
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00002 //
00003 //  Macro test authentication methods stand alone
00004 //
00005 //  See $ROOTSYS/README/README.AUTH for additional details
00006 //
00007 //   Syntax:
00008 //
00009 //  .x TestAuth.C(<port>,"<user>","<krb5_princ>","<globus_det>")
00010 //
00011 //     <port>          = rootd port (default 1094)
00012 //     <user>          = login user name for the test
00013 //                       (default from getpwuid)
00014 //     <krb5_princ>    = Principal to be used for Krb5 authentication
00015 //                       in the form user@THE.REA.LM
00016 //                       ( default: <running_user@Default_Realm with
00017 //                                  Default_realm taken from /etc/krb5.conf
00018 //                                  or the $KRB5_CONFIG file )
00019 //     <globus_det>    = details for the globus authentication
00020 //                       ( default: ad:certificates cd:$HOME/.globus
00021 //                                  cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem )
00022 //
00023 //  MAKE SURE that rootd is running
00024 //
00025 //  Example of successful output:
00026 //
00027 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00028 // +                                                                          +
00029 // +                         TestAuth.C                                       +
00030 // +                                                                          +
00031 // +                Test of authentication methods                            +
00032 // +                                                                          +
00033 // +   Syntax:                                                                +
00034 // +                                                                          +
00035 // + .x TestAuth.C(<port>,"<user>","<krb5_princ>","<globus_det>")             +
00036 // +                                                                          +
00037 // +     <port>          = rootd port (default 1094)                          +
00038 // +     <user>          = login user name for the test                       +
00039 // +                      (default from getpwuid)                             +
00040 // +     <krb5_princ>    = Principal to be used for Krb5 authentication       +
00041 // +                       in the form user@THE.REA.LM                        +
00042 // +                      ( default: <running_user@Default_Realm with         +
00043 // +                                 Default_realm taken from /etc/krb5.conf  +
00044 // +                                 or the $KRB5_CONFIG file )               +
00045 // +     <globus_det>    = details for the globus authentication              +
00046 // +                      ( default ad:certificates cd:$HOME/.globus          +
00047 // +                                cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem )          +
00048 // +                                                                          +
00049 // +                 >>> MAKE SURE that rootd is running <<<                  +
00050 // +                                                                          +
00051 // +             See $ROOTSYS/README/README.AUTH for additional details       +
00052 // +                                                                          +
00053 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00054 //
00055 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00056 // +                                                                          +
00057 // +   Basic test parameters:                                                 +
00058 // +                                                                          +
00059 // +   Local User is          : ganis
00060 // +   Authentication Details : pt:0 ru:1 us:ganis
00061 // +   Current directory is   : /home/ganis/local/root/root/tutorials
00062 // +   TFTP string            : root://localhost:1094
00063 // +   Krb5 Details           : pt:0 ru:1 us:ganis@PCEPSFT43.CERN.CH
00064 // +                                                                          +
00065 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00066 // +                                                                          +
00067 // +   Testing UsrPwd ...                                                     +
00068 // ganis@localhost password:
00069 // +                                                                          +
00070 // +   Testing SRP ...                                                        +
00071 // ganis@localhost SRP password:
00072 // +                                                                          +
00073 // +   Testing Krb5 ...                                                       +
00074 // Password for ganis@PCEPSFT43.CERN.CH:
00075 // +                                                                          +
00076 // +   Testing Globus ...                                                     +
00077 // Local Globus Certificates (    )
00078 // Enter <key>:<new value> to change:
00079 // Your identity: /O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCA-arthux.cern.ch/OU=cern.ch/CN=ganis
00080 // Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
00081 // Creating proxy ............................ Done
00082 // Your proxy is valid until: Fri Oct 31 09:33:04 2003
00083 // +                                                                          +
00084 // +   Testing SSH ...                                                        +
00085 // ganis@localhost's password:
00086 // +                                                                          +
00087 // +   Testing UidGid ...                                                     +
00088 // +                                                                          +
00089 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00090 //
00091 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00092 // +                                                                          +
00093 // +   Result of the tests:                                                   +
00094 // +                                                                          +
00095 // +   Method: 0 (UsrPwd): successful! (reuse: successful!)                   +
00096 // +   Method: 1    (SRP): successful! (reuse: successful!)                   +
00097 // +   Method: 2   (Krb5): successful! (reuse: successful!)                   +
00098 // +   Method: 3 (Globus): successful! (reuse: successful!)                   +
00099 // +   Method: 4    (SSH): successful! (reuse: successful!)                   +
00100 // +   Method: 5 (UidGid): successful!                                        +
00101 // +                                                                          +
00102 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00103 //
00104 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00105 //
00106 int TestAuth(int port = 1094, char *user = "", char *krb5  = "", char *globus  = "")
00107 {
00108    //
00109    // This macro tests the authentication methods
00110    //
00111    gROOT->Reset();
00113 // Getting debug flag
00114    Int_t lDebug = gEnv->GetValue("Root.Debug",0);
00116 // Useful flags
00117    Bool_t HaveMeth[6] = {1,0,0,0,0,1};
00118    Int_t  TestMeth[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
00119    Int_t TestReUse[6] = {3,3,3,3,3,3};
00122 // Some Printout
00123    printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
00124    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00125    printf("+                         TestAuth.C                                          +\n");
00126    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00127    printf("+                Test of authentication methods                               +\n");
00128    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00129    printf("+   Syntax:                                                                   +\n");
00130    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00131    printf("+ .x TestAuth.C(<port>,\"<user>\",\"<krb5_princ>\",\"<globus_det>\")                +\n");
00132    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00133    printf("+     <port>          = rootd port (default 1094)                             +\n");
00134    printf("+     <user>          = login user name for the test                          +\n");
00135    printf("+                      (default from getpwuid)                                +\n");
00136    printf("+     <krb5_princ>    = Principal to be used for Krb5 authentication          +\n");
00137    printf("+                       in the form user@THE.REA.LM                           +\n");
00138    printf("+                      ( default: <running_user@Default_Realm with            +\n");
00139    printf("+                                 Default_realm taken from /etc/krb5.conf     +\n");
00140    printf("+                                 or the $KRB5_CONFIG file )                  +\n");
00141    printf("+     <globus_det>    = details for the globus authentication                 +\n");
00142    printf("+                      ( default ad:certificates cd:$HOME/.globus             +\n");
00143    printf("+                                cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem )             +\n");
00144    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00145    printf("+                     >>> MAKE SURE that rootd is running <<<                 +\n");
00146    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00147    printf("+             See $ROOTSYS/README/README.AUTH for additional details          +\n");
00148    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00149    printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\n");
00151 // Useful variables
00153 // User
00154    TString User = user;
00155    if (User == "") {
00157       UserGroup_t *u = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
00158       if (!u) {
00159          printf("\n >>>> 'user' not defined: please enter a valid username:\n");
00160          char utmp[256] = {0};
00161          scanf("%s",utmp);
00162          if (strlen(utmp)) {
00163             User = utmp;
00164          } else {
00165             printf(">>>> no 'user' defined: return!\n");
00166             return 1;
00167          }
00168       } else {
00169          User = u->fUser;
00170       }
00172    }
00174 // Host
00175    TString Host = "localhost";
00176    TString HostName = gSystem->HostName();
00178 // File path string for TFTP
00179    //TString TFTPPath = TString("root://localhost:")+ port ;
00180    TString TFTPPath = TString("root://")+User+TString("@localhost:")+ port ;
00181    //TString TFTPPathKrb5 = TString("root://") + HostName + TString(":")+ port ;
00182    TString TFTPPathKrb5 = TString("root://") + User+ TString("@") +
00183                           HostName + TString(":")+ port ;
00185 // Details
00186    TString Details = TString("pt:0 ru:1 us:") + User;
00188 // Testing availibilities
00189    char *p;
00191 //   TString HaveSRP = "@srpdir@";
00192    if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName("libSRPAuth", kTRUE))) {
00193       HaveMeth[1] = 1;
00194    }
00195    delete[] p;
00197 // Check if Kerberos is available
00198    TString Krb5Details;
00199    TString Krb5Open;
00200    if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName("libKrb5Auth", kTRUE))) {
00201       HaveMeth[2] = 1;
00202       // Special details string for Kerberos
00203       if (strlen(krb5) > 0) {
00204          Krb5Details = TString("pt:0 ru:1 us:") + TString(krb5);
00205       } else {
00206          // Must determine a default ... look in config file
00207          TString Krb5Conf, Realm;
00208          if (gSystem->Getenv("KRB5_CONFIG")) {
00209             if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(gSystem->Getenv("KRB5_CONFIG"), kReadPermission)) {
00210                Krb5Conf = gSystem->Getenv("KRB5_CONFIG");
00211             }
00212          } else if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("/etc/krb5.conf", kReadPermission)) {
00213             Krb5Conf = "/etc/krb5.conf";
00214          } else {
00215             printf("\n >>>> Kerberos Principal undefined\n");
00216             printf("\n >>>> unable to localize Kerberos config file to build a default\n");
00217             printf("\n >>>> Switching off Kerberos\n");
00218             printf("\n >>>> Run again with giving the principal as 3rd argument\n");
00219             printf("\n >>>> or define the variable KRB5_CONFIG with the full path \n");
00220             printf("\n >>>> to the config file (usually /etc/krb5.conf)\n");
00221             HaveMeth[2] = 0;
00222          }
00223          if (HaveMeth[2] == 1) {
00224             FILE *fc = fopen(Krb5Conf.Data(),"r");
00225             if (fc) {
00226                char line[1024], fs1[1024], fs2[1024], fs3[1024];
00227                while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fc) != 0) {
00228                   int nf = sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",fs1,fs2,fs3);
00229                   if (nf == 3 && !strcmp(fs1,"default_realm")) {
00230                      Realm = fs3;
00231                      break;
00232                   }
00233                }
00234                Krb5Details = TString("pt:0 ru:1 us:") + User + TString("@") + Realm;
00235 //               Krb5Details = TString("pt:0 ru:1 us:") + User;
00236                fclose(fc);
00237             } else {
00238                HaveMeth[2] = 0;
00239             }
00240          }
00241       }
00242    }
00243    delete[] p;
00245 // Check if Globus is available
00246    TString GlobusDetails;
00247    if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName("libGlobusAuth", kTRUE))) {
00248       HaveMeth[3] = 1;
00249       // Special details string for Globus
00250       GlobusDetails = TString("pt:0 ru:1 ") + TString(globus);
00251    }
00252    delete[] p;
00254 // Check if SSH available
00255    if (gSystem->Which(gSystem->Getenv("PATH"), "ssh", kExecutePermission)) {
00256       HaveMeth[4] = 1;
00257    }
00259 // Test parameter Printout
00260    printf("\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
00261    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00262    printf("+   Basic test parameters:                                                    +\n");
00263    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00264    printf("+   Local User is          : %s \n",User.Data());
00265    printf("+   Authentication Details : %s \n",Details.Data());
00266    printf("+   Current directory is   : %s \n",gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
00267    printf("+   TFTP string            : %s \n",TFTPPath.Data());
00268    if (HaveMeth[2]) {
00269       printf("+   Krb5 Details           : %s \n",Krb5Details.Data());
00270    }
00271    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00272    printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
00274 // Read local <RootAuthrc> now to avoid to be later superseeded
00275    TAuthenticate::ReadRootAuthrc();
00276    if (lDebug > 0)
00277       TAuthenticate::Show();
00279    TFTP *t1 = 0;
00280 // UsrPwd method
00281    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00282    printf("+   Testing UsrPwd ...                                                        +\n");
00284    // Check if by any chance locally there is already an THostAuth matching
00285    // the one we want to use for testing
00286    THostAuth *hasv1 = 0;
00287    THostAuth *ha = TAuthenticate::HasHostAuth(Host.Data(),User.Data());
00288    if (ha) {
00289       // We need to save it to restore at the end
00290       hasv1 = new THostAuth(*ha);
00291       // We reset the existing one
00292       ha->Reset();
00293       // And update it with the info we want
00294       ha->AddMethod(0,Details.Data());
00295    } else {
00296       // We create directly a new THostAuth
00297       ha = new THostAuth(Host.Data(),User.Data(),0,Details.Data());
00298       // And add object to list so that TAuthenticate has
00299       // a chance to find it
00300       TAuthenticate::GetAuthInfo()->Add(ha);
00301    }
00303    // Print available host auth info
00304    if (lDebug > 0)
00305       ha->Print();
00307    {
00308    // First authentication attempt
00309    t1 = new TFTP(TFTPPath.Data(),2);
00310    if (t1->IsOpen()) {
00311       TestMeth[0] = 1;
00312    } else {
00313       printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test of UsrPwd authentication failed \n");
00314    }}
00316    // Try ReUse
00317    if (TestMeth[0] == 1) {
00318       TIter next(ha->Established());
00319       TSecContext *ai;
00320       while ((ai = (TSecContext *) next())) {
00321          if (ai->GetMethod() == 0) {
00322             Int_t OffSet = ai->GetOffSet();
00323             TestReUse[0] = 0;
00324             if (OffSet > -1) {
00325                TestReUse[0] = 1;
00326             }
00327          }
00328       }
00329    }
00330    // Delete t1
00331    if (t1) delete t1;
00332    // remove method from available list
00333    ha->RemoveMethod(0);
00335 // SRP method
00336    if ( HaveMeth[1] ) {
00337       printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00338       printf("+   Testing SRP ...                                                           +\n");
00340      // Add relevant info to HostAuth
00341       ha->AddFirst(1,Details.Data());
00342       if (lDebug > 0)
00343          ha->Print();
00345      // Authentication attempt
00346       t1 = new TFTP(TFTPPath.Data(),2);
00347       if (t1->IsOpen()) {
00348          TestMeth[1] = 1;
00349       } else {
00350          printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test of SRP authentication failed \n");
00351       }
00353       // Try ReUse
00354       if (TestMeth[1] == 1) {
00355          TIter next(ha->Established());
00356          TSecContext *ai;
00357          while ((ai = (TSecContext *) next())) {
00358             if (ai->GetMethod() == 1) {
00359                Int_t OffSet = ai->GetOffSet();
00360                TestReUse[1] = 0;
00361                if (OffSet > -1) {
00362                   TestReUse[1] = 1;
00363                }
00364             }
00365          }
00366       }
00367       // Delete t1
00368       if (t1) delete t1;
00369       // remove method from available list
00370       ha->RemoveMethod(1);
00372    }
00374 // Kerberos method
00375    THostAuth *hak = 0;
00376    THostAuth *hasv2 = 0;
00377    if ( HaveMeth[2] ) {
00378       printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00379       printf("+   Testing Krb5 ...                                                          +\n");
00382       // Check if by any chance locally there is already an THostAuth matching
00383       // the one we want to use for testing
00384       hak = TAuthenticate::HasHostAuth(HostName.Data(),User.Data());
00385       if (hak) {
00386          if (lDebug > 0)
00387             printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Krb5: existing THostAuth found \n");
00388          // We need to save it to restore at the end
00389          hasv2 = new THostAuth(*hak);
00390          // We reset the existing one
00391          hak->Reset();
00392          // And update it with the info we want
00393          hak->AddMethod(2,Krb5Details.Data());
00394       } else {
00395          // We create directly a new THostAuth
00396          hak = new THostAuth(HostName.Data(),User.Data(),2,Krb5Details.Data());
00397          // And add object to list so that TAuthenticate has
00398          // a chance to find it
00399          TAuthenticate::GetAuthInfo()->Add(hak);
00400       }
00401       if (lDebug > 0)
00402          hak->Print();
00404      // Authentication attempt
00405       t1 = new TFTP(TFTPPathKrb5.Data(),2);
00406       if (t1->IsOpen()) {
00407          TestMeth[2] = 1;
00408       } else {
00409          printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test of Kerberos authentication failed \n");
00410          if (strlen(krb5) > 0) {
00411             printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details used: '%s' \n",krb5);
00412          }
00413       }
00415       // Try ReUse
00416       if (TestMeth[2] == 1) {
00417          TIter next(hak->Established());
00418          TSecContext *ai;
00419          while ((ai = (TSecContext *) next())) {
00420             if (ai->GetMethod() == 2) {
00421                Int_t OffSet = ai->GetOffSet();
00422                TestReUse[2] = 0;
00423                if (OffSet > -1) {
00424                   TestReUse[2] = 1;
00425                }
00426             }
00427          }
00428       }
00429       // Delete t1
00430       if (t1) delete t1;
00431       // remove method from available list
00432       hak->RemoveMethod(2);
00433    }
00435 // Globus method
00436    if ( HaveMeth[3] ) {
00437       printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00438       printf("+   Testing Globus ...                                                        +\n");
00440      // Add relevant info to HostAuth
00441       ha->AddFirst(3,GlobusDetails.Data());
00442       if (lDebug > 0)
00443          ha->Print();
00445      // Authentication attempt
00446       t1 = new TFTP(TFTPPath.Data(),2);
00447       if (t1->IsOpen()) {
00448          TestMeth[3] = 1;
00449       } else {
00450          printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test of Globus authentication failed \n");
00451          if (strlen(globus) > 0) {
00452             printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details used: '%s' \n",globus);
00453          } else {
00454             printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using default details: \n");
00455             printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ad:/etc/grid-security/certificates");
00456             printf(" cd:$HOME/.globus cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem\n");
00457          }
00458          UserGroup_t *u = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
00459          if (u) {
00460             if (u->fUid > 0) {
00461                printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are not root,");
00462                printf(" you may not have the right privileges\n");
00463                printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Make sure that the used details are correct! \n");
00464             }
00465          }
00466       }
00468       // Try ReUse
00469       if (TestMeth[3] == 1) {
00470          TIter next(ha->Established());
00471          TSecContext *ai;
00472          while ((ai = (TSecContext *) next())) {
00473             if (ai->GetMethod() == 3) {
00474                Int_t OffSet = ai->GetOffSet();
00475                TestReUse[3] = 0;
00476                if (OffSet > -1) {
00477                   TestReUse[3] = 1;
00478                }
00479             }
00480          }
00481       }
00482       // Delete t1
00483       if (t1) delete t1;
00484       // remove method from available list
00485       ha->RemoveMethod(3);
00486    }
00488 // SSH method
00490    if ( HaveMeth[4] ) {
00491       printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00492       printf("+   Testing SSH ...                                                           +\n");
00494      // Add relevant info to HostAuth
00495       ha->AddFirst(4,Details.Data());
00496       if (lDebug > 0)
00497          ha->Print();
00499      // Authentication attempt
00500       t1 = new TFTP(TFTPPath.Data(),2);
00501       if (t1->IsOpen()) {
00502          TestMeth[4] = 1;
00503       } else {
00504          printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test of SSH authentication failed \n");
00505       }
00507       // Try ReUse
00508       if (TestMeth[4] == 1) {
00509          TIter next(ha->Established());
00510          TSecContext *ai;
00511          while ((ai = (TSecContext *) next())) {
00512             if (ai->GetMethod() == 4) {
00513                Int_t OffSet = ai->GetOffSet();
00514                TestReUse[4] = 0;
00515                if (OffSet > -1) {
00516                   TestReUse[4] = 1;
00517                }
00518             }
00519          }
00520       }
00521       // Delete t1
00522       if (t1) delete t1;
00523       // remove method from available list
00524       ha->RemoveMethod(4);
00525    }
00528 // Rfio method
00529    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00530    printf("+   Testing UidGid ...                                                        +\n");
00532    // Add relevant info to HostAuth
00533    ha->AddFirst(5,Details.Data());
00534    if (lDebug > 0)
00535       ha->Print();
00537    // Authentication attempt
00538    {
00539    t1 = new TFTP(TFTPPath.Data(),2);
00540    if (t1->IsOpen()) {
00541       TestMeth[5] = 1;
00542    } else {
00543       printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test of UidGid authentication failed \n");
00544    }}
00546    // Delete t1
00547    if (t1) delete t1;
00549    // remove method from available list
00550    ha->RemoveMethod(5);
00552    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00553    printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
00555    // Print available host auth info
00556    if (lDebug > 0)
00557       TAuthenticate::Show();
00559 // Now restore initial configuration
00560    if (hasv1) {
00561       ha->Reset();
00562       ha->Update(hasv1);
00563    } else {
00564       TAuthenticate::GetAuthInfo()->Remove(ha);
00565    }
00566    if (hasv2) {
00567       hak->Reset();
00568       hak->Update(hasv2);
00569    } else {
00570       TAuthenticate::GetAuthInfo()->Remove(hak);
00571    }
00573 // Final Printout
00574    printf("\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
00575    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00576    printf("+   Result of the tests:                                                      +\n");
00577    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00578    char status[4][20] = {"failed!","successful!","not testable","not tested"};
00579    int i = 0;
00580    for( i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
00581      if (HaveMeth[i] && TestMeth[i] < 2) {
00582        if (i < 5) {
00583           printf("+   Method: %d %8s: %11s (reuse: %11s)                      +\n",i,
00584                          Form("(%s)",TAuthenticate::GetAuthMethod(i)),
00585                          status[TestMeth[i]],status[TestReUse[i]]);
00586        } else
00587           printf("+   Method: %d %8s: %11s                                           +\n",i,
00588                          Form("(%s)",TAuthenticate::GetAuthMethod(i)),
00589                          status[TestMeth[i]]);
00590      }
00591    }
00592    Bool_t NotPrinted = kTRUE;
00593    for( i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
00594      if (HaveMeth[i] && TestMeth[i] > 1) {
00595         if (NotPrinted) {
00596            printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00597            printf("+   Could not be tested:                                                      +\n");
00598            printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00599            NotPrinted = kFALSE;
00600         }
00601         printf("+   Method: %d %8s: %11s                      +\n",i,
00602                        Form("(%s)",TAuthenticate::GetAuthMethod(i)),
00603                        status[TestMeth[i]]);
00604      }
00605    }
00606    printf("+                                                                             +\n");
00607    printf("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
00609 }

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