
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _XRD_FRMCONFIG_H
00002 #define _XRD_FRMCONFIG_H
00003 /******************************************************************************/
00004 /*                                                                            */
00005 /*                       X r d F r m C o n f i g . h h                        */
00006 /*                                                                            */
00007 /* (C) 2009 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
00008 /*       All Rights Reserved. See XrdInfo.cc for complete License Terms       */
00009 /*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
00010 /*                DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Deprtment of Energy             */
00011 /******************************************************************************/
00013 //          $Id: XrdFrmConfig.hh 38011 2011-02-08 18:35:57Z ganis $
00015 #include <string.h>
00016 #include <unistd.h>
00018 #include "XrdOss/XrdOssSpace.hh"
00020 class XrdNetCmsNotify;
00021 class XrdOss;
00022 class XrdOucMsubs;
00023 class XrdOucName2Name;
00024 class XrdOucProg;
00025 class XrdOucStream;
00026 class XrdOucTList;
00027 class XrdSysLogger;
00029 class XrdFrmConfigSE;
00031 class XrdFrmConfig
00032 {
00033 public:
00035 const char         *myProg;
00036 const char         *myName;
00037 const char         *myInst;
00038 const char         *myFrmid;
00039 const char         *myFrmID;
00040 const char         *lockFN;
00041 char               *AdminPath;
00042 char               *QPath;
00043 char               *PidPath;
00044 char               *myInstance;
00045 char               *StopPurge;
00046 char               *MSSCmd;
00047 XrdOucProg         *MSSProg;
00049 struct Cmd
00050       {const char  *Desc;
00051        char        *theCmd;
00052        XrdOucMsubs *theVec;
00053        int          TLimit;
00054        int          Opts;
00055       }             xfrCmd[4];
00056 static const int    cmdAlloc = 0x0001;
00057 static const int    cmdMDP   = 0x0002;
00058 static const int    cmdStats = 0x0004;
00060 int                 xfrIN;
00061 int                 xfrOUT;
00063 XrdOucName2Name    *the_N2N;   // -> File mapper object
00064 XrdOss             *ossFS;
00065 XrdNetCmsNotify    *cmsPath;
00066 uid_t               myUid;
00067 gid_t               myGid;
00068 long long           cmdFree;
00069 int                 cmdHold;
00070 int                 AdminMode;
00071 int                 isAgent;
00072 int                 xfrMax;
00073 int                 FailHold;
00074 int                 IdleHold;
00075 int                 WaitQChk;
00076 int                 WaitPurge;
00077 int                 WaitMigr;
00078 int                 monStage;
00079 int                 haveCMS;
00080 int                 isOTO;
00081 int                 Fix;
00082 int                 Test;
00083 int                 TrackDC;
00084 int                 Verbose;
00085 char              **vectArg;
00086 int                 nextArg;
00087 int                 numcArg;
00089 struct VPInfo
00090       {VPInfo      *Next;
00091        char        *Name;
00092        XrdOucTList *Dir;
00093        int          Val;
00094                     VPInfo(char *n, int m=0, struct VPInfo *p=0)
00095                           : Next(p), Name(strdup(n)), Dir(0), Val(m) {}
00096                    ~VPInfo() {} // Deletes are not important
00097       }            *VPList;
00098 VPInfo             *pathList;   // Migr/Purg list of paths
00099 XrdOucTList        *spacList;   // Migr/Purg list of spaces
00101 struct Policy
00102       {long long minFree;
00103        long long maxFree;
00104        int       Hold;
00105        int       Ext;
00106        Policy   *Next;
00107        char      Sname[XrdOssSpace::minSNbsz];
00108                  Policy(const char *snv, long long minV, long long maxV,
00109                         int hV, int xV) : minFree(minV), maxFree(maxV),
00110                         Hold(hV), Ext(xV), Next(0) {strcpy(Sname, snv);}
00111                 ~Policy() {}
00112       };
00113 Policy           dfltPolicy;
00115 int              dirHold;
00116 int              pVecNum;     // Number of policy variables
00117 static const int pVecMax=8;
00118 char             pVec[pVecMax];
00119 char            *pProg;
00121 enum  PPVar {PP_atime=0, PP_ctime, PP_fname, PP_fsize, PP_fspace,
00122              PP_mtime,   PP_pfn,   PP_sname, PP_tspace, PP_usage};
00124 int          Configure(int argc, char **argv, int (*ppf)());
00126 int          LocalPath  (const char *oldp, char *newp, int newpsz);
00128 int          LogicalPath(const char *oldp, char *newp, int newpsz);
00130 unsigned
00131 long long    PathOpts(const char *Lfn);
00133 int          RemotePath (const char *oldp, char *newp, int newpsz);
00135 XrdOucTList *Space(const char *Name, const char *Path=0);
00137 enum  SubSys {ssAdmin, ssMigr, ssPstg, ssPurg, ssXfr};
00139       XrdFrmConfig(SubSys ss, const char *vopts, const char *uinfo);
00140      ~XrdFrmConfig() {}
00142 private:
00143 XrdOucMsubs *ConfigCmd(const char *cname, char *cdata);
00144 int          ConfigMum(XrdFrmConfigSE &theSE);
00145 int          ConfigN2N();
00146 int          ConfigMP(const char *);
00147 int          ConfigMss();
00148 int          ConfigOTO(char *Parms);
00149 int          ConfigPaths();
00150 void         ConfigPF(const char *pFN);
00151 int          ConfigProc();
00152 int          ConfigXeq(char *var, int mbok);
00153 int          ConfigXfr();
00154 int          getTime(const char *, const char *, int *, int mnv=-1, int mxv=-1);
00155 int          Grab(const char *var, char **Dest, int nosubs);
00156 XrdOucTList *InsertPL(XrdOucTList *pP, const char *Path, int Plen, int isRW);
00157 void         InsertXD(const char *Path);
00158 void         Usage(int rc);
00159 int          xapath();
00160 int          xcopy();
00161 int          xcopy(int &TLim);
00162 int          xcmax();
00163 int          xdpol();
00164 int          xitm(const char *What, int &tDest);
00165 int          xnml();
00166 int          xmon();
00167 int          xpol();
00168 int          xpolprog();
00169 int          xqchk();
00170 int          xspace(int isPrg=0, int isXA=1);
00171 void         xspaceBuild(char *grp, char *fn, int isxa);
00172 int          xxfr();
00174 char               *ConfigFN;
00175 char               *ossLib;
00176 char               *LocalRoot;
00177 char               *RemoteRoot;
00178 XrdOucStream       *cFile;
00180 int                 plnDTS;
00181 const char         *pfxDTS;
00182 const char         *vOpts;
00183 const char         *uInfo;
00184 char               *N2N_Lib;   // -> Name2Name Library Path
00185 char               *N2N_Parms; // -> Name2Name Object Parameters
00186 XrdOucName2Name    *lcl_N2N;   // -> File mapper for local  files
00187 XrdOucName2Name    *rmt_N2N;   // -> File mapper for remote files
00188 SubSys              ssID;
00189 };
00190 namespace XrdFrm
00191 {
00192 extern XrdFrmConfig Config;
00193 }
00194 #endif

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