
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/postscript:$Id: TImageDump.cxx 36280 2010-10-11 08:48:02Z couet $
00002 // Author: Valeriy Onuchin
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // TImageDump                                                           //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // save canvas as an image (GIF, JPEG, PNG, XPM, TIFF etc.)             //
00017 // in batch mode.  Example:                                             //
00018 //                                                                      //
00019 //         $ root -b                                                    //
00020 //         root [0] .x hsimple.C                                        //
00021 //         root [1] c1->Print("c1.gif");                                //
00022 //                                                                      //
00023 // TImageDump can be used in any mode (batch, interactive) as follows   //
00024 //                                                                      //
00025 //    TCanvas *c1;                                                      //
00026 //    TImageDump *imgdump = new TImageDump("test.png");                 //
00027 //    c1->Paint();                                                      //
00028 //    imgdump->Close();                                                 //
00029 //                                                                      //
00030 //                                                                      //
00031 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00034 #include "TImageDump.h"
00035 #include "TImage.h"
00036 #include "TMath.h"
00037 #include "TPoint.h"
00038 #include "TColor.h"
00039 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
00040 #include "TEnv.h"
00041 #include "TROOT.h"
00042 #include "TSystem.h"
00043 #include "TText.h"
00044 #include "RStipples.h"
00045 #include "TList.h"
00046 #include "TStyle.h"
00047 #include "TObjString.h"
00048 #include "TObjArray.h"
00051 ClassImp(TImageDump)
00054 //______________________________________________________________________________
00055 TImageDump::TImageDump() : TVirtualPS()
00056 {
00057    // Default SVG constructor
00059    fStream    = 0;
00060    fImage     = 0;
00061    gVirtualPS = this;
00062    fType      = 0;
00063 }
00065 //______________________________________________________________________________
00066 TImageDump::TImageDump(const char *fname, Int_t wtype) : TVirtualPS(fname, wtype)
00067 {
00068    // Initialize batch image interface
00069    //
00070    //  fname : image file name
00071    //
00072    //    The possible workstation types are:
00073    //  111 - Portrait
00074    //  112 - Landscape
00075    //  114 - preview, keep in memory (do not write on delete)
00077    Open(fname, wtype);
00078    gVirtualPS = this;
00079 }
00081 //______________________________________________________________________________
00082 void TImageDump::Open(const char *fname, Int_t type)
00083 {
00084    // Open a image file
00086    fStream = 0;
00087    fImage  = TImage::Create();
00088    fType   = type;
00089    SetName(fname);
00090 }
00092 //______________________________________________________________________________
00093 TImageDump::~TImageDump()
00094 {
00095    // destructor
00097    Close();
00099    delete fImage;
00100    fImage = 0;
00102    gVirtualPS = 0;
00103 }
00105 //______________________________________________________________________________
00106 void TImageDump::Close(Option_t *)
00107 {
00108    // Close a image file
00110    // if fType == 114 - do not write image
00111    if (!fImage || (fType == 114)) {
00112       return;
00113    }
00115    //if (fType == 112) fImage->Flip(90);
00116    fImage->WriteImage(GetName());
00117 }
00119 //______________________________________________________________________________
00120 void TImageDump::DrawBox(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t  y2)
00121 {
00122    // Draw a Box
00124    if (!gPad || !fImage) {
00125       return;
00126    }
00128    fImage->BeginPaint();
00130    static Double_t x[4], y[4];
00131    Int_t ix1 = x1 < x2 ? XtoPixel(x1) : XtoPixel(x2);
00132    Int_t ix2 = x1 < x2 ? XtoPixel(x2) : XtoPixel(x1);
00133    Int_t iy1 = y1 < y2 ? YtoPixel(y1) : YtoPixel(y2);
00134    Int_t iy2 = y1 < y2 ? YtoPixel(y2) : YtoPixel(y1);
00135    if (TMath::Abs(ix2-ix1) < 1) ix2 = ix1+1;
00136    if (TMath::Abs(iy1-iy2) < 1) iy1 = iy2+1;
00138    Int_t fillis = fFillStyle/1000;
00139    Int_t fillsi = fFillStyle%1000;
00141    TColor *col = gROOT->GetColor(fFillColor);
00142    if (!col) { // no color, set it white
00143       fFillColor = 10;
00144       col = gROOT->GetColor(fFillColor);
00145    }
00147    TColor *linecol = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00148    if (!linecol) { // no color, set it to black
00149       fLineColor = 1;
00150       linecol = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00151    }
00153    if ((fillis == 3) || (fillis == 2)) {
00154       if (fillsi > 99) {
00155          x[0] = x1;   y[0] = y1;
00156          x[1] = x2;   y[1] = y1;
00157          x[2] = x2;   y[2] = y2;
00158          x[3] = x1;   y[3] = y2;
00159          return;
00160       }
00161       if ((fillsi > 0) && (fillsi < 26)) {
00162          x[0] = x1;   y[0] = y1;
00163          x[1] = x2;   y[1] = y1;
00164          x[2] = x2;   y[2] = y2;
00165          x[3] = x1;   y[3] = y2;
00166          DrawPS(-4, &x[0], &y[0]);
00167       }
00168       if (fillsi == -3) {
00169          // fill style = -3 ... which is NEVER used now
00170       }
00171    }
00173    if (fillis == 1) {
00174       fImage->DrawBox(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2, col->AsHexString(), 1, TVirtualX::kFilled);
00175    }
00177    if (fillis == 0) {
00178       fImage->DrawBox(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2, linecol->AsHexString(), fLineWidth, TVirtualX::kHollow);
00179    }
00180 }
00182 //______________________________________________________________________________
00183 void TImageDump::DrawFrame(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t  y2,
00184                             Int_t mode, Int_t bordersize, Int_t dark, Int_t light)
00185 {
00186    // Draw a Frame around a box
00187    //
00188    // mode = -1  the box looks as it is behind the screen
00189    // mode =  1  the box looks as it is in front of the screen
00190    // border is the border size in already pre-computed dark is the
00191    // color for the dark part of the frame light is the color for the light
00192    // part of the frame
00194    if (!gPad || !fImage) {
00195       return;
00196    }
00198    fImage->BeginPaint();
00200    bordersize = bordersize < 1 ? 1 : bordersize;
00202    TColor *col;
00203    TColor *lo = gROOT->GetColor(dark);
00204    if (!lo) {
00205       lo = gROOT->GetColor(10);
00206    }
00207    TColor *hi = gROOT->GetColor(light);
00208    if (!hi) {
00209       hi = gROOT->GetColor(10);
00210    }
00212    Short_t pxl,pyl,pxt,pyt,px1,py1,px2,py2;
00213    Double_t xl, xt, yl, yt;
00215    px1 = XtoPixel(x1);   py1 = YtoPixel(y1);
00216    px2 = XtoPixel(x2);   py2 = YtoPixel(y2);
00217    if (px1 < px2) {pxl = px1; pxt = px2; xl = x1; xt = x2; }
00218    else           {pxl = px2; pxt = px1; xl = x2; xt = x1;}
00219    if (py1 > py2) {pyl = py1; pyt = py2; yl = y1; yt = y2;}
00220    else           {pyl = py2; pyt = py1; yl = y2; yt = y1;}
00222    if (bordersize == 1) {
00223       col = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00224       if (!col) {
00225          fLineColor = 1;
00226          col = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00227       }
00228       fImage->DrawBox(pxl, pyl, pxt, pyt-1, col->AsHexString(),  TVirtualX::kFilled);
00229       return;
00230    }
00232    if (!fImage->IsValid()) {
00233       col = gROOT->GetColor(light);
00234       if (!col) {
00235          col = gROOT->GetColor(10);
00236          if (!col) return;
00237       }
00238       fImage->DrawBox(pxl, pyl, pxt, pyt, // force image creation and resizing
00239                       "#ffffffff", 1,  TVirtualX::kFilled);
00240    }
00242    TPoint frame[6];
00244    frame[0].fX = pxl;                 frame[0].fY = pyl;
00245    frame[1].fX = pxl + bordersize;    frame[1].fY = pyl - bordersize;
00246    frame[2].fX = pxl + bordersize;    frame[2].fY = pyt + bordersize;
00247    frame[3].fX = pxt - bordersize;    frame[3].fY = pyt + bordersize;;
00248    frame[4].fX = pxt;                 frame[4].fY = pyt;
00249    frame[5].fX = pxl;                 frame[5].fY = pyt;
00251    if (mode == -1) col = lo;
00252    else            col = hi;
00254    fImage->DrawFillArea(6, frame, col->AsHexString());
00256    frame[0].fX = pxl;                 frame[0].fY = pyl;
00257    frame[1].fX = pxl + bordersize;    frame[1].fY = pyl - bordersize;
00258    frame[2].fX = pxt - bordersize;    frame[2].fY = frame[1].fY;
00259    frame[3].fX = frame[2].fX;         frame[3].fY = pyt + bordersize;
00260    frame[4].fX = pxt;                 frame[4].fY = pyt;
00261    frame[5].fX = pxt;                 frame[5].fY = pyl;
00263    if (mode == -1) col = hi;
00264    else            col = lo;
00266    fImage->DrawFillArea(6, frame, col->AsHexString());
00267 }
00269 //______________________________________________________________________________
00270 void TImageDump::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t, Float_t *, Float_t *)
00271 {
00272    // not used
00274    if (!gPad || !fImage) {
00275       return;
00276    }
00277 }
00279 //______________________________________________________________________________
00280 void TImageDump::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, Double_t *xw, Double_t *yw)
00281 {
00282    // draw polymarker
00284    if (!gPad || !fImage) {
00285       return;
00286    }
00288    fImage->BeginPaint();
00290    Int_t ms = TMath::Abs(fMarkerStyle);
00291    static TPoint pt[20];
00293    if (ms > 7 && ms <= 19) ms = 20;
00294    if (ms == 4) ms = 24;
00296    // Define the marker size
00297    const Int_t kBASEMARKER = 8;
00298    Double_t msize = fMarkerSize * kBASEMARKER;
00299    if (ms == 6) msize *= 0.2;
00300    if (ms == 7) msize *= 0.3;
00301    Double_t m  = msize;
00302    Double_t m2 = m/2;
00303    Double_t m3 = m/3;
00304    Double_t m6 = m/6;
00306    TColor *col = gROOT->GetColor(fMarkerColor);
00307    if (!col) { // no color
00308       fMarkerColor = 1;
00309       col = gROOT->GetColor(fMarkerColor);
00310    }
00312    // Draw the marker according to the type
00313    Short_t ix,iy;
00314    for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++) {
00315       ix = XtoPixel(xw[i]);
00316       iy = YtoPixel(yw[i]);
00318       switch (ms) {
00319       // Dots (.) big, medium and small
00320       case 7:
00321          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix-1, (UInt_t)iy-1, col->AsHexString());
00322          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix-1, (UInt_t)iy+1, col->AsHexString());
00323          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix+1, (UInt_t)iy+1, col->AsHexString());
00324          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix+1, (UInt_t)iy-1, col->AsHexString());
00325       case 6:
00326          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix,   (UInt_t)iy-1, col->AsHexString());
00327          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix,   (UInt_t)iy+1, col->AsHexString());
00328          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix-1, (UInt_t)iy,   col->AsHexString());
00329          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix+1, (UInt_t)iy,   col->AsHexString());
00330       case 1:
00331          fImage->PutPixel((UInt_t)ix,   (UInt_t)iy,   col->AsHexString());
00332          break;
00333       // Plus (+)
00334       case 2:
00335          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy), UInt_t(ix+m2), UInt_t(iy), col->AsHexString());
00336          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix), UInt_t(iy-m2), UInt_t(ix), UInt_t(iy+m2), col->AsHexString());
00337          break;
00338       // X shape (X)
00339       case 5:
00340          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy-m2), UInt_t(ix+m2), UInt_t(iy+m2), col->AsHexString());
00341          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy+m2), UInt_t(ix+m2), UInt_t(iy-m2), col->AsHexString());
00342          break;
00343       // Asterisk shape (*)
00344       case 3:
00345       case 31:
00346          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy), UInt_t(ix+m2), UInt_t(iy), col->AsHexString());
00347          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix), UInt_t(iy-m2), UInt_t(ix), UInt_t(iy+m2), col->AsHexString());
00348          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy-m2), UInt_t(ix+m2), UInt_t(iy+m2), col->AsHexString());
00349          fImage->DrawLine(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy+m2), UInt_t(ix+m2), UInt_t(iy-m2), col->AsHexString());
00350          break;
00351       // Circle
00352       case 4:
00353       case 24:
00354          fImage->DrawCircle(ix, iy, Int_t(msize/2), col->AsHexString(), 1);
00355          break;
00356       // Circle
00357       case 8:
00358       case 20:
00359          fImage->DrawCircle(ix, iy, Int_t(msize/2), col->AsHexString(), -1);
00360          break;
00361       // Square
00362       case 21:
00363          fImage->FillRectangle(col->AsHexString(), UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy-m2), UInt_t(m), UInt_t(m));
00364          break;
00365       case 25:
00366          fImage->DrawRectangle(UInt_t(ix-m2), UInt_t(iy-m2), UInt_t(m), UInt_t(m), col->AsHexString());
00367          break;
00368       // Down triangle
00369       case 23:
00370       case 32:
00371          pt[0].fX = Short_t(ix-m2); pt[0].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00372          pt[1].fX = Short_t(ix+m2); pt[1].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00373          pt[2].fX = Short_t(ix);    pt[2].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00374          pt[3].fX = Short_t(ix-m2); pt[3].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00375          ms == 32 ? fImage->DrawPolyLine(4, pt, col->AsHexString()) :
00376                     fImage->FillPolygon(3, pt, col->AsHexString());
00377          break;
00378       // Up triangle
00379       case 22:
00380       case 26:
00381          pt[0].fX = Short_t(ix);    pt[0].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00382          pt[1].fX = Short_t(ix+m2); pt[1].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00383          pt[2].fX = Short_t(ix-m2); pt[2].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00384          pt[3].fX = Short_t(ix);    pt[3].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00385          ms == 26 ? fImage->DrawPolyLine(4, pt, col->AsHexString()) :
00386                     fImage->FillPolygon(3, pt, col->AsHexString());
00387          break;
00388       case 27:
00389       case 33:
00390          pt[0].fX = Short_t(ix);    pt[0].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00391          pt[1].fX = Short_t(ix+m3); pt[1].fY = Short_t(iy);
00392          pt[2].fX = Short_t(ix);    pt[2].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00393          pt[3].fX = Short_t(ix-m3); pt[3].fY = Short_t(iy);
00394          pt[4].fX = Short_t(ix);    pt[4].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00395          ms == 27 ? fImage->DrawPolyLine(5, pt, col->AsHexString()) :
00396                     fImage->FillPolygon(4, pt, col->AsHexString());
00397          break;
00398       case 28:
00399       case 34:
00400          pt[0].fX = Short_t(ix-m6);  pt[0].fY = Short_t(iy-m6);
00401          pt[1].fX = Short_t(ix-m6);  pt[1].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00402          pt[2].fX = Short_t(ix+m6);  pt[2].fY = Short_t(iy-m2);
00403          pt[3].fX = Short_t(ix+m6);  pt[3].fY = Short_t(iy-m6);
00404          pt[4].fX = Short_t(ix+m2);  pt[4].fY = Short_t(iy-m6);
00405          pt[5].fX = Short_t(ix+m2);  pt[5].fY = Short_t(iy+m6);
00406          pt[6].fX = Short_t(ix+m6);  pt[6].fY = Short_t(iy+m6);
00407          pt[7].fX = Short_t(ix+m6);  pt[7].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00408          pt[8].fX = Short_t(ix-m6);  pt[8].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00409          pt[9].fX = Short_t(ix-m6);  pt[9].fY = Short_t(iy+m6);
00410          pt[10].fX = Short_t(ix-m2); pt[10].fY = Short_t(iy+m6);
00411          pt[11].fX = Short_t(ix-m2); pt[11].fY = Short_t(iy-m6);
00412          pt[12].fX = Short_t(ix-m6); pt[12].fY = Short_t(iy-m6);
00413          ms == 28 ? fImage->DrawPolyLine(13, pt, col->AsHexString()) :
00414                     fImage->FillPolygon(12, pt, col->AsHexString());
00415          break;
00416       case 29:
00417       case 30:
00418          pt[0].fX = Short_t(ix);             pt[0].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00419          pt[1].fX = Short_t(ix+0.112255*m);  pt[1].fY = Short_t(iy+0.15451*m);
00420          pt[2].fX = Short_t(ix+0.47552*m);   pt[2].fY = Short_t(iy+0.15451*m);
00421          pt[3].fX = Short_t(ix+0.181635*m);  pt[3].fY = Short_t(iy-0.05902*m);
00422          pt[4].fX = Short_t(ix+0.29389*m);   pt[4].fY = Short_t(iy-0.40451*m);
00423          pt[5].fX = Short_t(ix);             pt[5].fY = Short_t(iy-0.19098*m);
00424          pt[6].fX = Short_t(ix-0.29389*m);   pt[6].fY = Short_t(iy-0.40451*m);
00425          pt[7].fX = Short_t(ix-0.181635*m);  pt[7].fY = Short_t(iy-0.05902*m);
00426          pt[8].fX = Short_t(ix-0.47552*m);   pt[8].fY = Short_t(iy+0.15451*m);
00427          pt[9].fX = Short_t(ix-0.112255*m);  pt[9].fY = Short_t(iy+0.15451*m);
00428          pt[10].fX = Short_t(ix);             pt[10].fY = Short_t(iy+m2);
00429          ms == 30 ? fImage->DrawPolyLine(11, pt, col->AsHexString()) :
00430                     fImage->DrawFillArea(10, pt, col->AsHexString());
00431          break;
00432       default:
00433          fImage->PutPixel(UInt_t(ix), UInt_t(iy), col->AsHexString());
00434          break;
00435       }
00436    }
00437 }
00439 //______________________________________________________________________________
00440 void TImageDump::DrawPS(Int_t nn, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
00441 {
00442    // This function defines a path with xw and yw and draw it according the
00443    // value of nn:
00444    //
00445    //  If nn > 0 a line is drawn.
00446    //  If nn < 0 a closed polygon is drawn.
00448    if (!gPad || !fImage || !nn) {
00449       return;
00450    }
00452    fImage->BeginPaint();
00454    TColor *col = 0;
00455    Int_t  fais = 0 , fasi = 0;
00456    Bool_t line = nn > 1;
00457    UInt_t n = TMath::Abs(nn);
00459    fais = fFillStyle/1000;
00460    fasi = fFillStyle%1000;
00462    Short_t px1, py1, px2, py2;
00463    static const UInt_t gCachePtSize = 200;
00464    static TPoint gPointCache[gCachePtSize];
00465    Bool_t del = kTRUE;
00468    // SetLineStyle
00469    Int_t ndashes = 0;
00470    char *dash = 0;
00471    static char dashList[10];
00472    Int_t dashLength = 0;
00473    Int_t dashSize = 0;
00475    if (line) {
00476       // dash lines
00477       if (fLineStyle > 1) {
00478          TString st = gStyle->GetLineStyleString(fLineStyle);
00479          TObjArray *tokens = st.Tokenize(" ");
00480          ndashes = tokens->GetEntries();
00481          dash = new char[ndashes];
00483          for (int j = 0; j < ndashes; j++) {
00484             Int_t it;
00485             sscanf(((TObjString*)tokens->At(j))->GetName(), "%d", &it);
00486             dash[j] = (char)(it/4);
00487          }
00489          dashSize = TMath::Min((int)sizeof(dashList), ndashes);
00490          dashLength = 0;
00491          for (int i = 0; i < dashSize; i++ ) {
00492             dashList[i] = dash[i];
00493             dashLength += dashList[i];
00494          }
00495          delete tokens;
00496          delete [] dash;
00497       }
00499       // SetLineColor
00500       col = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00501       if (!col) { // no color, make it black
00502          fLineColor = 1;
00503          col = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00504          if (!col) return;
00505       }
00506    }
00508    if (n == 1) {  // point
00509       col = gROOT->GetColor(fFillColor);
00510       if (!col) { // no color, make it black
00511          fFillColor = 1;
00512          col = gROOT->GetColor(fFillColor);
00513       }
00514       px1 = XtoPixel(x[0]);   py1 = YtoPixel(y[0]);
00515       fImage->PutPixel(px1, py1, col->AsHexString());
00516       return;
00517    }
00519    if (n == 2) {  // line
00520       px1 = XtoPixel(x[0]);   py1 = YtoPixel(y[0]);
00521       px2 = XtoPixel(x[1]);   py2 = YtoPixel(y[1]);
00523       // SetLineColor
00524       col = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00525       if (!col) { // no color, make it black
00526          fLineColor = 1;
00527          col = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00528       }
00529       if (fLineStyle < 2) {
00530          fImage->DrawLine(px1, py1, px2, py2, col->AsHexString(), fLineWidth);
00531       } else {
00532          fImage->DrawDashLine(px1, py1, px2, py2, dashSize, (const char*)dashList,
00533                                  col->AsHexString(), fLineWidth);
00534       }
00535       return;
00536    }
00538    if (!line && ((fais == 3) || (fais == 2)) && (fasi > 100) ) {
00539       return;
00540    }
00542    TPoint *pt = 0;
00543    if (n+1 < gCachePtSize) {
00544       pt = (TPoint*)&gPointCache;
00545       del = kFALSE;
00546    } else {
00547       pt = new TPoint[n+1];
00548       del = kTRUE;
00549    }
00551    TColor *fcol = gROOT->GetColor(fFillColor);
00552    if (!fcol) { // no color, set it white
00553       fFillColor = 10;
00554       fcol = gROOT->GetColor(fFillColor);
00555    }
00557    TColor *lcol = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00558    if (!lcol) { // no color, make it black
00559       fLineColor = 1;
00560       lcol = gROOT->GetColor(fLineColor);
00561    }
00563    for (UInt_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00564       pt[i].fX = XtoPixel(x[i]);
00565       pt[i].fY = YtoPixel(y[i]);
00566    }
00567    pt[n].fX = pt[0].fX;
00568    pt[n].fY = pt[0].fY;
00570    const char *stipple = (fais == 3) && (fasi > 0) && (fasi < 26) ? (const char*)gStipples[fasi] : 0;
00572    // filled polygon
00573    if (!line && fFillStyle && (fFillStyle != 4000)) {
00574       if (!fcol) return;
00576       if (n < 5) {   // convex
00577          fImage->FillPolygon(n, pt, fcol->AsHexString(), stipple);
00578       } else {       // non-convex fill area
00579          fImage->DrawFillArea(n, pt, fcol->AsHexString(), stipple);
00580       }
00581    }
00583    // hollow polygon or polyline is drawn
00584    if (line || !fFillStyle || (fFillStyle == 4000)) {
00585       if (!lcol) return;
00586       if (!line) {
00587          fImage->DrawPolyLine(n+1, pt, fcol->AsHexString(), 1);
00588       } else {
00589          if (fLineStyle < 2) { // solid
00590             fImage->DrawPolyLine(n, pt, lcol->AsHexString(), fLineWidth);
00591          } else { // dashed
00592             DrawDashPolyLine(n, pt,  dashSize, (const char*)dashList,
00593                             lcol->AsHexString(), fLineWidth);
00594          }
00595       }
00596    }
00597    if (del) delete [] pt;
00598 }
00600 //______________________________________________________________________________
00601 void TImageDump::DrawPS(Int_t, Float_t *, Float_t *)
00602 {
00603    // not used
00605    if (!gPad || !fImage) {
00606       return;
00607    }
00608 }
00609 //______________________________________________________________________________
00610 void TImageDump::DrawDashPolyLine(Int_t nn, TPoint *xy, UInt_t nDash,
00611                                     const char* pDash, const char* col, UInt_t thick)
00612 {
00613    // draw dashed polyline
00615    Int_t x0 = xy[0].GetX();
00616    Int_t y0 = xy[0].GetY();
00617    Int_t x = 0;
00618    Int_t y = 0;
00620    for (Int_t i = 1; i < nn; i++) {
00621       x = xy[i].GetX();
00622       y = xy[i].GetY();
00624       fImage->DrawDashLine(x0, y0, x, y, nDash, pDash, col, thick);
00626       x0 = x;
00627       y0 = y;
00628    }
00629 }
00631 //______________________________________________________________________________
00632 void TImageDump::NewPage()
00633 {
00634    // new page
00636    if (gPad && fImage) {
00637       UInt_t w = UInt_t(gPad->GetWw()*gPad->GetWNDC());
00638       UInt_t h = UInt_t(gPad->GetWh()*gPad->GetHNDC());
00639       fImage->DrawRectangle(0, 0, w, h, "#ffffffff");
00640    }
00641    return;
00642 }
00644 //______________________________________________________________________________
00645 void TImageDump::Text(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *chars)
00646 {
00647    // Draw text
00648    //
00649    // x: x position of the text
00650    // y: y position of the text
00652    if (!gPad || !fImage) {
00653       return;
00654    }
00656    fImage->BeginPaint();
00658    TText t(x, y, chars);
00659    t.SetTextSize(fTextSize);
00660    t.SetTextFont(fTextFont);
00661    t.SetTextAlign(fTextAlign);
00662    t.SetTextAngle(fTextAngle);
00663    t.SetTextColor(fTextColor);
00664    fImage->DrawText(&t, XtoPixel(x), YtoPixel(y));
00665 }
00668 ////////////////////////// CellArray code ////////////////////////////////////
00669 static UInt_t *gCellArrayColors = 0;
00670 static Int_t   gCellArrayN = 0;
00671 static Int_t   gCellArrayW = 0;
00672 static Int_t   gCellArrayH = 0;
00673 static Int_t   gCellArrayX1 = 0;
00674 static Int_t   gCellArrayX2 = 0;
00675 static Int_t   gCellArrayY1 = 0;
00676 static Int_t   gCellArrayY2 = 0;
00677 static Int_t   gCellArrayIdx = 0;
00679 //______________________________________________________________________________
00680 void TImageDump::CellArrayBegin(Int_t w, Int_t h, Double_t x1, Double_t x2,
00681                                 Double_t y1, Double_t y2)
00682 {
00683    //cell array begin
00685    if (!gPad || !fImage || (w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) {
00686       return;
00687    }
00689    if (gCellArrayColors) {
00690       delete [] gCellArrayColors;
00691    }
00693    fImage->BeginPaint();
00695    gCellArrayN = w * h;
00696    gCellArrayW = w;
00697    gCellArrayH = h;
00698    gCellArrayColors = new UInt_t[gCellArrayN];
00700    gCellArrayX1 = x1 < x2 ? XtoPixel(x1) : XtoPixel(x2);
00701    gCellArrayX2 = x1 > x2 ? XtoPixel(x2) : XtoPixel(x1);
00702    gCellArrayY1 = y1 < y2 ? YtoPixel(y1) : YtoPixel(y2);
00703    gCellArrayY2 = y1 < y2 ? YtoPixel(y2) : YtoPixel(y1);
00705    gCellArrayIdx = 0;
00706 }
00708 //______________________________________________________________________________
00709 void TImageDump::CellArrayFill(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b)
00710 {
00711    //Cell array fill
00713    if (gCellArrayIdx >= gCellArrayN) return;
00715    fImage->BeginPaint();
00717    gCellArrayColors[gCellArrayIdx] = ((r & 0xFF) << 16) + ((g & 0xFF) << 8) + (b & 0xFF);
00718    gCellArrayIdx++;
00719 }
00721 //______________________________________________________________________________
00722 void TImageDump::CellArrayEnd()
00723 {
00724    //Cell array end
00726    if (!fImage || !gCellArrayColors || !gCellArrayW || !gCellArrayH) {
00727       return;
00728    }
00730    fImage->BeginPaint();
00732    fImage->DrawCellArray(gCellArrayX1, gCellArrayX2, gCellArrayY1, gCellArrayY2,
00733                          gCellArrayW, gCellArrayH, gCellArrayColors);
00735    delete [] gCellArrayColors;
00736    gCellArrayColors = 0;
00737    gCellArrayN = 0;
00738    gCellArrayW = 0;
00739    gCellArrayH = 0;
00740    gCellArrayX1 = 0;
00741    gCellArrayX2 = 0;
00742    gCellArrayY1 = 0;
00743    gCellArrayY2 = 0;
00744    gCellArrayIdx = 0;
00745 }
00747 //______________________________________________________________________________
00748 void TImageDump::SetColor(Float_t /*r*/, Float_t /*g*/, Float_t /*b*/)
00749 {
00750    // Set color with its R G B components
00751    //
00752    //  r: % of red in [0,1]
00753    //  g: % of green in [0,1]
00754    //  b: % of blue in [0,1]
00756 }
00758 //______________________________________________________________________________
00759 Int_t TImageDump::XtoPixel(Double_t x)
00760 {
00761    // x to pixel
00763    return  gPad->XtoAbsPixel(x);
00764 }
00766 //______________________________________________________________________________
00767 Int_t TImageDump::YtoPixel(Double_t y)
00768 {
00769    // y to pixel
00771    return  gPad->YtoAbsPixel(y);
00772 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:14:31 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1