
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/base:$Id: TVirtualX.cxx 35197 2010-09-08 12:34:39Z rdm $
00002 // Author: Fons Rademakers   3/12/95
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // TVirtualX                                                            //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the         //
00017 // underlying, low level, graphics system (X11, Win32, MacOS).          //
00018 // An instance of TVirtualX itself defines a batch interface to the     //
00019 // graphics system.                                                     //
00020 //                                                                      //
00021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00023 #include "TVirtualX.h"
00024 #include "TString.h"
00027 Atom_t    gWM_DELETE_WINDOW;
00028 Atom_t    gMOTIF_WM_HINTS;
00029 Atom_t    gROOT_MESSAGE;
00032 TVirtualX     *gGXBatch;  //Global pointer to batch graphics interface
00033 TVirtualX*   (*gPtr2VirtualX)() = 0; // returns pointer to global object
00036 ClassImp(TVirtualX)
00039 //______________________________________________________________________________
00040 TVirtualX::TVirtualX(const char *name, const char *title) : TNamed(name, title),
00041       TAttLine(1,1,1),TAttFill(1,1),TAttText(11,0,1,62,0.01), TAttMarker(1,1,1),
00042       fDrawMode()
00043 {
00044    // Ctor of ABC
00045 }
00047 //______________________________________________________________________________
00048 TVirtualX *&TVirtualX::Instance()
00049 {
00050    // Returns gVirtualX global
00052    static TVirtualX *instance = 0;
00053    if (gPtr2VirtualX) instance = gPtr2VirtualX();
00054    return instance;
00055 }
00057 //______________________________________________________________________________
00058 void TVirtualX::GetWindowAttributes(Window_t /*id*/, WindowAttributes_t &attr)
00059 {
00060    // The WindowAttributes_t structure is set to default.
00062    attr.fX = attr.fY = 0;
00063    attr.fWidth = attr.fHeight = 0;
00064    attr.fVisual   = 0;
00065    attr.fMapState = kIsUnmapped;
00066    attr.fScreen   = 0;
00067 }
00069 //______________________________________________________________________________
00070 Bool_t TVirtualX::ParseColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, const char * /*cname*/,
00071                              ColorStruct_t &color)
00072 {
00073    // Looks up the string name of a color "cname" with respect to the screen
00074    // associated with the specified colormap. It returns the exact color value.
00075    // If the color name is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding,
00076    // the result is implementation dependent.
00077    //
00078    // cmap  - the colormap
00079    // cname - the color name string; use of uppercase or lowercase
00080    //         does not matter
00081    // color - returns the exact color value for later use
00082    //
00083    // The ColorStruct_t structure is set to default. Let system think we
00084    // could parse color.
00086    color.fPixel = 0;
00087    color.fRed   = 0;
00088    color.fGreen = 0;
00089    color.fBlue  = 0;
00090    color.fMask  = kDoRed | kDoGreen | kDoBlue;
00092    return kTRUE;
00093 }
00095 //______________________________________________________________________________
00096 Bool_t TVirtualX::AllocColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, ColorStruct_t &color)
00097 {
00098    // Allocates a read-only colormap entry corresponding to the closest RGB
00099    // value supported by the hardware. If no cell could be allocated it
00100    // returns kFALSE, otherwise kTRUE.
00101    //
00102    // The pixel value is set to default. Let system think we could allocate
00103    // color.
00104    //
00105    // cmap  - the colormap
00106    // color - specifies and returns the values actually used in the cmap
00108    color.fPixel = 0;
00109    return kTRUE;
00110 }
00112 //______________________________________________________________________________
00113 void TVirtualX::QueryColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, ColorStruct_t &color)
00114 {
00115    // Returns the current RGB value for the pixel in the "color" structure
00116    //
00117    // The color components are set to default.
00118    //
00119    // cmap  - the colormap
00120    // color - specifies and returns the RGB values for the pixel specified
00121    //         in the structure
00123    color.fRed = color.fGreen = color.fBlue = 0;
00124 }
00126 //______________________________________________________________________________
00127 void TVirtualX::NextEvent(Event_t &event)
00128 {
00129    // The "event" is set to default event.
00130    // This method however, should never be called.
00132    event.fType   = kButtonPress;
00133    event.fWindow = 0;
00134    event.fTime   = 0;
00135    event.fX      = 0;
00136    event.fY      = 0;
00137    event.fXRoot  = 0;
00138    event.fYRoot  = 0;
00139    event.fState  = 0;
00140    event.fCode   = 0;
00141    event.fWidth  = 0;
00142    event.fHeight = 0;
00143    event.fCount  = 0;
00144 }
00146 //______________________________________________________________________________
00147 void TVirtualX::GetPasteBuffer(Window_t /*id*/, Atom_t /*atom*/, TString &text,
00148                                Int_t &nchar, Bool_t /*del*/)
00149 {
00150    // Gets contents of the paste buffer "atom" into the string "text".
00151    // (nchar = number of characters) If "del" is true deletes the paste
00152    // buffer afterwards.
00154    text = "";
00155    nchar = 0;
00156 }
00158 //______________________________________________________________________________
00159 Bool_t TVirtualX::Init(void * /*display*/)
00160 {
00161    // Initializes the X system. Returns kFALSE in case of failure.
00162    // It is implementation dependent.
00164    return kFALSE;
00165 }
00167 //______________________________________________________________________________
00168 void TVirtualX::ClearWindow()
00169 {
00170    // Clears the entire area of the current window.
00171 }
00173 //______________________________________________________________________________
00174 void TVirtualX::CloseWindow()
00175 {
00176    // Deletes current window.
00177 }
00179 //______________________________________________________________________________
00180 void TVirtualX::ClosePixmap()
00181 {
00182    // Deletes current pixmap.
00183 }
00185 //______________________________________________________________________________
00186 void TVirtualX::CopyPixmap(Int_t /*wid*/, Int_t /*xpos*/, Int_t /*ypos*/)
00187 {
00188    // Copies the pixmap "wid" at the position [xpos,ypos] in the current window.
00189 }
00191 //______________________________________________________________________________
00192 void TVirtualX::CreateOpenGLContext(Int_t /*wid*/)
00193 {
00194    // Creates OpenGL context for window "wid"
00195 }
00197 //______________________________________________________________________________
00198 void TVirtualX::DeleteOpenGLContext(Int_t /*wid*/)
00199 {
00200    // Deletes OpenGL context for window "wid"
00201 }
00203 //______________________________________________________________________________
00204 void TVirtualX::DrawBox(Int_t /*x1*/, Int_t /*y1*/, Int_t /*x2*/, Int_t /*y2*/,
00205                         EBoxMode /*mode*/)
00206 {
00207    // Draws a box between [x1,y1] and [x2,y2] according to the "mode".
00208    //
00209    // mode  - drawing mode:
00210    //         mode = 0 hollow  (kHollow)
00211    //         mode = 1 solid   (kSolid)
00213 }
00215 //______________________________________________________________________________
00216 void TVirtualX::DrawCellArray(Int_t /*x1*/, Int_t /*y1*/,
00217                               Int_t /*x2*/, Int_t /*y2*/,
00218                               Int_t /*nx*/, Int_t /*ny*/, Int_t * /*ic*/)
00219 {
00220    // Draws a cell array. The drawing is done with the pixel presicion
00221    // if (x2-x1)/nx (or y) is not a exact pixel number the position of
00222    // the top rigth corner may be wrong.
00223    //
00224    // x1,y1 - left down corner
00225    // x2,y2 - right up corner
00226    // nx,ny - array size
00227    // ic    - array
00228 }
00230 //______________________________________________________________________________
00231 void TVirtualX::DrawFillArea(Int_t /*n*/, TPoint * /*xy*/)
00232 {
00233    // Fills area described by the polygon.
00234    //
00235    // n       - number of points
00236    // xy(2,n) - list of points
00237 }
00239 //______________________________________________________________________________
00240 void TVirtualX::DrawLine(Int_t /*x1*/, Int_t /*y1*/, Int_t /*x2*/, Int_t /*y2*/)
00241 {
00242    // Draws a line.
00243    //
00244    // x1,y1 - begin of line
00245    // x2,y2 - end of line
00246 }
00248 //______________________________________________________________________________
00249 void TVirtualX::DrawPolyLine(Int_t /*n*/, TPoint * /*xy*/)
00250 {
00251    // Draws a line through all points in the list.
00252    //
00253    // n  - number of points
00254    // xy - list of points
00255 }
00257 //______________________________________________________________________________
00258 void TVirtualX::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t /*n*/, TPoint * /*xy*/)
00259 {
00260    // Draws "n" markers with the current attributes at position [x,y].
00261    //
00262    // n  - number of markers to draw
00263    // xy - an array of x,y marker coordinates
00265 }
00267 //______________________________________________________________________________
00268 void TVirtualX::DrawText(Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/, Float_t /*angle*/,
00269                          Float_t /*mgn*/, const char * /*text*/,
00270                          ETextMode /*mode*/)
00271 {
00272    // Draws a text string using current font.
00273    //
00274    // x,y   - text position
00275    // angle - text angle
00276    // mgn   - magnification factor
00277    // text  - text string
00278    // mode  - drawing mode:
00279    //         mode = 0 the background is not drawn (kClear)
00280    //         mode = 1 the background is drawn (kOpaque)
00282 }
00284 //______________________________________________________________________________
00285 UInt_t TVirtualX::ExecCommand(TGWin32Command * /*code*/)
00286 {
00287    // Executes the command "code" coming from the other threads (Win32)
00289    return 0;
00290 }
00292 //______________________________________________________________________________
00293 Int_t TVirtualX::GetDoubleBuffer(Int_t /*wid*/)
00294 {
00295    // Queries the double buffer value for the window "wid".
00297    return 0;
00298 }
00300 //______________________________________________________________________________
00301 void TVirtualX::GetCharacterUp(Float_t &chupx, Float_t &chupy)
00302 {
00303    // Returns character up vector.
00305    chupx = chupy = 0;
00306 }
00308 //______________________________________________________________________________
00309 void TVirtualX::GetGeometry(Int_t /*wid*/, Int_t &x, Int_t &y,
00310                             UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)
00311 {
00312    // Returns position and size of window "wid".
00313    //
00314    // wid  - window identifier
00315    //        if wid < 0 the size of the display is returned
00316    // x, y - returned window position
00317    // w, h - returned window size
00319    x = y = 0;
00320    w = h = 0;
00321 }
00323 //______________________________________________________________________________
00324 const char *TVirtualX::DisplayName(const char *)
00325 {
00326    // Returns hostname on which the display is opened.
00328    return "batch";
00329 }
00331 //______________________________________________________________________________
00332 Handle_t  TVirtualX::GetNativeEvent() const
00333 {
00334    // Returns the current native event handle.
00336    return 0;
00337 }
00339 //______________________________________________________________________________
00340 ULong_t TVirtualX::GetPixel(Color_t /*cindex*/)
00341 {
00342    // Returns pixel value associated to specified ROOT color number "cindex".
00344    return 0;
00345 }
00347 //______________________________________________________________________________
00348 void TVirtualX::GetPlanes(Int_t &nplanes)
00349 {
00350    // Returns the maximum number of planes.
00352    nplanes = 0;
00353 }
00355 //______________________________________________________________________________
00356 void TVirtualX::GetRGB(Int_t /*index*/, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
00357 {
00358    // Returns RGB values for color "index".
00360    r = g = b = 0;
00361 }
00363 //______________________________________________________________________________
00364 void TVirtualX::GetTextExtent(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, char * /*mess*/)
00365 {
00366    // Returns the size of the specified character string "mess".
00367    //
00368    // w    - the text width
00369    // h    - the text height
00370    // mess - the string
00372    w = h = 0;
00373 }
00374 //______________________________________________________________________________
00375 Int_t   TVirtualX::GetFontAscent() const
00376 {
00377    // Returns the ascent of the current font (in pixels).
00378    // The ascent of a font is the distance from the baseline
00379    // to the highest position characters extend to
00380    return 0;
00381 }
00382 //______________________________________________________________________________
00383 Int_t   TVirtualX::GetFontDescent() const
00384 {
00385   // Returns the descent of the current font (in pixels.
00386   // The descent is the distance from the base line
00387   // to the lowest point characters extend to.
00388    return 0;
00389 }
00391 //______________________________________________________________________________
00392 Float_t TVirtualX::GetTextMagnitude()
00393 {
00394    // Returns the current font magnification factor
00396    return 0;
00397 }
00399 //______________________________________________________________________________
00400 Bool_t TVirtualX::HasTTFonts() const
00401 {
00402    // Returns True when TrueType fonts are used
00404    return kFALSE;
00405 }
00407 //______________________________________________________________________________
00408 Window_t TVirtualX::GetWindowID(Int_t /*wid*/)
00409 {
00410    // Returns the X11 window identifier.
00411    //
00412    // wid - workstation identifier (input)
00414    return 0;
00415 }
00417 //______________________________________________________________________________
00418 Int_t TVirtualX::InitWindow(ULong_t /*window*/)
00419 {
00420    // Creates a new window and return window number.
00421    // Returns -1 if window initialization fails.
00423    return 0;
00424 }
00426 //______________________________________________________________________________
00427 Int_t TVirtualX::AddWindow(ULong_t /*qwid*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00428 {
00429    // Registers a window created by Qt as a ROOT window
00430    //
00431    // w, h - the width and height, which define the window size
00433    return 0;
00434 }
00436 //______________________________________________________________________________
00437 Int_t TVirtualX::AddPixmap(ULong_t /*pixind*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00438 {
00439    // Registers a pixmap created by TGLManager as a ROOT pixmap
00440    //
00441    // w, h - the width and height, which define the pixmap size
00443    return 0;
00444 }
00447 //______________________________________________________________________________
00448 void TVirtualX::RemoveWindow(ULong_t /*qwid*/)
00449 {
00450    // Removes the created by Qt window "qwid".
00451 }
00453 //______________________________________________________________________________
00454 void TVirtualX::MoveWindow(Int_t /*wid*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/)
00455 {
00456    // Moves the window "wid" to the specified x and y coordinates.
00457    // It does not change the window's size, raise the window, or change
00458    // the mapping state of the window.
00459    //
00460    // x, y - coordinates, which define the new position of the window
00461    //        relative to its parent.
00462 }
00464 //______________________________________________________________________________
00465 Int_t TVirtualX::OpenPixmap(UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00466 {
00467    // Creates a pixmap of the width "w" and height "h" you specified.
00469    return 0;
00470 }
00472 //______________________________________________________________________________
00473 void TVirtualX::QueryPointer(Int_t &ix, Int_t &iy)
00474 {
00475    // Returns the pointer position.
00477    ix = iy = 0;
00478 }
00480 //______________________________________________________________________________
00481 Pixmap_t TVirtualX::ReadGIF(Int_t /*x0*/, Int_t /*y0*/, const char * /*file*/,
00482                             Window_t /*id*/)
00483 {
00484    // If id is NULL - loads the specified gif file at position [x0,y0] in the
00485    // current window. Otherwise creates pixmap from gif file
00487    return 0;
00488 }
00490 //______________________________________________________________________________
00491 Int_t TVirtualX::RequestLocator(Int_t /*mode*/, Int_t /*ctyp*/,
00492                                 Int_t &x, Int_t &y)
00493 {
00494    // Requests Locator position.
00495    // x,y  - cursor position at moment of button press (output)
00496    // ctyp - cursor type (input)
00497    //        ctyp = 1 tracking cross
00498    //        ctyp = 2 cross-hair
00499    //        ctyp = 3 rubber circle
00500    //        ctyp = 4 rubber band
00501    //        ctyp = 5 rubber rectangle
00502    //
00503    // mode - input mode
00504    //        mode = 0 request
00505    //        mode = 1 sample
00506    //
00507    // The returned value is:
00508    //        in request mode:
00509    //                       1 = left is pressed
00510    //                       2 = middle is pressed
00511    //                       3 = right is pressed
00512    //        in sample mode:
00513    //                       11 = left is released
00514    //                       12 = middle is released
00515    //                       13 = right is released
00516    //                       -1 = nothing is pressed or released
00517    //                       -2 = leave the window
00518    //                     else = keycode (keyboard is pressed)
00520    x = y = 0;
00521    return 0;
00522 }
00524 //______________________________________________________________________________
00525 Int_t TVirtualX::RequestString(Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/, char *text)
00526 {
00527    // Requests string: text is displayed and can be edited with Emacs-like
00528    // keybinding. Returns termination code (0 for ESC, 1 for RETURN)
00529    //
00530    // x,y  - position where text is displayed
00531    // text - displayed text (as input), edited text (as output)
00533    if (text) *text = 0;
00534    return 0;
00535 }
00537 //______________________________________________________________________________
00538 void TVirtualX::RescaleWindow(Int_t /*wid*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00539 {
00540    // Rescales the window "wid".
00541    //
00542    // wid - window identifier
00543    // w   - the width
00544    // h   - the heigth
00546 }
00548 //______________________________________________________________________________
00549 Int_t TVirtualX::ResizePixmap(Int_t /*wid*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00550 {
00551    // Resizes the specified pixmap "wid".
00552    //
00553    // w, h - the width and height which define the pixmap dimensions
00555    return 0;
00556 }
00558 //______________________________________________________________________________
00559 void TVirtualX::ResizeWindow(Int_t /*wid*/)
00560 {
00561    // Resizes the window "wid" if necessary.
00562 }
00564 //______________________________________________________________________________
00565 void TVirtualX::SelectWindow(Int_t /*wid*/)
00566 {
00567    // Selects the window "wid" to which subsequent output is directed.
00568 }
00570 //______________________________________________________________________________
00571 void TVirtualX::SelectPixmap(Int_t /*qpixid*/)
00572 {
00573    // Selects the pixmap "qpixid".
00574 }
00576 //______________________________________________________________________________
00577 void TVirtualX::SetCharacterUp(Float_t /*chupx*/, Float_t /*chupy*/)
00578 {
00579    // Sets character up vector.
00580 }
00582 //______________________________________________________________________________
00583 void TVirtualX::SetClipOFF(Int_t /*wid*/)
00584 {
00585    // Turns off the clipping for the window "wid".
00586 }
00588 //______________________________________________________________________________
00589 void TVirtualX::SetClipRegion(Int_t /*wid*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
00590                               UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00591 {
00592    // Sets clipping region for the window "wid".
00593    //
00594    // wid  - window indentifier
00595    // x, y - origin of clipping rectangle
00596    // w, h - the clipping rectangle dimensions
00598 }
00600 //______________________________________________________________________________
00601 void TVirtualX::SetCursor(Int_t /*win*/, ECursor /*cursor*/)
00602 {
00603    // The cursor "cursor" will be used when the pointer is in the
00604    // window "wid".
00605 }
00607 //______________________________________________________________________________
00608 void TVirtualX::SetDoubleBuffer(Int_t /*wid*/, Int_t /*mode*/)
00609 {
00610    // Sets the double buffer on/off on the window "wid".
00611    // wid  - window identifier.
00612    //        999 means all opened windows.
00613    // mode - the on/off switch
00614    //        mode = 1 double buffer is on
00615    //        mode = 0 double buffer is off
00617 }
00619 //______________________________________________________________________________
00620 void TVirtualX::SetDoubleBufferOFF()
00621 {
00622    // Turns double buffer mode off.
00623 }
00625 //______________________________________________________________________________
00626 void TVirtualX::SetDoubleBufferON()
00627 {
00628    // Turns double buffer mode on.
00629 }
00631 //______________________________________________________________________________
00632 void TVirtualX::SetDrawMode(EDrawMode /*mode*/)
00633 {
00634    // Sets the drawing mode.
00635    //
00636    // mode = 1 copy
00637    // mode = 2 xor
00638    // mode = 3 invert
00639    // mode = 4 set the suitable mode for cursor echo according to the vendor
00640 }
00642 //______________________________________________________________________________
00643 void TVirtualX::SetFillColor(Color_t /*cindex*/)
00644 {
00645    // Sets color index "cindex" for fill areas.
00646 }
00648 //______________________________________________________________________________
00649 void TVirtualX::SetFillStyle(Style_t /*style*/)
00650 {
00651    // Sets fill area style.
00652    //
00653    // style - compound fill area interior style
00654    //         style = 1000 * interiorstyle + styleindex
00656 }
00658 //______________________________________________________________________________
00659 void TVirtualX::SetLineColor(Color_t /*cindex*/)
00660 {
00661    // Sets color index "cindex" for drawing lines.
00662 }
00664 //______________________________________________________________________________
00665 void TVirtualX::SetLineType(Int_t /*n*/, Int_t * /*dash*/)
00666 {
00667    // Sets the line type.
00668    //
00669    // n       - length of the dash list
00670    //           n <= 0 use solid lines
00671    //           n >  0 use dashed lines described by dash(n)
00672    //                 e.g. n = 4,dash = (6,3,1,3) gives a dashed-dotted line
00673    //                 with dash length 6 and a gap of 7 between dashes
00674    // dash(n) - dash segment lengths
00675 }
00677 //______________________________________________________________________________
00678 void TVirtualX::SetLineStyle(Style_t /*linestyle*/)
00679 {
00680    // Sets the line style.
00681    //
00682    // linestyle <= 1 solid
00683    // linestyle  = 2 dashed
00684    // linestyle  = 3 dotted
00685    // linestyle  = 4 dashed-dotted
00686 }
00688 //______________________________________________________________________________
00689 void TVirtualX::SetLineWidth(Width_t /*width*/)
00690 {
00691    // Sets the line width.
00692    //
00693    // width - the line width in pixels
00694 }
00696 //______________________________________________________________________________
00697 void TVirtualX::SetMarkerColor(Color_t /*cindex*/)
00698 {
00699    // Sets color index "cindex" for markers.
00700 }
00702 //______________________________________________________________________________
00703 void TVirtualX::SetMarkerSize(Float_t /*markersize*/)
00704 {
00705    // Sets marker size index.
00706    //
00707    // markersize - the marker scale factor
00708 }
00710 //______________________________________________________________________________
00711 void TVirtualX::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t /*markerstyle*/)
00712 {
00713    // Sets marker style.
00714 }
00716 //______________________________________________________________________________
00717 void TVirtualX::SetOpacity(Int_t /*percent*/)
00718 {
00719    // Sets opacity of the current window. This image manipulation routine
00720    // works by adding to a percent amount of neutral to each pixels RGB.
00721    // Since it requires quite some additional color map entries is it
00722    // only supported on displays with more than > 8 color planes (> 256
00723    // colors).
00724 }
00726 //______________________________________________________________________________
00727 void TVirtualX::SetRGB(Int_t /*cindex*/, Float_t /*r*/, Float_t /*g*/,
00728                        Float_t /*b*/)
00729 {
00730    // Sets color intensities the specified color index "cindex".
00731    //
00732    // cindex  - color index
00733    // r, g, b - the red, green, blue intensities between 0.0 and 1.0
00734 }
00736 //______________________________________________________________________________
00737 void TVirtualX::SetTextAlign(Short_t /*talign*/)
00738 {
00739    // Sets the text alignment.
00740    //
00741    // talign = txalh horizontal text alignment
00742    // talign = txalv vertical text alignment
00743 }
00745 //______________________________________________________________________________
00746 void TVirtualX::SetTextColor(Color_t /*cindex*/)
00747 {
00748    // Sets the color index "cindex" for text.
00749 }
00751 //______________________________________________________________________________
00752 Int_t TVirtualX::SetTextFont(char * /*fontname*/, ETextSetMode /*mode*/)
00753 {
00754    // Sets text font to specified name "fontname".This function returns 0 if
00755    // the specified font is found, 1 if it is not.
00756    //
00757    // mode - loading flag
00758    //        mode = 0 search if the font exist (kCheck)
00759    //        mode = 1 search the font and load it if it exists (kLoad)
00761    return 0;
00762 }
00764 //______________________________________________________________________________
00765 void TVirtualX::SetTextFont(Font_t /*fontnumber*/)
00766 {
00767    // Sets the current text font number.
00768 }
00770 //______________________________________________________________________________
00771 void TVirtualX::SetTextMagnitude(Float_t /*mgn*/)
00772 {
00773    // Sets the current text magnification factor to "mgn"
00774 }
00776 //______________________________________________________________________________
00777 void TVirtualX::SetTextSize(Float_t /*textsize*/)
00778 {
00779    // Sets the current text size to "textsize"
00780 }
00782 //______________________________________________________________________________
00783 void TVirtualX::UpdateWindow(Int_t /*mode*/)
00784 {
00785    // Updates or synchronises client and server once (not permanent).
00786    // according to "mode".
00787    //    mode = 1 update
00788    //    mode = 0 sync
00789 }
00791 //______________________________________________________________________________
00792 void TVirtualX::Warp(Int_t /*ix*/, Int_t /*iy*/, Window_t /*id*/)
00793 {
00794    // Sets the pointer position.
00795    // ix - new X coordinate of pointer
00796    // iy - new Y coordinate of pointer
00797    // Coordinates are relative to the origin of the window id
00798    // or to the origin of the current window if id == 0.
00799 }
00801 //______________________________________________________________________________
00802 Int_t TVirtualX::WriteGIF(char * /*name*/)
00803 {
00804    // Writes the current window into GIF file.
00805    // Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.
00807    return 0;
00808 }
00810 //______________________________________________________________________________
00811 void TVirtualX::WritePixmap(Int_t /*wid*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/,
00812                             char * /*pxname*/)
00813 {
00814    // Writes the pixmap "wid" in the bitmap file "pxname".
00815    //
00816    // wid    - the pixmap address
00817    // w, h   - the width and height of the pixmap.
00818    // pxname - the file name
00819 }
00822 //---- Methods used for GUI -----
00823 //______________________________________________________________________________
00824 void TVirtualX::MapWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
00825 {
00826    // Maps the window "id" and all of its subwindows that have had map
00827    // requests. This function has no effect if the window is already mapped.
00828 }
00830 //______________________________________________________________________________
00831 void TVirtualX::MapSubwindows(Window_t /*id*/)
00832 {
00833    // Maps all subwindows for the specified window "id" in top-to-bottom
00834    // stacking order.
00835 }
00837 //______________________________________________________________________________
00838 void TVirtualX::MapRaised(Window_t /*id*/)
00839 {
00840    // Maps the window "id" and all of its subwindows that have had map
00841    // requests on the screen and put this window on the top of of the
00842    // stack of all windows.
00843 }
00845 //______________________________________________________________________________
00846 void TVirtualX::UnmapWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
00847 {
00848    // Unmaps the specified window "id". If the specified window is already
00849    // unmapped, this function has no effect. Any child window will no longer
00850    // be visible (but they are still mapped) until another map call is made
00851    // on the parent.
00852 }
00854 //______________________________________________________________________________
00855 void TVirtualX::DestroyWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
00856 {
00857    // Destroys the window "id" as well as all of its subwindows.
00858    // The window should never be referenced again. If the window specified
00859    // by the "id" argument is mapped, it is unmapped automatically.
00860 }
00862 //______________________________________________________________________________
00863 void TVirtualX::DestroySubwindows(Window_t /*id*/)
00864 {
00865    // The DestroySubwindows function destroys all inferior windows of the
00866    // specified window, in bottom-to-top stacking order.
00867 }
00869 //______________________________________________________________________________
00870 void TVirtualX::RaiseWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
00871 {
00872    // Raises the specified window to the top of the stack so that no
00873    // sibling window obscures it.
00874 }
00876 //______________________________________________________________________________
00877 void TVirtualX::LowerWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
00878 {
00879    // Lowers the specified window "id" to the bottom of the stack so
00880    // that it does not obscure any sibling windows.
00881 }
00883 //______________________________________________________________________________
00884 void TVirtualX::MoveWindow(Window_t /*id*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/)
00885 {
00886    // Moves the specified window to the specified x and y coordinates.
00887    // It does not change the window's size, raise the window, or change
00888    // the mapping state of the window.
00889    //
00890    // x, y - coordinates, which define the new position of the window
00891    //        relative to its parent.
00892 }
00894 //______________________________________________________________________________
00895 void TVirtualX::MoveResizeWindow(Window_t /*id*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
00896                                    UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00897 {
00898    // Changes the size and location of the specified window "id" without
00899    // raising it.
00900    //
00901    // x, y - coordinates, which define the new position of the window
00902    //        relative to its parent.
00903    // w, h - the width and height, which define the interior size of
00904    //        the window
00905 }
00907 //______________________________________________________________________________
00908 void TVirtualX::ResizeWindow(Window_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
00909 {
00910    // Changes the width and height of the specified window "id", not
00911    // including its borders. This function does not change the window's
00912    // upper-left coordinate.
00913    //
00914    // w, h - the width and height, which are the interior dimensions of
00915    //        the window after the call completes.
00916 }
00918 //______________________________________________________________________________
00919 void TVirtualX::IconifyWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
00920 {
00921    // Iconifies the window "id".
00922 }
00923 //______________________________________________________________________________
00924 Bool_t TVirtualX::NeedRedraw(ULong_t /*tgwindow*/, Bool_t /*force*/)
00925 {
00926    // Notify the low level GUI layer ROOT requires "tgwindow" to be
00927    // updated
00928    //
00929    // Returns kTRUE if the notification was desirable and it was sent
00930    //
00931    // At the moment only Qt4 layer needs that
00932    //
00933    // One needs explicitly cast the first parameter to TGWindow to make
00934    // it working in the implementation.
00935    //
00936    // One needs to process the notification to confine
00937    // all paint operations within "expose" / "paint" like low level event
00938    // or equivalent
00940    return kFALSE;
00941 }
00943 //______________________________________________________________________________
00944 void TVirtualX::ReparentWindow(Window_t /*id*/, Window_t /*pid*/,
00945                                Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/)
00946 {
00947    // If the specified window is mapped, ReparentWindow automatically
00948    // performs an UnmapWindow request on it, removes it from its current
00949    // position in the hierarchy, and inserts it as the child of the specified
00950    // parent. The window is placed in the stacking order on top with respect
00951    // to sibling windows.
00952 }
00954 //______________________________________________________________________________
00955 void TVirtualX::SetWindowBackground(Window_t /*id*/, ULong_t /*color*/)
00956 {
00957    // Sets the background of the window "id" to the specified color value
00958    // "color". Changing the background does not cause the window contents
00959    // to be changed.
00960 }
00962 //______________________________________________________________________________
00963 void TVirtualX::SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(Window_t /*id*/, Pixmap_t /*pxm*/)
00964 {
00965    // Sets the background pixmap of the window "id" to the specified
00966    // pixmap "pxm".
00967 }
00969 //______________________________________________________________________________
00970 Window_t TVirtualX::CreateWindow(Window_t /*parent*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
00971                                  UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/,
00972                                  UInt_t /*border*/, Int_t /*depth*/,
00973                                  UInt_t /*clss*/, void * /*visual*/,
00974                                  SetWindowAttributes_t * /*attr*/,
00975                                  UInt_t /*wtype*/)
00976 {
00977    // Creates an unmapped subwindow for a specified parent window and returns
00978    // the created window. The created window is placed on top in the stacking
00979    // order with respect to siblings. The coordinate system has the X axis
00980    // horizontal and the Y axis vertical with the origin [0,0] at the
00981    // upper-left corner. Each window and pixmap has its own coordinate system.
00982    //
00983    // parent - the parent window
00984    // x, y   - coordinates, the top-left outside corner of the window's
00985    //          borders; relative to the inside of the parent window's borders
00986    // w, h   - width and height of the created window; do not include the
00987    //          created window's borders
00988    // border - the border pixel value of the window
00989    // depth  - the window's depth
00990    // clss   - the created window's class; can be InputOutput, InputOnly, or
00991    //          CopyFromParent
00992    // visual - the visual type
00993    // attr   - the structure from which the values are to be taken.
00994    // wtype  - the window type
00996    return 0;
00997 }
00999 //______________________________________________________________________________
01000 Int_t TVirtualX::OpenDisplay(const char * /*dpyName*/)
01001 {
01002    // Opens connection to display server (if such a thing exist on the
01003    // current platform). The encoding and interpretation of the display
01004    // name
01005    // On X11 this method returns on success the X display socket descriptor
01006    // >0, 0 in case of batch mode, and <0 in case of failure (cannot connect
01007    // to display dpyName).
01009    return 0;
01010 }
01012 //______________________________________________________________________________
01013 void TVirtualX::CloseDisplay()
01014 {
01015    // Closes connection to display server and destroys all windows.
01016 }
01018 //______________________________________________________________________________
01019 Display_t TVirtualX::GetDisplay() const
01020 {
01021    // Returns handle to display (might be usefull in some cases where
01022    // direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL
01023    // interface).
01025    return 0;
01026 }
01028 //______________________________________________________________________________
01029 Visual_t TVirtualX::GetVisual() const
01030 {
01031    // Returns handle to visual.
01032    //
01033    // Might be usefull in some cases where direct X11 manipulation outside
01034    // of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL interface.
01036    return 0;
01037 }
01039 //______________________________________________________________________________
01040 Int_t TVirtualX::GetScreen() const
01041 {
01042    // Returns screen number.
01043    //
01044    // Might be usefull in some cases where direct X11 manipulation outside
01045    // of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL interface.
01047    return 0;
01048 }
01050 //______________________________________________________________________________
01051 Int_t TVirtualX::GetDepth() const
01052 {
01053    // Returns depth of screen (number of bit planes).
01054    // Equivalent to GetPlanes().
01056    return 0;
01057 }
01059 //______________________________________________________________________________
01060 Colormap_t TVirtualX::GetColormap() const
01061 {
01062    // Returns handle to colormap.
01063    //
01064    // Might be usefull in some cases where direct X11 manipulation outside
01065    // of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL interface.
01067    return 0;
01068 }
01070 //______________________________________________________________________________
01071 Window_t TVirtualX::GetDefaultRootWindow() const
01072 {
01073    // Returns handle to the default root window created when calling
01074    // XOpenDisplay().
01076    return 0;
01077 }
01079 //______________________________________________________________________________
01080 Atom_t  TVirtualX::InternAtom(const char * /*atom_name*/,
01081                               Bool_t /*only_if_exist*/)
01082 {
01083    // Returns the atom identifier associated with the specified "atom_name"
01084    // string. If "only_if_exists" is False, the atom is created if it does
01085    // not exist. If the atom name is not in the Host Portable Character
01086    // Encoding, the result is implementation dependent. Uppercase and
01087    // lowercase matter; the strings "thing", "Thing", and "thinG" all
01088    // designate different atoms.
01090    return 0;
01091 }
01093 //______________________________________________________________________________
01094 Window_t TVirtualX::GetParent(Window_t /*id*/) const
01095 {
01096    // Returns the parent of the window "id".
01098    return 0;
01099 }
01101 //______________________________________________________________________________
01102 FontStruct_t TVirtualX::LoadQueryFont(const char * /*font_name*/)
01103 {
01104    // Provides the most common way for accessing a font: opens (loads) the
01105    // specified font and returns a pointer to the appropriate FontStruct_t
01106    // structure. If the font does not exist, it returns NULL.
01108    return 0;
01109 }
01111 //______________________________________________________________________________
01112 FontH_t TVirtualX::GetFontHandle(FontStruct_t /*fs*/)
01113 {
01114    // Returns the font handle of the specified font structure "fs".
01116    return 0;
01117 }
01119 //______________________________________________________________________________
01120 void TVirtualX::DeleteFont(FontStruct_t /*fs*/)
01121 {
01122    // Explicitely deletes the font structure "fs" obtained via LoadQueryFont().
01123 }
01125 //______________________________________________________________________________
01126 GContext_t TVirtualX::CreateGC(Drawable_t /*id*/, GCValues_t * /*gval*/)
01127 {
01128    // Creates a graphics context using the provided GCValues_t *gval structure.
01129    // The mask data member of gval specifies which components in the GC are
01130    // to be set using the information in the specified values structure.
01131    // It returns a graphics context handle GContext_t that can be used with any
01132    // destination drawable or O if the creation falls.
01134    return 0;
01135 }
01137 //______________________________________________________________________________
01138 void TVirtualX::ChangeGC(GContext_t /*gc*/, GCValues_t * /*gval*/)
01139 {
01140    // Changes the components specified by the mask in gval for the specified GC.
01141    //
01142    // GContext_t gc   - specifies the GC to be changed
01143    // GCValues_t gval - specifies the mask and the values to be set
01144    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01145 }
01147 //______________________________________________________________________________
01148 void TVirtualX::CopyGC(GContext_t /*org*/, GContext_t /*dest*/, Mask_t /*mask*/)
01149 {
01150    // Copies the specified components from the source GC "org" to the
01151    // destination GC "dest". The "mask" defines which component to copy
01152    // and it is a data member of GCValues_t.
01153 }
01155 //______________________________________________________________________________
01156 void TVirtualX::DeleteGC(GContext_t /*gc*/)
01157 {
01158    // Deletes the specified GC "gc".
01159 }
01161 //______________________________________________________________________________
01162 Cursor_t TVirtualX::CreateCursor(ECursor /*cursor*/)
01163 {
01164    // Creates the specified cursor. (just return cursor from cursor pool).
01165    // The cursor can be:
01166    //
01167    // kBottomLeft, kBottomRight, kTopLeft,  kTopRight,
01168    // kBottomSide, kLeftSide,    kTopSide,  kRightSide,
01169    // kMove,       kCross,       kArrowHor, kArrowVer,
01170    // kHand,       kRotate,      kPointer,  kArrowRight,
01171    // kCaret,      kWatch
01173    return 0;
01174 }
01176 //______________________________________________________________________________
01177 void TVirtualX::SetCursor(Window_t /*id*/, Cursor_t /*curid*/)
01178 {
01179    // Sets the cursor "curid" to be used when the pointer is in the
01180    // window "id".
01181 }
01183 //______________________________________________________________________________
01184 Pixmap_t TVirtualX::CreatePixmap(Drawable_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
01185 {
01186    // Creates a pixmap of the specified width and height and returns
01187    // a pixmap ID that identifies it.
01189    return kNone;
01190 }
01191 //______________________________________________________________________________
01192 Pixmap_t TVirtualX::CreatePixmap(Drawable_t /*id*/, const char * /*bitmap*/,
01193                                  UInt_t /*width*/, UInt_t /*height*/,
01194                                  ULong_t /*forecolor*/, ULong_t /*backcolor*/,
01195                                  Int_t /*depth*/)
01196 {
01197    // Creates a pixmap from bitmap data of the width, height, and depth you
01198    // specified and returns a pixmap that identifies it. The width and height
01199    // arguments must be nonzero. The depth argument must be one of the depths
01200    // supported by the screen of the specified drawable.
01201    //
01202    // id            - specifies which screen the pixmap is created on
01203    // bitmap        - the data in bitmap format
01204    // width, height - define the dimensions of the pixmap
01205    // forecolor     - the foreground pixel values to use
01206    // backcolor     - the background pixel values to use
01207    // depth         - the depth of the pixmap
01209    return 0;
01210 }
01212 //______________________________________________________________________________
01213 Pixmap_t TVirtualX::CreateBitmap(Drawable_t /*id*/, const char * /*bitmap*/,
01214                                  UInt_t /*width*/, UInt_t /*height*/)
01215 {
01216    // Creates a bitmap (i.e. pixmap with depth 1) from the bitmap data.
01217    //
01218    // id            - specifies which screen the pixmap is created on
01219    // bitmap        - the data in bitmap format
01220    // width, height - define the dimensions of the pixmap
01222    return 0;
01223 }
01225 //______________________________________________________________________________
01226 void TVirtualX::DeletePixmap(Pixmap_t /*pmap*/)
01227 {
01228    // Explicitely deletes the pixmap resource "pmap".
01229 }
01231 //______________________________________________________________________________
01232 Bool_t TVirtualX::CreatePictureFromFile(Drawable_t /*id*/,
01233                                         const char * /*filename*/,
01234                                         Pixmap_t &/*pict*/,
01235                                         Pixmap_t &/*pict_mask*/,
01236                                         PictureAttributes_t &/*attr*/)
01237 {
01238    // Creates a picture pict from data in file "filename". The picture
01239    // attributes "attr" are used for input and output. Returns kTRUE in
01240    // case of success, kFALSE otherwise. If the mask "pict_mask" does not
01241    // exist it is set to kNone.
01243    return kFALSE;
01244 }
01246 //______________________________________________________________________________
01247 Bool_t TVirtualX::CreatePictureFromData(Drawable_t /*id*/, char ** /*data*/,
01248                                         Pixmap_t &/*pict*/,
01249                                         Pixmap_t &/*pict_mask*/,
01250                                         PictureAttributes_t & /*attr*/)
01251 {
01252    // Creates a picture pict from data in bitmap format. The picture
01253    // attributes "attr" are used for input and output. Returns kTRUE in
01254    // case of success, kFALSE otherwise. If the mask "pict_mask" does not
01255    // exist it is set to kNone.
01257    return kFALSE;
01258 }
01259 //______________________________________________________________________________
01260 Bool_t TVirtualX::ReadPictureDataFromFile(const char * /*filename*/,
01261                                           char *** /*ret_data*/)
01262 {
01263    // Reads picture data from file "filename" and store it in "ret_data".
01264    // Returns kTRUE in case of success, kFALSE otherwise.
01266    return kFALSE;
01267 }
01269 //______________________________________________________________________________
01270 void TVirtualX::DeletePictureData(void * /*data*/)
01271 {
01272    // Delete picture data created by the function ReadPictureDataFromFile.
01273 }
01275 //______________________________________________________________________________
01276 void TVirtualX::SetDashes(GContext_t /*gc*/, Int_t /*offset*/,
01277                           const char * /*dash_list*/, Int_t /*n*/)
01278 {
01279    // Sets the dash-offset and dash-list attributes for dashed line styles
01280    // in the specified GC. There must be at least one element in the
01281    // specified dash_list. The initial and alternating elements (second,
01282    // fourth, and so on) of the dash_list are the even dashes, and the
01283    // others are the odd dashes. Each element in the "dash_list" array
01284    // specifies the length (in pixels) of a segment of the pattern.
01285    //
01286    // gc        - specifies the GC (see GCValues_t structure)
01287    // offset    - the phase of the pattern for the dashed line-style you
01288    //             want to set for the specified GC.
01289    // dash_list - the dash-list for the dashed line-style you want to set
01290    //             for the specified GC
01291    // n         - the number of elements in dash_list
01292    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01293 }
01295 //______________________________________________________________________________
01296 void TVirtualX::FreeColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, ULong_t /*pixel*/)
01297 {
01298    // Frees color cell with specified pixel value.
01299 }
01301 //______________________________________________________________________________
01302 Int_t TVirtualX::EventsPending()
01303 {
01304    // Returns the number of events that have been received from the X server
01305    // but have not been removed from the event queue.
01307    return 0;
01308 }
01310 //______________________________________________________________________________
01311 void TVirtualX::Bell(Int_t /*percent*/)
01312 {
01313    // Sets the sound bell. Percent is loudness from -100% .. 100%.
01314 }
01316 //______________________________________________________________________________
01317 void TVirtualX::CopyArea(Drawable_t /*src*/, Drawable_t /*dest*/,
01318                          GContext_t /*gc*/, Int_t /*src_x*/, Int_t /*src_y*/,
01319                          UInt_t /*width*/, UInt_t /*height*/,
01320                          Int_t /*dest_x*/, Int_t /*dest_y*/)
01321 {
01322    // Combines the specified rectangle of "src" with the specified rectangle
01323    // of "dest" according to the "gc".
01324    //
01325    // src_x, src_y   - specify the x and y coordinates, which are relative
01326    //                  to the origin of the source rectangle and specify
01327    //                  upper-left corner.
01328    // width, height  - the width and height, which are the dimensions of both
01329    //                  the source and destination rectangles                                                                   //
01330    // dest_x, dest_y - specify the upper-left corner of the destination
01331    //                  rectangle
01332    //
01333    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, subwindow-mode,
01334    // graphics-exposure, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask.
01335    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01336 }
01338 //______________________________________________________________________________
01339 void TVirtualX::ChangeWindowAttributes(Window_t /*id*/,
01340                                        SetWindowAttributes_t * /*attr*/)
01341 {
01342    // Changes the attributes of the specified window "id" according the
01343    // values provided in "attr". The mask data member of "attr" specifies
01344    // which window attributes are defined in the attributes argument.
01345    // This mask is the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid attribute mask
01346    // bits; if it is zero, the attributes are ignored.
01347 }
01349 //______________________________________________________________________________
01350 void TVirtualX::ChangeProperty(Window_t /*id*/, Atom_t /*property*/,
01351                                Atom_t /*type*/, UChar_t * /*data*/,
01352                                Int_t /*len*/)
01353 {
01354    // Alters the property for the specified window and causes the X server
01355    // to generate a PropertyNotify event on that window.
01356    //
01357    // id       - the window whose property you want to change
01358    // property - specifies the property name
01359    // type     - the type of the property; the X server does not
01360    //            interpret the type but simply passes it back to
01361    //            an application that might ask about the window
01362    //            properties
01363    // data     - the property data
01364    // len      - the length of the specified data format
01365 }
01367 //______________________________________________________________________________
01368 void TVirtualX::DrawLine(Drawable_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/,
01369                          Int_t /*x1*/, Int_t /*y1*/, Int_t /*x2*/, Int_t /*y2*/)
01370 {
01371    // Uses the components of the specified GC to draw a line between the
01372    // specified set of points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
01373    //
01374    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style,
01375    // cap-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin,
01376    // and clip-mask.
01377    // GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
01378    // tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash-offset, dash-list.
01379    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01380 }
01382 //______________________________________________________________________________
01383 void TVirtualX::ClearArea(Window_t /*id*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
01384                           UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
01385 {
01386    // Paints a rectangular area in the specified window "id" according to
01387    // the specified dimensions with the window's background pixel or pixmap.
01388    //
01389    // id - specifies the window
01390    // x, y - coordinates, which are relative to the origin
01391    // w, h - the width and height which define the rectangle dimensions
01392 }
01394 //______________________________________________________________________________
01395 Bool_t TVirtualX::CheckEvent(Window_t /*id*/, EGEventType /*type*/,
01396                              Event_t &/*ev*/)
01397 {
01398    // Check if there is for window "id" an event of type "type". If there
01399    // is it fills in the event structure and return true. If no such event
01400    // return false.
01402    return kFALSE;
01403 }
01405 //______________________________________________________________________________
01406 void TVirtualX::SendEvent(Window_t /*id*/, Event_t * /*ev*/)
01407 {
01408    // Specifies the event "ev" is to be sent to the window "id".
01409    // This function requires you to pass an event mask.
01410 }
01412 //______________________________________________________________________________
01413 void TVirtualX::WMDeleteNotify(Window_t /*id*/)
01414 {
01415    // Tells WM to send message when window is closed via WM.
01416 }
01418 //______________________________________________________________________________
01419 void TVirtualX::SetKeyAutoRepeat(Bool_t /*on = kTRUE*/)
01420 {
01421    // Turns key auto repeat on (kTRUE) or off (kFALSE).
01422 }
01424 //______________________________________________________________________________
01425 void TVirtualX::GrabKey(Window_t /*id*/, Int_t /*keycode*/, UInt_t /*modifier*/,
01426                         Bool_t /*grab = kTRUE*/)
01427 {
01428    // Establishes a passive grab on the keyboard. In the future, the
01429    // keyboard is actively grabbed, the last-keyboard-grab time is set
01430    // to the time at which the key was pressed (as transmitted in the
01431    // KeyPress event), and the KeyPress event is reported if all of the
01432    // following conditions are true:
01433    //    - the keyboard is not grabbed and the specified key (which can
01434    //      itself be a modifier key) is logically pressed when the
01435    //      specified modifier keys are logically down, and no other
01436    //      modifier keys are logically down;
01437    //    - either the grab window "id" is an ancestor of (or is) the focus
01438    //      window, or "id" is a descendant of the focus window and contains
01439    //      the pointer;
01440    //    - a passive grab on the same key combination does not exist on any
01441    //      ancestor of grab_window
01442    //
01443    // id       - window id
01444    // keycode  - specifies the KeyCode or AnyKey
01445    // modifier - specifies the set of keymasks or AnyModifier; the mask is
01446    //            the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid keymask bits
01447    // grab     - a switch between grab/ungrab key
01448    //            grab = kTRUE  grab the key and modifier
01449    //            grab = kFALSE ungrab the key and modifier
01450 }
01452 //______________________________________________________________________________
01453 void TVirtualX::GrabButton(Window_t /*id*/, EMouseButton /*button*/,
01454                            UInt_t /*modifier*/, UInt_t /*evmask*/,
01455                            Window_t /*confine*/, Cursor_t /*cursor*/,
01456                            Bool_t /*grab = kTRUE*/)
01457 {
01458    // Establishes a passive grab on a certain mouse button. That is, when a
01459    // certain mouse button is hit while certain modifier's (Shift, Control,
01460    // Meta, Alt) are active then the mouse will be grabed for window id.
01461    // When grab is false, ungrab the mouse button for this button and modifier.
01462 }
01464 //______________________________________________________________________________
01465 void TVirtualX::GrabPointer(Window_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*evmask*/,
01466                             Window_t /*confine*/, Cursor_t /*cursor*/,
01467                             Bool_t /*grab = kTRUE*/,
01468                             Bool_t /*owner_events = kTRUE*/)
01469 {
01470    // Establishes an active pointer grab. While an active pointer grab is in
01471    // effect, further pointer events are only reported to the grabbing
01472    // client window.
01473 }
01475 //______________________________________________________________________________
01476 void TVirtualX::SetWindowName(Window_t /*id*/, char * /*name*/)
01477 {
01478    // Sets the window name.
01479 }
01481 //______________________________________________________________________________
01482 void TVirtualX::SetIconName(Window_t /*id*/, char * /*name*/)
01483 {
01484    // Sets the window icon name.
01485 }
01487 //______________________________________________________________________________
01488 void TVirtualX::SetIconPixmap(Window_t /*id*/, Pixmap_t /*pix*/)
01489 {
01490    // Sets the icon name pixmap.
01491 }
01493 //______________________________________________________________________________
01494 void TVirtualX::SetClassHints(Window_t /*id*/, char * /*className*/,
01495                               char * /*resourceName*/)
01496 {
01497    // Sets the windows class and resource name.
01498 }
01500 //______________________________________________________________________________
01501 void TVirtualX::SetMWMHints(Window_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*value*/, UInt_t /*funcs*/,
01502                             UInt_t /*input*/)
01503 {
01504    // Sets decoration style.
01505 }
01507 //______________________________________________________________________________
01508 void TVirtualX::SetWMPosition(Window_t /*id*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/)
01509 {
01510    // Tells the window manager the desired position [x,y] of window "id".
01511 }
01513 //______________________________________________________________________________
01514 void TVirtualX::SetWMSize(Window_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
01515 {
01516    // Tells window manager the desired size of window "id".
01517    //
01518    // w - the width
01519    // h - the height
01520 }
01522 //______________________________________________________________________________
01523 void TVirtualX::SetWMSizeHints(Window_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*wmin*/, UInt_t /*hmin*/,
01524                                UInt_t /*wmax*/, UInt_t /*hmax*/,
01525                                UInt_t /*winc*/, UInt_t /*hinc*/)
01526 {
01527    // Gives the window manager minimum and maximum size hints of the window
01528    // "id". Also specify via "winc" and "hinc" the resize increments.
01529    //
01530    // wmin, hmin - specify the minimum window size
01531    // wmax, hmax - specify the maximum window size
01532    // winc, hinc - define an arithmetic progression of sizes into which
01533    //              the window to be resized (minimum to maximum)
01534 }
01536 //______________________________________________________________________________
01537 void TVirtualX::SetWMState(Window_t /*id*/, EInitialState /*state*/)
01538 {
01539    // Sets the initial state of the window "id": either kNormalState
01540    // or kIconicState.
01541 }
01543 //______________________________________________________________________________
01544 void TVirtualX::SetWMTransientHint(Window_t /*id*/, Window_t /*main_id*/)
01545 {
01546    // Tells window manager that the window "id" is a transient window
01547    // of the window "main_id". A window manager may decide not to decorate
01548    // a transient window or may treat it differently in other ways.
01549 }
01551 //______________________________________________________________________________
01552 void TVirtualX::DrawString(Drawable_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/, Int_t /*x*/,
01553                            Int_t /*y*/, const char * /*s*/, Int_t /*len*/)
01554 {
01555    // Each character image, as defined by the font in the GC, is treated as an
01556    // additional mask for a fill operation on the drawable.
01557    //
01558    // id   - the drawable
01559    // gc   - the GC
01560    // x, y - coordinates, which are relative to the origin of the specified
01561    //        drawable and define the origin of the first character
01562    // s    - the character string
01563    // len  - the number of characters in the string argument
01564    //
01565    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, fill-style, font,
01566    // subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask.
01567    // GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
01568    // tile-stipple-x-origin, and tile-stipple-y-origin.
01569    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01571 }
01573 //______________________________________________________________________________
01574 Int_t TVirtualX::TextWidth(FontStruct_t /*font*/, const char * /*s*/,
01575                              Int_t /*len*/)
01576 {
01577    // Return lenght of the string "s" in pixels. Size depends on font.
01579    return 5;
01580 }
01582 //______________________________________________________________________________
01583 void TVirtualX::GetFontProperties(FontStruct_t /*font*/, Int_t &max_ascent,
01584                                   Int_t &max_descent)
01585 {
01586    // Returns the font properties.
01588    max_ascent = 5;
01589    max_descent = 5;
01590 }
01592 //______________________________________________________________________________
01593 void TVirtualX::GetGCValues(GContext_t /*gc*/, GCValues_t &gval)
01594 {
01595    // Returns the components specified by the mask in "gval" for the
01596    // specified GC "gc" (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01598    gval.fMask = 0;
01599 }
01601 //______________________________________________________________________________
01602 FontStruct_t TVirtualX::GetFontStruct(FontH_t /*fh*/)
01603 {
01604    // Retrieves the associated font structure of the font specified font
01605    // handle "fh".
01606    //
01607    // Free returned FontStruct_t using FreeFontStruct().
01609    return 0;
01610 }
01612 //______________________________________________________________________________
01613 void TVirtualX::FreeFontStruct(FontStruct_t /*fs*/)
01614 {
01615    // Frees the font structure "fs". The font itself will be freed when
01616    // no other resource references it.
01617 }
01619 //______________________________________________________________________________
01620 void TVirtualX::ClearWindow(Window_t /*id*/)
01621 {
01622    // Clears the entire area in the specified window and it is equivalent to
01623    // ClearArea(id, 0, 0, 0, 0)
01624 }
01626 //______________________________________________________________________________
01627 Int_t TVirtualX::KeysymToKeycode(UInt_t /*keysym*/)
01628 {
01629    // Converts the "keysym" to the appropriate keycode. For example,
01630    // keysym is a letter and keycode is the matching keyboard key (which
01631    // is dependend on the current keyboard mapping). If the specified
01632    // "keysym" is not defined for any keycode, returns zero.
01634    return 0;
01635 }
01637 //______________________________________________________________________________
01638 void TVirtualX::FillRectangle(Drawable_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/,
01639                               Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
01640                               UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
01641 {
01642    // Fills the specified rectangle defined by [x,y] [x+w,y] [x+w,y+h] [x,y+h].
01643    // using the GC you specify.
01644    //
01645    // GC components in use are: function, plane-mask, fill-style,
01646    // subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask.
01647    // GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
01648    // tile-stipple-x-origin, and tile-stipple-y-origin.
01649    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01650 }
01652 //______________________________________________________________________________
01653 void TVirtualX::DrawRectangle(Drawable_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/,
01654                               Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
01655                               UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
01656 {
01657    // Draws rectangle outlines of [x,y] [x+w,y] [x+w,y+h] [x,y+h]
01658    //
01659    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style,
01660    // cap-style, join-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin,
01661    // clip-y-origin, clip-mask.
01662    // GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
01663    // tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash-offset, dash-list.
01664    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01665 }
01667 //______________________________________________________________________________
01668 void TVirtualX::DrawSegments(Drawable_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/,
01669                              Segment_t * /*seg*/, Int_t /*nseg*/)
01670 {
01671    // Draws multiple line segments. Each line is specified by a pair of points.
01672    // Segment_t *seg - specifies an array of segments
01673    // Int_t nseg     - specifies the number of segments in the array
01674    //
01675    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style,
01676    // cap-style, join-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin,
01677    // clip-y-origin, clip-mask.
01678    // GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
01679    // tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash-offset, and dash-list.
01680    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01681 }
01683 //______________________________________________________________________________
01684 void TVirtualX::SelectInput(Window_t /*id*/, UInt_t /*evmask*/)
01685 {
01686    // Defines which input events the window is interested in. By default
01687    // events are propageted up the window stack. This mask can also be
01688    // set at window creation time via the SetWindowAttributes_t::fEventMask
01689    // attribute.
01690 }
01692 //______________________________________________________________________________
01693 Window_t TVirtualX::GetInputFocus()
01694 {
01695    // Returns the window id of the window having the input focus.
01697    return kNone;
01698 }
01700 //______________________________________________________________________________
01701 void TVirtualX::SetInputFocus(Window_t /*id*/)
01702 {
01703    // Changes the input focus to specified window "id".
01704 }
01706 //______________________________________________________________________________
01707 Window_t TVirtualX::GetPrimarySelectionOwner()
01708 {
01709    // Returns the window id of the current owner of the primary selection.
01710    // That is the window in which, for example some text is selected.
01712    return kNone;
01713 }
01715 //______________________________________________________________________________
01716 void TVirtualX::SetPrimarySelectionOwner(Window_t /*id*/)
01717 {
01718    // Makes the window "id" the current owner of the primary selection.
01719    // That is the window in which, for example some text is selected.
01720 }
01722 //______________________________________________________________________________
01723 void TVirtualX::ConvertPrimarySelection(Window_t /*id*/, Atom_t /*clipboard*/,
01724                                         Time_t /*when*/)
01725 {
01726    // Causes a SelectionRequest event to be sent to the current primary
01727    // selection owner. This event specifies the selection property
01728    // (primary selection), the format into which to convert that data before
01729    // storing it (target = XA_STRING), the property in which the owner will
01730    // place the information (sel_property), the window that wants the
01731    // information (id), and the time of the conversion request (when).
01732    // The selection owner responds by sending a SelectionNotify event, which
01733    // confirms the selected atom and type.
01734 }
01736 //______________________________________________________________________________
01737 void TVirtualX::LookupString(Event_t * /*event*/, char * /*buf*/,
01738                              Int_t /*buflen*/, UInt_t &keysym)
01739 {
01740    // Converts the keycode from the event structure to a key symbol (according
01741    // to the modifiers specified in the event structure and the current
01742    // keyboard mapping). In "buf" a null terminated ASCII string is returned
01743    // representing the string that is currently mapped to the key code.
01744    //
01745    // event  - specifies the event structure to be used
01746    // buf    - returns the translated characters
01747    // buflen - the length of the buffer
01748    // keysym - returns the "keysym" computed from the event
01749    //          if this argument is not NULL
01751    keysym = 0;
01752 }
01754 //______________________________________________________________________________
01755 void TVirtualX::TranslateCoordinates(Window_t /*src*/, Window_t /*dest*/,
01756                                      Int_t /*src_x*/, Int_t /*src_y*/,
01757                                      Int_t &dest_x, Int_t &dest_y,
01758                                      Window_t &child)
01759 {
01760    // Translates coordinates in one window to the coordinate space of another
01761    // window. It takes the "src_x" and "src_y" coordinates relative to the
01762    // source window's origin and returns these coordinates to "dest_x" and
01763    // "dest_y" relative to the destination window's origin.
01764    //
01765    // src            - the source window
01766    // dest           - the destination window
01767    // src_x, src_y   - coordinates within the source window
01768    // dest_x, dest_y - coordinates within the destination window
01769    // child          - returns the child of "dest" if the coordinates
01770    //                  are contained in a mapped child of the destination
01771    //                  window; otherwise, child is set to 0
01773    dest_x = dest_y = 0;
01774    child = 0;
01775 }
01777 //______________________________________________________________________________
01778 void TVirtualX::GetWindowSize(Drawable_t /*id*/, Int_t &x, Int_t &y,
01779                               UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)
01780 {
01781    // Returns the location and the size of window "id"
01782    //
01783    // x, y - coordinates of the upper-left outer corner relative to the
01784    //        parent window's origin
01785    // w, h - the inside size of the window, not including the border
01787    x = y = 0;
01788    w = h = 1;
01789 }
01791 //______________________________________________________________________________
01792 void TVirtualX::FillPolygon(Window_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/, Point_t *
01793                             /*points*/, Int_t /*npnt*/) {
01794    // Fills the region closed by the specified path. The path is closed
01795    // automatically if the last point in the list does not coincide with the
01796    // first point.
01797    //
01798    // Point_t *points - specifies an array of points
01799    // Int_t npnt      - specifies the number of points in the array
01800    //
01801    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, fill-style, fill-rule,
01802    // subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask.  GC
01803    // mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple,
01804    // tile-stipple-x-origin, and tile-stipple-y-origin.
01805    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01806 }
01808 //______________________________________________________________________________
01809 void TVirtualX::QueryPointer(Window_t /*id*/, Window_t &rootw, Window_t &childw,
01810                              Int_t &root_x, Int_t &root_y, Int_t &win_x,
01811                              Int_t &win_y, UInt_t &mask)
01812 {
01813    // Returns the root window the pointer is logically on and the pointer
01814    // coordinates relative to the root window's origin.
01815    //
01816    // id             - specifies the window
01817    // rotw           - the root window that the pointer is in
01818    // childw         - the child window that the pointer is located in, if any
01819    // root_x, root_y - the pointer coordinates relative to the root window's
01820    //                  origin
01821    // win_x, win_y   - the pointer coordinates relative to the specified
01822    //                  window "id"
01823    // mask           - the current state of the modifier keys and pointer
01824    //                  buttons
01826    rootw = childw = kNone;
01827    root_x = root_y = win_x = win_y = 0;
01828    mask = 0;
01829 }
01831 //______________________________________________________________________________
01832 void TVirtualX::SetForeground(GContext_t /*gc*/, ULong_t /*foreground*/)
01833 {
01834    // Sets the foreground color for the specified GC (shortcut for ChangeGC
01835    // with only foreground mask set).
01836    //
01837    // gc         - specifies the GC
01838    // foreground - the foreground you want to set
01839    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01840 }
01842 //______________________________________________________________________________
01843 void TVirtualX::SetClipRectangles(GContext_t /*gc*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
01844                                   Rectangle_t * /*recs*/, Int_t /*n*/)
01845 {
01846    // Sets clipping rectangles in graphics context. [x,y] specify the origin
01847    // of the rectangles. "recs" specifies an array of rectangles that define
01848    // the clipping mask and "n" is the number of rectangles.
01849    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
01850 }
01852 //______________________________________________________________________________
01853 void TVirtualX::Update(Int_t /*mode = 0*/)
01854 {
01855    // Flushes (mode = 0, default) or synchronizes (mode = 1) X output buffer.
01856    // Flush flushes output buffer. Sync flushes buffer and waits till all
01857    // requests have been processed by X server.
01858 }
01860 //______________________________________________________________________________
01861 Region_t TVirtualX::CreateRegion()
01862 {
01863    // Creates a new empty region.
01865    return 0;
01866 }
01868 //______________________________________________________________________________
01869 void TVirtualX::DestroyRegion(Region_t /*reg*/)
01870 {
01871    // Destroys the region "reg".
01872 }
01874 //______________________________________________________________________________
01875 void TVirtualX::UnionRectWithRegion(Rectangle_t * /*rect*/, Region_t /*src*/,
01876                                     Region_t /*dest*/)
01877 {
01878    // Updates the destination region from a union of the specified rectangle
01879    // and the specified source region.
01880    //
01881    // rect - specifies the rectangle
01882    // src  - specifies the source region to be used
01883    // dest - returns the destination region
01884 }
01886 //______________________________________________________________________________
01887 Region_t TVirtualX::PolygonRegion(Point_t * /*points*/, Int_t /*np*/,
01888                                   Bool_t /*winding*/)
01889 {
01890    // Returns a region for the polygon defined by the points array.
01891    //
01892    // points  - specifies an array of points
01893    // np      - specifies the number of points in the polygon
01894    // winding - specifies the winding-rule is set (kTRUE) or not(kFALSE)
01896    return 0;
01897 }
01899 //______________________________________________________________________________
01900 void TVirtualX::UnionRegion(Region_t /*rega*/, Region_t /*regb*/,
01901                             Region_t /*result*/)
01902 {
01903    // Computes the union of two regions.
01904    //
01905    // rega, regb - specify the two regions with which you want to perform
01906    //              the computation
01907    // result     - returns the result of the computation
01909 }
01911 //______________________________________________________________________________
01912 void TVirtualX::IntersectRegion(Region_t /*rega*/, Region_t /*regb*/,
01913                                 Region_t /*result*/)
01914 {
01915    // Computes the intersection of two regions.
01916    //
01917    // rega, regb - specify the two regions with which you want to perform
01918    //              the computation
01919    // result     - returns the result of the computation
01920 }
01922 //______________________________________________________________________________
01923 void TVirtualX::SubtractRegion(Region_t /*rega*/, Region_t /*regb*/,
01924                                Region_t /*result*/)
01925 {
01926    // Subtracts regb from rega and stores the results in result.
01927 }
01929 //______________________________________________________________________________
01930 void TVirtualX::XorRegion(Region_t /*rega*/, Region_t /*regb*/,
01931                           Region_t /*result*/)
01932 {
01933    // Calculates the difference between the union and intersection of
01934    // two regions.
01935    //
01936    // rega, regb - specify the two regions with which you want to perform
01937    //              the computation
01938    // result     - returns the result of the computation
01940 }
01942 //______________________________________________________________________________
01943 Bool_t  TVirtualX::EmptyRegion(Region_t /*reg*/)
01944 {
01945    // Returns kTRUE if the region reg is empty.
01947    return kFALSE;
01948 }
01950 //______________________________________________________________________________
01951 Bool_t  TVirtualX::PointInRegion(Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/, Region_t /*reg*/)
01952 {
01953    // Returns kTRUE if the point [x, y] is contained in the region reg.
01955    return kFALSE;
01956 }
01958 //______________________________________________________________________________
01959 Bool_t  TVirtualX::EqualRegion(Region_t /*rega*/, Region_t /*regb*/)
01960 {
01961    // Returns kTRUE if the two regions have the same offset, size, and shape.
01963    return kFALSE;
01964 }
01966 //______________________________________________________________________________
01967 void TVirtualX::GetRegionBox(Region_t /*reg*/, Rectangle_t * /*rect*/)
01968 {
01969    // Returns smallest enclosing rectangle.
01970 }
01972 //______________________________________________________________________________
01973 char **TVirtualX::ListFonts(const char * /*fontname*/, Int_t /*max*/, Int_t &/*count*/)
01974 {
01975    // Returns list of font names matching fontname regexp, like "-*-times-*".
01976    // The pattern string can contain any characters, but each asterisk (*)
01977    // is a wildcard for any number of characters, and each question mark (?)
01978    // is a wildcard for a single character. If the pattern string is not in
01979    // the Host Portable Character Encoding, the result is implementation
01980    // dependent. Use of uppercase or lowercase does not matter. Each returned
01981    // string is null-terminated.
01982    //
01983    // fontname - specifies the null-terminated pattern string that can
01984    //            contain wildcard characters
01985    // max      - specifies the maximum number of names to be returned
01986    // count    - returns the actual number of font names
01988    return 0;
01989 }
01991 //______________________________________________________________________________
01992 void TVirtualX::FreeFontNames(char ** /*fontlist*/)
01993 {
01994    // Frees the specified the array of strings "fontlist".
01995 }
01997 //______________________________________________________________________________
01998 Drawable_t TVirtualX::CreateImage(UInt_t /*width*/, UInt_t /*height*/)
01999 {
02000    // Allocates the memory needed for an drawable.
02001    //
02002    // width  - the width of the image, in pixels
02003    // height - the height of the image, in pixels
02005    return 0;
02006 }
02008 //______________________________________________________________________________
02009 void TVirtualX::GetImageSize(Drawable_t /*id*/, UInt_t &/*width*/,
02010                              UInt_t &/*height*/)
02011 {
02012    // Returns the width and height of the image id
02013 }
02015 //______________________________________________________________________________
02016 void TVirtualX::PutPixel(Drawable_t /*id*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
02017                          ULong_t /*pixel*/)
02018 {
02019    // Overwrites the pixel in the image with the specified pixel value.
02020    // The image must contain the x and y coordinates.
02021    //
02022    // id    - specifies the image
02023    // x, y  - coordinates
02024    // pixel - the new pixel value
02025 }
02027 //______________________________________________________________________________
02028 void TVirtualX::PutImage(Drawable_t /*id*/, GContext_t /*gc*/,
02029                          Drawable_t /*img*/, Int_t /*dx*/, Int_t /*dy*/,
02030                          Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/, UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
02031 {
02032    // Combines an image with a rectangle of the specified drawable. The
02033    // section of the image defined by the x, y, width, and height arguments
02034    // is drawn on the specified part of the drawable.
02035    //
02036    // id   - the drawable
02037    // gc   - the GC
02038    // img  - the image you want combined with the rectangle
02039    // dx   - the offset in X from the left edge of the image
02040    // dy   - the offset in Y from the top edge of the image
02041    // x, y - coordinates, which are relative to the origin of the
02042    //        drawable and are the coordinates of the subimage
02043    // w, h - the width and height of the subimage, which define the
02044    //        rectangle dimensions
02045    //
02046    // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, subwindow-mode,
02047    // clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask.
02048    // GC mode-dependent components: foreground and background.
02049    // (see also the GCValues_t structure)
02050 }
02052 //______________________________________________________________________________
02053 void TVirtualX::DeleteImage(Drawable_t /*img*/)
02054 {
02055    // Deallocates the memory associated with the image img
02056 }
02058 //______________________________________________________________________________
02059 Window_t TVirtualX::GetCurrentWindow() const
02060 {
02061    // pointer to the current internal window used in canvas graphics
02063    return (Window_t)0;
02064 }
02066 //______________________________________________________________________________
02067 unsigned char *TVirtualX::GetColorBits(Drawable_t /*wid*/, Int_t /*x*/, Int_t /*y*/,
02068                                        UInt_t /*w*/, UInt_t /*h*/)
02069 {
02070    // Returns an array of pixels created from a part of drawable (defined by x, y, w, h)
02071    // in format:
02072    // b1, g1, r1, 0,  b2, g2, r2, 0 ... bn, gn, rn, 0 ..
02073    //
02074    // Pixels are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom.
02075    // By default all pixels from the whole drawable are returned.
02076    //
02077    // Note that return array is 32-bit aligned
02079    return 0;
02080 }
02082 //______________________________________________________________________________
02083 Pixmap_t TVirtualX::CreatePixmapFromData(unsigned char * /*bits*/, UInt_t /*width*/,
02084                                        UInt_t /*height*/)
02085 {
02086    // create pixmap from RGB data. RGB data is in format :
02087    // b1, g1, r1, 0,  b2, g2, r2, 0 ... bn, gn, rn, 0 ..
02088    //
02089    // Pixels are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom.
02090    // Note that data must be 32-bit aligned
02092    return (Pixmap_t)0;
02093 }
02095 //______________________________________________________________________________
02096 void TVirtualX::ShapeCombineMask(Window_t, Int_t, Int_t, Pixmap_t)
02097 {
02098    // The Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension adds nonrectangular
02099    // windows to the System.
02100    // This allows for making shaped (partially transparent) windows
02102 }
02104 //______________________________________________________________________________
02105 UInt_t TVirtualX::ScreenWidthMM() const
02106 {
02107    // Returns the width of the screen in millimeters.
02109    return 400;
02110 }
02112 //______________________________________________________________________________
02113 void TVirtualX::DeleteProperty(Window_t, Atom_t&)
02114 {
02115    // Deletes the specified property only if the property was defined on the
02116    // specified window and causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify
02117    // event on the window unless the property does not exist.
02119 }
02121 //______________________________________________________________________________
02122 Int_t TVirtualX::GetProperty(Window_t, Atom_t, Long_t, Long_t, Bool_t, Atom_t,
02123                              Atom_t*, Int_t*, ULong_t*, ULong_t*, unsigned char**)
02124 {
02125    // Returns the actual type of the property; the actual format of the property;
02126    // the number of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit items transferred; the number of
02127    // bytes remaining to be read in the property; and a pointer to the data
02128    // actually returned.
02130    return 0;
02131 }
02133 //______________________________________________________________________________
02134 void TVirtualX::ChangeActivePointerGrab(Window_t, UInt_t, Cursor_t)
02135 {
02136    // Changes the specified dynamic parameters if the pointer is actively
02137    // grabbed by the client and if the specified time is no earlier than the
02138    // last-pointer-grab time and no later than the current X server time.
02140 }
02142 //______________________________________________________________________________
02143 void TVirtualX::ConvertSelection(Window_t, Atom_t&, Atom_t&, Atom_t&, Time_t&)
02144 {
02145    // Requests that the specified selection be converted to the specified
02146    // target type.
02148 }
02150 //______________________________________________________________________________
02151 Bool_t TVirtualX::SetSelectionOwner(Window_t, Atom_t&)
02152 {
02153    // Changes the owner and last-change time for the specified selection.
02155    return kFALSE;
02156 }
02158 //______________________________________________________________________________
02159 void TVirtualX::ChangeProperties(Window_t, Atom_t, Atom_t, Int_t, UChar_t *, Int_t)
02160 {
02161    // Alters the property for the specified window and causes the X server
02162    // to generate a PropertyNotify event on that window.
02164 }
02166 //______________________________________________________________________________
02167 void TVirtualX::SetDNDAware(Window_t, Atom_t *)
02168 {
02169    // Add XdndAware property and the list of drag and drop types to the
02170    // Window win.
02172 }
02174 //______________________________________________________________________________
02175 void TVirtualX::SetTypeList(Window_t, Atom_t, Atom_t *)
02176 {
02177    // Add the list of drag and drop types to the Window win.
02179 }
02181 //______________________________________________________________________________
02182 Window_t TVirtualX::FindRWindow(Window_t, Window_t, Window_t, int, int, int)
02183 {
02184    // Recursively search in the children of Window for a Window which is at
02185    // location x, y and is DND aware, with a maximum depth of maxd.
02187    return kNone;
02188 }
02190 //______________________________________________________________________________
02191 Bool_t TVirtualX::IsDNDAware(Window_t, Atom_t *)
02192 {
02193    // Checks if the Window is DND aware, and knows any of the DND formats
02194    // passed in argument.
02196    return kFALSE;
02197 }
02199 //______________________________________________________________________________
02200 Int_t TVirtualX::SupportsExtension(const char *) const
02201 {
02202    // Returns 1 if window system server supports extension given by the
02203    // argument, returns 0 in case extension is not supported and returns -1
02204    // in case of error (like server not initialized).
02206    return -1;
02207 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:11:24 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1