
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/g3d:$Id: TPoints3DABC.cxx 21394 2007-12-17 08:57:17Z couet $
00002 // Author: Valery Fine(   04/05/99
00004 // @(#)root/g3d:$Id: TPoints3DABC.cxx 21394 2007-12-17 08:57:17Z couet $
00005 // Author: Valery Fine(   24/04/99
00007 #include "TPoints3DABC.h"
00008 #include "TMath.h"
00010 ClassImp(TPoints3DABC)
00012 //______________________________________________________________________________
00013 /* Begin_Html
00014 <center><h2>The TPoints3DABC class</h2></center>
00015 Abstract class to define Arrays of 3D points.
00016 End_Html */
00020 //______________________________________________________________________________
00021 Int_t TPoints3DABC::Add(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
00022 {
00023    // Add one 3D point defined by x,y,z to the array of the points
00024    // as its last element
00026    return AddLast(x,y,z);
00027 }
00030 //______________________________________________________________________________
00031 Int_t TPoints3DABC::AddLast(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
00032 {
00033    // Add one 3D point defined by x,y,z to the array of the points
00034    // as its last element
00036    return SetNextPoint(x,y,z);
00037 }
00040 //______________________________________________________________________________
00041 Int_t TPoints3DABC::DistancetoLine(Int_t px, Int_t py, Float_t x1, Float_t y1, Float_t x2, Float_t y2, Int_t lineWidth )
00042 {
00043    // Compute distance from point px,py to an axis of the band defined.
00044    //  by pair points  (x1,y1),(x2,y2) where lineWidth is the width of the band
00045    //
00046    //  Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to this line.
00047    //  The distance is computed in pixels units.
00048    //
00049    //
00050    //  Algorithm:
00051    //
00052    //    A(x1,y1)         P                             B(x2,y2)
00053    //    ------------------------------------------------
00054    //                     I
00055    //                     I
00056    //                     I
00057    //                     I
00058    //                    M(x,y)
00059    //
00060    //  Let us call  a = distance AM     a2=a**2
00061    //               b = distance BM     b2=b**2
00062    //               c = distance AB     c2=c**2
00063    //               d = distance PM     d2=d**2
00064    //               u = distance AP     u2=u**2
00065    //               v = distance BP     v2=v**2     c = u + v
00066    //
00067    //  d2 = a2 - u2
00068    //  d2 = b2 - v2  = b2 -(c-u)**2
00069    //     ==> u = (a2 -b2 +c2)/2c
00070    //
00071    //   Float_t x1    = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(xp1);
00072    //   Float_t y1    = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(yp1);
00073    //   Float_t x2    = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(xp2);
00074    //   Float_t y2    = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(yp2);
00076    Float_t xl, xt, yl, yt;
00077    Float_t x     = px;
00078    Float_t y     = py;
00079    if (x1 < x2) {xl = x1; xt = x2;}
00080    else         {xl = x2; xt = x1;}
00081    if (y1 < y2) {yl = y1; yt = y2;}
00082    else         {yl = y2; yt = y1;}
00083    if (x < xl-2 || x> xt+2) return 9999;  //following algorithm only valid in the box
00084    if (y < yl-2 || y> yt+2) return 9999;  //surrounding the line
00085    Float_t xx1   = x  - x1;
00086    Float_t xx2   = x  - x2;
00087    Float_t x1x2  = x1 - x2;
00088    Float_t yy1   = y  - y1;
00089    Float_t yy2   = y  - y2;
00090    Float_t y1y2  = y1 - y2;
00091    Float_t a2    = xx1*xx1   + yy1*yy1;
00092    Float_t b2    = xx2*xx2   + yy2*yy2;
00093    Float_t c2    = x1x2*x1x2 + y1y2*y1y2;
00094    if (c2 <= 0)  return 9999;
00095    Float_t c     = TMath::Sqrt(c2);
00096    Float_t u     = (a2 - b2 + c2)/(2*c);
00097    Float_t d2    = TMath::Abs(a2 - u*u);
00098    if (d2 < 0)   return 9999;
00100    return Int_t(TMath::Sqrt(d2) - 0.5*float(lineWidth));
00101 }
00104 //______________________________________________________________________________
00105 Int_t TPoints3DABC::SetNextPoint(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
00106 {
00107    // Add one 3D point defined by x,y,z to the array of the points
00108    // as its last element
00110    return SetPoint(GetLastPosition()+1,x,y,z);
00111 }
00114 //______________________________________________________________________________
00115 Int_t TPoints3DABC::GetN() const
00116 {
00117    // GetN()  returns the number of allocated cells if any.
00118    //         GetN() > 0 shows how many cells
00119    //         can be available via GetP() method.
00120    //         GetN() == 0 then GetP() must return 0 as well
00122    return 0;
00123 }
00126 //______________________________________________________________________________
00127 Float_t *TPoints3DABC::GetP() const
00128 {
00129    // GetP()  returns the pointer to the float point array
00130    //         of points if available
00131    //         The number of the available celss can be found via
00132    //         GetN() method.
00133    //         GetN() > 0 shows how many cells
00135    return 0;
00136 }
00139 //______________________________________________________________________________
00140 Float_t *TPoints3DABC::GetXYZ(Float_t *xyz,Int_t idx,Int_t num)  const
00141 {
00142    // GetXYZ(Float_t *xyz,Int_t idx,Int_t num=1) fills the buffer supplied
00143    // by the calling code with the points information.
00144    //
00145    //  Input parameters:
00146    //
00147    //   Float_t *xyz - an external user supplied floating point array.
00148    //   Int_t    num - the total number of the points to be copied
00149    //                  the dimension of that array the size of the
00150    //                  array is num*sizeof(Float_t) at least
00151    //   Int_t    idx - The index of the first copy to be taken.
00152    //
00153    //  Return: The pointer to the buffer array supplied
00155    if (xyz) {
00156       Int_t size = TMath::Min(idx+num,Size());
00157       Int_t j=0;
00158       for (Int_t i=idx;i<size;i++) {
00159          xyz[j++] = GetX(i);
00160          xyz[j++] = GetY(i);
00161          xyz[j++] = GetZ(i);
00162       }
00163    }
00164    return xyz;
00165 }

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