
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id: TFileDrawMap.cxx 36308 2010-10-12 07:13:29Z brun $
00002 // Author: Rene Brun   15/01/2003
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // TFileDrawMap                                                         //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // This class is automatically called by TFile::DrawMap
00017 // It draws a canvas showing the internal structure of a ROOT file.
00018 // Each key or basket in a file is shown with a fill area drawn
00019 // at the byte position of the key/basket in the file.
00020 // The Y axis of the canvas shows the number of Kbytes/Mbytes.
00021 // The X axis shows the bytes between y(i) and y(i+1).
00022 // A color corresponding to the class in the key/basket is automatically
00023 // selected using the class unique identifier.
00024 //
00025 // When moving the mouse in the canvas, the "Event Status" panels
00026 // shows the object corresponding to the mouse position.
00027 // if the object is a key, it shows the class and object name as well as
00028 //    the file directory name if the file has sub-directories.
00029 // if the object is a basket, it shows:
00030 //   -the name of the Tree
00031 //   -the name of the branch
00032 //   -the basket number
00033 //   -the entry number in the basket
00034 //
00035 // Special keys like the StreamerInfo record, the Keys List Record
00036 // and the Free Blocks Record are also shown.
00037 //
00038 // When clicking the right mouse button, a pop-up menu is shown
00039 // with its title identifying the picked object and with the items:
00040 //   -DrawObject: in case of a key, the Draw function of the object is called
00041 //                in case of a basket, the branch is drawn for all entries
00042 //   -DumpObject: in case of a key, the Dump function of the object is called
00043 //                in case of a basket, tree->Show(entry) is called
00044 //   -InspectObject: the Inspect function is called for the object.
00045 //
00046 // The normal axis zoom functionality can be used to zoom or unzoom
00047 // One can also use the TCanvas context menu SetCanvasSize to make
00048 // a larger canvas and use the canvas scroll bars.
00049 //
00050 // When the class is built, it is possible to identify a subset of the
00051 // objects to be shown. For example, to view only the keys with
00052 // names starting with "abc", set the argument keys to "abc*".
00053 // The default is to view all the objects.
00054 // The argument options can also be used (only one option currently)
00055 // When the option "same" is given, the new picture is suprimposed.
00056 // The option "same" is useful, eg:
00057 //  to draw all keys with names = "abc" in a first pass
00058 // then all keys with names = "uv*" in a second pass, etc.
00059 //
00060 //Begin_Html
00061 /*
00062 <img src="gif/filedrawmap.gif">
00063 */
00064 //End_Html
00065 //
00066 //  =============================================================================
00068 #include "TFileDrawMap.h"
00069 #include "TROOT.h"
00070 #include "TClass.h"
00071 #include "TFile.h"
00072 #include "TTree.h"
00073 #include "TBranch.h"
00074 #include "TLeaf.h"
00075 #include "TMath.h"
00076 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
00077 #include "TStyle.h"
00078 #include "TH1.h"
00079 #include "TBox.h"
00080 #include "TKey.h"
00081 #include "TRegexp.h"
00082 #include "TSystem.h"
00084 ClassImp(TFileDrawMap)
00086 //______________________________________________________________________________
00087 TFileDrawMap::TFileDrawMap() :TNamed()
00088 {
00089 // Default TreeFileMap constructor
00091    fFile   = 0;
00092    fFrame  = 0;
00093    fXsize  = 1000;
00094    fYsize  = 1000;
00095 }
00097 //______________________________________________________________________________
00098 TFileDrawMap::TFileDrawMap(const TFile *file, const char *keys, Option_t *option)
00099          : TNamed("TFileDrawMap","")
00100 {
00101 // TFileDrawMap normal constructor
00102 // see descriptions of arguments above
00104    fFile     = (TFile*)file;
00105    fKeys     = keys;
00106    fOption   = option;
00107    fOption.ToLower();
00108    SetBit(kCanDelete);
00110    //create histogram used to draw the map frame
00112    if (file->GetEND() > 1000000) {
00113       fXsize = 1000000;
00114    } else {
00115       fXsize = 1000;
00116    }
00117    fFrame = new TH1D("hmapframe","",1000,0,fXsize);
00118    fFrame->SetDirectory(0);
00119    fFrame->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats);
00120    fFrame->SetBit(kCanDelete);
00121    fFrame->SetMinimum(0);
00122    if (fXsize > 1000) {
00123       fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MBytes");
00124    } else {
00125       fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("KBytes");
00126    }
00127    fFrame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Bytes");
00128    fYsize = 1 + Int_t(file->GetEND()/fXsize);
00129    fFrame->SetMaximum(fYsize);
00130    fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(0,fYsize);
00132    //Bool_t show = kFALSE;
00133    if (gPad) {
00134       gPad->Clear();
00135       //show = gPad->GetCanvas()->GetShowEventStatus();
00136    }
00137    Draw();
00138    if (gPad) {
00139       //if (!show) gPad->GetCanvas()->ToggleEventStatus();
00140       gPad->Update();
00141    }
00142 }
00144 //______________________________________________________________________________
00145 TFileDrawMap::~TFileDrawMap()
00146 {
00147 //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Tree destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
00148 //*-*                  =================
00150    //delete fFrame; //should not be deleted (kCanDelete set)
00151 }
00153 //______________________________________________________________________________
00154 void  TFileDrawMap::AnimateTree(const char *branches)
00155 {
00156 // Show sequence of baskets reads for the list of baskets involved
00157 // in the list of branches (separated by ",")
00158 // if branches="", the branch pointed by the mouse is taken.
00159 // if branches="*", all branches are taken
00160 // Example:
00161 //  AnimateTree("x,y,u");
00163    TString ourbranches( GetName() );
00164    Ssiz_t pos = ourbranches.Index(", basket=");
00165    if (pos == kNPOS) return;
00166    ourbranches.Remove(pos);
00167    pos = ourbranches.Index(", branch=");
00168    if (pos == kNPOS) return;
00169    ourbranches[pos] = 0;
00171    TTree *tree = (TTree*)fFile->Get(ourbranches.Data());
00172    if (!tree) return;
00173    TString info;
00174    if (strlen(branches) > 0) info = branches;
00175    else                      info = ourbranches.Data()+pos+9;
00176    printf("Animating tree, branches=%s\n",info.Data());
00178    // create list of branches
00179    Int_t nzip = 0;
00180    TBranch *branch;
00181    TObjArray list;
00182    char *comma;
00183    while((comma = strrchr((char*)info.Data(),','))) {
00184       *comma = 0;
00185       comma++;
00186       while (*comma == ' ') comma++;
00187       branch = tree->GetBranch(comma);
00188       if (branch) {
00189          nzip += (Int_t)branch->GetZipBytes();
00190          branch->SetUniqueID(0);
00191          list.Add(branch);
00192       }
00193    }
00194    comma = (char*)info.Data();
00195    while (*comma == ' ') comma++;
00196    branch = tree->GetBranch(comma);
00197    if (branch) {
00198       nzip += (Int_t)branch->GetZipBytes();
00199       branch->SetUniqueID(0);
00200       list.Add(branch);
00201    }
00202    Double_t fractionRead = Double_t(nzip)/Double_t(fFile->GetEND());
00203    Int_t nbranches = list.GetEntries();
00205    // loop on all tree entries
00206    Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tree->GetEntries();
00207    Int_t sleep = 1;
00208    Int_t stime = (Int_t)(100./(nentries*fractionRead));
00209    if (stime < 10) {stime=1; sleep = nentries/400;}
00210    gPad->SetDoubleBuffer(0);             // turn off double buffer mode
00211    gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kInvert);  // set the drawing mode to XOR mode
00212    for (Int_t entry=0;entry<nentries;entry++) {
00213       for (Int_t ib=0;ib<nbranches;ib++) {
00214          branch = (TBranch*)list.At(ib);
00215          Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetListOfBaskets()->GetSize();
00216          Int_t basket = TMath::BinarySearch(nbaskets,branch->GetBasketEntry(), (Long64_t) entry);
00217          Int_t nbytes = branch->GetBasketBytes()[basket];
00218          Int_t bseek  = branch->GetBasketSeek(basket);
00219          Int_t entry0 = branch->GetBasketEntry()[basket];
00220          Int_t entryn = branch->GetBasketEntry()[basket+1];
00221          Int_t eseek  = (Int_t)(bseek + nbytes*Double_t(entry-entry0)/Double_t(entryn-entry0));
00222          DrawMarker(ib,branch->GetUniqueID());
00223          DrawMarker(ib,eseek);
00224          branch->SetUniqueID(eseek);
00225          gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00226          if (entry%sleep == 0) gSystem->Sleep(stime);
00227       }
00228    }
00229 }
00231 //______________________________________________________________________________
00232 Int_t TFileDrawMap::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
00233 {
00234 // Compute distance from point px,py to this TreeFileMap
00235 // Find the closest object to the mouse, save its path in the TFileDrawMap name.
00237    Int_t pxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmin());
00238    Int_t pxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmax());
00239    Int_t pymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymin());
00240    Int_t pymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymax());
00241    if (px > pxmin && px < pxmax && py > pymax && py < pymin) {
00242       SetName(GetObjectInfo(px,py));
00243       return 0;
00244    }
00245    return fFrame->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
00246 }
00248 //______________________________________________________________________________
00249 void TFileDrawMap::DrawMarker(Int_t marker, Long64_t eseek)
00250 {
00251 // Draw marker
00253    Int_t iy = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(eseek/fXsize);
00254    Int_t ix = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(eseek%fXsize);
00255    Int_t d;
00256    Int_t mark = marker%4;
00257    switch (mark) {
00258       case 0 : 
00259          d = 6; //arrow
00260          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-3*d,iy,ix,iy);
00261          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy+d,ix,iy);
00262          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix,iy);
00263          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix-d,iy+d);
00264          break;
00265       case 1 : 
00266          d = 5; //up triangle
00267          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix+d,iy-d);
00268          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix+d,iy-d,ix,iy+d);
00269          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix,iy+d,ix-d,iy-d);
00270          break;
00271       case 2 : 
00272          d = 5; //open square
00273          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix+d,iy-d);
00274          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix+d,iy-d,ix+d,iy+d);
00275          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix+d,iy+d,ix-d,iy+d);
00276          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy+d,ix-d,iy-d);
00277          break;
00278       case 3 : 
00279          d = 8; //cross
00280          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy,ix+d,iy);
00281          gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix,iy-d,ix,iy+d);
00282          break;
00283    }
00284 }
00286 //______________________________________________________________________________
00287 void TFileDrawMap::DrawObject()
00288 {
00289 // Draw object at the mouse position
00291    TVirtualPad *padsave = gROOT->GetSelectedPad();
00292    if (padsave == gPad) {
00293       //must create a new canvas
00294       gROOT->MakeDefCanvas();
00295    } else {
00296       padsave->cd();
00297    }
00299    // case of a TTree
00300    char *info = new char[fName.Length()+1];
00301    strlcpy(info,fName.Data(),fName.Length()+1);
00302    char *cbasket = (char*)strstr(info,", basket=");
00303    if (cbasket) {
00304       *cbasket = 0;
00305       char *cbranch = (char*)strstr(info,", branch=");
00306       if (!cbranch) return;
00307       *cbranch = 0;
00308       cbranch += 9;
00309       TTree *tree = (TTree*)fFile->Get(info);
00310       if (tree) tree->Draw(cbranch);
00311       return;
00312    }
00314    // other objects
00315    TObject *obj = GetObject();
00316    if (obj) obj->Draw();
00317 }
00320 //______________________________________________________________________________
00321 void TFileDrawMap::DumpObject()
00322 {
00323 // Dump object at the mouse position
00325    TObject *obj = GetObject();
00326    if (obj) {
00327       obj->Dump();
00328       return;
00329    }
00330    char *centry = (char*)strstr(GetName(),"entry=");
00331    if (!centry) return;
00332    Int_t entry = 0;
00333    sscanf(centry+6,"%d",&entry);
00334    TString info(GetName());
00335    char *colon = (char*)strstr((char*)info.Data(),"::");
00336    if (!colon) return;
00337    colon--;
00338    *colon = 0;
00339    TTree *tree; fFile->GetObject(info.Data(),tree);
00340    if (tree) tree->Show(entry);
00341 }
00343 //______________________________________________________________________________
00344 void TFileDrawMap::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
00345 {
00346 // Execute action corresponding to one event
00348    fFrame->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py);
00349 }
00351 //______________________________________________________________________________
00352 TObject *TFileDrawMap::GetObject()
00353 {
00354 // Retrieve object at the mouse position in memory
00356    if (strstr(GetName(),"entry=")) return 0;
00357    char *info = new char[fName.Length()+1];
00358    strlcpy(info,fName.Data(),fName.Length()+1);
00359    char *colon = strstr(info,"::");
00360    if (!colon) return 0;
00361    colon--;
00362    *colon = 0;
00363    return fFile->Get(info);
00364 }
00366 //______________________________________________________________________________
00367 char *TFileDrawMap::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
00368 {
00369 //   Redefines TObject::GetObjectInfo.
00370 //   Displays the keys info in the file corresponding to cursor position px,py
00371 //   in the canvas status bar info panel
00373    static TString info;
00374    GetObjectInfoDir(fFile, px, py, info);
00375    return (char*)info.Data();
00376 }
00378 //______________________________________________________________________________
00379 Bool_t TFileDrawMap::GetObjectInfoDir(TDirectory *dir, Int_t px, Int_t py, TString &info) const
00380 {
00381 //   Redefines TObject::GetObjectInfo.
00382 //   Displays the keys info in the directory
00383 //   corresponding to cursor position px,py
00384 //
00385    Double_t x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px);
00386    Double_t y = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py);
00387    Int_t iy   = (Int_t)y;
00388    Long64_t pbyte = (Long64_t)(fXsize*iy+x);
00389    Int_t nbytes;
00390    Long64_t bseek;
00391    TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory;
00392    dir->cd();
00394    TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys());
00395    TKey *key;
00396    while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {
00397       TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory;
00398       TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(key->GetClassName());
00399       // a TDirectory ?
00400       if (cl && cl == TDirectoryFile::Class()) {
00401          curdir->cd(key->GetName());
00402          TDirectory *subdir = gDirectory;
00403          Bool_t gotInfo = GetObjectInfoDir(subdir, px, py, info);
00404          if (gotInfo) {
00405             dirsav->cd();
00406             return kTRUE;
00407          }
00408          curdir->cd();
00409          continue;
00410       }
00411       // a TTree ?
00412       if (cl && cl->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) {
00413          TTree *tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(key->GetName());
00414          TIter nextb(tree->GetListOfLeaves());
00415          TLeaf *leaf;
00416          while ((leaf = (TLeaf*)nextb())) {
00417             TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
00418             Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetMaxBaskets();
00419             Int_t offsets = branch->GetEntryOffsetLen();
00420             Int_t len = leaf->GetLen();
00421             for (Int_t i=0;i<nbaskets;i++) {
00422                bseek = branch->GetBasketSeek(i);
00423                if (!bseek) break;
00424                nbytes = branch->GetBasketBytes()[i];
00425                if (pbyte >= bseek && pbyte < bseek+nbytes) {
00426                   Int_t entry = branch->GetBasketEntry()[i];
00427                   if (!offsets) entry += (pbyte-bseek)/len;
00428                   if (curdir == (TDirectory*)fFile) {
00429                      info.Form("%s%s, branch=%s, basket=%d, entry=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),branch->GetName(),i,entry);
00430                   } else {
00431                      info.Form("%s/%s, branch=%s, basket=%d, entry=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),branch->GetName(),i,entry);
00432                   }
00433                   return kTRUE;
00434                }
00435             }
00436          }
00437       }
00438       nbytes = key->GetNbytes();
00439       bseek = key->GetSeekKey();
00440       if (pbyte >= bseek && pbyte < bseek+nbytes) {
00441          if (curdir == (TDirectory*)fFile) {
00442             info.Form("%s%s ::%s, nbytes=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),key->GetClassName(),nbytes);
00443          } else {
00444             info.Form("%s/%s ::%s, nbytes=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),key->GetClassName(),nbytes);
00445          }
00446          dirsav->cd();
00447          return kTRUE;
00448       }
00449    }
00450    // Are we in the Keys list
00451    if (pbyte >= dir->GetSeekKeys() && pbyte < dir->GetSeekKeys()+dir->GetNbytesKeys()) {
00452       info.Form("%sKeys List, nbytes=%d",dir->GetPath(),dir->GetNbytesKeys());
00453       dirsav->cd();
00454       return kTRUE;
00455    }
00456    if (dir == (TDirectory*)fFile) {
00457       // Are we in the TStreamerInfo
00458       if (pbyte >= fFile->GetSeekInfo() && pbyte < fFile->GetSeekInfo()+fFile->GetNbytesInfo()) {
00459          info.Form("%sStreamerInfo List, nbytes=%d",dir->GetPath(),fFile->GetNbytesInfo());
00460          dirsav->cd();
00461          return kTRUE;
00462       }
00463       // Are we in the Free Segments
00464       if (pbyte >= fFile->GetSeekFree() && pbyte < fFile->GetSeekFree()+fFile->GetNbytesFree()) {
00465          info.Form("%sFree List, nbytes=%d",dir->GetPath(),fFile->GetNbytesFree());
00466          dirsav->cd();
00467          return kTRUE;
00468       }
00469    }
00470    info.Form("(byte=%lld)",pbyte);
00471    dirsav->cd();
00472    return kFALSE;
00473 }
00475 //______________________________________________________________________________
00476 void TFileDrawMap::InspectObject()
00477 {
00478 // Inspect object at the mouse position
00480    TObject *obj = GetObject();
00481    if (obj) obj->Inspect();
00482 }
00484 //______________________________________________________________________________
00485 void TFileDrawMap::Paint(Option_t *)
00486 {
00487 //  Paint this TFileDrawMap
00489    // draw map frame
00490    if (!fOption.Contains("same")) {
00491       gPad->Clear();
00492       //just in case axis Y has been unzoomed
00493       if (fFrame->GetMaximumStored() < -1000) {
00494          fFrame->SetMaximum(fYsize+1);
00495          fFrame->SetMinimum(0);
00496          fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(0,fYsize+1);
00497       }
00498       fFrame->Paint("a");
00499    }
00501    //draw keys
00502    PaintDir(fFile, fKeys.Data());
00504    fFrame->Draw("sameaxis");
00505 }
00507 //______________________________________________________________________________
00508 void TFileDrawMap::PaintBox(TBox &box, Long64_t bseek, Int_t nbytes)
00509 {
00510 // Paint the object at bseek with nbytes using the box object
00512    Int_t iy = bseek/fXsize;
00513    Int_t ix = bseek%fXsize;
00514    Int_t ny = 1+(nbytes+ix)/fXsize;
00515    Double_t xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
00516    for (Int_t j=0;j<ny;j++) {
00517       if (j == 0) xmin = (Double_t)ix;
00518       else        xmin = 0;
00519       xmax = xmin + nbytes;
00520       if (xmax > fXsize) xmax = fXsize;
00521       ymin = iy+j;
00522       ymax = ymin+1;
00523       nbytes -= (Int_t)(xmax-xmin);
00524       if (xmax < gPad->GetUxmin()) continue;
00525       if (xmin > gPad->GetUxmax()) continue;
00526       if (xmin < gPad->GetUxmin()) xmin = gPad->GetUxmin();
00527       if (xmax > gPad->GetUxmax()) xmax = gPad->GetUxmax();
00528       if (ymax < gPad->GetUymin()) continue;
00529       if (ymin > gPad->GetUymax()) continue;
00530       if (ymin < gPad->GetUymin()) ymin = gPad->GetUymin();
00531       if (ymax > gPad->GetUymax()) ymax = gPad->GetUymax();
00532       //box.TAttFill::Modify();
00533       box.PaintBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax);
00534    }
00535 }
00537 //______________________________________________________________________________
00538 void TFileDrawMap::PaintDir(TDirectory *dir, const char *keys)
00539 {
00540 // Paint keys in a directory
00542    TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory;
00543    TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys());
00544    TKey *key;
00545    Int_t color = 0;
00546    TBox box;
00547    TRegexp re(keys,kTRUE);
00548    while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {
00549       Int_t nbytes = key->GetNbytes();
00550       Long64_t bseek = key->GetSeekKey();
00551       TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(key->GetClassName());
00552       if (cl) {
00553          color = (Int_t)(cl->GetUniqueID()%20);
00554       } else {
00555          color = 1;
00556       }
00557       box.SetFillColor(color);
00558       box.SetFillStyle(1001);
00559       TString s = key->GetName();
00560       if (strcmp(fKeys.Data(),key->GetName()) && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue;
00561       // a TDirectory ?
00562       if (cl && cl == TDirectoryFile::Class()) {
00563          TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory;
00564          gDirectory->cd(key->GetName());
00565          TDirectory *subdir = gDirectory;
00566          PaintDir(subdir,"*");
00567          curdir->cd();
00568       }
00569       PaintBox(box,bseek,nbytes);
00570       // a TTree ?
00571       if (cl && cl->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) {
00572          TTree *tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(key->GetName());
00573          TIter nextb(tree->GetListOfLeaves());
00574          TLeaf *leaf;
00575          while ((leaf = (TLeaf*)nextb())) {
00576             TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch();
00577             color = branch->GetFillColor();
00578             if (color == 0) color = 1;
00579             box.SetFillColor(color);
00580             Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetMaxBaskets();
00581             for (Int_t i=0;i<nbaskets;i++) {
00582                bseek = branch->GetBasketSeek(i);
00583                if (!bseek) break;
00584                nbytes = branch->GetBasketBytes()[i];
00585                PaintBox(box,bseek,nbytes);
00586             }
00587          }
00588       }
00589    }
00590    // draw the box for Keys list
00591    box.SetFillColor(50);
00592    box.SetFillStyle(1001);
00593    PaintBox(box,dir->GetSeekKeys(),dir->GetNbytesKeys());
00594    if (dir == (TDirectory*)fFile) {
00595       // draw the box for TStreamerInfo
00596       box.SetFillColor(6);
00597       box.SetFillStyle(3008);
00598       PaintBox(box,fFile->GetSeekInfo(),fFile->GetNbytesInfo());
00599       // draw the box for Free Segments
00600       box.SetFillColor(1);
00601       box.SetFillStyle(1001);
00602       PaintBox(box,fFile->GetSeekFree(),fFile->GetNbytesFree());
00603    }
00604    dirsav->cd();
00605 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 15:42:59 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1