
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/base:$Id: TBuffer3D.cxx,v 1.00
00002 // Author: Olivier Couet   05/05/04
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 #include "TBuffer3D.h"
00013 #include "TBuffer3DTypes.h"
00015 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // TBuffer3D                                                            //
00018 //                                                                      //
00019 // Generic 3D primitive description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for      //
00020 // producer classes                                                     //
00021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00022 //BEGIN_HTML <!--
00023 /* -->
00024 <h4>Filling TBuffer3D and Adding to Viewer</h4>
00025 <p>The viewers behind the TVirtualViewer3D interface differ greatly in their
00026   capabilities e.g.</p>
00027 <ul>
00028   <li> Some know how to draw certain shapes natively (e.g. spheres/tubes in
00029     OpenGL) - others always require a raw tessellation description of points/lines/segments.</li>
00030   <li>Some
00031       need the 3D object positions in the global frame, others can cope with
00032     local frames + a translation matrix - which can give considerable performance
00033       benefits.</li>
00034 </ul>
00035 <p>To cope with these situations the object buffer is filled out in negotiation
00036   with the viewer. TBuffer3D classes are conceptually divided into enumerated
00037   sections Core, BoundingBox, Raw etc (see TBuffer3D.h for more details). </p>
00038 <p align="center"><img src="gif/TBuffer3D.gif" width="501" height="501"></p>
00039 <p>The<em> SectionsValid() / SetSectionsValid / ClearSectionsValid() </em>methods of TBuffer3D
00040     are used to test/set/clear these section valid flags.</p>
00041 <p>The sections found in TBuffer3D (<em>Core/BoundingBox/Raw Sizes/Raw</em>)
00042   are sufficient to describe any tessellated shape in a generic fashion. An additional <em>ShapeSpecific</em>  section
00043   in derived shape specific classes allows a more abstract shape description
00044   (&quot;a sphere of inner radius x, outer radius y&quot;). This enables a viewer
00045   which knows how to draw (tessellate) the shape itself to do so, which can bring
00046   considerable performance and quality benefits, while providing a generic fallback
00047   suitable for all viewers.</p>
00048 <p>The rules for client negotiation with the viewer are:</p>
00049 <ul>
00050   <li> If suitable specialized TBuffer3D class exists, use it, otherwise use
00051     TBuffer3D.</li>
00052   <li>Complete the mandatory Core section.</li>
00053   <li>Complete the ShapeSpecific section
00054       if applicable.</li>
00055   <li>Complete the BoundingBox if you can.</li>
00056   <li>Pass this buffer to the viewer using
00057       one of the AddObject() methods - see below.</li>
00058 </ul>
00059 <p>If the viewer requires more sections to be completed (Raw/RawSizes) AddObject()
00060   will return flags indicating which ones, otherwise it returns kNone. You must
00061   fill the buffer and mark these sections valid, and pass the buffer again. A
00062   typical code snippet would be:</p>
00063 <pre>TBuffer3DSphere sphereBuffer;
00064 // Fill out kCore...
00065 // Fill out kBoundingBox...
00066 // Fill out kShapeSpecific for TBuffer3DSphere
00067 // Try first add to viewer
00068 Int_t reqSections = viewer-&gt;AddObject(buffer);
00069 if (reqSections != TBuffer3D::kNone) {
00070   if (reqSections &amp; TBuffer3D::kRawSizes) {
00071      // Fill out kRawSizes...
00072   }
00073   if (reqSections &amp; TBuffer3D::kRaw) {
00074      // Fill out kRaw...
00075   }
00076   // Add second time to viewer - ignore return cannot do more
00077   viewer-&gt;AddObject(buffer);
00078   }
00079 }</pre>
00080 <p><em>ShapeSpecific</em>: If the viewer can directly display the buffer without
00081   filling of the kRaw/kRawSizes section it will not need to request client side
00082   tessellation.
00083   Currently we provide the following various shape specific classes, which the
00084   OpenGL viewer can take advantage of (see TBuffer3D.h and TBuffer3DTypes.h)</p>
00085 <ul>
00086   <li>TBuffer3DSphere - solid, hollow and cut spheres*</li>
00087   <li>TBuffer3DTubeSeg - angle tube segment</li>
00088   <li>TBuffer3DCutTube - angle tube segment with plane cut ends.</li>
00089 </ul>
00090 <p>*OpenGL only supports solid spheres at present - cut/hollow ones will be
00091     requested tessellated.</p>
00092 <p>Anyone is free to add new TBuffer3D classes, but it should be clear that the
00093   viewers require updating to be able to take advantage of them. The number of
00094   native shapes in OpenGL will be expanded over time.</p>
00095 <p><em>BoundingBox: </em>You are not obliged to complete this, as any viewer
00096   requiring one internally (OpenGL) will build one for you if you do not provide.
00097   However
00098   to do this the viewer will force you to provide the raw tessellation, and the
00099   resulting box will be axis aligned with the overall scene, which is non-ideal
00100   for rotated shapes.</p>
00101 <p>As we need to support orientated (rotated) bounding boxes, TBuffer3D requires
00102   the 6 vertices of the box. We also provide a convenience function, SetAABoundingBox(),
00103   for simpler case of setting an axis aligned bounding box.</p>
00104 <h4>
00105   Master/Local Reference Frames</h4>
00106 The <em>Core</em> section of TBuffer3D contains two members relating to reference
00107   frames:
00108 <em>fLocalFrame</em> &amp; <em>fLocalMaster</em>. <em>fLocalFrame</em> indicates
00109   if any positions in the buffer (bounding box and tessellation vertexes) are
00110   in local or master (world
00111   frame). <em>fLocalMaster</em> is a standard 4x4 translation matrix (OpenGL
00112   colum major ordering) for placing the object into the 3D master frame.
00113   <p>If <em>fLocalFrame</em> is kFALSE, <em>fLocalMaster</em> should contain an
00114   identity matrix. This is set by default, and can be reset using <em>SetLocalMasterIdentity()</em> function.<br>
00115 Logical &amp; Physical Objects</p>
00116 <p>There are two cases of object addition:</p>
00117 <ul>
00118   <li> Add this object as a single independent entity in the world reference
00119     frame.</li>
00120   <li>Add
00121         a physical placement (copy) of this logical object (described in local
00122     reference frame).</li>
00123 </ul>
00124 <p>The second case is very typical in geometry packages, GEANT4, where we have
00125   very large number repeated placements of relatively few logical (unique) shapes.
00126   Some viewers (OpenGL only at present) are able to take advantage of this by
00127   identifying unique logical shapes from the <em>fID</em> logical ID member of
00128   TBuffer3D. If repeated addition of the same <em>fID</em> is found, the shape
00129   is cached already - and the costly tessellation does not need to be sent again.
00130   The viewer can
00131   also perform internal GL specific caching with considerable performance gains
00132   in these cases.</p>
00133 <p>For this to work correctly the logical object in must be described in TBuffer3D
00134   in the local reference frame, complete with the local/master translation. The
00135   viewer indicates this through the interface method</p>
00136 <pre>PreferLocalFrame()</pre>
00137 <p>If this returns kTRUE you can make repeated calls to AddObject(), with TBuffer3D
00138   containing the same fID, and different <em>fLocalMaster</em> placements.</p>
00139 <p>For viewers supporting logical/physical objects, the TBuffer3D content refers
00140   to the properties of logical object, with the <em>fLocalMaster</em> transform and the
00141   <em>fColor</em> and <em>fTransparency</em> attributes, which can be varied for each physical
00142   object.</p>
00143 <p>As a minimum requirement all clients must be capable of filling the raw tessellation
00144   of the object buffer, in the master reference frame. Conversely viewers must
00145   always be capable of displaying the object described by this buffer.</p>
00146 <h4>
00147   Scene Rebuilds</h4>
00148 <p>It should be understood that AddObject is not an explicit command to the viewer
00149   - it may for various reasons decide to ignore it:</p>
00150 <ul>
00151   <li> It already has the object internally cached .</li>
00152   <li>The object falls outside
00153     some 'interest' limits of the viewer camera.</li>
00154   <li>The object is too small to
00155       be worth drawing.</li>
00156 </ul>
00157 <p>In all these cases AddObject() returns kNone, as it does for successful addition,
00158   simply indicating it does not require you to provide further information about
00159   this object. You should
00160   not try to make any assumptions about what the viewer did with it.</p>
00161 <p>This enables the viewer to be connected to a client which sends potentially
00162   millions of objects, and only accept those that are of interest at a certain
00163   time, caching the relatively small number of CPU/memory costly logical shapes,
00164   and retaining/discarding the physical placements as required. The viewer may
00165   decide to force the client to rebuild (republish) the scene (via
00166   a TPad
00167   repaint
00168   at
00169   present),
00170   and
00171   thus
00172   collect
00173   these
00174   objects if
00175   the
00176   internal viewer state changes. It does this presently by forcing a repaint
00177   on the attached TPad object - hence the reason for putting all publishing to
00178   the viewer in the attached pad objects Paint() method. We will likely remove
00179   this requirement in the future, indicating the rebuild request via a normal
00180 ROOT signal, which the client can detect.</p>
00181 <h4>
00182   Physical IDs</h4>
00183 TVirtualViewer3D provides for two methods of object addition:virtual Int_t AddObject(const
00184 TBuffer3D &amp; buffer, Bool_t * addChildren = 0)<br>
00185 <pre>virtual Int_t AddObject(UInt_t physicalID, const TBuffer3D &amp; buffer, Bool_t * addChildren = 0)</pre>
00186 <p>If you use the first (simple) case a viewer using logical/physical pairs
00188    SetSectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox);
00189     will generate IDs for each physical object internally. In the second you
00190     can specify
00191       a unique identifier from the client, which allows the viewer to be more
00192     efficient. It can now cache both logical and physical objects, and only discard
00193     physical
00194   objects no longer of interest as part of scene rebuilds.</p>
00195 <h4>
00196   Child Objects</h4>
00197 <p>In many geometries there is a rigid containment hierarchy, and so if the viewer
00198   is not interested in a certain object due to limits/size then it will also
00199   not be interest in any of the contained branch of descendents. Both AddObject()
00200   methods have an addChildren parameter. The viewer will complete this (if passed)
00201 indicating if children (contained within the one just sent) are worth adding.</p>
00202 <h4>
00203   Recyling TBuffer3D </h4>
00204 <p>Once add AddObject() has been called, the contents are copied to the viewer
00205   internally. You are free to destroy this object, or recycle it for the next
00206   object if suitable.</p>
00207 <!--*/
00208 // -->END_HTML
00210 ClassImp(TBuffer3D)
00212 //______________________________________________________________________________
00213 TBuffer3D::TBuffer3D(Int_t type,
00214                      UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00215                      UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00216                      UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00217       fType(type)
00218 {
00219    // Destructor
00220    // Construct from supplied shape type and raw sizes
00221    Init();
00222    SetRawSizes(reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity);
00223 }
00226 //______________________________________________________________________________
00227 TBuffer3D::~TBuffer3D()
00228 {
00229    // Destructor
00230    if (fPnts) delete [] fPnts;
00231    if (fSegs) delete [] fSegs;
00232    if (fPols) delete [] fPols;
00233 //______________________________________________________________________________
00234 }
00236 //______________________________________________________________________________
00237 void TBuffer3D::Init()
00238 {
00239    // Initialise buffer
00240    fID            = 0;
00241    fColor         = 0;
00242    // Set fLocalMaster in section kCore to identity
00243    fTransparency  = 0;
00244    fLocalFrame     = kFALSE;
00245    fReflection    = kFALSE;
00246    SetLocalMasterIdentity();
00248    // Reset bounding box
00249    for (UInt_t v=0; v<8; v++) {
00250       for (UInt_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
00251          fBBVertex[v][i] = 0.0;
00252       }
00253    }
00254    // Set fLocalMaster in section kCore to identity
00256    // Set kRaw tesselation section of buffer with supplied sizes
00257    fPnts          = 0;
00258    fSegs          = 0;
00259    fPols          = 0;
00261    fNbPnts        = 0;           
00262    fNbSegs        = 0;           
00263    fNbPols        = 0;        
00264    fPntsCapacity  = 0;  
00265    fSegsCapacity  = 0;  
00266    fPolsCapacity  = 0;  
00267    // Set fLocalMaster in section kCore to identity
00269    // Wipe output section.
00270    fPhysicalID    = 0;
00272    // Set kRaw tesselation section of buffer with supplied sizes
00273    ClearSectionsValid();
00274 }
00276 //______________________________________________________________________________
00277 void TBuffer3D::ClearSectionsValid()
00278 {
00279    // Clear any sections marked valid
00280    fSections = 0U; 
00281    SetRawSizes(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
00282 }
00284 //______________________________________________________________________________
00285 void TBuffer3D::SetLocalMasterIdentity()
00286 {
00287    // Set kRaw tesselation section of buffer with supplied sizes
00288    // Set fLocalMaster in section kCore to identity
00289    for (UInt_t i=0; i<16; i++) {
00290       if (i%5) {
00291          fLocalMaster[i] = 0.0;
00292       }
00293       else {
00294          fLocalMaster[i] = 1.0;
00295       }
00296    }
00297 }
00299 //______________________________________________________________________________
00300 void TBuffer3D::SetAABoundingBox(const Double_t origin[3], const Double_t halfLengths[3])
00301 {
00302    // Set fBBVertex in kBoundingBox section to a axis aligned (local) BB
00303    // using supplied origin and box half lengths
00304    //
00305    //   7-------6
00306    //  /|      /|
00307    // 3-------2 |
00308    // | 4-----|-5
00309    // |/      |/
00310    // 0-------1 
00311    //
00313    // Vertex 0
00314    fBBVertex[0][0] = origin[0] - halfLengths[0];   // x
00315    fBBVertex[0][1] = origin[1] - halfLengths[1];   // y
00316    fBBVertex[0][2] = origin[2] - halfLengths[2];   // z
00317    // Vertex 1
00318    fBBVertex[1][0] = origin[0] + halfLengths[0];   // x
00319    fBBVertex[1][1] = origin[1] - halfLengths[1];   // y
00320    fBBVertex[1][2] = origin[2] - halfLengths[2];   // z
00321    // Vertex 2
00322    fBBVertex[2][0] = origin[0] + halfLengths[0];   // x
00323    fBBVertex[2][1] = origin[1] + halfLengths[1];   // y
00324    fBBVertex[2][2] = origin[2] - halfLengths[2];   // z
00325    // Vertex 3
00326    fBBVertex[3][0] = origin[0] - halfLengths[0];   // x
00327    fBBVertex[3][1] = origin[1] + halfLengths[1];   // y
00328    fBBVertex[3][2] = origin[2] - halfLengths[2];   // z
00329    // Vertex 4
00330    fBBVertex[4][0] = origin[0] - halfLengths[0];   // x
00331    fBBVertex[4][1] = origin[1] - halfLengths[1];   // y
00332    fBBVertex[4][2] = origin[2] + halfLengths[2];   // z
00333    // Vertex 5
00334    fBBVertex[5][0] = origin[0] + halfLengths[0];   // x
00335    fBBVertex[5][1] = origin[1] - halfLengths[1];   // y
00336    fBBVertex[5][2] = origin[2] + halfLengths[2];   // z
00337    // Vertex 6
00338    fBBVertex[6][0] = origin[0] + halfLengths[0];   // x
00339    fBBVertex[6][1] = origin[1] + halfLengths[1];   // y
00340    fBBVertex[6][2] = origin[2] + halfLengths[2];   // z
00341    // Vertex 7
00342    fBBVertex[7][0] = origin[0] - halfLengths[0];   // x
00343    fBBVertex[7][1] = origin[1] + halfLengths[1];   // y
00344    fBBVertex[7][2] = origin[2] + halfLengths[2];   // z
00345 }
00347 //______________________________________________________________________________
00348 Bool_t TBuffer3D::SetRawSizes(UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00349                               UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00350                               UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity)
00351 {
00352    // Set kRaw tesselation section of buffer with supplied sizes
00353    Bool_t allocateOK = kTRUE;
00355    fNbPnts = reqPnts;
00356    fNbSegs = reqSegs;
00357    fNbPols = reqPols;
00359    if (reqPntsCapacity > fPntsCapacity) {
00360       delete [] fPnts;
00361       fPnts = new Double_t[reqPntsCapacity];
00362       if (fPnts) {
00363          fPntsCapacity = reqPntsCapacity;
00364       } else {
00365          fPntsCapacity = fNbPnts = 0;
00366          allocateOK = kFALSE;
00367       }
00368    }
00369    if (reqSegsCapacity > fSegsCapacity) {
00370       delete [] fSegs;
00371       fSegs = new Int_t[reqSegsCapacity];
00372       if (fSegs) {
00373          fSegsCapacity = reqSegsCapacity;
00374       } else {
00375          fSegsCapacity = fNbSegs = 0;
00376          allocateOK = kFALSE;
00377       }
00378    }
00379    if (reqPolsCapacity > fPolsCapacity) {
00380       delete [] fPols;
00381       fPols = new Int_t[reqPolsCapacity];
00382       if (fPols) {
00383          fPolsCapacity = reqPolsCapacity;
00384       } else {
00385          fPolsCapacity = fNbPols = 0;
00386          allocateOK = kFALSE;
00387       }
00388    }
00390    return allocateOK; 
00391 }
00393 //______________________________________________________________________________
00394 TBuffer3DSphere::TBuffer3DSphere(UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00395                                  UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00396                                  UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00397    TBuffer3D(TBuffer3DTypes::kSphere, reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity),
00398    fRadiusInner(0.0), fRadiusOuter(0.0),
00399    fThetaMin(0.0), fThetaMax(180.0),
00400    fPhiMin(0.0), fPhiMax(360.0)
00401    //constructor
00402 {
00403 }
00405 //______________________________________________________________________________
00406 Bool_t TBuffer3DSphere::IsSolidUncut() const
00407 {
00408    // Test if buffer represents a solid uncut sphere
00409    if (fRadiusInner   != 0.0   ||
00410        fThetaMin      != 0.0   ||
00411        fThetaMax      != 180.0 ||
00412        fPhiMin        != 0.0   || 
00413        fPhiMax        != 360.0 ) {
00414       return kFALSE;
00415    } else {
00416       return kTRUE;
00417    }
00418 }
00420 //______________________________________________________________________________
00421 TBuffer3DTube::TBuffer3DTube(UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00422                              UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00423                              UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00424    TBuffer3D(TBuffer3DTypes::kTube, reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity),
00425    fRadiusInner(0.0), fRadiusOuter(1.0), fHalfLength(1.0)   
00426 {
00427    //constructor
00428 }
00430 //______________________________________________________________________________
00431 TBuffer3DTube::TBuffer3DTube(Int_t type,
00432                              UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00433                              UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00434                              UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00435    TBuffer3D(type, reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity),
00436    fRadiusInner(0.0), fRadiusOuter(1.0), fHalfLength(1.0)
00437 {
00438    //constructor
00439 }
00441 //______________________________________________________________________________
00442 TBuffer3DTubeSeg::TBuffer3DTubeSeg(UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00443                                    UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00444                                    UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00445    TBuffer3DTube(TBuffer3DTypes::kTubeSeg, reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity),
00446    fPhiMin(0.0), fPhiMax(360.0)
00447 {
00448    //constructor
00449 }
00451 //______________________________________________________________________________
00452 TBuffer3DTubeSeg::TBuffer3DTubeSeg(Int_t type,
00453                                    UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00454                                    UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00455                                    UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00456    TBuffer3DTube(type, reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity),
00457    fPhiMin(0.0), fPhiMax(360.0)
00458 {
00459    //constructor
00460 }
00462 //______________________________________________________________________________
00463 TBuffer3DCutTube::TBuffer3DCutTube(UInt_t reqPnts, UInt_t reqPntsCapacity,
00464                                    UInt_t reqSegs, UInt_t reqSegsCapacity, 
00465                                    UInt_t reqPols, UInt_t reqPolsCapacity) :
00466    TBuffer3DTubeSeg(TBuffer3DTypes::kCutTube, reqPnts, reqPntsCapacity, reqSegs, reqSegsCapacity, reqPols, reqPolsCapacity)
00467 {
00468    //constructor
00469    fLowPlaneNorm[0] = 0.0; fLowPlaneNorm[0] = 0.0; fLowPlaneNorm[0] = -1.0;
00470    fHighPlaneNorm[0] = 0.0; fHighPlaneNorm[0] = 0.0; fHighPlaneNorm[0] = 1.0;
00471 }
00473 //CS specific
00474 UInt_t TBuffer3D::fgCSLevel = 0;
00476 //______________________________________________________________________________
00477 UInt_t TBuffer3D::GetCSLevel()
00478 {
00479    //return CS level
00480    return fgCSLevel;
00481 }
00483 //______________________________________________________________________________
00484 void TBuffer3D::IncCSLevel()
00485 {
00486    //increment CS level
00487    ++fgCSLevel;
00488 }
00490 //______________________________________________________________________________
00491 UInt_t TBuffer3D::DecCSLevel()
00492 {
00493    //decrement CS level
00494    return --fgCSLevel;
00495 }

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