
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Author: Kerstin Tackmann, Andreas Hoecker, Heiko Lacker
00003 /**********************************************************************************
00004  *                                                                                *
00005  * Project: TSVDUnfold - data unfolding based on Singular Value Decomposition     *
00006  * Package: ROOT                                                                  *
00007  * Class  : TSVDUnfold                                                            *
00008  *                                                                                *
00009  * Description:                                                                   *
00010  *      Single class implementation of SVD data unfolding based on:               *
00011  *          A. Hoecker, V. Kartvelishvili,                                        *
00012  *          "SVD approach to data unfolding"                                      *
00013  *          NIM A372, 469 (1996) [hep-ph/9509307]                                 *
00014  *                                                                                *
00015  * Authors:                                                                       *
00016  *      Kerstin Tackmann <Kerstin.Tackmann@cern.ch>   - CERN, Switzerland         *
00017  *      Andreas Hoecker  <Andreas.Hoecker@cern.ch>    - CERN, Switzerland         *
00018  *      Heiko Lacker     <lacker@physik.hu-berlin.de> - Humboldt U, Germany       *
00019  *                                                                                *
00020  * Copyright (c) 2010:                                                            *
00021  *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
00022  *      Humboldt University, Germany                                              *
00023  *                                                                                *
00024  **********************************************************************************/
00026 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00027 //                                                                      //
00028 // TSVDUnfold                                                           //
00029 //                                                                      //
00030 // Data unfolding using Singular Value Decomposition (hep-ph/9509307)   //
00031 // Authors: Kerstin Tackmann, Andreas Hoecker, Heiko Lacker             //
00032 //                                                                      //
00033 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00035 //_______________________________________________________________________
00036 /* Begin_Html
00037 <center><h2>SVD Approach to Data Unfolding</h2></center>
00038 <p>
00039 Reference: <a href="http://arXiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9509307">Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A372, 469 (1996) [hep-ph/9509307]</a>
00040 <p>
00041 TSVDUnfold implements the singular value decomposition based unfolding method (see reference). Currently, the unfolding of one-dimensional histograms is supported, with the same number of bins for the measured and the unfolded spectrum.
00042 <p>
00043 The unfolding procedure is based on singular value decomposition of the response matrix. The regularisation of the unfolding is implemented via a discrete minimum-curvature condition.
00044 <p>
00045 Monte Carlo inputs:
00046 <ul>
00047 <li><tt>xini</tt>: true underlying spectrum (TH1D, n bins)
00048 <li><tt>bini</tt>: reconstructed spectrum (TH1D, n bins)
00049 <li><tt>Adet</tt>: response matrix (TH2D, nxn bins)
00050 </ul>
00051 Consider the unfolding of a measured spectrum <tt>bdat</tt>. The corresponding spectrum in the Monte Carlo is given by <tt>bini</tt>, with the true underlying spectrum given by <tt>xini</tt>. The detector response is described by <tt>Adet</tt>, with <tt>Adet</tt> filled with events (not probabilities) with the true observable on the y-axis and the reconstructed observable on the x-axis.
00052 <p>
00053 The measured distribution can be unfolded for any combination of resolution, efficiency and acceptance effects, provided an appropriate definition of <tt>xini</tt> and <tt>Adet</tt>.<br><br>
00054 <p>
00055 The unfolding can be performed by
00056 <ul>
00057 <pre>
00058 TSVDUnfold *tsvdunf = new TSVDUnfold();
00059 tsvdunf->Init( bdat, bini, xini, Adet );
00060 TH1D* unfresult = tsvdunf->Unfold(kreg);
00061 </pre>
00062 </ul>
00063 where <tt>kreg</tt> determines the regularisation of the unfolding. In general, overregularisation (too small <tt>kreg</tt>) will bias the unfolded spectrum towards the Monte Carlo input, while underregularisation (too large <tt>kreg</tt>) will lead to large fluctuations in the unfolded spectrum. The optimal regularisation can be determined following guidelines in <a href="http://arXiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9509307">Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A372, 469 (1996) [hep-ph/9509307]</a> using the distribution of the <tt>|d_i|<\tt> that can be obtained by <tt>tsvdunf->GetD()</tt> and/or using pseudo-experiments.
00064 <p>
00065 Covariance matrices on the measured spectrum can be propagated to covariance matrices using the <tt>GetUnfoldCovMatrix</tt> method, which uses pseudo experiments for the propagation. In addition, <tt>GetAdetCovMatrix</tt> allows for the propagation of the statistical uncertainties on the response matrix using pseudo experiments. In addition, the distribution of singular values can be retrieved using <tt>tsvdunf->GetSV()<\tt>.
00066 End_Html */
00067 //_______________________________________________________________________
00070 #include <iostream>
00072 #include "TSVDUnfold.h"
00073 #include "TH1D.h"
00074 #include "TH2D.h"
00075 #include "TDecompSVD.h"
00076 #include "TRandom3.h"
00077 #include "TMath.h"
00079 ClassImp(TSVDUnfold)
00081 using namespace std;
00083 //_______________________________________________________________________
00084 TSVDUnfold::TSVDUnfold( const TH1D *bdat, const TH1D *bini, const TH1D *xini, const TH2D *Adet )
00085    : TObject     (),
00086      fNdim       (0),
00087      fDdim       (2),
00088      fNormalize  (kFALSE),
00089      fKReg       (-1),
00090      fDHist      (NULL),
00091      fSVHist     (NULL),
00092      fBdat       (bdat), 
00093      fBini       (bini),
00094      fXini       (xini),
00095      fAdet       (Adet), 
00096      fToyhisto   (NULL),
00097      fToymat     (NULL),
00098      fToyMode    (kFALSE),
00099      fMatToyMode (kFALSE) 
00100 {
00101    // Default constructor
00103    // Initialisation of TSVDUnfold
00104    // User provides data and MC test spectra, as well as detector response matrix
00105    if (bdat->GetNbinsX() != bini->GetNbinsX() || 
00106        bdat->GetNbinsX() != xini->GetNbinsX() ||
00107        bdat->GetNbinsX() != Adet->GetNbinsX() ||
00108        bdat->GetNbinsX() != Adet->GetNbinsY()) {
00109       TString msg = "All histograms must have equal dimension.\n";
00110       msg += Form( "  Found: dim(bdat)=%i\n",    bdat->GetNbinsX() );
00111       msg += Form( "  Found: dim(bini)=%i\n",    bini->GetNbinsX() );
00112       msg += Form( "  Found: dim(xini)=%i\n",    xini->GetNbinsX() );
00113       msg += Form( "  Found: dim(Adet)=%i,%i\n", Adet->GetNbinsX(), Adet->GetNbinsY() );
00114       msg += "Please start again!";
00116       Fatal( "Init", msg, "%s" );
00117    }
00119    // Get the input histos
00120    fNdim = bdat->GetNbinsX();
00121    fDdim = 2; // This is the derivative used to compute the curvature matrix
00122 }
00124 //_______________________________________________________________________
00125 TSVDUnfold::TSVDUnfold( const TSVDUnfold& other )
00126    : TObject     ( other ),
00127      fNdim       (other.fNdim),
00128      fDdim       (other.fDdim),
00129      fNormalize  (other.fNormalize),
00130      fKReg       (other.fKReg),
00131      fDHist      (other.fDHist),
00132      fSVHist     (other.fSVHist),
00133      fBdat       (other.fBdat),
00134      fBini       (other.fBini),
00135      fXini       (other.fXini),
00136      fAdet       (other.fAdet),
00137      fToyhisto   (other.fToyhisto),
00138      fToymat     (other.fToymat),
00139      fToyMode    (other.fToyMode),
00140      fMatToyMode (other.fMatToyMode) 
00141 {
00142    // Copy constructor
00143 }
00145 //_______________________________________________________________________
00146 TSVDUnfold::~TSVDUnfold()
00147 {
00148    // Destructor
00149 }
00151 //_______________________________________________________________________
00152 TH1D* TSVDUnfold::Unfold( Int_t kreg )
00153 {
00154    // Perform the unfolding   
00155    fKReg = kreg;
00157    // Make the histos
00158    if (!fToyMode && !fMatToyMode) InitHistos( );
00160    // Create vectors and matrices
00161    TVectorD vb(fNdim), vbini(fNdim), vxini(fNdim), vberr(fNdim);
00162    TMatrixD mA(fNdim, fNdim), mCurv(fNdim, fNdim), mC(fNdim, fNdim);
00164    Double_t eps = 1e-12;
00165    Double_t sreg;
00167    // Copy histogams entries into vector
00168    if (fToyMode) { H2V( fToyhisto, vb ); H2Verr( fToyhisto, vberr ); }
00169    else          { H2V( fBdat,     vb ); H2Verr( fBdat,     vberr ); }
00171    H2V( fBini, vbini );
00172    H2V( fXini, vxini );
00173    if (fMatToyMode) H2M( fToymat, mA );
00174    else        H2M( fAdet,   mA );
00176    // Scale the MC vectors to data norm
00177    Double_t scale = vb.Sum()/vbini.Sum();
00178    vbini *= scale;
00179    vxini *= scale;
00180    mA    *= scale;
00182    // Fill and invert the second derivative matrix
00183    FillCurvatureMatrix( mCurv, mC );
00185    // Inversion of mC by help of SVD
00186    TDecompSVD CSVD(mC);
00187    TMatrixD CUort = CSVD.GetU();
00188    TMatrixD CVort = CSVD.GetV();
00189    TVectorD CSV   = CSVD.GetSig();
00191    TMatrixD CSVM(fNdim, fNdim);
00192    for (Int_t i=0; i<fNdim; i++) CSVM(i,i) = 1/CSV(i);
00194    CUort.Transpose( CUort );
00195    TMatrixD mCinv = (CVort*CSVM)*CUort;
00197    // Rescale matrix and vectors by error of data vector
00198    vbini = VecDiv   ( vbini, vberr );
00199    vb    = VecDiv   ( vb,    vberr, 1 );
00200    mA    = MatDivVec( mA,    vberr, 1 );
00201    vberr = VecDiv   ( vberr, vberr, 1 );
00203    // Singular value decomposition and matrix operations
00204    TDecompSVD ASVD( mA*mCinv );
00205    TMatrixD Uort = ASVD.GetU();
00206    TMatrixD Vort = ASVD.GetV();
00207    TVectorD ASV  = ASVD.GetSig();
00209    if (!fToyMode && !fMatToyMode) {
00210       V2H(ASV, *fSVHist);
00211    }
00213    TMatrixD Vreg = mCinv*Vort;
00215    Uort.Transpose(Uort);
00216    TVectorD vdini = Uort*vbini;
00217    TVectorD vd    = Uort*vb;
00219    if (!fToyMode && !fMatToyMode) {
00220       V2H(vd, *fDHist);
00221    }
00223    // Damping coefficient
00224    Int_t k = GetKReg()-1; 
00226    TVectorD vx(fNdim); // Return variable
00228    // Damping factors
00229    TVectorD vdz(fNdim);
00230    for (Int_t i=0; i<fNdim; i++) {
00231      if (ASV(i)<ASV(0)*eps) sreg = ASV(0)*eps;
00232      else                   sreg = ASV(i);
00233      vdz(i) = sreg/(sreg*sreg + ASV(k)*ASV(k));
00234    }
00235    TVectorD vz = CompProd( vd, vdz );
00237    // Compute the weights
00238    TVectorD vw = Vreg*vz;
00240    // Rescale by xini
00241    vx = CompProd( vw, vxini );
00243    if(fNormalize){ // Scale result to unit area
00244      scale = vx.Sum();
00245      if (scale > 0) vx *= 1.0/scale;
00246    }
00248    // Get Curvature and also chi2 in case of MC unfolding
00249    if (!fToyMode && !fMatToyMode) {
00250      Info( "Unfold", "Unfolding param: %i",k+1 );
00251      Info( "Unfold", "Curvature of weight distribution: %f", GetCurvature( vw, mCurv ) );
00252    }
00254    TH1D* h = (TH1D*)fBdat->Clone("unfoldingresult");
00255    for(int i=1; i<=fNdim; i++){
00256       h->SetBinContent(i,0.);
00257       h->SetBinError(i,0.);
00258    }
00259    V2H( vx, *h );
00261    return h;
00262 }
00264 //_______________________________________________________________________
00265 TH2D* TSVDUnfold::GetUnfoldCovMatrix( const TH2D* cov, Int_t ntoys, Int_t seed )
00266 {
00268    fToyMode = true;
00269    TH1D* unfres = 0;
00270    TH2D* unfcov = (TH2D*)fAdet->Clone("unfcovmat");
00271    for(int i=1; i<=fNdim; i++)
00272       for(int j=1; j<=fNdim; j++)
00273          unfcov->SetBinContent(i,j,0.);
00275    // Code for generation of toys (taken from RooResult and modified)
00276    // Calculate the elements of the upper-triangular matrix L that
00277    // gives Lt*L = C, where Lt is the transpose of L (the "square-root method")  
00278    TMatrixD L(fNdim,fNdim); L *= 0;
00280    for (Int_t iPar= 0; iPar < fNdim; iPar++) {
00282       // Calculate the diagonal term first
00283       L(iPar,iPar) = cov->GetBinContent(iPar+1,iPar+1);
00284       for (Int_t k=0; k<iPar; k++) L(iPar,iPar) -= TMath::Power( L(k,iPar), 2 );
00285       if (L(iPar,iPar) > 0.0) L(iPar,iPar) = TMath::Sqrt(L(iPar,iPar));
00286       else                    L(iPar,iPar) = 0.0;
00288       // ...then the off-diagonal terms
00289       for (Int_t jPar=iPar+1; jPar<fNdim; jPar++) {
00290          L(iPar,jPar) = cov->GetBinContent(iPar+1,jPar+1);
00291          for (Int_t k=0; k<iPar; k++) L(iPar,jPar) -= L(k,iPar)*L(k,jPar);
00292          if (L(iPar,iPar)!=0.) L(iPar,jPar) /= L(iPar,iPar);
00293          else                  L(iPar,jPar) = 0;
00294       }
00295    }
00297    // Remember it
00298    TMatrixD *Lt = new TMatrixD(TMatrixD::kTransposed,L);
00299    TRandom3 random(seed);
00301    fToyhisto = (TH1D*)fBdat->Clone("toyhisto");
00302    TH1D *toymean = (TH1D*)fBdat->Clone("toymean");
00303    for (Int_t j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) toymean->SetBinContent(j,0.);
00305    // Get the mean of the toys first
00306    for (int i=1; i<=ntoys; i++) {
00308       // create a vector of unit Gaussian variables
00309       TVectorD g(fNdim);
00310       for (Int_t k= 0; k < fNdim; k++) g(k) = random.Gaus(0.,1.);
00312       // Multiply this vector by Lt to introduce the appropriate correlations
00313       g *= (*Lt);
00315       // Add the mean value offsets and store the results
00316       for (int j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) {
00317          fToyhisto->SetBinContent(j,fBdat->GetBinContent(j)+g(j-1));
00318          fToyhisto->SetBinError(j,fBdat->GetBinError(j));
00319       }
00321       unfres = Unfold(GetKReg());
00323       for (Int_t j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) {
00324          toymean->SetBinContent(j, toymean->GetBinContent(j) + unfres->GetBinContent(j)/ntoys);
00325       }
00326    }
00328    // Reset the random seed
00329    random.SetSeed(seed);
00331    //Now the toys for the covariance matrix
00332    for (int i=1; i<=ntoys; i++) {
00334       // Create a vector of unit Gaussian variables
00335       TVectorD g(fNdim);
00336       for (Int_t k= 0; k < fNdim; k++) g(k) = random.Gaus(0.,1.);
00338       // Multiply this vector by Lt to introduce the appropriate correlations
00339       g *= (*Lt);
00341       // Add the mean value offsets and store the results
00342       for (int j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) {
00343          fToyhisto->SetBinContent( j, fBdat->GetBinContent(j)+g(j-1) );
00344          fToyhisto->SetBinError  ( j, fBdat->GetBinError(j) );
00345       }
00346       unfres = Unfold(GetKReg());
00348       for (Int_t j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) {
00349          for (Int_t k=1; k<=fNdim; k++) {
00350             unfcov->SetBinContent(j,k,unfcov->GetBinContent(j,k) + ( (unfres->GetBinContent(j) - toymean->GetBinContent(j))* (unfres->GetBinContent(k) - toymean->GetBinContent(k))/(ntoys-1)) );
00351          }
00352       }
00353    }
00354    delete Lt;
00355    delete unfres;
00356    fToyMode = kFALSE;
00358    return unfcov;
00359 }
00361 //_______________________________________________________________________
00362 TH2D* TSVDUnfold::GetAdetCovMatrix( Int_t ntoys, Int_t seed )
00363 {
00365    fMatToyMode = true;
00366    TH1D* unfres = 0;
00367    TH2D* unfcov = (TH2D*)fAdet->Clone("unfcovmat");
00368    for(int i=1; i<=fNdim; i++)
00369       for(int j=1; j<=fNdim; j++)
00370          unfcov->SetBinContent(i,j,0.);
00372    //Now the toys for the detector response matrix
00373    TRandom3 random(seed);
00375    fToymat = (TH2D*)fAdet->Clone("toymat");
00376    TH1D *toymean = (TH1D*)fXini->Clone("toymean");
00377    for (Int_t j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) toymean->SetBinContent(j,0.);
00379    for (int i=1; i<=ntoys; i++) {    
00380       for (Int_t k=1; k<=fNdim; k++) {
00381          for (Int_t m=1; m<=fNdim; m++) {
00382             if (fAdet->GetBinContent(k,m)) {
00383                fToymat->SetBinContent(k, m, random.Poisson(fAdet->GetBinContent(k,m)));
00384             }
00385          }
00386       }
00388       unfres = Unfold(GetKReg());
00390       for (Int_t j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) {
00391          toymean->SetBinContent(j, toymean->GetBinContent(j) + unfres->GetBinContent(j)/ntoys);
00392       }
00393    }
00395    // Reset the random seed
00396    random.SetSeed(seed);
00398    for (int i=1; i<=ntoys; i++) {
00399       for (Int_t k=1; k<=fNdim; k++) {
00400          for (Int_t m=1; m<=fNdim; m++) {
00401             if (fAdet->GetBinContent(k,m))
00402                fToymat->SetBinContent(k, m, random.Poisson(fAdet->GetBinContent(k,m)));
00403          }
00404       }
00406       unfres = Unfold(GetKReg());
00408       for (Int_t j=1; j<=fNdim; j++) {
00409          for (Int_t k=1; k<=fNdim; k++) {
00410             unfcov->SetBinContent(j,k,unfcov->GetBinContent(j,k) + ( (unfres->GetBinContent(j) - toymean->GetBinContent(j))*(unfres->GetBinContent(k) - toymean->GetBinContent(k))/(ntoys-1)) );
00411          }
00412       }
00413    }
00414    delete unfres;
00415    fMatToyMode = kFALSE;
00417    return unfcov;
00418 }
00420 //_______________________________________________________________________
00421 TH1D* TSVDUnfold::GetD() const 
00422 { 
00423    // Returns d vector
00424    for (int i=1; i<=fDHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
00425       if (fDHist->GetBinContent(i)<0.) fDHist->SetBinContent(i, TMath::Abs(fDHist->GetBinContent(i))); 
00426    }
00427    return fDHist; 
00428 }
00430 //_______________________________________________________________________
00431 TH1D* TSVDUnfold::GetSV() const 
00432 { 
00433    // Returns singular values vector
00434    return fSVHist; 
00435 }
00437 //_______________________________________________________________________
00438 void TSVDUnfold::H2V( const TH1D* histo, TVectorD& vec )
00439 {
00440    // Fill 1D histogram into vector
00441    for (Int_t i=0; i<histo->GetNbinsX(); i++) vec(i) = histo->GetBinContent(i+1);
00442 }
00444 //_______________________________________________________________________
00445 void TSVDUnfold::H2Verr( const TH1D* histo, TVectorD& vec )
00446 {
00447    // Fill 1D histogram errors into vector
00448    for (Int_t i=0; i<histo->GetNbinsX(); i++) vec(i) = histo->GetBinError(i+1);
00449 }
00451 //_______________________________________________________________________
00452 void TSVDUnfold::V2H( const TVectorD& vec, TH1D& histo )
00453 {
00454    // Fill vector into 1D histogram
00455    for(Int_t i=0; i<vec.GetNrows(); i++) histo.SetBinContent(i+1, vec(i));
00456 }
00458 //_______________________________________________________________________
00459 void TSVDUnfold::H2M( const TH2D* histo, TMatrixD& mat )
00460 {
00461    // Fill 2D histogram into matrix
00462    for (Int_t j=0; j<histo->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
00463       for (Int_t i=0; i<histo->GetNbinsY(); i++) {
00464          mat(i,j) = histo->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1);
00465       }
00466    }
00467 }
00469 //_______________________________________________________________________
00470 TVectorD TSVDUnfold::VecDiv( const TVectorD& vec1, const TVectorD& vec2, Int_t zero )
00471 {
00472    // Divide entries of two vectors
00473    TVectorD quot(vec1.GetNrows());
00474    for (Int_t i=0; i<vec1.GetNrows(); i++) {
00475       if (vec2(i) != 0) quot(i) = vec1(i) / vec2(i);
00476       else {
00477          if   (zero) quot(i) = 0;
00478          else        quot(i) = vec1(i);
00479       }
00480    }
00481    return quot;
00482 }
00484 //_______________________________________________________________________
00485 TMatrixD TSVDUnfold::MatDivVec( const TMatrixD& mat, const TVectorD& vec, Int_t zero )
00486 {
00487    // Divide matrix entries by vector
00488    TMatrixD quotmat(mat.GetNrows(), mat.GetNcols());
00489    for (Int_t i=0; i<mat.GetNrows(); i++) {
00490       for (Int_t j=0; j<mat.GetNcols(); j++) {
00491          if (vec(i) != 0) quotmat(i,j) = mat(i,j) / vec(i);
00492          else {
00493             if   (zero) quotmat(i,j) = 0;
00494             else        quotmat(i,j) = mat(i,j);
00495          }
00496       }
00497    }
00498    return quotmat;
00499 }
00501 //_______________________________________________________________________
00502 TVectorD TSVDUnfold::CompProd( const TVectorD& vec1, const TVectorD& vec2 )
00503 {
00504    // Multiply entries of two vectors
00505    TVectorD res(vec1.GetNrows());
00506    for (Int_t i=0; i<vec1.GetNrows(); i++) res(i) = vec1(i) * vec2(i);
00507    return res;
00508 }
00510 //_______________________________________________________________________
00511 Double_t TSVDUnfold::GetCurvature(const TVectorD& vec, const TMatrixD& curv) 
00512 {      
00513    // Compute curvature of vector
00514    return vec*(curv*vec);
00515 }
00517 //_______________________________________________________________________
00518 void TSVDUnfold::FillCurvatureMatrix( TMatrixD& tCurv, TMatrixD& tC ) const
00519 {
00520    Double_t eps = 0.00001;
00522    Int_t ndim = tCurv.GetNrows();
00524    // Init
00525    tCurv *= 0;
00526    tC    *= 0;
00528    if (fDdim == 0) for (Int_t i=0; i<ndim; i++) tC(i,i) = 1;
00529    else if (ndim == 1) {
00530       for (Int_t i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
00531          if (i < ndim-1) tC(i,i+1) = 1.0;
00532          tC(i,i) = 1.0;
00533       }
00534    }
00535    else if (fDdim == 2) {
00536       for (Int_t i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
00537          if (i > 0)      tC(i,i-1) = 1.0;
00538          if (i < ndim-1) tC(i,i+1) = 1.0;
00539          tC(i,i) = -2.0;
00540       }
00541       tC(0,0) = -1.0;
00542       tC(ndim-1,ndim-1) = -1.0;
00543    }
00544    else if (fDdim == 3) {
00545       for (Int_t i=1; i<ndim-2; i++) {
00546          tC(i,i-1) =  1.0;
00547          tC(i,i)   = -3.0;
00548          tC(i,i+1) =  3.0;
00549          tC(i,i+2) = -1.0;
00550       }
00551    }
00552    else if (fDdim==4) {
00553       for (Int_t i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
00554          if (i > 0)      tC(i,i-1) = -4.0;
00555          if (i < ndim-1) tC(i,i+1) = -4.0;
00556          if (i > 1)      tC(i,i-2) =  1.0;
00557          if (i < ndim-2) tC(i,i+2) =  1.0;
00558          tC(i,i) = 6.0;
00559       }
00560       tC(0,0) = 2.0;
00561       tC(ndim-1,ndim-1) = 2.0;
00562       tC(0,1) = -3.0;
00563       tC(ndim-2,ndim-1) = -3.0;
00564       tC(1,0) = -3.0;
00565       tC(ndim-1,ndim-2) = -3.0;
00566       tC(1,1) =  6.0;
00567       tC(ndim-2,ndim-2) =  6.0;
00568    }
00569    else if (fDdim == 5) {
00570       for (Int_t i=2; i < ndim-3; i++) {
00571          tC(i,i-2) = 1.0;
00572          tC(i,i-1) = -5.0;
00573          tC(i,i)   = 10.0;
00574          tC(i,i+1) = -10.0;
00575          tC(i,i+2) = 5.0;
00576          tC(i,i+3) = -1.0;
00577       }
00578    }
00579    else if (fDdim == 6) {
00580       for (Int_t i = 3; i < ndim - 3; i++) {
00581          tC(i,i-3) = 1.0;
00582          tC(i,i-2) = -6.0;
00583          tC(i,i-1) = 15.0;
00584          tC(i,i)   = -20.0;
00585          tC(i,i+1) = 15.0;
00586          tC(i,i+2) = -6.0;
00587          tC(i,i+3) = 1.0;
00588       }
00589    }
00591    // Add epsilon to avoid singularities
00592    for (Int_t i=0; i<ndim; i++) tC(i,i) = tC(i,i) + eps;
00594    //Get curvature matrix
00595    for (Int_t i=0; i<ndim; i++) {
00596       for (Int_t j=0; j<ndim; j++) {
00597          for (Int_t k=0; k<ndim; k++) {
00598             tCurv(i,j) = tCurv(i,j) + tC(k,i)*tC(k,j);
00599          }
00600       }
00601    }
00602 }
00604 //_______________________________________________________________________
00605 void TSVDUnfold::InitHistos( )
00606 {
00608    fDHist = new TH1D( "dd", "d vector after orthogonal transformation", fNdim, 0, fNdim );  
00609    fDHist->Sumw2();
00611    fSVHist = new TH1D( "sv", "Singular values of AC^-1", fNdim, 0, fNdim );  
00612    fSVHist->Sumw2();
00613 }
00615 //_______________________________________________________________________
00616 void TSVDUnfold::RegularisedSymMatInvert( TMatrixDSym& mat, Double_t eps )
00617 {
00618    // naive regularised inversion cuts off small elements
00620    // init reduced matrix
00621    const UInt_t n = mat.GetNrows();
00622    UInt_t nn = 0;   
00624    UInt_t *ipos = new UInt_t[n];
00625    //   UInt_t ipos[n];
00627    // find max diagonal entries
00628    Double_t ymax = 0;
00629    for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++) if (TMath::Abs(mat[i][i]) > ymax) ymax = TMath::Abs(mat[i][i]);
00631    for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
00633          // save position of accepted entries
00634       if (TMath::Abs(mat[i][i])/ymax > eps) ipos[nn++] = i;
00635    }
00637    // effective matrix
00638    TMatrixDSym matwork( nn );
00639    for (UInt_t in=0; in<nn; in++) for (UInt_t jn=0; jn<nn; jn++) matwork(in,jn) = 0;
00641    // fill non-zero effective working matrix
00642    for (UInt_t in=0; in<nn; in++) {
00644       matwork[in][in] = mat[ipos[in]][ipos[in]];
00645       for (UInt_t jn=in+1; jn<nn; jn++) {
00646          matwork[in][jn] = mat[ipos[in]][ipos[jn]];
00647          matwork[jn][in] = matwork[in][jn];
00648       }
00649    }
00651    // invert
00652    matwork.Invert();
00654    // reinitialise old matrix
00655    for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++) for (UInt_t j=0; j<n; j++) mat[i][j] = 0;
00657    // refill inverted matrix in old one
00658    for (UInt_t in=0; in<nn; in++) {
00659       mat[ipos[in]][ipos[in]] = matwork[in][in];
00660       for (UInt_t jn=in+1; jn<nn; jn++) {
00661          mat[ipos[in]][ipos[jn]] = matwork[in][jn];
00662          mat[ipos[jn]][ipos[in]] = mat[ipos[in]][ipos[jn]];
00663       }
00664    }
00665    delete []  ipos;
00666 }
00668 //_______________________________________________________________________
00669 Double_t TSVDUnfold::ComputeChiSquared( const TH1D& truspec, const TH1D& unfspec, const TH2D& covmat, Double_t regpar  )
00670 {
00671    // helper routine to compute chi-squared between distributions
00672    UInt_t n = truspec.GetNbinsX();
00673    TMatrixDSym mat( n );
00674    for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
00675       for (UInt_t j=i; j<n; j++) {
00676          mat[i][j] = covmat.GetBinContent( i+1, j+1 );
00677          mat[j][i] = mat[i][j];
00678       }
00679    }
00681    RegularisedSymMatInvert( mat, regpar );
00683    // compute chi2
00684    Double_t chi2 = 0;
00685    for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
00686       for (UInt_t j=0; j<n; j++) {
00687          chi2 += ( (truspec.GetBinContent( i+1 )-unfspec.GetBinContent( i+1 )) *
00688                    (truspec.GetBinContent( j+1 )-unfspec.GetBinContent( j+1 )) * mat[i][j] );
00689       }
00690    }
00692    return chi2;
00693 }

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