
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/qt:$Id: TGQtDummy.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
00002 // Author: Valeri Fine   21/01/2002
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * Copyright (C) 2002 by Valeri Fine.                                    *
00007  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00008  *                                                                       *
00009  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00010  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00011  *************************************************************************/
00013 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00014 //                                                                      //
00015 // TGQtDummy                                                            //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // Dummy implementations of the Qt graphics system interface.           //
00018 //                                                                      //
00019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00021 #include "TGQt.h"
00023    Window_t     TGQt::GetPrimarySelectionOwner(){return 0;}
00024    void         TGQt::SetPrimarySelectionOwner(Window_t /*id*/){;}
00025    void         TGQt::ConvertPrimarySelection(Window_t /*id*/, Atom_t /*clipboard*/, Time_t /*when*/){;}
00027    void         TGQt::FreeFontStruct(FontStruct_t /*fs*/){;}
00029    void         TGQt::FreeColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, ULong_t /*pixel*/){;}
00031    Int_t        TGQt::AddWindow(ULong_t /*qwid*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/){return 0;}
00032    void         TGQt::RemoveWindow(ULong_t /*qwid*/){;}
00034    Handle_t     TGQt::GetNativeEvent() const { return 0; }
00037 // -------------------  OpenGL interface ------------------------
00038    Window_t     TGQt::CreateGLWindow(Window_t      /*wind*/, Visual_t /*visual*/, Int_t /*depth*/){return 0;}
00039    ULong_t      TGQt::wglCreateContext(Window_t    /*wind*/){return 0;}
00040    void         TGQt::wglDeleteContext(ULong_t     /*ctx*/){}
00041    void         TGQt::wglMakeCurrent(Window_t      /*wind*/, ULong_t  /*ctx*/){}
00042    void         TGQt::wglSwapLayerBuffers(Window_t /*wind*/, UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00043    void         TGQt::glViewport(Int_t  /*x0*/, Int_t  /*y0*/, Int_t  /*x1*/, Int_t  /*y1*/){}
00044    void         TGQt::glClearIndex(Float_t  /*fParam*/){}
00045    void         TGQt::glClearColor(Float_t  /*red*/, Float_t  /*green*/, Float_t  /*blue*/, Float_t  /*alpha*/){}
00046    void         TGQt::glDrawBuffer(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00047    void         TGQt::glClear(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00048    void         TGQt::glDisable(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00049    void         TGQt::glEnable(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00050    void         TGQt::glFlush(){}
00051    void         TGQt::glFrontFace(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00052    void         TGQt::glNewList(UInt_t  /*list*/, UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00053    void         TGQt::glGetBooleanv(UInt_t  /*mode*/, UChar_t  * /*bRet*/){}
00054    void         TGQt::glGetDoublev(UInt_t  /*mode*/, Double_t  * /*dRet*/){}
00055    void         TGQt::glGetFloatv(UInt_t  /*mode*/, Float_t  * /*fRet*/){}
00056    void         TGQt::glGetIntegerv(UInt_t  /*mode*/, Int_t  * /*iRet*/){}
00057    Int_t        TGQt::glGetError(){return -1;}
00058    void         TGQt::glEndList(){}
00059    void         TGQt::glBegin(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00060    void         TGQt::glEnd(){}
00061    void         TGQt::glPushMatrix(){}
00062    void         TGQt::glPopMatrix(){}
00063    void         TGQt::glRotated(Double_t  /*angle*/, Double_t  /*x*/, Double_t  /*y*/, Double_t  /*z*/){}
00064    void         TGQt::glTranslated(Double_t  /*x*/, Double_t  /*y*/, Double_t  /*z*/){}
00065    void         TGQt::glMultMatrixd(const Double_t  * /*matrix*/){}
00066    void         TGQt::glColor3fv(const Float_t  * /*color*/){}
00067    void         TGQt::glVertex3f(Float_t  /*x*/, Float_t  /*y*/, Float_t  /*z*/){}
00068    void         TGQt::glVertex3fv(const Float_t  * /*vert*/){}
00069    void         TGQt::glIndexi(Int_t  /*index*/){}
00070    void         TGQt::glPointSize(Float_t  /*size*/){}
00071    void         TGQt::glLineWidth(Float_t  /*width*/){}
00072    void         TGQt::glDeleteLists(UInt_t  /*list*/, Int_t  /*sizei*/){}
00073    UInt_t       TGQt::glGenLists(UInt_t  /*list*/){return UInt_t(-1);}
00074    void         TGQt::glCallList(UInt_t  /*list*/){}
00075    void         TGQt::glMatrixMode(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00076    void         TGQt::glLoadIdentity(){}
00077    void         TGQt::glFrustum(Double_t  /*min_0*/, Double_t  /*max_0*/, Double_t  /*min_1*/,
00078                                   Double_t  /*max_1*/, Double_t  /*dnear*/, Double_t  /*dfar*/){}
00079    void         TGQt::glOrtho(Double_t  /*min_0*/, Double_t  /*max_0*/, Double_t  /*min_1*/,
00080                                 Double_t  /*max_1*/, Double_t  /*dnear*/, Double_t  /*dfar*/){}
00081    void         TGQt::glCullFace(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00082    void         TGQt::glPolygonMode(UInt_t  /*face*/, UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00083    void         TGQt::glLoadMatrixd(const Double_t  * /*matrix*/){}
00084    void         TGQt::glShadeModel(UInt_t  /*mode*/){}
00085    void         TGQt::glNormal3fv(const Float_t  * /*norm*/){}
00086 #endif

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