
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __CMS_SELECT_HH
00002 #define __CMS_SELECT_HH
00003 /******************************************************************************/
00004 /*                                                                            */
00005 /*                       X r d C m s S e l e c t . h h                        */
00006 /*                                                                            */
00007 /* (c) 2007 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
00008 /*                            All Rights Reserved                             */
00009 /*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
00010 /*              DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy              */
00011 /******************************************************************************/
00013 //       $Id: XrdCmsSelect.hh 38011 2011-02-08 18:35:57Z ganis $
00015 #include "XrdCms/XrdCmsKey.hh"
00017 /******************************************************************************/
00018 /*                    C l a s s   X r d C m s S e l e c t                     */
00019 /******************************************************************************/
00021 class XrdCmsRRQInfo;
00023 class XrdCmsSelect
00024 {
00025 public:
00026 XrdCmsKey      Path;    //  In: Path to select or lookup in the cache
00027 XrdCmsRRQInfo *InfoP;   //  In: Fast redirect routing
00028 SMask_t        nmask;   //  In: Nodes to avoid
00029 SMask_t        smask;   // Out: Nodes selected
00030 struct iovec  *iovP;    //  In: Prepare notification I/O vector
00031 int            iovN;    //  In: Prepare notification I/O vector count
00032 int            Opts;    //  In: One or more of the following enums
00034 enum {Write   = 0x0001, // File will be open in write mode     (select & cache)
00035       NewFile = 0x0002, // File will be created may not exist  (select)
00036       Online  = 0x0004, // Only consider online files          (select & prep)
00037       Trunc   = 0x0008, // File will be truncated              (Select   only)
00038       Create  = 0x000A, // Create file, truncate if exists
00039       Defer   = 0x0010, // Do not select a server now          (prep     only)
00040       Peers   = 0x0020, // Peer clusters may be selected       (select   only)
00041       Refresh = 0x0040, // Cache should be refreshed           (all)
00042       Asap    = 0x0080, // Respond as soon as possible         (locate   only)
00043       noBind  = 0x0100, // Do not new bind file to a server    (select   only)
00044       isMeta  = 0x0200, // Only inode information being changed(select   only)
00045       Freshen = 0x0400, // Freshen access times                (prep     only)
00046       Replica = 0x0800, // File will be replicated (w/ Create) (select   only)
00047       Advisory= 0x4000, // Cache A/D is advisory (no delay)    (have   & cache)
00048       Pending = 0x8000  // File being staged                   (have   & cache)
00049      };
00051 struct {SMask_t wf;     // Out: Writable locations
00052         SMask_t hf;     // Out: Existing locations
00053         SMask_t pf;     // Out: Pending  locations
00054         SMask_t bf;     // Out: Bounced  locations
00055        }        Vec;
00057 struct {int  Port;      // Out: Target node port number
00058         char Data[256]; // Out: Target node or error message
00059         int  DLen;      // Out: Length of Data including null byte
00060        }     Resp;
00062              XrdCmsSelect(int opts=0, char *thePath=0, int thePLen=0)
00063                          : Path(thePath,thePLen), smask(0), Opts(opts)
00064                          {Resp.Port = 0; *Resp.Data = '\0'; Resp.DLen = 0;}
00065             ~XrdCmsSelect() {}
00066 };
00068 /******************************************************************************/
00069 /*                  C l a s s   X r d C m s S e l e c t e d                   */
00070 /******************************************************************************/
00072 class XrdCmsSelected   // Argument to List() after select or locate
00073 {
00074 public:
00076 XrdCmsSelected *next;
00077 char           *Name;
00078 SMask_t         Mask;
00079 int             Id;
00080 unsigned int    IPAddr;
00081 int             Port;
00082 int             IPV6Len;  // 12345678901234567890123456
00083 char            IPV6[28]; // [::]:123456
00084 int             Load;
00085 int             Util;
00086 int             Free;
00087 int             RefTotA;
00088 int             RefTotR;
00089 int             Status;      // One of the following
00091 enum           {Disable = 0x0001,
00092                 NoStage = 0x0002,
00093                 Offline = 0x0004,
00094                 Suspend = 0x0008,
00095                 NoSpace = 0x0020,
00096                 isRW    = 0x0040,
00097                 Reservd = 0x0080,
00098                 isMangr = 0x0100,
00099                 isPeer  = 0x0200,
00100                 isProxy = 0x0400,
00101                 noServr = 0x0700
00102                };
00104                XrdCmsSelected(const char *sname, XrdCmsSelected *np=0)
00105                          {Name = (sname ? strdup(sname) : 0); next=np;}
00107               ~XrdCmsSelected() {if (Name) free(Name);}
00108 };
00109 #endif

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