) {
00094        SetAliEnSettings();
00095       }
00097       if ( ((gSystem->Load("libgapiUI.so")>=0) && (gSystem->Load("libRAliEn.so")>=0)))  {
00098          gPluginMgr->AddHandler("TGrid", "^alien", "TAlien",
00099                                 "RAliEn", "TAlien(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*)");
00100       } else {
00101          Error("P010_TAlien","Please fix your loader path environment variable to be able to load libRAliEn.so");
00102       }
00103   }
00104 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:12:08 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1