
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/meta:$Id: TClassMenuItem.cxx 26606 2008-12-02 20:36:09Z pcanal $
00002 // Author: Damir Buskulic   23/11/2001
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // Describes one element of the context menu associated to a class      //
00015 // The menu item may describe                                           //
00016 //    - a separator,                                                    //
00017 //    - standard list of methods i.e. the methods defined in            //
00018 //      the described class by a *MENU* in the comment field            //
00019 //      of the header,                                                  //
00020 //    - a method of an external class or a global function              //
00021 //  All the standard methods of the class are described by only         //
00022 //  one item. Since a complete context menu is described by a TList of  //
00023 //  TClassMenuItem elements, it is possible to customize the context    //
00024 //  menu of a class by removing the element "standard methods" and      //
00025 //  replacing it by whatever one wants.                                 //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00029 #include "TClassMenuItem.h"
00030 #include "TList.h"
00031 #include "TClass.h"
00034 ClassImp(TClassMenuItem)
00036 //______________________________________________________________________________
00037 TClassMenuItem::TClassMenuItem() : TObject()
00038 {
00039    // Default TClassMenuItem ctor. TClassMenuItems are constructed in TClass
00040    // with a standard content but may be customized later
00041    // fType = 0 : external method/function
00042    // fType = 1 : separator
00043    // fType = 2 : standard methods list
00045    fType          = kPopupUserFunction;
00046    fSelf          = 0;
00047    fToggle        = 0;
00048    fCalledObject  = 0;
00049    fSubMenu       = 0;
00050    fParent        = 0;
00051    fSelfObjectPos = -1;
00052 }
00054 //______________________________________________________________________________
00055 TClassMenuItem::TClassMenuItem(Int_t type, TClass *parentcl,
00056     const char *title, const char *functionname, TObject *obj,
00057     const char *args, Int_t selfobjposition, Bool_t self) : TObject()
00058 {
00059    // TClassMenuItem ctor. TClassMenuItems are constructed in TClass
00060    // with a standard content but may be customized later
00061    // type = 0 : external method/function
00062    // type = 1 : separator
00063    // type = 2 : standard methods list
00064    // self indicates if the object to be called is the one selected
00065    // by the popup menu
00066    // selfobjposition, if non zero, indicates the position in the arguments
00067    // list of the argument corresponding to the selected (clicked) object.
00068    // This argument in the calling method should be a TObject*
00069    // Note: It is the responsability of the caller/creator to add to to the
00070    // menu list.
00072    fType          = (EClassMenuItemType) type;
00073    fSelf          = self;
00074    fToggle        = 0;
00075    fTitle         = title;
00076    fCalledObject  = obj;
00077    fFunctionName  = functionname;
00078    fArgs          = args;
00079    fSubMenu       = 0;
00080    fParent        = parentcl;
00081    fSelfObjectPos = selfobjposition;
00082 }
00084 //______________________________________________________________________________
00085 TClassMenuItem::TClassMenuItem(const TClassMenuItem& cmi) :
00086   TObject(cmi),
00087   fType(cmi.fType),
00088   fSelfObjectPos(cmi.fSelfObjectPos),
00089   fSelf(cmi.fSelf),
00090   fToggle(cmi.fToggle),
00091   fTitle(cmi.fTitle),
00092   fCalledObject(cmi.fCalledObject),
00093   fFunctionName(cmi.fFunctionName),
00094   fArgs(cmi.fArgs),
00095   fSubMenu(cmi.fSubMenu),
00096   fParent(cmi.fParent)
00097 { 
00098    //copy constructor
00099    // Note: It is the responsability of the caller/creator to add to to the
00100    // menu list.
00101 }
00103 //______________________________________________________________________________
00104 TClassMenuItem& TClassMenuItem::operator=(const TClassMenuItem& cmi) 
00105 {
00106    //assignement operator
00107    // Note: It is the responsability of the caller/creator to add to to the
00108    // menu list.
00109    if(this!=&cmi) {
00110       TObject::operator=(cmi);
00111       fType=cmi.fType;
00112       fSelfObjectPos=cmi.fSelfObjectPos;
00113       fSelf=cmi.fSelf;
00114       fToggle=cmi.fToggle;
00115       fTitle=cmi.fTitle;
00116       fCalledObject=cmi.fCalledObject;
00117       fFunctionName=cmi.fFunctionName;
00118       fArgs=cmi.fArgs;
00119       fSubMenu=cmi.fSubMenu;
00120       fParent=cmi.fParent;
00121    } 
00122    return *this;
00123 }
00125 //______________________________________________________________________________
00126 TClassMenuItem::~TClassMenuItem()
00127 {
00128    // TClassMenuItem dtor.
00130    if (fParent) fParent->GetMenuList()->Remove(this);
00131 }

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