
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id: XrdCryptoAux.hh 24468 2008-06-22 16:47:03Z ganis $
00002 #ifndef __CRYPTO_AUX_H__
00003 #define __CRYPTO_AUX_H__
00005 #include <stdio.h>
00006 #ifndef WIN32
00007 #include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
00008 #endif
00009 #include <XProtocol/XProtocol.hh>
00011 /******************************************************************************/
00012 /*                 M i s c e l l a n e o u s   D e f i n e s                  */
00013 /******************************************************************************/
00014 #define ABSTRACTMETHOD(x) {cerr <<"Method "<<x<<" must be overridden!" <<endl;}
00016 /******************************************************************************/
00017 /*          E r r o r   L o g g i n g / T r a c i n g   F l a g s             */
00018 /******************************************************************************/
00019 #define cryptoTRACE_ALL       0x0007
00020 #define cryptoTRACE_Dump      0x0004
00021 #define cryptoTRACE_Debug     0x0002
00022 #define cryptoTRACE_Notify    0x0001
00024 // RSA parameters
00025 #define XrdCryptoMinRSABits 512
00026 #define XrdCryptoDefRSABits 1024
00027 #define XrdCryptoDefRSAExp  0x10001
00029 /******************************************************************************/
00030 /*                     U t i l i t y   F u n c t i o n s                      */
00031 /******************************************************************************/
00032 typedef int (*XrdCryptoKDFunLen_t)();
00033 typedef int (*XrdCryptoKDFun_t)(const char *pass, int plen,
00034                                 const char *salt, int slen,
00035                                 char *key, int klen);
00036 int XrdCryptoKDFunLen();
00037 int XrdCryptoKDFun(const char *pass, int plen, const char *salt, int slen,
00038                    char *key, int klen);
00041 /******************************************************************************/
00042 /*  X r d C r y p t o S e t T r a c e                                         */
00043 /*                                                                            */
00044 /*  Set trace flags according to 'trace'                                      */
00045 /*                                                                            */
00046 /******************************************************************************/
00047 //______________________________________________________________________________
00048 void XrdCryptoSetTrace(kXR_int32 trace);
00050 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:46:32 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1