
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef __XrdProtocol_H__
00002 #define __XrdProtocol_H__
00003 /******************************************************************************/
00004 /*                                                                            */
00005 /*                        X r d P r o t o c o l . h h                         */
00006 /*                                                                            */
00007 /* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
00008 /*       All Rights Reserved. See XrdInfo.cc for complete License Terms       */
00009 /*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
00010 /*              DE-AC03-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy              */
00011 /******************************************************************************/
00013 //         $Id: XrdProtocol.hh 28902 2009-06-11 12:36:21Z ganis $
00015 #include "Xrd/XrdJob.hh"
00017 /******************************************************************************/
00018 /*                    X r d P r o t o c o l _ C o n f i g                     */
00019 /******************************************************************************/
00021 // The following class is passed to the XrdgetProtocol() and XrdgetProtocolPort()
00022 // functions to properly configure the protocol. This object is not stable and 
00023 // the protocol must copy out any values it desires to keep. It may copy the 
00024 // whole object using the supplied copy constructor.
00026 class XrdSysError;
00027 class XrdSysThread;
00028 class XrdOucTrace;
00029 class XrdBuffManager;
00030 class XrdInet;
00031 class XrdScheduler;
00032 class XrdStats;
00034 struct sockaddr;
00036 class XrdProtocol_Config
00037 {
00038 public:
00040 // The following pointers may be copied; they are stable.
00041 //
00042 XrdSysError    *eDest;       // Stable -> Error Message/Logging Handler
00043 XrdInet        *NetTCP;      // Stable -> Network Object    (@ XrdgetProtocol)
00044 XrdBuffManager *BPool;       // Stable -> Buffer Pool Manager
00045 XrdScheduler   *Sched;       // Stable -> System Scheduler
00046 XrdStats       *Stats;       // Stable -> System Statistics (@ XrdgetProtocol)
00047 XrdSysThread   *Threads;     // Stable -> The thread manager
00048 XrdOucTrace    *Trace;       // Stable -> Trace Information
00050 // The following information must be duplicated; it is unstable.
00051 //
00052 char            *ConfigFN;     // -> Configuration file
00053 int              Format;       // Binary format of this server
00054 int              Port;         // Port number
00055 int              WSize;        // Window size for Port
00056 const char      *AdmPath;      // Admin path
00057 int              AdmMode;      // Admin path mode
00058 const char      *myInst;       // Instance name
00059 const char      *myName;       // Host name
00060 const char      *myProg;       // Program name
00061 struct sockaddr *myAddr;       // Host address
00062 int              ConnMax;      // Max connections
00063 int              readWait;     // Max milliseconds to wait for data
00064 int              idleWait;     // Max milliseconds connection may be idle
00065 int              argc;         // Number of arguments
00066 char           **argv;         // Argument array (prescreened)
00067 char             DebugON;      // True if started with -d option
00068 int              WANPort;      // Port prefered for WAN connections (0 if none)
00069 int              WANWSize;     // Window size for the WANPort
00070 int              hailWait;     // Max milliseconds to wait for data after accept
00072                  XrdProtocol_Config(XrdProtocol_Config &rhs);
00073                  XrdProtocol_Config() {}
00074                 ~XrdProtocol_Config() {}
00075 };
00077 /******************************************************************************/
00078 /*                           X r d P r o t o c o l                            */
00079 /******************************************************************************/
00081 // This class is used by the Link object to process the input stream on a link.
00082 // At least one protocol object exists per Link object. Specific protocols are 
00083 // derived from this pure abstract class since a link can use one of several 
00084 // protocols. Indeed, startup and shutdown are handled by specialized protocols.
00086 // System configuration obtains an instance of a protocol by calling
00087 // XrdgetProtocol(), which must exist in the shared library.
00088 // This instance is used as the base pointer for Alloc(), Configure(), and
00089 // Match(). Unfortuantely, they cannot be static given the silly C++ rules.
00091 class XrdLink;
00093 class XrdProtocol : public XrdJob
00094 {
00095 public:
00097 // Match()     is invoked when a new link is created and we are trying
00098 //             to determine if this protocol can handle the link. It must
00099 //             return a protocol object if it can and NULL (0), otherwise.
00100 //
00101 virtual XrdProtocol  *Match(XrdLink *lp) = 0;
00103 // Process()   is invoked when a link has data waiting to be read
00104 //
00105 virtual int           Process(XrdLink *lp) = 0;
00107 // Recycle()   is invoked when this object is no longer needed. The method is
00108 //             passed the number of seconds the protocol was connected to the
00109 //             link and the reason for the disconnection, if any.
00110 //
00111 virtual void          Recycle(XrdLink *lp=0,int consec=0,const char *reason=0)=0;
00113 // Stats()     is invoked when we need statistics about all instances of the
00114 //             protocol. If a buffer is supplied, it must return a null 
00115 //             terminated string in the supplied buffer and the return value
00116 //             is the number of bytes placed in the buffer defined by C99 for 
00117 //             snprintf(). If no buffer is supplied, the method should return
00118 //             the maximum number of characters that could have been returned.
00119 //             Regardless of the buffer value, if do_sync is true, the method
00120 //             should include any local statistics in the global data (if any)
00121 //             prior to performing any action.
00122 //
00123 virtual int           Stats(char *buff, int blen, int do_sync=0) = 0;
00125             XrdProtocol(const char *jname): XrdJob(jname) {}
00126 virtual    ~XrdProtocol() {}
00127 };
00129 /******************************************************************************/
00130 /*                        X r d g e t P r o t o c o l                         */
00131 /******************************************************************************/
00133 // This extern "C" function is called to obtain an instance of a particular
00134 // protocol. This allows protocols to live outside of the protocol driver
00135 // (i.e., to be loaded at run-time). The call is made after the call to
00136 // XrdgetProtocolPort(). Note that the network object (NetTCP) is now defined.
00137 // If a null pointer is returned, failure is indicated and we bail.
00138 //
00140 extern "C"
00141 {
00142 extern XrdProtocol *XrdgetProtocol(const char *protocol_name, char *parms,
00143                                    XrdProtocol_Config *pi);
00144 }
00146 /******************************************************************************/
00147 /*                    X r d g e t P r o t o c o l P o r t                     */
00148 /******************************************************************************/
00150 // This extern "C" function is called to obtain the actual port number to be
00151 // used by the protocol. The default port number is noted in XrdProtocol_Config
00152 // Port. It has one of the fllowing values:
00153 // <0 -> No port was specified.
00154 // =0 -> An erbitrary port will be assigned.
00155 // >0 -> This port number was specified.
00157 // XrdgetProtoclPort() must return:
00158 // <0 -> Failure is indicated and we terminate
00159 // =0 -> Use an arbitrary port (even if this equals Port)
00160 // >0 -> The returned port number must be used (even if it equals Port)
00161 //
00162 // When we finally call XrdgetProtocol(), the actual port number is indicated
00163 // in Port and the network object is defined in NetTCP and bound to the port.
00165 // Final Caveats: 1.  The network object (NetTCP) is not defined until
00166 //                    XrdgetProtocol() is called.
00168 //                2.  The statistics object (Stats) is not defined until
00169 //                    XrdgetProtocol() is called.
00171 //                3.  When the protocol is loaded from a shared library, you need
00172 //                    need not define XrdgetProtocolPort() if the standard port
00173 //                    determination scheme is sufficient.
00174 //
00176 extern "C"
00177 {
00178 extern int XrdgetProtocolPort(const char *protocol_name, char *parms,
00179                               XrdProtocol_Config *pi);
00180 }
00181 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:46:15 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1