
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/base:$Id: TQConnection.cxx 26440 2008-11-25 03:06:35Z pcanal $
00002 // Author: Valeriy Onuchin & Fons Rademakers   15/10/2000
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // TQConnection class is an internal class, used in the object          //
00015 // communication mechanism.                                             //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // TQConnection:                                                        //
00018 //    -  is a list of signal_lists containing pointers                  //
00019 //       to this connection                                             //
00020 //    -  receiver is the object to which slot-method is applied         //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // This implementation is provided by                                   //
00023 // Valeriy Onuchin (onuchin@sirius.ihep.su).                            //
00024 //                                                                      //
00025 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00027 #include "Varargs.h"
00028 #include "TQConnection.h"
00029 #include "TROOT.h"
00030 #include "TRefCnt.h"
00031 #include "TClass.h"
00032 #include "TMethod.h"
00033 #include "TMethodArg.h"
00034 #include "TDataType.h"
00035 #include "TInterpreter.h"
00036 #include "Riostream.h"
00037 #include "TVirtualMutex.h"
00038 #include "THashTable.h"
00040 ClassImpQ(TQConnection)
00042 char *gTQSlotParams; // used to pass string parameter
00045 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00046 //                                                                      //
00047 //  TQSlot = slightly modified TMethodCall class                        //
00048 //           used in the object communication mechanism                 //
00049 //                                                                      //
00050 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00051 class TQSlot : public TObject, public TRefCnt {
00053 protected:
00054    CallFunc_t    *fFunc;      // CINT method invocation environment
00055    ClassInfo_t   *fClass;     // CINT class for fFunc
00056    TFunction     *fMethod;    // slot method or global function
00057    Long_t         fOffset;    // offset added to object pointer
00058    TString        fName;      // full name of method
00059    Int_t          fExecuting; // true if one of this slot's ExecuteMethod methods is being called
00060 public:
00061    TQSlot(TClass *cl, const char *method, const char *funcname);
00062    TQSlot(const char *class_name, const char *funcname);
00063    virtual ~TQSlot();
00065    const char *GetName() const { return fName.Data(); }
00067    void ExecuteMethod(void *object);
00068    void ExecuteMethod(void *object, Int_t nargs, va_list ap);
00069    void ExecuteMethod(void *object, Long_t param);
00070    void ExecuteMethod(void *object, Long64_t param);
00071    void ExecuteMethod(void *object, Double_t param);
00072    void ExecuteMethod(void *object, const char *params);
00073    void ExecuteMethod(void *object, Long_t *paramArr, Int_t nparam = -1);
00074    void Print(Option_t *opt= "") const;
00075    void ls(Option_t *opt= "") const { Print(opt); }
00077    Bool_t IsExecuting() const { return fExecuting > 0; }
00078 };
00081 //______________________________________________________________________________
00082 TQSlot::TQSlot(TClass *cl, const char *method_name,
00083                const char *funcname) : TObject(), TRefCnt()
00084 {
00085    // Create the method invocation environment. Necessary input
00086    // information: the class, full method name with prototype
00087    // string of the form: method(char*,int,float).
00088    // To initialize class method with default arguments, method
00089    // string with default parameters should be of the form:
00090    // method(=\"ABC\",1234,3.14) (!! parameter string should
00091    // consists of '=').
00092    // To execute the method call TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(object,...).
00094    fFunc      = 0;
00095    fClass     = 0;
00096    fOffset    = 0;
00097    fMethod    = 0;
00098    fName      = "";
00099    fExecuting = 0;
00101    // cl==0, is the case of interpreted function.
00103    fName = method_name;
00105    char *method = new char[strlen(method_name)+1];
00106    if (method) strcpy(method, method_name);
00108    char *proto;
00109    char *tmp;
00110    char *params = 0;
00112    // separate method and protoype strings
00114    if ((proto = strchr(method,'('))) {
00116       // substitute first '(' symbol with '\0'
00117       *proto++ = '\0';
00119       // last ')' symbol with '\0'
00120       if ((tmp = strrchr(proto,')'))) *tmp = '\0';
00121       if ((params = strchr(proto,'='))) *params = ' ';
00122    }
00124    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00125    fFunc = gCint->CallFunc_Factory();
00127    // initiate class method (function) with proto
00128    // or with default params
00130    if (cl) {
00131       if (params) {
00132          gCint->CallFunc_SetFunc(fFunc,cl->GetClassInfo(), method, params, &fOffset);
00133          fMethod = cl->GetMethod(method, params);
00134       } else {
00135          gCint->CallFunc_SetFuncProto(fFunc,cl->GetClassInfo(), method, proto, &fOffset);
00136          fMethod = cl->GetMethodWithPrototype(method, proto);
00137       }
00138    } else {
00139       fClass = gCint->ClassInfo_Factory();
00140       if (params) {
00141          gCint->CallFunc_SetFunc(fFunc,fClass, (char*)funcname, params, &fOffset);
00142          fMethod = gROOT->GetGlobalFunction(funcname, params, kTRUE);
00143       } else {
00144          gCint->CallFunc_SetFuncProto(fFunc,fClass, (char*)funcname, proto, &fOffset);
00145          fMethod = gROOT->GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(funcname, proto, kTRUE);
00146       }
00147    }
00149    // cleaning
00150    delete [] method;
00151 }
00153 //______________________________________________________________________________
00154 TQSlot::TQSlot(const char *class_name, const char *funcname) :
00155    TObject(), TRefCnt()
00156 {
00157    // Create the method invocation environment. Necessary input
00158    // information: the name of class (could be interpreted class),
00159    // full method name with prototype or parameter string
00160    // of the form: method(char*,int,float).
00161    // To initialize class method with default arguments, method
00162    // string with default parameters  should be of the form:
00163    // method(=\"ABC\",1234,3.14) (!! parameter string should
00164    // consists of '=').
00165    // To execute the method call TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(object,...).
00167    fFunc      = 0;
00168    fClass     = 0;
00169    fOffset    = 0;
00170    fMethod    = 0;
00171    fName      = funcname;
00172    fExecuting = 0;
00174    char *method = new char[strlen(funcname)+1];
00175    if (method) strcpy(method, funcname);
00177    char *proto;
00178    char *tmp;
00179    char *params = 0;
00181    // separate method and protoype strings
00183    if ((proto =  strchr(method,'('))) {
00184       *proto++ = '\0';
00185       if ((tmp = strrchr(proto,')'))) *tmp  = '\0';
00186       if ((params = strchr(proto,'='))) *params = ' ';
00187    }
00189    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00190    fFunc = gCint->CallFunc_Factory();
00192    fClass = gCint->ClassInfo_Factory();
00193    TClass *cl = 0;
00195    if (!class_name)
00196       ;                       // function
00197    else {
00198       gCint->ClassInfo_Init(fClass,class_name);   // class
00199       cl = TClass::GetClass(class_name);
00200    }
00202    if (params) {
00203       gCint->CallFunc_SetFunc(fFunc,fClass, method, params, &fOffset);
00204       if (cl)
00205          fMethod = cl->GetMethod(method, params);
00206       else
00207          fMethod = gROOT->GetGlobalFunction(method, params, kTRUE);
00208    } else {
00209       gCint->CallFunc_SetFuncProto(fFunc,fClass, method, proto , &fOffset);
00210       if (cl)
00211          fMethod = cl->GetMethodWithPrototype(method, proto);
00212       else
00213          fMethod = gROOT->GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(method, proto, kTRUE);
00214    }
00216    delete [] method;
00217 }
00219 //______________________________________________________________________________
00220 TQSlot::~TQSlot()
00221 {
00222    // TQSlot dtor.
00224    // don't delete executing environment of a slot that is being executed
00225    if (!fExecuting) {
00226       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00227       gCint->ClassInfo_Delete(fClass);
00228    }
00229 }
00231 //______________________________________________________________________________
00232 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object)
00233 {
00234    // ExecuteMethod the method (with preset arguments) for
00235    // the specified object.
00237    void *address = 0;
00238    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00239    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00240    fExecuting++;
00241    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00242    fExecuting--;
00243    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00244       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00245 }
00247 //______________________________________________________________________________
00248 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object, Int_t nargs, va_list ap)
00249 {
00250    // ExecuteMethod the method for the specified object and
00251    // with variable argument list.
00253    if (!fMethod) {
00254       Error("ExecuteMethod", "method %s not found,"
00255             "\n(note: interpreted methods are not supported with varargs)",
00256             fName.Data());
00257       return;
00258    }
00260    if (nargs < fMethod->GetNargs() - fMethod->GetNargsOpt() ||
00261        nargs > fMethod->GetNargs()) {
00262       Error("ExecuteMethod", "nargs (%d) not consistent with expected number of arguments ([%d-%d])",
00263             nargs, fMethod->GetNargs() - fMethod->GetNargsOpt(),
00264             fMethod->GetNargs());
00265       return;
00266    }
00268    void *address = 0;
00269    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00271    gCint->CallFunc_ResetArg(fFunc);
00273    if (nargs > 0) {
00274       TIter next(fMethod->GetListOfMethodArgs());
00275       TMethodArg *arg;
00277       for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
00278          arg = (TMethodArg*) next();
00279          TString type = arg->GetFullTypeName();
00280          TDataType *dt = gROOT->GetType(type);
00281          if (dt)
00282             type = dt->GetFullTypeName();
00283          if (arg->Property() & (kIsPointer | kIsArray | kIsReference))
00284             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long_t) va_arg(ap, void*));
00285             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long_t) va_arg(ap, void*));
00286          else if (type == "bool")
00287             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));  // bool is promoted to int
00288             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));  // bool is promoted to int
00289          else if (type == "char" || type == "unsigned char")
00290             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));  // char is promoted to int
00291             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));  // char is promoted to int
00292          else if (type == "short" || type == "unsigned short")
00293             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));  // short is promoted to int
00294             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));  // short is promoted to int
00295          else if (type == "int" || type == "unsigned int")
00296             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));
00297             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long_t) va_arg(ap, int));
00298          else if (type == "long" || type == "unsigned long")
00299             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long_t) va_arg(ap, long));
00300             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long_t) va_arg(ap, long));
00301          else if (type == "long long")
00302             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Long64_t) va_arg(ap, Long64_t));
00303             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Long64_t) va_arg(ap, Long64_t));
00304          else if (type == "unsigned long long")
00305             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(ULong64_t) va_arg(ap, ULong64_t));
00306             //fCallEnv->SetParam((ULong64_t) va_arg(ap, ULong64_t));
00307          else if (type == "float")
00308             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Double_t) va_arg(ap, double));  // float is promoted to double
00309             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Double_t) va_arg(ap, double));  // float is promoted to double
00310          else if (type == "double")
00311             gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,(Double_t) va_arg(ap, double));
00312             //fCallEnv->SetParam((Double_t) va_arg(ap, double));
00313       }
00314    }
00316    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00317    fExecuting++;
00318    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00319    fExecuting--;
00320    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00321       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00322 }
00324 //______________________________________________________________________________
00325 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object, Long_t param)
00326 {
00327    // ExecuteMethod the method for the specified object and
00328    // with single argument value.
00330    void *address = 0;
00331    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00332    gCint->CallFunc_ResetArg(fFunc);
00333    gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,param);
00334    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00335    fExecuting++;
00336    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00337    fExecuting--;
00338    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00339       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00340 }
00342 //______________________________________________________________________________
00343 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object, Long64_t param)
00344 {
00345    // ExecuteMethod the method for the specified object and
00346    // with single argument value.
00348    void *address = 0;
00349    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00350    gCint->CallFunc_ResetArg(fFunc);
00351    gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,param);
00352    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00353    fExecuting++;
00354    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00355    fExecuting--;
00356    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00357       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00358 }
00360 //______________________________________________________________________________
00361 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object, Double_t param)
00362 {
00363    // ExecuteMethod the method for the specified object and
00364    // with single argument value.
00366    void *address = 0;
00367    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00368    gCint->CallFunc_ResetArg(fFunc);
00369    gCint->CallFunc_SetArg(fFunc,param);
00370    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00371    fExecuting++;
00372    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00373    fExecuting--;
00374    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00375       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00376 }
00378 //______________________________________________________________________________
00379 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object, const char *param)
00380 {
00381    // ExecuteMethod the method for the specified object and text param.
00383    void *address = 0;
00384    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00385    gTQSlotParams = (char*)param;
00386    gCint->CallFunc_SetArgs(fFunc,"gTQSlotParams");
00387    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00388    fExecuting++;
00389    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00390    fExecuting--;
00391    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00392       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00393 }
00395 //______________________________________________________________________________
00396 inline void TQSlot::ExecuteMethod(void *object, Long_t *paramArr, Int_t nparam)
00397 {
00398    // ExecuteMethod the method for the specified object and with
00399    // several argument values.
00400    // ParamArr is an array containing the function argument values.
00401    // If nparam = -1 then paramArr must contain values for all function
00402    // arguments, otherwise Nargs-NargsOpt <= nparam <= Nargs, where
00403    // Nargs is the number of all arguments and NargsOpt is the number
00404    // of default arguments.
00406    void *address = 0;
00407    R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex);
00408    gCint->CallFunc_SetArgArray(fFunc,paramArr, nparam);
00409    if (object) address = (void*)((Long_t)object + fOffset);
00410    fExecuting++;
00411    gCint->CallFunc_Exec(fFunc,address);
00412    fExecuting--;
00413    if (!TestBit(kNotDeleted) && !fExecuting)
00414       gCint->CallFunc_Delete(fFunc);
00415 }
00417 //______________________________________________________________________________
00418 void TQSlot::Print(Option_t *) const
00419 {
00420    // Print info about slot.
00422    cout <<IsA()->GetName() << "\t" << GetName() << "\t"
00423    << "Number of Connections = " << References() << endl;
00424 }
00426 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00428 class TQSlotPool {
00429 private:
00430    THashTable *fTable;
00431 public:
00432    TQSlotPool() { fTable = new THashTable(50); }
00433    virtual ~TQSlotPool() { fTable->Clear("nodelete"); }
00435    TQSlot  *New(const char *class_name, const char *funcname);
00436    TQSlot  *New(TClass *cl, const char *method, const char *func);
00437    void     Free(TQSlot *slot);
00438 };
00440 //______________________________________________________________________________
00441 TQSlot *TQSlotPool::New(const char *class_name, const char *funcname)
00442 {
00443    // Create new slot or return already existing one.
00445    TString name = class_name;
00446    name += "::";
00447    name += funcname;
00449    TQSlot *slot = (TQSlot*)fTable->FindObject(name.Data());
00451    if (!slot) {
00452       slot = new TQSlot(class_name, funcname);
00453       fTable->Add(slot);
00454    }
00455    slot->AddReference();
00456    return slot;
00457 }
00459 //______________________________________________________________________________
00460 TQSlot *TQSlotPool::New(TClass *cl, const char *method, const char *func)
00461 {
00462    // Create new slot or return already existing one.
00464    TString name;
00466    if (cl) {
00467       name = cl->GetName();
00468       name += "::";
00469       name += method;
00470    } else {
00471       name = "::";
00472       name += func;
00473    }
00475    TQSlot *slot = (TQSlot*)fTable->FindObject(name.Data());
00477    if (!slot) {
00478       slot = new TQSlot(cl, method, func);
00479       fTable->Add(slot);
00480    }
00481    slot->AddReference();
00482    return slot;
00483 }
00485 //______________________________________________________________________________
00486 void TQSlotPool::Free(TQSlot *slot)
00487 {
00488    // Delete slot if there is no reference to it.
00490    slot->RemoveReference();  // decrease references to slot
00492    if (slot->References() <= 0) {
00493       fTable->Remove(slot);
00494       if (!slot->IsExecuting()) SafeDelete(slot);
00495    }
00496 }
00498 static TQSlotPool gSlotPool;  // global pool of slots
00500 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00502 //______________________________________________________________________________
00503 TQConnection::TQConnection() : TList(), TQObject()
00504 {
00505    // Default constructor.
00507    fReceiver = 0;
00508    fSlot     = 0;
00509 }
00511 //______________________________________________________________________________
00512 TQConnection::TQConnection(TClass *cl, void *receiver, const char *method_name)
00513    : TList(), TQObject()
00514 {
00515    // TQConnection ctor.
00516    //    cl != 0  - connection to object == receiver of class == cl
00517    //               and method == method_name
00518    //    cl == 0  - connection to function with name == method_name
00520    const char *funcname = 0;
00521    fReceiver = receiver;      // fReceiver is pointer to receiver
00523    if (!cl) {
00524       funcname = gCint->Getp2f2funcname(fReceiver);
00525       if (!funcname)
00526          Warning("TQConnection", "%s cannot be compiled", method_name);
00527    }
00529    if (cl) fClassName = cl->GetName();
00530    fSlot = gSlotPool.New(cl, method_name, funcname);
00531 }
00533 //______________________________________________________________________________
00534 TQConnection::TQConnection(const char *class_name, void *receiver,
00535                            const char *funcname) : TList(), TQObject()
00536 {
00537    // TQConnection ctor.
00538    //    Creates connection to method of class specified by name,
00539    //    it could be interpreted class and with method == funcname.
00541    fClassName = class_name;
00542    fSlot = gSlotPool.New(class_name, funcname);  // new slot-method
00543    fReceiver = receiver;      // fReceiver is pointer to receiver
00544 }
00546 //______________________________________________________________________________
00547 TQConnection::TQConnection(const TQConnection &con): TList(), TQObject()
00548 {
00549    // Copy constructor. Ignore connections to this TQConnections
00551    fClassName = con.fClassName;
00552    fSlot = con.fSlot;
00553    fSlot->AddReference();
00554    fReceiver = con.fReceiver;
00555 }
00557 //______________________________________________________________________________
00558 TQConnection::~TQConnection()
00559 {
00560    // TQConnection dtor.
00561    //    - remove this connection from all signal lists
00562    //    - we do not delete fSlot if it has other connections,
00563    //      TQSlot::fCounter > 0 .
00565    TIter next(this);
00566    register TList *list;
00568    while ((list = (TList*)next())) {
00569       list->Remove(this);
00570       if (list->IsEmpty()) delete list;   // delete empty list
00571    }
00572    Clear("nodelete");
00574    if (!fSlot) return;
00575    gSlotPool.Free(fSlot);
00576 }
00578 //______________________________________________________________________________
00579 const char *TQConnection::GetName() const
00580 {
00581    // Returns name of connection (aka name of slot)
00583    return fSlot->GetName();
00584 }
00586 //______________________________________________________________________________
00587 void TQConnection::Destroyed()
00588 {
00589    // Signal Destroyed tells that connection is destroyed.
00591    MakeZombie();
00592    Emit("Destroyed()");
00593 }
00595 //______________________________________________________________________________
00596 void TQConnection::ls(Option_t *option) const
00597 {
00598    // List TQConnection full method name and list all signals
00599    // connected to this connection.
00601    cout << "\t" <<  IsA()->GetName() << "\t" << GetName() << endl;
00602    ((TQConnection*)this)->R__FOR_EACH(TList,ls)(option);
00603 }
00605 //______________________________________________________________________________
00606 void TQConnection::PrintCollectionHeader(Option_t *) const
00607 {
00608    // Print TQConnection full method name and print all
00609    // signals connected to this connection.
00611    TROOT::IndentLevel();
00612    cout << IsA()->GetName() << "\t" << fReceiver << "\t" << GetName() << endl;
00613 }
00615 //______________________________________________________________________________
00616 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod()
00617 {
00618    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object without arguments.
00620    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00621    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00622    // the object is still valid on return.
00623    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00624    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver);
00625    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00626 }
00628 //______________________________________________________________________________
00629 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod(Int_t nargs, va_list va)
00630 {
00631    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object with
00632    // variable argument list.
00634    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00635    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00636    // the object is still valid on return.
00637    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00638    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver, nargs, va);
00639    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00640 }
00642 //______________________________________________________________________________
00643 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod(Long_t param)
00644 {
00645    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object with
00646    // single argument value.
00648    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00649    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00650    // the object is still valid on return.
00651    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00652    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver, param);
00653    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00654 }
00656 //______________________________________________________________________________
00657 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod(Long64_t param)
00658 {
00659    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object with
00660    // single argument value.
00662    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00663    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00664    // the object is still valid on return.
00665    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00666    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver, param);
00667    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00668 }
00670 //______________________________________________________________________________
00671 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod(Double_t param)
00672 {
00673    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object with
00674    // single argument value.
00676    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00677    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00678    // the object is still valid on return.
00679    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00680    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver, param);
00681    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00682 }
00684 //______________________________________________________________________________
00685 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod(Long_t *params, Int_t nparam)
00686 {
00687    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object with variable
00688    // number of argument values.
00690    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00691    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00692    // the object is still valid on return.
00693    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00694    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver, params, nparam);
00695    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00696 }
00698 //______________________________________________________________________________
00699 void TQConnection::ExecuteMethod(const char *param)
00700 {
00701    // Apply slot-method to the fReceiver object and
00702    // with string parameter.
00704    // This connection might be deleted in result of the method execution
00705    // (for example in case of a Disconnect).  Hence we do not assume
00706    // the object is still valid on return.
00707    TQSlot *s = fSlot;
00708    fSlot->ExecuteMethod(fReceiver, param);
00709    if (s->References() <= 0) delete s;
00710 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:11:23 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1