
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/gui:$Id: TGXYLayout.cxx 31685 2009-12-08 16:33:13Z bellenot $
00002 // Author: Reiner Rohlfs   24/03/2002
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers and Reiner Rohlfs *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // TGXYLayout                                                           //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // Is a layout manager where the position and the size of each widget   //
00017 // in the frame are defined by X / Y - coordinates. The coordinates     //
00018 // for each widget are defined by the TGXYLayoutHints. Therefore it     //
00019 // is not possible to share a layout hint for several widgets.          //
00020 //                                                                      //
00021 // The coordinates (X, Y) and the size (W, H) are defined in units      //
00022 // of the size of a typical character. Also the size of the             //
00023 // TGCompositeFrame for which a TGXYLayout manager is used has to be    //
00024 // defined in its constructor in units of the size of a character!      //
00025 //                                                                      //
00026 // It is not possible to use any other layout hint than the             //
00027 // TGXYLayoutHints for this layout manager!                             //
00028 //                                                                      //
00029 // The rubberFlag in the constructor of the TGLXYLayoutHins defines     //
00030 // how the position and the size of a widget is recalculated if the     //
00031 // size of the frame is increased:                                      //
00032 // - kLRubberX: The X - position (left edge) is increased by the same   //
00033 //              factor as the width of the frame increases.             //
00034 // - kLRubberY: The Y - position (upper edge) is increased by the same  //
00035 //              factor as the height of the frame increases.            //
00036 // - kLRubberW: The width of the widget is increased by the same        //
00037 //              factor as the width of the frame increases.             //
00038 // - kLRubberH: The height of the widget is increased by the same       //
00039 //              factor as the height of the frame increases.            //
00040 // But the size never becomes smaller than defined by the               //
00041 // TGXYLayoutHints and the X and Y coordinates becomes never smaller    //
00042 // than defined by the layout hints.                                    //
00043 //                                                                      //
00044 // TGXYLayoutHints                                                      //
00045 //                                                                      //
00046 // This layout hint must be used for the TGXYLouyout manager!           //
00047 //                                                                      //
00048 //                                                                      //
00049 // Example how to use this layout manager:                              //
00050 //                                                                      //
00051 // TGMyFrame::TGMyFrame()                                               //
00052 //    : TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 30, 12)                         //
00053 //    // frame is 30 character long and 12 character heigh              //
00054 // {                                                                    //
00055 //    SetLayoutManager(new TGXYLayout(this));                           //
00056 //                                                                      //
00057 //    // create a button of size 8 X 1.8 at position 20 / 1             //
00058 //    TGTextButton * button;                                            //
00059 //    button = new TGTextButton(this, "&Apply", 1);                     //
00060 //    AddFrame(button, new TGXYLayoutHints(20, 1, 8, 1.8));             //
00061 //                                                                      //
00062 //    // create a listbox of size 18 X 10 at position 1 / 1.            //
00063 //    // The height will increase if the frame height increases         //
00064 //    TGListBox * listBox;                                              //
00065 //    listBox = new TGListBox(this, 2);                                 //
00066 //    AddFrame(listBox, new TGXYLayoutHints(1, 1, 18, 10,               //
00067 //             TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberX |                             //
00068 //             TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberY |                             //
00069 //             TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberH ));                           //
00070 //    .                                                                 //
00071 //    .                                                                 //
00072 //    .                                                                 //
00073 // }                                                                    //
00074 //                                                                      //
00075 // Normaly there is one layout hint per widget. Therefore these         //
00076 // can be deleted like in the following example in the desctuctor       //
00077 // of the frame:                                                        //
00078 //                                                                      //
00079 // TGMyFrame::~TGMyFrame()                                              //
00080 // {                                                                    //
00081 //    // Destructor, deletes all frames and their layout hints.         //
00082 //                                                                      //
00083 //    TGFrameElement *ptr;                                              //
00084 //                                                                      //
00085 //    // delete all frames and layout hints                             //
00086 //    if (fList) {                                                      //
00087 //       TIter next(fList);                                             //
00088 //       while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {                    //
00089 //          if (ptr->fLayout)                                           //
00090 //             delete ptr->fLayout;                                     //
00091 //          if (ptr->fFrame)                                            //
00092 //             delete ptr->fFrame;                                      //
00093 //       }                                                              //
00094 //    }                                                                 //
00095 // }                                                                    //
00096 //                                                                      //
00097 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00099 #include "TGXYLayout.h"
00100 #include "TGFrame.h"
00101 #include "TGLabel.h"
00102 #include "Riostream.h"
00105 ClassImp(TGXYLayout)
00106 ClassImp(TGXYLayoutHints)
00108 //______________________________________________________________________________
00109 TGXYLayoutHints::TGXYLayoutHints(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t w, Double_t h,
00110                                  UInt_t rubberFlag)
00111    : TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal, 0,0,0,0)
00112 {
00113    // Constructor. The x, y, w and h define the position of the widget in
00114    // its frame and the size of the widget. The unit is the size of a
00115    // character. The rubberFlag defines how to move and to resize the
00116    // widget when the frame is resized. Default is moving the X and Y
00117    // position but keep the size of the widget.
00119    fX    = x;
00120    fY    = y;
00121    fW    = w;
00122    fH    = h;
00123    fFlag = rubberFlag;
00124 }
00126 //______________________________________________________________________________
00127 void TGXYLayoutHints::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t * /*option = ""*/)
00128 {
00129    // Save XY layout hints as a C++ statement(s) on output stream.
00131    TString flag = "";
00132    if (fFlag & kLRubberX) {
00133       if (flag.Length() == 0)  flag  = "TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberX";
00134       else                     flag += " | TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberX";
00135    }
00136    if (fFlag & kLRubberY) {
00137       if  (flag.Length() == 0) flag  = "TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberY";
00138       else                      flag += " | TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberY";
00139    }
00140    if (fFlag & kLRubberW) {
00141       if (flag.Length() == 0) flag  = "TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberW";
00142       else                     flag += " | TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberW";
00143    }
00144    if (fFlag & kLRubberH) {
00145       if (flag.Length() == 0) flag  = "TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberH";
00146       else                     flag += " | TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberH";
00147    }
00149    out << ", new TGXYLayoutHints(" << GetX() << ", " << GetY() << ", " 
00150        << GetW() << ", " << GetH();
00152    if (!flag.Length()) 
00153       out << ")";
00154    else
00155       out << ", " << flag << ")";
00157 }
00159 //______________________________________________________________________________
00160 TGXYLayout::TGXYLayout(TGCompositeFrame *main)
00161 {
00162    // Constructor. The main is the frame for which this layout manager works.
00164    UInt_t  width, height;
00165    Int_t   dummy;
00167    fMain = main;
00168    fList = main->GetList();
00169    fFirst = kTRUE;
00170    fFirstWidth = fFirstHeight = 0;
00172    FontStruct_t fs = TGLabel::GetDefaultFontStruct();
00174    // get standard width an height of a character
00175    fTWidth = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fs, "1234567890", 10) / 10;
00176    gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fs, fTHeight, dummy);
00178    // the size of the main window are defined in units of a character
00179    // but the system does not understand this. We have to recalculate
00180    // the size into pixels.
00181    width  = main->GetWidth() * fTWidth;
00182    height = main->GetHeight() * fTHeight;
00184    main->Resize(width, height);
00185 }
00187 //______________________________________________________________________________
00188 TGXYLayout::TGXYLayout(const TGXYLayout& xyl) :
00189   TGLayoutManager(xyl),
00190   fList(xyl.fList),
00191   fMain(xyl.fMain),
00192   fFirst(xyl.fFirst),
00193   fFirstWidth(xyl.fFirstWidth),
00194   fFirstHeight(xyl.fFirstHeight),
00195   fTWidth(xyl.fTWidth),
00196   fTHeight(xyl.fTHeight)
00197 { 
00198    //copy constructor
00199 }
00201 //______________________________________________________________________________
00202 TGXYLayout& TGXYLayout::operator=(const TGXYLayout& xyl) 
00203 {
00204    //assignment operator
00205    if(this!=&xyl) {
00206       TGLayoutManager::operator=(xyl);
00207       fList=xyl.fList;
00208       fMain=xyl.fMain;
00209       fFirst=xyl.fFirst;
00210       fFirstWidth=xyl.fFirstWidth;
00211       fFirstHeight=xyl.fFirstHeight;
00212       fTWidth=xyl.fTWidth;
00213       fTHeight=xyl.fTHeight;
00214    } 
00215    return *this;
00216 }
00218 //______________________________________________________________________________
00219 void TGXYLayout::Layout()
00220 {
00221    // Recalculates the postion and the size of all widgets.
00223    TGFrameElement   *ptr;
00224    TGXYLayoutHints  *layout;
00225    Double_t          xFactor;
00226    Double_t          yFactor;
00227    Int_t             newX, newY;
00228    UInt_t            newW, newH;
00229    Double_t          temp;
00231    if (!fList) return;
00233    if (fFirst) {
00234       // save the original size of the frame. It is used to determin
00235       // if the user has changed the window
00236       fFirstWidth   = fMain->GetWidth();
00237       fFirstHeight  = fMain->GetHeight();
00238       fFirst        = kFALSE;
00239    }
00241    // get the factor of the increacement of the window
00242    xFactor = (Double_t)fMain->GetWidth() / (Double_t)fFirstWidth;
00243    if (xFactor < 1.0) xFactor = 1.0;
00244    yFactor = (Double_t)fMain->GetHeight() / (Double_t)fFirstHeight;
00245    if (yFactor < 1.0) yFactor = 1.0;
00247    // set the position an size for each widget and call the layout
00248    // function for each widget
00249    TIter next(fList);
00250    while ((ptr = (TGFrameElement *) next()))  {
00251       if (ptr->fState & kIsVisible) {
00252          layout = (TGXYLayoutHints*)ptr->fLayout;
00253          if (layout == 0)
00254             continue;
00256          temp = layout->GetX() * fTWidth ;
00257          if (layout->GetFlag() & TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberX)
00258             temp *= xFactor;
00259          newX = (Int_t)(temp + 0.5);
00261          temp = layout->GetY() * fTHeight;
00262          if (layout->GetFlag() & TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberY)
00263             temp *= yFactor;
00264          newY = (Int_t)(temp + 0.5);
00266          temp = layout->GetW() * fTWidth;
00267          if (layout->GetFlag() & TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberW)
00268             temp *= xFactor;
00269          newW = (UInt_t)(temp + 0.5);
00271          temp = layout->GetH() * fTHeight;
00272          if (layout->GetFlag() & TGXYLayoutHints::kLRubberH)
00273             temp *= yFactor;
00274          newH = (UInt_t)(temp + 0.5);
00275          ptr->fFrame->MoveResize(newX, newY, newW, newH);
00276          ptr->fFrame->Layout();
00277       }
00278    }
00279 }
00281 //______________________________________________________________________________
00282 TGDimension TGXYLayout::GetDefaultSize() const
00283 {
00284    // Returns the original size of the frame.
00286    TGDimension size(fFirstWidth, fFirstHeight);
00288    return size;
00289 }
00291 //______________________________________________________________________________
00292 void TGXYLayout::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t * /*option = ""*/)
00293 {
00294    // Save XY layout manager as a C++ statement(s) on output stream.
00296    out << "new TGXYLayout(" << fMain->GetName() << ")";
00298 }

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