
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/gui:$Id: TRootBrowser.cxx 35518 2010-09-21 09:54:10Z bellenot $
00002 // Author: Bertrand Bellenot   26/09/2007
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // TRootBrowser                                                         //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // This class creates a ROOT object browser, constitued by three main   //
00017 // tabs.                                                                //
00018 //                                                                      //
00019 // All tabs can 'swallow' frames, thanks to the new method:             //
00020 //   ExecPlugin(const char *name = 0, const char *fname = 0,            //
00021 //              const char *cmd = 0, Int_t pos = kRight,                //
00022 //              Int_t subpos = -1)                                      //
00023 // allowing to select plugins (can be a macro or a command)             //
00024 // to be executed, and where to embed the frame created by              //
00025 // the plugin (tab and tab element). Examples:                          //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // create a new browser:                                                //
00028 // TBrowser b;                                                          //
00029 //                                                                      //
00030 // create a new TCanvas in a new top right tab element:                 //
00031 // b.ExecPlugin("Canvas", 0, "new TCanvas()");                          //
00032 //                                                                      //
00033 // create a new top right tab element embedding the                     //
00034 // TGMainFrame created by the macro 'myMacro.C':                        //
00035 // b.ExecPlugin("MyPlugin", "myMacro.C");                               //
00036 //                                                                      //
00037 // create a new bottom tab element embedding the                        //
00038 // TGMainFrame created by the macro 'myMacro.C':                        //
00039 // b.ExecPlugin("MyPlugin", "myMacro.C", 0, TRootBrowser::kBottom);     //
00040 //                                                                      //
00041 // this browser implementation can be selected via the env              //
00042 // 'Browser.Name' in .rootrc, (TRootBrowser or TRootBrowserLite)        //
00043 // the default being TRootBrowserLite (old browser)                     //
00044 // a list of options (plugins) for the new TRootBrowser is also         //
00045 // specified via the env 'Browser.Options' in .rootrc, the default      //
00046 // being: FECI                                                          //
00047 // Here is the list of available options:                               //
00048 // F: File browser E: Text Editor H: HTML browser C: Canvas I: I/O      //
00049 // redirection P: Proof G: GL viewer                                    //
00050 //                                                                      //
00051 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00053 #include "TROOT.h"
00054 #include "TSystem.h"
00055 #include "TApplication.h"
00056 #include "TBrowser.h"
00057 #include "TGClient.h"
00058 #include "TGFrame.h"
00059 #include "TGTab.h"
00060 #include "TGMenu.h"
00061 #include "TGLayout.h"
00062 #include "TGSplitter.h"
00063 #include "TGStatusBar.h"
00064 #include "Varargs.h"
00065 #include "TInterpreter.h"
00066 #include "TBrowser.h"
00067 #include "TGFileDialog.h"
00068 #include "TObjString.h"
00069 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
00070 #include "TEnv.h"
00071 #include <KeySymbols.h>
00073 #include "TRootBrowser.h"
00074 #include "TGFileBrowser.h"
00075 #include "TGInputDialog.h"
00076 #include "TRootHelpDialog.h"
00077 #include "HelpText.h"
00079 #include "Getline.h"
00081 #ifdef WIN32
00082 #include <TWin32SplashThread.h>
00083 #endif
00085 static const char *gOpenFileTypes[] = {
00086    "ROOT files",   "*.root",
00087    "All files",    "*",
00088    0,              0
00089 };
00091 static const char *gPluginFileTypes[] = {
00092    "ROOT files",   "*.C",
00093    "All files",    "*",
00094    0,              0
00095 };
00097 enum ENewBrowserMessages {
00098    kBrowse = 11011,
00099    kOpenFile,
00100    kClone,
00101    kHelpAbout,
00102    kHelpOnBrowser,
00103    kHelpOnCanvas,
00104    kHelpOnMenus,
00105    kHelpOnGraphicsEd,
00106    kHelpOnObjects,
00107    kHelpOnPS,
00108    kHelpOnRemote,
00109    kNewEditor,
00110    kNewCanvas,
00111    kNewHtml,
00112    kExecPluginMacro,
00113    kExecPluginCmd,
00114    kCloseTab,
00115    kCloseWindow,
00116    kQuitRoot
00117 };
00119 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00120 //
00121 // TRootBrowser
00122 //
00123 // The main ROOT object browser.
00124 //_____________________________________________________________________________
00126 ClassImp(TRootBrowser)
00128 //______________________________________________________________________________
00129 TRootBrowser::TRootBrowser(TBrowser *b, const char *name, UInt_t width,
00130                            UInt_t height, Option_t *opt, Bool_t initshow) :
00131    TGMainFrame(gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), width, height), TBrowserImp(b)
00132 {
00133    // Create browser with a specified width and height.
00135    fShowCloseTab = kTRUE;
00136    fActBrowser = 0;
00137    CreateBrowser(name);
00138    Resize(width, height);
00139    if (initshow) {
00140       InitPlugins(opt);
00141       MapWindow();
00142    }
00143    gVirtualX->SetInputFocus(GetId());
00144 }
00146 //______________________________________________________________________________
00147 TRootBrowser::TRootBrowser(TBrowser *b, const char *name, Int_t x, Int_t y,
00148                            UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Option_t *opt,
00149                            Bool_t initshow) :
00150    TGMainFrame(gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), width, height), TBrowserImp(b)
00151 {
00152    // Create browser with a specified width and height and at position x, y.
00154    fShowCloseTab = kTRUE;
00155    fActBrowser = 0;
00156    CreateBrowser(name);
00157    MoveResize(x, y, width, height);
00158    SetWMPosition(x, y);
00159    if (initshow) {
00160       InitPlugins(opt);
00161       MapWindow();
00162    }
00163    gVirtualX->SetInputFocus(GetId());
00164 }
00167 //______________________________________________________________________________
00168 void TRootBrowser::CreateBrowser(const char *name)
00169 {
00171    // Create the actual interface.
00173    fVf = new TGVerticalFrame(this, 100, 100);
00175    fLH0 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal);
00176    fLH1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0);
00177    fLH2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX, 1, 1, 1, 3);
00178    fLH3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX);
00179    fLH4 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY,2,2,2,2);
00180    fLH5 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY);
00181    fLH6 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsExpandX);
00182    fLH7 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandY);
00184    // Menubar Frame
00185    fTopMenuFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(fVf, 100, 20);
00187    fPreMenuFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(fTopMenuFrame, 0, 20, kRaisedFrame);
00188    fMenuBar   = new TGMenuBar(fPreMenuFrame, 10, 10, kHorizontalFrame);
00189    fMenuFile  = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetDefaultRoot());
00190    fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Browse...\tCtrl+B", kBrowse);
00191    fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Open...\tCtrl+O", kOpenFile);
00192    fMenuFile->AddSeparator();
00194    fMenuHelp = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot());
00195    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("&About ROOT...",        kHelpAbout);
00196    fMenuHelp->AddSeparator();
00197    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On Browser...",    kHelpOnBrowser);
00198    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On Canvas...",     kHelpOnCanvas);
00199    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On Menus...",      kHelpOnMenus);
00200    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On Graphics Editor...", kHelpOnGraphicsEd);
00201    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On Objects...",    kHelpOnObjects);
00202    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On PostScript...", kHelpOnPS);
00203    fMenuHelp->AddEntry("Help On Remote Session...", kHelpOnRemote);
00204    fMenuFile->AddPopup("Browser Help...", fMenuHelp);
00206    fMenuFile->AddSeparator();
00207    fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Clone\tCtrl+N", kClone);
00208    fMenuFile->AddSeparator();
00209    fMenuFile->AddEntry("New &Editor\tCtrl+E", kNewEditor);
00210    fMenuFile->AddEntry("New &Canvas\tCtrl+C", kNewCanvas);
00211    fMenuFile->AddEntry("New &HTML\tCtrl+H", kNewHtml);
00212    fMenuFile->AddSeparator();
00213    fMenuExecPlugin = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetRoot());
00214    fMenuExecPlugin->AddEntry("&Macro...", kExecPluginMacro);
00215    fMenuExecPlugin->AddEntry("&Command...", kExecPluginCmd);
00216    fMenuFile->AddPopup("Execute &Plugin...", fMenuExecPlugin);
00217    fMenuFile->AddSeparator();
00218    fMenuFile->AddEntry("Close &Tab\tCtrl+T", kCloseTab);
00219    fMenuFile->AddEntry("Close &Window\tCtrl+W", kCloseWindow);
00220    fMenuFile->AddSeparator();
00221    fMenuFile->AddEntry("&Quit Root\tCtrl+Q", kQuitRoot);
00222    fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Browser", fMenuFile, fLH1);
00223    fMenuFile->Connect("Activated(Int_t)", "TRootBrowser", this,
00224                       "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
00225    fPreMenuFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBar, fLH2);
00226    fTopMenuFrame->AddFrame(fPreMenuFrame, fLH0);
00228    fMenuFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(fTopMenuFrame, 100, 20, kRaisedFrame);
00229    fTopMenuFrame->AddFrame(fMenuFrame, fLH5);
00231    fVf->AddFrame(fTopMenuFrame, fLH3);
00232    fActMenuBar = fMenuBar;
00234    // Toolbar Frame
00235    fToolbarFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(fVf, 100, 20, kHorizontalFrame |
00236                                          kRaisedFrame);
00237    fVf->AddFrame(fToolbarFrame, fLH3);
00239    fHf = new TGHorizontalFrame(fVf, 100, 100);
00240    // Tabs & co...
00241    fV1 = new TGVerticalFrame(fHf, 250, 100, kFixedWidth);
00242    fV2 = new TGVerticalFrame(fHf, 600, 100);
00243    fH1 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fV2, 100, 100);
00244    fH2 = new TGHorizontalFrame(fV2, 100, 100, kFixedHeight);
00246    // Left tab
00247    fTabLeft = new TGTab(fV1,100,100);
00248    //fTabLeft->AddTab("Tab 1");
00249    fTabLeft->Resize(fTabLeft->GetDefaultSize());
00250    fV1->AddFrame(fTabLeft, fLH4);
00252    // Vertical splitter
00253    fVSplitter = new TGVSplitter(fHf, 4, 4);
00254    fVSplitter->SetFrame(fV1, kTRUE);
00255    fHf->AddFrame(fV1, fLH7);
00256    fHf->AddFrame(fVSplitter, fLH7);
00258    // Right tab
00259    fTabRight = new TGTab(fH1, 500, 100);
00260    //fTabRight->AddTab("Tab 1");
00261    fTabRight->Resize(fTabRight->GetDefaultSize());
00262    fH1->AddFrame(fTabRight, fLH5);
00263    fTabRight->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "TRootBrowser", this, "DoTab(Int_t)");
00264    fTabRight->Connect("CloseTab(Int_t)", "TRootBrowser", this, "CloseTab(Int_t)");
00265    fV2->AddFrame(fH1, fLH4);
00267    // Horizontal splitter
00268    fHSplitter = new TGHSplitter(fV2, 4, 4);
00269    fV2->AddFrame(fHSplitter, fLH3);
00271    // Bottom tab
00272    fTabBottom = new TGTab(fH2, 100, 100);
00273    //fTabBottom->AddTab("Tab 1");
00274    fH2->AddFrame(fTabBottom, fLH4);
00275    fV2->AddFrame(fH2, fLH3);
00277    fHSplitter->SetFrame(fH2, kFALSE);
00278    fHf->AddFrame(fV2, fLH5);
00279    fVf->AddFrame(fHf, fLH5);
00280    AddFrame(fVf, fLH5);
00282    // status bar
00283    fStatusBar = new TGStatusBar(this, 400, 20);
00284    Int_t parts[] = { 26, 74 };
00285    fStatusBar->SetParts(parts, 2);
00286    AddFrame(fStatusBar, fLH6);
00288    fNbInitPlugins = 0;
00289    fEditFrame = 0;
00290    fEditTab   = 0;
00291    fEditPos   = -1;
00292    fEditSubPos= -1;
00293    fNbTab[0]  = fNbTab[1] = fNbTab[2] = 0;
00294    fCrTab[0]  = fCrTab[1] = fCrTab[2] = -1;
00296    // Set a name to the main frame
00297    SetWindowName(name);
00298    SetIconName(name);
00299    SetClassHints("Browser", "Browser");
00301    if (!strcmp(gROOT->GetDefCanvasName(), "c1"))
00302       gROOT->SetDefCanvasName("Canvas 1");
00304    SetWMSizeHints(600, 350, 10000, 10000, 2, 2);
00305    MapSubwindows();
00306    Resize(GetDefaultSize());
00307    AddInput(kKeyPressMask | kKeyReleaseMask);
00309    fVf->HideFrame(fToolbarFrame);
00310 }
00312 //______________________________________________________________________________
00313 TRootBrowser::~TRootBrowser()
00314 {
00315    // Clean up all widgets, frames and layouthints that were used
00317    delete fLH0;
00318    delete fLH1;
00319    delete fLH2;
00320    delete fLH3;
00321    delete fLH4;
00322    delete fLH5;
00323    delete fLH6;
00324    delete fLH7;
00325    delete fMenuHelp;
00326    delete fMenuExecPlugin;
00327    delete fMenuFile;
00328    delete fMenuBar;
00329    delete fMenuFrame;
00330    delete fPreMenuFrame;
00331    delete fTopMenuFrame;
00332    delete fToolbarFrame;
00333    delete fVSplitter;
00334    delete fHSplitter;
00335    delete fTabLeft;
00336    delete fTabRight;
00337    delete fTabBottom;
00338    delete fH1;
00339    delete fH2;
00340    delete fV1;
00341    delete fV2;
00342    delete fHf;
00343    delete fStatusBar;
00344    delete fVf;
00345 }
00347 //______________________________________________________________________________
00348 void TRootBrowser::Add(TObject *obj, const char *name, Int_t check)
00349 {
00350    // Add items to the actual browser. This function has to be called
00351    // by the Browse() member function of objects when they are
00352    // called by a browser. If check < 0 (default) no check box is drawn,
00353    // if 0 then unchecked checkbox is added, if 1 checked checkbox is added.
00355    if (obj->InheritsFrom("TObjectSpy"))
00356       return;
00357    if (fActBrowser)
00358       fActBrowser->Add(obj, name, check);
00359 }
00361 //______________________________________________________________________________
00362 void TRootBrowser::BrowseObj(TObject *obj)
00363 {
00364    // Browse object. This, in turn, will trigger the calling of
00365    // TRootBrowser::Add() which will fill the IconBox and the tree.
00366    // Emits signal "BrowseObj(TObject*)".
00368    if (fActBrowser)
00369       fActBrowser->BrowseObj(obj);
00370    Emit("BrowseObj(TObject*)", (Long_t)obj);
00371 }
00373 //______________________________________________________________________________
00374 void TRootBrowser::CloneBrowser()
00375 {
00376    // Clone the browser. A new Browser will be created, with the same
00377    // plugins executed in the current one.
00379    Int_t loop = 1;
00380    TBrowserPlugin *plugin = 0;
00381    TBrowser *b = new TBrowser();
00382    TIter next(&fPlugins);
00383    while ((plugin = (TBrowserPlugin *)next())) {
00384       if (loop > fNbInitPlugins)
00385          b->ExecPlugin(plugin->GetName(), "", plugin->fCommand.Data(), plugin->fTab,
00386                        plugin->fSubTab);
00387       ++loop;
00388    }
00389 }
00391 //______________________________________________________________________________
00392 void TRootBrowser::CloseTab(Int_t id)
00393 {
00394    // Remove tab element id from right tab.
00396    RemoveTab(kRight, id);
00397 }
00399 //______________________________________________________________________________
00400 void TRootBrowser::CloseWindow()
00401 {
00402    // Called when window is closed via the window manager.
00404    TGFrameElement *el;
00405    Int_t i;
00406    Disconnect(fMenuFile, "Activated(Int_t)", this, "HandleMenu(Int_t)");
00407    Disconnect(fTabRight, "Selected(Int_t)", this, "DoTab(Int_t)");
00408    fActBrowser = 0;
00409    for (i=0;i<fTabLeft->GetNumberOfTabs();i++) {
00410       el = (TGFrameElement *)fTabLeft->GetTabContainer(i)->GetList()->First();
00411       if (el && el->fFrame) {
00412          el->fFrame->SetFrameElement(0);
00413          if (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TGMainFrame")) {
00414             ((TGMainFrame *)el->fFrame)->CloseWindow();
00415             gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00416          }
00417          else
00418             delete el->fFrame;
00419          el->fFrame = 0;
00420          if (el->fLayout && (el->fLayout != fgDefaultHints) &&
00421             (el->fLayout->References() > 0)) {
00422             el->fLayout->RemoveReference();
00423             if (!el->fLayout->References()) {
00424                delete el->fLayout;
00425             }
00426          }
00427          fTabLeft->GetTabContainer(i)->GetList()->Remove(el);
00428          delete el;
00429       }
00430    }
00431    for (i=0;i<fTabRight->GetNumberOfTabs();i++) {
00432       el = (TGFrameElement *)fTabRight->GetTabContainer(i)->GetList()->First();
00433       if (el && el->fFrame) {
00434          el->fFrame->SetFrameElement(0);
00435          if (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TGMainFrame")) {
00436             Bool_t sleep = (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TRootCanvas")) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
00437             ((TGMainFrame *)el->fFrame)->CloseWindow();
00438             if (sleep)
00439                gSystem->Sleep(150);
00440             gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00441          }
00442          else
00443             delete el->fFrame;
00444          el->fFrame = 0;
00445          if (el->fLayout && (el->fLayout != fgDefaultHints) &&
00446             (el->fLayout->References() > 0)) {
00447             el->fLayout->RemoveReference();
00448             if (!el->fLayout->References()) {
00449                delete el->fLayout;
00450             }
00451          }
00452          fTabRight->GetTabContainer(i)->GetList()->Remove(el);
00453          delete el;
00454       }
00455    }
00456    for (i=0;i<fTabBottom->GetNumberOfTabs();i++) {
00457       el = (TGFrameElement *)fTabBottom->GetTabContainer(i)->GetList()->First();
00458       if (el && el->fFrame) {
00459          el->fFrame->SetFrameElement(0);
00460          if (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TGMainFrame")) {
00461             ((TGMainFrame *)el->fFrame)->CloseWindow();
00462             gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00463          }
00464          else
00465             delete el->fFrame;
00466          el->fFrame = 0;
00467          if (el->fLayout && (el->fLayout != fgDefaultHints) &&
00468             (el->fLayout->References() > 0)) {
00469             el->fLayout->RemoveReference();
00470             if (!el->fLayout->References()) {
00471                delete el->fLayout;
00472             }
00473          }
00474          fTabBottom->GetTabContainer(i)->GetList()->Remove(el);
00475          delete el;
00476       }
00477    }
00478    fPlugins.Delete();
00479    Emit("CloseWindow()");
00480    DeleteWindow();
00481 }
00483 //______________________________________________________________________________
00484 void TRootBrowser::DoTab(Int_t id)
00485 {
00486    // Handle Tab navigation.
00488    TGTab *sender = (TGTab *)gTQSender;
00489    if ((sender) && (sender == fTabRight)) {
00490       SwitchMenus(sender->GetTabContainer(id));
00491    }
00492 }
00494 //______________________________________________________________________________
00495 Long_t TRootBrowser::ExecPlugin(const char *name, const char *fname,
00496                                 const char *cmd, Int_t pos, Int_t subpos)
00497 {
00498    // Execute a macro and embed the created frame in the tab "pos"
00499    // and tab element "subpos".
00501    Long_t retval = 0;
00502    TBrowserPlugin *p;
00503    TString command, pname;
00504    StartEmbedding(pos, subpos);
00505    if (cmd && strlen(cmd)) {
00506       command = cmd;
00507       if (name) pname = name;
00508       else pname = TString::Format("Plugin %d", fPlugins.GetSize());
00509       p = new TBrowserPlugin(pname.Data(), command.Data(), pos, subpos);
00510    }
00511    else if (fname && strlen(fname)) {
00512       pname = name ? name : gSystem->BaseName(fname);
00513       Ssiz_t t = pname.Last('.');
00514       if (t > 0) pname.Remove(t);
00515       command.Form("gROOT->Macro(\"%s\");", gSystem->UnixPathName(fname));
00516       p = new TBrowserPlugin(pname.Data(), command.Data(), pos, subpos);
00517    }
00518    else return 0;
00519    fPlugins.Add(p);
00520    retval = gROOT->ProcessLine(command.Data());
00521    if (command.Contains("new TCanvas")) {
00522       pname = gPad->GetName();
00523       p->SetName(pname.Data());
00524    }
00525    SetTabTitle(pname.Data(), pos, subpos);
00526    StopEmbedding();
00527    return retval;
00528 }
00530 //______________________________________________________________________________
00531 Option_t *TRootBrowser::GetDrawOption() const
00532 {
00533    // Returns drawing option.
00535    if (fActBrowser)
00536       return fActBrowser->GetDrawOption();
00537    return 0;
00538 }
00540 //______________________________________________________________________________
00541 TGTab* TRootBrowser::GetTab(Int_t pos) const
00542 {
00543    // Returns the TGTab at position pos.
00545    switch (pos) {
00546       case kLeft:   return fTabLeft;
00547       case kRight:  return fTabRight;
00548       case kBottom: return fTabBottom;
00549       default:      return 0;
00550    }
00551 }
00553 //______________________________________________________________________________
00554 Bool_t TRootBrowser::HandleKey(Event_t *event)
00555 {
00556    // Handle keyboard events.
00558    char   input[10];
00559    Int_t  n;
00560    UInt_t keysym;
00562    if (event->fType == kGKeyPress) {
00563       gVirtualX->LookupString(event, input, sizeof(input), keysym);
00564       n = strlen(input);
00566       if (!event->fState && (EKeySym)keysym == kKey_F5) {
00567          Refresh(kTRUE);
00568          return kTRUE;
00569       }
00570       switch ((EKeySym)keysym) {   // ignore these keys
00571          case kKey_Shift:
00572          case kKey_Control:
00573          case kKey_Meta:
00574          case kKey_Alt:
00575          case kKey_CapsLock:
00576          case kKey_NumLock:
00577          case kKey_ScrollLock:
00578             return kTRUE;
00579          default:
00580             break;
00581       }
00582       if (event->fState & kKeyControlMask) {   // Cntrl key modifier pressed
00583          switch ((EKeySym)keysym & ~0x20) {   // treat upper and lower the same
00584             case kKey_B:
00585                fMenuFile->Activated(kBrowse);
00586                return kTRUE;
00587             case kKey_O:
00588                fMenuFile->Activated(kOpenFile);
00589                return kTRUE;
00590             case kKey_E:
00591                fMenuFile->Activated(kNewEditor);
00592                return kTRUE;
00593             case kKey_C:
00594                fMenuFile->Activated(kNewCanvas);
00595                return kTRUE;
00596             case kKey_H:
00597                fMenuFile->Activated(kNewHtml);
00598                return kTRUE;
00599             case kKey_N:
00600                fMenuFile->Activated(kClone);
00601                return kTRUE;
00602             case kKey_T:
00603                fMenuFile->Activated(kCloseTab);
00604                return kTRUE;
00605             case kKey_W:
00606                fMenuFile->Activated(kCloseWindow);
00607                return kTRUE;
00608             case kKey_Q:
00609                fMenuFile->Activated(kQuitRoot);
00610                return kTRUE;
00611             default:
00612                break;
00613          }
00614       }
00615    }
00616    return TGMainFrame::HandleKey(event);
00617 }
00619 //______________________________________________________________________________
00620 void TRootBrowser::HandleMenu(Int_t id)
00621 {
00622    // Handle menu entries events.
00624    TRootHelpDialog *hd;
00625    TString cmd;
00626    static Int_t eNr = 1;
00627    TGPopupMenu *sender = (TGPopupMenu *)gTQSender;
00628    if (sender != fMenuFile)
00629       return;
00630    switch (id) {
00631       case kBrowse:
00632          new TBrowser();
00633          break;
00634       case kOpenFile:
00635          {
00636             Bool_t newfile = kFALSE;
00637             static TString dir(".");
00638             TGFileInfo fi;
00639             fi.fFileTypes = gOpenFileTypes;
00640             fi.fIniDir    = StrDup(dir);
00641             new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this,
00642                              kFDOpen,&fi);
00643             dir = fi.fIniDir;
00644             if (fi.fMultipleSelection && fi.fFileNamesList) {
00645                TObjString *el;
00646                TIter next(fi.fFileNamesList);
00647                while ((el = (TObjString *) next())) {
00648                   gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("new TFile(\"%s\");",
00649                                      gSystem->UnixPathName(el->GetString())));
00650                }
00651                newfile = kTRUE;
00652             }
00653             else if (fi.fFilename) {
00654                gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("new TFile(\"%s\");",
00655                                   gSystem->UnixPathName(fi.fFilename)));
00656                newfile = kTRUE;
00657             }
00658             if (fActBrowser && newfile) {
00659                TGFileBrowser *fb = dynamic_cast<TGFileBrowser *>(fActBrowser);
00660                if (fb) fb->Selected(0);
00661             }
00662          }
00663          break;
00664                   // Handle Help menu items...
00665       case kHelpAbout:
00666          {
00667 #ifdef R__UNIX
00668             TString rootx;
00669 # ifdef ROOTBINDIR
00670             rootx = ROOTBINDIR;
00671 # else
00672             rootx = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS");
00673             if (!rootx.IsNull()) rootx += "/bin";
00674 # endif
00675             rootx += "/root -a &";
00676             gSystem->Exec(rootx);
00677 #else
00678 #ifdef WIN32
00679             new TWin32SplashThread(kTRUE);
00680 #else
00681             char str[32];
00682             sprintf(str, "About ROOT %s...", gROOT->GetVersion());
00683             hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, str, 600, 400);
00684             hd->SetText(gHelpAbout);
00685             hd->Popup();
00686 #endif
00687 #endif
00688          }
00689          break;
00690       case kHelpOnCanvas:
00691          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Canvas...", 600, 400);
00692          hd->SetText(gHelpCanvas);
00693          hd->Popup();
00694          break;
00695       case kHelpOnMenus:
00696          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Menus...", 600, 400);
00697          hd->SetText(gHelpPullDownMenus);
00698          hd->Popup();
00699          break;
00700       case kHelpOnGraphicsEd:
00701          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Graphics Editor...", 600, 400);
00702          hd->SetText(gHelpGraphicsEditor);
00703          hd->Popup();
00704          break;
00705       case kHelpOnBrowser:
00706          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Browser...", 600, 400);
00707          hd->SetText(gHelpBrowser);
00708          hd->Popup();
00709          break;
00710       case kHelpOnObjects:
00711          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Objects...", 600, 400);
00712          hd->SetText(gHelpObjects);
00713          hd->Popup();
00714          break;
00715       case kHelpOnPS:
00716          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on PostScript...", 600, 400);
00717          hd->SetText(gHelpPostscript);
00718          hd->Popup();
00719          break;
00720       case kHelpOnRemote:
00721          hd = new TRootHelpDialog(this, "Help on Browser...", 600, 400);
00722          hd->SetText(gHelpRemote);
00723          hd->Popup();
00724          break;
00725       case kClone:
00726          CloneBrowser();
00727          break;
00728       case kNewEditor:
00729          cmd.Form("new TGTextEditor((const char *)0, gClient->GetRoot())");
00730          ++eNr;
00731          ExecPlugin(Form("Editor %d", eNr), "", cmd.Data(), 1);
00732          break;
00733       case kNewCanvas:
00734          ExecPlugin("", "", "new TCanvas()", 1);
00735          break;
00736       case kNewHtml:
00737          cmd.Form("new TGHtmlBrowser(\"%s\", gClient->GetRoot())",
00738                   gEnv->GetValue("Browser.StartUrl", ""));
00739          ExecPlugin("HTML", "", cmd.Data(), 1);
00740          break;
00741       case kExecPluginMacro:
00742          {
00743             static TString dir(".");
00744             TGFileInfo fi;
00745             fi.fFileTypes = gPluginFileTypes;
00746             fi.fIniDir    = StrDup(dir);
00747             new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetDefaultRoot(), this,
00748                              kFDOpen,&fi);
00749             dir = fi.fIniDir;
00750             if (fi.fFilename) {
00751                ExecPlugin(0, fi.fFilename, 0, kRight);
00752             }
00753          }
00754          break;
00755       case kExecPluginCmd:
00756          {
00757             char command[1024];
00758             strlcpy(command, "new TGLSAViewer(gClient->GetRoot(), 0);", 
00759                     sizeof(command));
00760             new TGInputDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), this,
00761                               "Enter plugin command line:",
00762                               command, command);
00763             if (strcmp(command, "")) {
00764                ExecPlugin("User", 0, command, kRight);
00765             }
00766          }
00767          break;
00768       case kCloseTab:
00769          RemoveTab(kRight, fTabRight->GetCurrent());
00770          break;
00771       case kCloseWindow:
00772          CloseWindow();
00773          break;
00774       case kQuitRoot:
00775          gApplication->Terminate(0);
00776          break;
00777       default:
00778          break;
00779    }
00780 }
00782 //______________________________________________________________________________
00783 void TRootBrowser::InitPlugins(Option_t *opt)
00784 {
00785    // Initialize default plugins. Could be also of the form:
00786    // StartEmbedding(0);
00787    // TPluginHandler *ph;
00788    // ph = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TGClassBrowser");
00789    // if (ph && ph->LoadPlugin() != -1) {
00790    //    ph->ExecPlugin(3, gClient->GetRoot(), 200, 500);
00791    // }
00792    // StopEmbedding();
00794    TString cmd;
00796    if ((opt == 0) || (strlen(opt) == 0))
00797       return;
00798    // --- Left vertical area
00800    // File Browser plugin
00801    if (strchr(opt, 'F')) {
00802       cmd.Form("new TGFileBrowser(gClient->GetRoot(), (TBrowser *)0x%lx, 200, 500);", (ULong_t)fBrowser);
00803       ExecPlugin("Files", 0, cmd.Data(), 0);
00804       ++fNbInitPlugins;
00805    }
00807    // --- Right main area
00809    Int_t i, len = strlen(opt);
00810    for (i=0; i<len; ++i) {
00811       // Editor plugin...
00812       if (opt[i] == 'E') {
00813          cmd.Form("new TGTextEditor((const char *)0, gClient->GetRoot());");
00814          ExecPlugin("Editor 1", 0, cmd.Data(), 1);
00815          ++fNbInitPlugins;
00816       }
00818       // HTML plugin...
00819       if (opt[i] == 'H') {
00820          if (gSystem->Load("libGuiHtml") >= 0) {
00821             cmd.Form("new TGHtmlBrowser(\"%s\", gClient->GetRoot());",
00822                      gEnv->GetValue("Browser.StartUrl",
00823                      ""));
00824             ExecPlugin("HTML", 0, cmd.Data(), 1);
00825             ++fNbInitPlugins;
00826          }
00827       }
00829       // Canvas plugin...
00830       if (opt[i] == 'C') {
00831          cmd.Form("new TCanvas();");
00832          ExecPlugin("c1", 0, cmd.Data(), 1);
00833          ++fNbInitPlugins;
00834       }
00836       // GLViewer plugin...
00837       if (opt[i] == 'G') {
00838          cmd.Form("new TGLSAViewer(gClient->GetRoot(), 0);");
00839          ExecPlugin("OpenGL", 0, cmd.Data(), 1);
00840          ++fNbInitPlugins;
00841       }
00843       // PROOF plugin...
00844       if (opt[i] == 'P') {
00845          cmd.Form("new TSessionViewer();");
00846          ExecPlugin("PROOF", 0, cmd.Data(), 1);
00847          ++fNbInitPlugins;
00848       }
00849    }
00850    // --- Right bottom area
00852    // Command plugin...
00853    if (strchr(opt, 'I')) {
00854       cmd.Form("new TGCommandPlugin(gClient->GetRoot(), 700, 300);");
00855       ExecPlugin("Command", 0, cmd.Data(), 2);
00856       ++fNbInitPlugins;
00857    }
00859    // --- Select first tab everywhere
00860    SetTab(0, 0);
00861    SetTab(1, 0);
00862    SetTab(2, 0);
00863 }
00865 //______________________________________________________________________________
00866 void TRootBrowser::ReallyDelete()
00867 {
00868    // Really delete the browser and the this GUI.
00870    gInterpreter->DeleteGlobal(fBrowser);
00871    delete fBrowser;    // will in turn delete this object
00872 }
00874 //______________________________________________________________________________
00875 void TRootBrowser::RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj)
00876 {
00877    // Recursively remove object from browser.
00879    if (fActBrowser)
00880       fActBrowser->RecursiveRemove(obj);
00881 }
00883 //______________________________________________________________________________
00884 void TRootBrowser::RecursiveReparent(TGPopupMenu *popup)
00885 {
00886    // Recursively reparent TGPopupMenu to gClient->GetDefaultRoot().
00888    TGMenuEntry *entry = 0;
00889    TIter next(popup->GetListOfEntries());
00890    while ((entry = (TGMenuEntry *)next())) {
00891       if (entry->GetPopup()) {
00892          RecursiveReparent(entry->GetPopup());
00893       }
00894    }
00895    popup->ReparentWindow(gClient->GetDefaultRoot());
00896 }
00898 //______________________________________________________________________________
00899 void TRootBrowser::Refresh(Bool_t force)
00900 {
00901    // Refresh the actual browser contents.
00903    if (fActBrowser)
00904       fActBrowser->Refresh(force);
00905 }
00907 //______________________________________________________________________________
00908 void TRootBrowser::RemoveTab(Int_t pos, Int_t subpos)
00909 {
00910    // Remove tab element "subpos" from tab "pos".
00912    TGTab *edit = 0;
00913    switch (pos) {
00914       case kLeft: // left
00915          edit = fTabLeft;
00916          break;
00917       case kRight: // right
00918          edit = fTabRight;
00919          fMenuFrame->HideFrame(fActMenuBar);
00920          fMenuFrame->GetList()->Remove(fActMenuBar);
00921          fActMenuBar = 0;
00922          break;
00923       case kBottom: // bottom
00924          edit = fTabBottom;
00925          break;
00926    }
00927    if (!edit || !edit->GetTabTab(subpos))
00928       return;
00929    const char *tabName = edit->GetTabTab(subpos)->GetString();
00930    TObject *obj = 0;
00931    if ((obj = fPlugins.FindObject(tabName))) {
00932       fPlugins.Remove(obj);
00933    }
00934    TGFrameElement *el = (TGFrameElement *)edit->GetTabContainer(subpos)->GetList()->First();
00935    if (el && el->fFrame) {
00936       el->fFrame->SetFrameElement(0);
00937       if (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TGMainFrame")) {
00938          Bool_t sleep = (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TRootCanvas")) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
00939          ((TGMainFrame *)el->fFrame)->CloseWindow();
00940          if (sleep)
00941             gSystem->Sleep(150);
00942          gSystem->ProcessEvents();
00943       }
00944       else
00945          delete el->fFrame;
00946       el->fFrame = 0;
00947       if (el->fLayout && (el->fLayout != fgDefaultHints) &&
00948          (el->fLayout->References() > 0)) {
00949          el->fLayout->RemoveReference();
00950          if (!el->fLayout->References()) {
00951             delete el->fLayout;
00952          }
00953       }
00954       edit->GetTabContainer(subpos)->GetList()->Remove(el);
00955       delete el;
00956    }
00957    fNbTab[pos]--;
00958    edit->RemoveTab(subpos);
00959    SwitchMenus(edit->GetTabContainer(edit->GetCurrent()));
00960 }
00962 //______________________________________________________________________________
00963 void TRootBrowser::SetTab(Int_t pos, Int_t subpos)
00964 {
00965    // Switch to Tab "subpos" in TGTab "pos".
00967    TGTab *tab = GetTab(pos);
00968    if (subpos == -1)
00969       subpos = fCrTab[pos];
00971    if (tab->SetTab(subpos, kFALSE)) { // Block signal emit
00972       if (pos == kRight)
00973          SwitchMenus(tab->GetTabContainer(subpos));
00974       tab->Layout();
00975    }
00976 }
00978 //______________________________________________________________________________
00979 void TRootBrowser::SetTabTitle(const char *title, Int_t pos, Int_t subpos)
00980 {
00981    // Set text "title" of Tab "subpos" in TGTab "pos".
00983    TBrowserPlugin *p = 0;
00984    TGTab *edit = GetTab(pos);
00985    if (subpos == -1)
00986       subpos = fCrTab[pos];
00988    TGTabElement *el = edit->GetTabTab(subpos);
00989    if (el) {
00990       el->SetText(new TGString(title));
00991       edit->Layout();
00992       if ((p = (TBrowserPlugin *)fPlugins.FindObject(title)))
00993          p->SetName(title);
00994    }
00995 }
00997 //______________________________________________________________________________
00998 void TRootBrowser::SetStatusText(const char* txt, Int_t col)
00999 {
01000    // Set text in culumn col in status bar.
01002    fStatusBar->SetText(txt, col);
01003 }
01005 //______________________________________________________________________________
01006 void TRootBrowser::ShowMenu(TGCompositeFrame *menu)
01007 {
01008    // Show the selected frame's menu and hide previous one.
01010    TGFrameElement *el = 0;
01011    // temporary solution until I find a proper way to handle
01012    // these bloody menus...
01013    fBindList->Delete();
01014    TIter nextm(fMenuBar->GetList());
01015    while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) nextm())) {
01016       TGMenuTitle *t = (TGMenuTitle *) el->fFrame;
01017       Int_t code = t->GetHotKeyCode();
01018       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask);
01019       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask);
01020       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyLockMask);
01021       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyLockMask);
01022       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyMod2Mask);
01023       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask);
01024       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyMod2Mask | kKeyLockMask);
01025       BindKey(fMenuBar, code, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask | kKeyLockMask);
01026    }
01027    fMenuFrame->HideFrame(fActMenuBar);
01028    fMenuFrame->ShowFrame(menu);
01029    menu->Layout();
01030    fMenuFrame->Layout();
01031    fActMenuBar = menu;
01032 }
01034 //______________________________________________________________________________
01035 void TRootBrowser::StartEmbedding(Int_t pos, Int_t subpos)
01036 {
01037    // Start embedding external frame in the tab "pos" and tab element "subpos".
01039    fEditTab = GetTab(pos);
01040    fEditPos = pos;
01041    fEditSubPos = subpos;
01043    if (fEditFrame == 0) {
01044       if (subpos == -1) {
01045          fCrTab[pos] = fNbTab[pos]++;
01046          fEditFrame  = fEditTab->AddTab(Form("Tab %d",fNbTab[pos]));
01047          fEditSubPos = fEditTab->GetNumberOfTabs()-1;
01048          fEditFrame->MapWindow();
01049          TGTabElement *tabel = fEditTab->GetTabTab(fEditSubPos);
01050          if(tabel) {
01051             tabel->MapWindow();
01052             if (fShowCloseTab && (pos == 1))
01053                tabel->ShowClose();
01054          }
01055          fEditTab->SetTab(fEditTab->GetNumberOfTabs()-1);
01056          fEditTab->Layout();
01057       }
01058       else {
01059          fCrTab[pos] = subpos;
01060          fEditFrame = fEditTab->GetTabContainer(subpos);
01061          fEditTab->SetTab(subpos);
01062       }
01063       fEditFrame->SetEditable();
01064    }
01065 }
01067 //______________________________________________________________________________
01068 void TRootBrowser::StopEmbedding(const char *name, TGLayoutHints *layout)
01069 {
01070    // Stop embedding external frame in the current editable frame.
01072    if (fEditFrame != 0) {
01073       fEditFrame->SetEditable(kFALSE);
01074       if (layout) {
01075          TGFrameElement *el = (TGFrameElement*) fEditFrame->GetList()->Last();
01076          // !!!! MT what to do with the old layout? Leak it for now ...
01077          el->fLayout = layout;
01078       }
01079       fEditFrame->Layout();
01080       if (fEditTab == fTabRight)
01081          SwitchMenus(fEditFrame);
01082    }
01083    if (name && strlen(name)) {
01084       SetTabTitle(name, fEditPos, fEditSubPos);
01085    }
01086    fEditFrame = fEditTab = 0;
01087    fEditPos = fEditSubPos = -1;
01088 }
01090 //______________________________________________________________________________
01091 void TRootBrowser::SwitchMenus(TGCompositeFrame  *from)
01092 {
01093    // Move the menu from original frame to our TGMenuFrame, or display the
01094    // menu associated to the current tab.
01096    if (from == 0)
01097       return;
01098    TGFrameElement *fe = (TGFrameElement *)from->GetList()->First();
01099    if (!fe) {
01100       if (fActMenuBar != fMenuBar)
01101          ShowMenu(fMenuBar);
01102       return;
01103    }
01104    TGCompositeFrame *embed = (TGCompositeFrame *)fe->fFrame;
01105    TGFrameElement *el = 0;
01106    if (embed && embed->GetList()) {
01107       TIter next(embed->GetList());
01108       while ((el = (TGFrameElement *)next())) {
01109          if (el->fFrame->InheritsFrom("TGMenuBar")) {
01110             TGMenuBar *menu = (TGMenuBar *)el->fFrame;
01111             if (fActMenuBar == menu)
01112                return;
01113             TGFrameElement *nw;
01114             TIter nel(fMenuFrame->GetList());
01115             while ((nw = (TGFrameElement *) nel())) {
01116                if (nw->fFrame == menu) {
01117                   ShowMenu(menu);
01118                   return;
01119                }
01120             }
01121             ((TGCompositeFrame *)menu->GetParent())->HideFrame(menu);
01122             menu->ReparentWindow(fMenuFrame);
01123             fMenuFrame->AddFrame(menu, fLH2);
01124             TGFrameElement *mel;
01125             TIter mnext(menu->GetList());
01126             while ((mel = (TGFrameElement *) mnext())) {
01127                TGMenuTitle *t = (TGMenuTitle *) mel->fFrame;
01128                TGPopupMenu *popup = menu->GetPopup(t->GetName());
01129                RecursiveReparent(popup);
01130                if (popup->GetEntry("Close Canvas")) {
01131                   TGMenuEntry *exit = popup->GetEntry("Close Canvas");
01132                   popup->HideEntry(exit->GetEntryId());
01133                }
01134                if (popup->GetEntry("Close Viewer")) {
01135                   TGMenuEntry *exit = popup->GetEntry("Close Viewer");
01136                   popup->HideEntry(exit->GetEntryId());
01137                }
01138                if (popup->GetEntry("Quit ROOT")) {
01139                   TGMenuEntry *exit = popup->GetEntry("Quit ROOT");
01140                   popup->HideEntry(exit->GetEntryId());
01141                }
01142                if (popup->GetEntry("Exit")) {
01143                   TGMenuEntry *exit = popup->GetEntry("Exit");
01144                   popup->HideEntry(exit->GetEntryId());
01145                }
01146             }
01147             ShowMenu(menu);
01148             return;
01149          }
01150       }
01151    }
01152    if (fActMenuBar != fMenuBar)
01153       ShowMenu(fMenuBar);
01154 }
01156 //______________________________________________________________________________
01157 void TRootBrowser::DoubleClicked(TObject *obj)
01158 {
01159    // Emits signal when double clicking on icon.
01161    Emit("DoubleClicked(TObject*)", (Long_t)obj);
01162 }
01164 //______________________________________________________________________________
01165 void TRootBrowser::Checked(TObject *obj, Bool_t checked)
01166 {
01167    // Emits signal when double clicking on icon.
01169    Long_t args[2];
01171    args[0] = (Long_t)obj;
01172    args[1] = checked;
01174    Emit("Checked(TObject*,Bool_t)", args);
01175 }
01177 //______________________________________________________________________________
01178 void TRootBrowser::ExecuteDefaultAction(TObject *obj)
01179 {
01180    // Emits signal "ExecuteDefaultAction(TObject*)".
01182    Emit("ExecuteDefaultAction(TObject*)", (Long_t)obj);
01183 }
01186 //______________________________________________________________________________
01187 TBrowserImp *TRootBrowser::NewBrowser(TBrowser *b, const char *title,
01188                                       UInt_t width, UInt_t height,
01189                                       Option_t *opt)
01190 {
01191    // static contructor returning TBrowserImp,
01192    // as needed by the plugin mechanism.
01194    TRootBrowser *browser = new TRootBrowser(b, title, width, height, opt);
01195    return (TBrowserImp *)browser;
01196 }
01198 //______________________________________________________________________________
01199 TBrowserImp *TRootBrowser::NewBrowser(TBrowser *b, const char *title, Int_t x,
01200                                       Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height,
01201                                       Option_t *opt)
01202 {
01203    // static contructor returning TBrowserImp,
01204    // as needed by the plugin mechanism.
01206    TRootBrowser *browser = new TRootBrowser(b, title, x, y, width, height, opt);
01207    return (TBrowserImp *)browser;
01208 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:22:06 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1