
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 void run_selector_tests(TString selector_name, Int_t fps, Int_t niter,
00002                         TFile* outputfile, TString name_stem,
00003                         const Char_t *basedir, Int_t stepsize, Int_t start);
00005 void Run_Node_Tests(Int_t fps, Int_t niter, const Char_t *basedir,
00006                     TFile *outputfile, Int_t stepsize=5, Int_t start=0)
00007 {
00008    // This script collects performance statistics (to be saved in outputfile)
00009    // for running a PROOF cluster with an increasing number of slaves. The
00010    // script runs multiple times for each number of slaves to gather
00011    // statistics for each number of slaves.
00013    // fps: number of files to be processed per slave
00014    // niter: number of iterations to run each test at each number of nodes
00015    // basedir: base directory where files are located on slave
00016    //             (same input as given to make_event_trees.C)
00017    // outputfile: outputfile to write output info to
00018    // stepsize: number of slaves to increase by when performing tests
00019    // start: number of slaves of slaves to start test with
00020    //         (0 means start with stepsize slaves)
00022    if (!gProof) {
00023       cout << "PROOF must be started before running this script" << endl;
00024       return;
00025    }
00027    if (fps<1) {
00028       cout << "Must be testing at least 1 file per slave" << endl;
00029       return;
00030    }
00032    if (niter<1) {
00033       cout << "Atleast 1 iteration per step is required" << endl;
00034       return;
00035    }
00037    if (stepsize<1) {
00038       cout << "Must increase subsequent tests by atleast 1 slave" << endl;
00039       return;
00040    }
00042    if (start<0) {
00043       cout << "starting number of nodes must be atleast 1" << endl
00044            << "  (with 0 making start = stepsize)" << endl;
00045       return;
00046    }
00048    if (start==0) start = stepsize;
00050 #if 0
00051    // load Event library
00052    if (!TString(gSystem->GetLibraries()).Contains("Event")) {
00053       if(gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/test/")) {
00054          cout << "Could not load" << endl;
00055          return;
00056       }
00057    }
00059    // add $ROOTSYS/test to include path
00060    if (!TString(gSystem->GetIncludePath()).Contains("-I$ROOTSYS/test"))
00061       gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/test");
00062 #endif
00064    if (gProof->UploadPackage("event")) {
00065       cout << "Could not upload Event par file to slaves" << endl;
00066       return;
00067    }
00069    if (gProof->EnablePackage("event")) {
00070       cout << "Could not enable Event library on PROOF slaves" << endl;
00071       return;
00072    }
00074    if (gROOT->LoadMacro("make_tdset.C")) {
00075       cout << "Could not load make_tdset macro" << endl;
00076       return;
00077    }
00079 #if 0
00080    //use new packetizer
00081    gProof->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_NewPacketizer",""));
00082 #else
00083    gProof->SetParameter("PROOF_ForceLocal", 1);
00085 #endif
00087    //run the tests
00088    run_selector_tests("EventTree_Proc.C++", fps, niter, outputfile, "_Proc", basedir, stepsize, start);
00089    run_selector_tests("EventTree_ProcOpt.C++", fps, niter, outputfile, "_ProcOpt", basedir, stepsize, start);
00090    run_selector_tests("EventTree_NoProc.C++", fps, niter, outputfile, "_NoProc", basedir, stepsize, start);
00092 }
00094 void run_selector_tests(TString selector_file, Int_t fps, Int_t niter,
00095                         TFile* outputfile, TString name_stem,
00096                         const Char_t *basedir, Int_t stepsize, Int_t start)
00097 {
00099    TString selector_name(selector_file);
00100    selector_name.Remove(selector_file.Last('.'));
00102    gProof->SetParallel(9999);
00103    Int_t nslaves = gProof->GetParallel();
00104    if (start > nslaves) {
00105       cout << "starting number of nodes must be atleast 1" << endl
00106            << "  (with 0 making start = stepsize)" << endl;
00107       return;
00108    }
00110    //run once on all nodes with no logging
00111    gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsHist",0);
00112    gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsTrace",0);
00113    gEnv->SetValue("Proof.SlaveStatsTrace",0);
00114    TDSet* dset = make_tdset(basedir, fps);
00115    cout << "Running on all nodes first" << endl;
00116    gProof->Load(selector_file);
00117    dset->Process(selector_name);
00118 //   delete dset;
00119    cout << "done" << endl;
00121    // switch logging on (no slave logging)
00122    gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsHist",0);
00123    gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsTrace",1);
00124    gEnv->SetValue("Proof.SlaveStatsTrace",0);
00126    TString perfstats_name = "PROOF_PerfStats";
00128    // set up timing tree info
00129    TString time_tree_name = perfstats_name;
00130    time_tree_name+=name_stem;
00131    time_tree_name+="_timing_tree";
00132    TTree timing_tree(time_tree_name,"Timing Tree");
00133    Int_t ns_holder;
00134    Int_t run_holder;
00135    Float_t time_holder;
00136    TBranch* br = timing_tree.Branch("tests",&ns_holder,"nslaves/I:run/I:time/F");
00137    if (outputfile && !outputfile->IsZombie())
00138       timing_tree.SetDirectory(outputfile);
00139    br->GetLeaf("nslaves")->SetAddress(&ns_holder);
00140    br->GetLeaf("run")->SetAddress(&run_holder);
00141    br->GetLeaf("time")->SetAddress(&time_holder);
00143    Bool_t done = kFALSE;
00144    for (Int_t nactive=start; !done; nactive+=stepsize) {
00146       if (nactive >= nslaves) {
00147          done=kTRUE;
00148          nactive=nslaves;
00149       }
00151       gProof->SetParallel(nactive);
00152       ns_holder = nactive;
00153       for (Int_t j=0; j<niter; j++) {
00154          run_holder=j;
00155 //         dset = make_tdset(basedir,fps);
00156          TTime starttime = gSystem->Now();
00157          dset->Process(selector_name);
00158          TTime endtime = gSystem->Now();
00159          time_holder = Long_t(endtime-starttime)/Float_t(1000);
00160          cout << "Processing time was " << time_holder << " seconds" << endl;
00162          if (outputfile && !outputfile->IsZombie()) {
00163             TList* l = dset->GetOutputList();
00165             //save perfstats
00166             TTree* t = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(l->FindObject(perfstats_name.Data()));
00167             if (t) {
00168                TDirectory* trdir = t->GetDirectory();
00169                TDirectory* dirsav = gDirectory;
00170                outputfile->cd();
00171                t->SetDirectory(outputfile);
00172                TString origname = t->GetName();
00173                TString newname = perfstats_name;
00174                newname+=name_stem;
00175                newname+="_";
00176                newname+=nactive;
00177                newname+="slaves_run";
00178                newname+=j;
00179                t->SetName(newname);
00180                t->Write();
00181                t->SetName(origname);
00182                t->SetDirectory(trdir);
00183                dirsav->cd();
00184             } else {
00185                cout << perfstats_name.Data() << " tree not found" << endl << flush;
00186             }
00188             //save outputhistos
00189             TString ptdist_name = "pt_dist";
00190             TH1* h = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(l->FindObject(ptdist_name.Data()));
00191             if (h) {
00192                TDirectory* hdir = h->GetDirectory();
00193                TDirectory* dirsav = gDirectory;
00194                outputfile->cd();
00195                h->SetDirectory(outputfile);
00196                TString origname = h->GetName();
00197                TString newname = ptdist_name;
00198                newname+=name_stem;
00199                newname+="_";
00200                newname+=nactive;
00201                newname+="slaves_run";
00202                newname+=j;
00203                h->SetName(newname);
00204                h->Write();
00205                h->SetName(origname);
00206                h->SetDirectory(hdir);
00207                dirsav->cd();
00208             } else {
00209                cout << ptdist_name.Data() << " histogram not found" << endl << flush;
00210             }
00212             TString tracksdist_name = "ntracks_dist";
00213             TH1* h2 = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(l->FindObject(tracksdist_name.Data()));
00214             if (h2) {
00215                TDirectory* hdir = h2->GetDirectory();
00216                TDirectory* dirsav = gDirectory;
00217                outputfile->cd();
00218                h2->SetDirectory(outputfile);
00219                TString origname = h2->GetName();
00220                TString newname = tracksdist_name;
00221                newname+=name_stem;
00222                newname+="_";
00223                newname+=nactive;
00224                newname+="slaves_run";
00225                newname+=j;
00226                h2->SetName(newname);
00227                h2->Write();
00228                h2->SetName(origname);
00229                h2->SetDirectory(hdir);
00230                dirsav->cd();
00231             } else {
00232                cout << tracksdist_name.Data() << " histogram not found" << endl << flush;
00233             }
00234          }
00236 //         delete dset;
00237          timing_tree.Fill();
00238       }
00239    }
00241          delete dset;
00243    if (outputfile && !outputfile->IsZombie()) {
00244       TDirectory* dirsav=gDirectory;
00245       outputfile->cd();
00246       timing_tree.Write();
00247       timing_tree.SetDirectory(0);
00248       dirsav->cd();
00249    }
00250 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:15:07 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1