
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/tmva $Id: RegressionVariance.cxx 37513 2010-12-10 14:29:06Z stelzer $   
00002 // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss
00004 /**********************************************************************************
00005  * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
00006  * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
00007  * Class  : RegressionVariance                                                    *
00008  * Web    :                                           *
00009  *                                                                                *
00010  * Description: Calculate the separation critiera useded in regression            *
00011  *                                                                                *
00012  *          There are two things: the Separation Index, and the Separation Gain   *
00013  *          Separation Index:                                                     *
00014  *          Measure of the "Variance" of a sample.                                *
00015  *                                                                                *
00016  *          Separation Gain:                                                      *
00017  *          the measure of how the quality of separation of the sample increases  *
00018  *          by splitting the sample e.g. into a "left-node" and a "right-node"    *
00019  *          (N * Index_parent) - (N_left * Index_left) - (N_right * Index_right)  *
00020  *          this is then the quality crition which is optimized for when trying   *
00021  *          to increase the information in the system (making the best selection  *
00022  *                                                                                *
00023  *                                                                                *
00024  * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
00025  *      Helge Voss      <>     - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany      *
00026  *                                                                                *
00027  * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
00028  *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         * 
00029  *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                    * 
00030  *      Heidelberg U., Germany                                                    * 
00031  *                                                                                *
00032  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
00033  * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
00034  * (                                         *
00035  **********************************************************************************/
00036 #include <iostream>
00037 #include "TMath.h"
00038 #include "TMVA/RegressionVariance.h"
00040 ClassImp(TMVA::RegressionVariance)
00042 //_______________________________________________________________________
00043 Double_t TMVA::RegressionVariance::GetSeparationGain(const Double_t &nLeft, 
00044                                                      const Double_t& targetLeft , const Double_t& target2Left , 
00045                                                      const Double_t &nTot, 
00046                                                      const Double_t& targetTot , const Double_t& target2Tot)
00047 {
00048    // Separation Gain:                                                     
00049    // the measure of how the quality of separation of the sample increases 
00050    // by splitting the sample e.g. into a "left-node" and a "right-node"   
00051    // (N * Index_parent) - (N_left * Index_left) - (N_right * Index_right) 
00052    // this is then the quality crition which is optimized for when trying  
00053    // to increase the information in the system
00054    // for the Regression: as the "Gain is maximised", the RMS (sqrt(variance))
00055    // which is used as a "separation" index should be as small as possible.
00056    // the "figure of merit" here has to be -(rms left+rms-right) or 1/rms...
00059    if  ( nTot==nLeft || nLeft==0 ) return 0.;
00061    Double_t parentIndex = nTot * this->GetSeparationIndex(nTot,targetTot,target2Tot);
00062    Double_t leftIndex   = ( (nTot - nLeft) * this->GetSeparationIndex(nTot-nLeft,targetTot-targetLeft,target2Tot-target2Left) );
00063    Double_t rightIndex  =    nLeft * this->GetSeparationIndex(nLeft,targetLeft,target2Left);
00065    //  return 1/ (leftIndex + rightIndex);   
00066    return (parentIndex - leftIndex - rightIndex)/(parentIndex);   
00067 }
00069 //_______________________________________________________________________
00070 Double_t TMVA::RegressionVariance::GetSeparationIndex(const Double_t& n, 
00071                                                       const Double_t& target , const Double_t& target2)
00072 {
00073    // Separation Index:  a simple Variance
00075    //   return TMath::Sqrt(( target2 - target*target/n) / n);
00076    return ( target2 - target*target/n) / n;
00078 }

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