
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "tmvaglob.C"
00002 #include "TControlBar.h"
00003 #include <sstream>
00004 #include <string>
00005 #include <cfloat>
00008 typedef enum { kNEV, kDISCR, kMONO, kRMS, kRMSOVMEAN } EPlotType;
00009 typedef enum { kSEPARATE, kUNIFIED, kMONOTARGET, kMULTITARGET } EFoamType;
00011 void PlotFoams( TString fin = "weights/TMVAClassification_PDEFoam.weights_foams.root", 
00012                 bool useTMVAStyle=kTRUE )
00013 {
00014    cout << "read file: " << fin << endl;
00015    TFile *file = TFile::Open(fin);
00017    // set style and remove existing canvas'
00018    TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle );
00020    // create control bar
00021    TControlBar* cbar = new TControlBar( "vertical", "Choose cell value for plot:", 50, 50 );
00022    if ((gDirectory->Get("SignalFoam") && gDirectory->Get("BgFoam")) || 
00023        gDirectory->Get("MultiTargetRegressionFoam")) {
00024       TString macro = Form( "Plot(\"%s\", kNEV)", fin.Data() );
00025       cbar->AddButton( "Event density", macro, "Plot event density", "button" );
00026    } else if (gDirectory->Get("DiscrFoam")){
00027       TString macro = Form( "Plot(\"%s\", kDISCR)", fin.Data() );
00028       cbar->AddButton( "Discriminator", macro, "Plot discriminator", "button" );
00029    } else if (gDirectory->Get("MonoTargetRegressionFoam")){
00030       TString macro = Form( "Plot(\"%s\", kMONO)", fin.Data() );
00031       cbar->AddButton( "Target", macro, "Plot target", "button" );
00032    } else {
00033       cout << "Error: no foams found in file: " << fin << endl;
00034       return;
00035    }
00037    TString macro_rms = Form( "Plot(\"%s\", kRMS)", fin.Data() );
00038    cbar->AddButton( "RMS", macro_rms, "Plot RMS (Variance)", "button" );
00039    TString macro_rms_ov_mean = Form( "Plot(\"%s\", kRMSOVMEAN)", fin.Data() );
00040    cbar->AddButton( "RMS over Mean", macro_rms_ov_mean, "Plot RMS over Mean", "button" );
00042    cbar->Show();
00043    file->Close();
00044 }
00046 // foam plotting macro
00047 void Plot( TString fin = "weights/TMVAClassification_PDEFoam.weights_foams.root", EPlotType pt )
00048 {
00049    cout << "read file: " << fin << endl;
00050    TFile *file = TFile::Open(fin);
00052    gStyle->SetNumberContours(999);
00053    TMVAGlob::SetTMVAStyle();
00055    string cellval      = ""; // quantity to draw in foam projection
00056    string cellval_long = ""; // name of quantity to draw in foam projection
00058    if (pt == kNEV){
00059       cellval      = "cell_value";
00060       cellval_long = "Event density";
00061    }
00062    else if (pt == kDISCR){
00063       cellval      = "cell_value";
00064       cellval_long = "Discriminator";
00065    }
00066    else if (pt == kMONO){
00067       cellval      = "cell_value";
00068       cellval_long = "Target";
00069    }
00070    else if (pt == kRMS){
00071       cellval      = "rms";
00072       cellval_long = "RMS";
00073    }
00074    else if (pt == kRMSOVMEAN){
00075       cellval      = "rms_ov_mean";
00076       cellval_long = "RMS/Mean";
00077    }
00079    // find foams and foam type
00080    EFoamType ft;
00081    TMVA::PDEFoam *foam  = 0;
00082    TMVA::PDEFoam *foam2 = 0;
00083    string foam_capt, foam2_capt;
00084    if (gDirectory->Get("SignalFoam") && gDirectory->Get("BgFoam")){
00085       foam  = SignalFoam;
00086       foam2 = BgFoam;
00087       foam_capt  = "Signal Foam";
00088       foam2_capt = "Background Foam";
00089       ft    = kSEPARATE;
00090    } else if (gDirectory->Get("DiscrFoam")){
00091       foam = DiscrFoam;
00092       foam_capt = "Discriminator Foam";
00093       ft   = kDISCR;
00094    } else if (gDirectory->Get("MonoTargetRegressionFoam")){
00095       foam = MonoTargetRegressionFoam;
00096       foam_capt = "MonoTargetRegression Foam";
00097       ft   = kMONOTARGET;
00098    } else if (gDirectory->Get("MultiTargetRegressionFoam")){
00099       foam = MultiTargetRegressionFoam;
00100       foam_capt = "MultiTargetRegression Foam";
00101       ft   = kMULTITARGET;
00102    } else {
00103       cout << "ERROR: no Foams found in file: " << fin << endl;
00104       return;
00105    }
00107    Int_t kDim = foam->GetTotDim();
00108    cout << foam_capt << " loaded" << endl;
00109    cout << "Dimension of foam: " << kDim << endl;
00111    // ********** plot foams ********** //
00112    if (kDim==1){
00113       // draw histogram
00114       TH1D *hist1 = 0, *hist2 = 0;
00115       TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas("canv", "Foam(s)", 400, (ft==kSEPARATE) ? 800 : 400);
00116       if (ft==kSEPARATE)
00117          canv->Divide(0,2);
00118       canv->cd(1);
00120       string var_name = foam->GetVariableName(0)->String();
00121       hist1 = foam->Draw1Dim(cellval.c_str(), 100);
00122       hist1->SetTitle((cellval_long+" of "+foam_capt+";"+var_name).c_str());
00123       hist1->Draw();
00124       hist1->SetDirectory(0);
00126       if (ft==kSEPARATE){
00127          canv->cd(2);
00128          string var_name2 = foam2->GetVariableName(0)->String();
00129          if (ft==kSEPARATE)
00130             hist2 = foam2->Draw1Dim(cellval.c_str(), 100);
00131          hist2->SetTitle((cellval_long+" of "+foam2_capt+";"+var_name2).c_str());
00132          hist2->Draw();
00133          hist2->SetDirectory(0);
00134       }
00136       // save canvas to file
00137       stringstream fname  (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00138       fname << "plots/" << "foam_var_" << cellval << "_0";
00139       canv->Update();
00140       TMVAGlob::imgconv( canv, fname.str() );
00141    } else{ 
00142       // if dimension of foam > 1, draw foam projections
00143       TCanvas* canv=0;
00144       TH2D *proj=0, *proj2=0;
00146       // draw all possible projections (kDim*(kDim-1)/2)
00147       for(Int_t i=0; i<kDim; i++){
00148          for (Int_t k=i+1; k<kDim; k++){
00150             // set titles of canvas and foam projections
00151             stringstream title (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00152             stringstream caption (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00153             title   << "combined_"         << i << ":" << k;
00154             caption << "Foam projections " << i << ":" << k;
00155             cout    << "draw projection: " << i << ":" << k << endl;
00157             stringstream title_proj1 (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00158             stringstream title_proj2 (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00159             title_proj1 << cellval_long << " of " 
00160                         << foam_capt << ": Projection " 
00161                         << foam->GetVariableName(i)->String()
00162                         << ":" << foam->GetVariableName(k)->String()
00163                         << ";" << foam->GetVariableName(i)->String()
00164                         << ";" << foam->GetVariableName(k)->String();
00165             if (ft==kSEPARATE){
00166                title_proj2 << cellval_long << " of " 
00167                            << foam2_capt << ": Projection " 
00168                            << foam2->GetVariableName(i)->String() 
00169                            << ":" << foam2->GetVariableName(k)->String()
00170                            << ";" << foam2->GetVariableName(i)->String()
00171                            << ";" << foam2->GetVariableName(k)->String();
00172             }
00174             // create canvas
00175             canv = new TCanvas(title.str().c_str(), caption.str().c_str(), 
00176                                (Int_t)(400/(1.-0.2)), (ft==kSEPARATE ? 800 : 400));
00177             if (ft==kSEPARATE){
00178                canv->Divide(0,2);
00179                canv->GetPad(1)->SetRightMargin(0.2);
00180                canv->GetPad(2)->SetRightMargin(0.2);
00181             } else {
00182                canv->SetRightMargin(0.2);
00183             }
00184             canv->cd(1);
00186             // do projections
00187             proj = foam->Project2(i, k, cellval.c_str(), "kNone");
00188             proj->SetTitle(title_proj1.str().c_str());
00189             if (pt==kDISCR)
00190                proj->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-DBL_EPSILON, 1.+DBL_EPSILON);
00191             proj->Draw("COLZ"); // CONT4Z
00192             proj->SetDirectory(0);
00194             if (ft==kSEPARATE){
00195                canv->cd(2);
00196                proj2 = foam2->Project2(i, k, cellval.c_str(), "kNone");
00197                proj2->SetTitle(title_proj2.str().c_str());
00198                proj2->Draw("COLZ"); // CONT4Z
00199                proj2->SetDirectory(0);
00200             }
00202             // save canvas to file
00203             stringstream fname  (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
00204             fname << "plots/" << "foam_projection_var_" << cellval << "_" << i << ":" << k;
00205             canv->Update();
00206             TMVAGlob::imgconv( canv, fname.str() );
00207          } // loop over all possible projections
00208       } // loop over all possible projections
00209    } // if dimension > 1
00211    file->Close();
00212 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:26:36 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1