
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /******************************************************************************/
00002 /*                                                                            */
00003 /*                      X r d X r o o t d F i l e . c c                       */
00004 /*                                                                            */
00005 /* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
00006 /*       All Rights Reserved. See XrdInfo.cc for complete License Terms       */
00007 /*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
00008 /*              DE-AC03-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy              */
00009 /******************************************************************************/
00011 //         $Id: XrdXrootdFile.cc 24468 2008-06-22 16:47:03Z ganis $
00013 const char *XrdXrootdFileCVSID = "$Id: XrdXrootdFile.cc 24468 2008-06-22 16:47:03Z ganis $";
00015 #include <inttypes.h>
00016 #include <stdlib.h>
00017 #include <string.h>
00018 #include <unistd.h>
00019 #include <netinet/in.h>
00020 #include <sys/types.h>
00021 #include <sys/stat.h>
00023 #include "XrdSys/XrdSysPthread.hh"
00024 #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
00025 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFile.hh"
00026 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock.hh"
00027 #define  TRACELINK this
00028 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdTrace.hh"
00030 /******************************************************************************/
00031 /*                               G l o b a l s                                */
00032 /******************************************************************************/
00034 #ifndef NODEBUG  
00035 extern XrdOucTrace      *XrdXrootdTrace;
00036 #endif
00038        XrdXrootdFileLock *XrdXrootdFile::Locker;
00040        int              XrdXrootdFile::sfOK         = 1;
00041        const char      *XrdXrootdFile::TraceID      = "File";
00042        const char      *XrdXrootdFileTable::TraceID = "FileTable";
00044 /******************************************************************************/
00045 /*                        x r d _ F i l e   C l a s s                         */
00046 /******************************************************************************/
00047 /******************************************************************************/
00048 /*                           C o n s t r u c t o r                            */
00049 /******************************************************************************/
00051 XrdXrootdFile::XrdXrootdFile(char *id, XrdSfsFile *fp, char mode, char async,
00052                              int sfok, struct stat *sP)
00053 {
00054     static XrdSysMutex seqMutex;
00055     struct stat buf;
00056     off_t mmSize;
00057     int i;
00059     XrdSfsp  = fp;
00060     mmAddr   = 0;
00061     FileMode = mode;
00062     AsyncMode= async;
00063     ID       = id;
00064     FileID   = 0;
00065     readCnt  = 0;
00066     writeCnt = 0;
00068 // Get the file descriptor number (none if not a regular file)
00069 //
00070    if (fp->fctl(SFS_FCTL_GETFD, 0, fp->error) != SFS_OK) fdNum = -1;
00071       else fdNum = fp->error.getErrInfo();
00072    sfEnabled = (sfOK && sfok && fdNum >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
00074 // Determine if file is memory mapped
00075 //
00076    if (fp->getMmap((void **)&mmAddr, mmSize) != SFS_OK) isMMapped = 0;
00077       else {isMMapped = (mmSize ? 1 : 0);
00078             fSize = static_cast<long long>(mmSize);
00079            }
00081 // Get file status information (we need it) and optionally return it to caller
00082 //
00083    if (!sP) sP = &buf;
00084    fp->stat(sP);
00085    if (!isMMapped) fSize = static_cast<long long>(sP->st_size);
00087 // Develop a unique hash for this file. The key will not be longer than 33 bytes
00088 // including the null character.
00089 //
00090         if (sP->st_dev != 0 || sP->st_ino != 0)
00091            {i = bin2hex( FileKey,   (char *)&sP->st_dev, sizeof(sP->st_dev));
00092             i = bin2hex(&FileKey[i],(char *)&sP->st_ino, sizeof(sP->st_ino));
00093            }
00094    else if (fdNum > 0) 
00095            {strcpy(  FileKey, "fdno");
00096             bin2hex(&FileKey[4], (char *)&fdNum,   sizeof(fdNum));
00097            }
00098    else    {strcpy(  FileKey, "sfsp");
00099             bin2hex(&FileKey[4], (char *)&XrdSfsp, sizeof(XrdSfsp));
00100            }
00101 }
00103 /******************************************************************************/
00104 /*                            D e s t r u c t o r                             */
00105 /******************************************************************************/
00107 XrdXrootdFile::~XrdXrootdFile()
00108 {
00109    char *fn;
00111    if (XrdSfsp) {Locker->Unlock(this);
00112                if (TRACING(TRACE_FS))
00113                   {if (!(fn = (char *)XrdSfsp->FName())) fn = (char *)"?";
00114                    TRACEI(FS, "closing " <<FileMode <<' ' <<fn);
00115                   }
00116                delete XrdSfsp;
00117                XrdSfsp = 0;
00118               }
00119 }
00121 /******************************************************************************/
00122 /*                   x r d _ F i l e T a b l e   C l a s s                    */
00123 /******************************************************************************/
00124 /******************************************************************************/
00125 /*                            D e s t r u c t o r                             */
00126 /******************************************************************************/
00128 // WARNING! The object subject to this destructor must be serialized. There can
00129 // be no active requests on link associated with this object at the time the
00130 // destructor is called. The same restrictions apply to Add() and Del().
00131 //
00132 XrdXrootdFileTable::~XrdXrootdFileTable()
00133 {
00134    int i;
00136 // Delete all objects from the internal table (see warning)
00137 //
00138    for (i = 0; i < XRD_FTABSIZE; i++) if (FTab[i]) Del(i);
00140 // Delete all objects from the external table (see warning)
00141 //
00142    if (XTab)
00143       {for (i = 0; i < XTnum; i++)    if (XTab[i]) Del(i+XRD_FTABSIZE);
00144        free(*XTab);
00145       }
00146 }
00148 /******************************************************************************/
00149 /*                                   A d d                                    */
00150 /******************************************************************************/
00152 int XrdXrootdFileTable::Add(XrdXrootdFile *fp)
00153 {
00154    const int allocsz = XRD_FTABSIZE*sizeof(fp);
00155    XrdXrootdFile **newXTab, **oldXTab;
00156    int i;
00158 // Find a free spot in the internal table
00159 //
00160    for (i = FTfree; i < XRD_FTABSIZE; i++) if (!FTab[i]) break;
00162    if (i < XRD_FTABSIZE)
00163       {FTab[i] = fp; FTfree = i+1; return i;}
00165 // Allocate an external table if we do not have one
00166 //
00167    if (!XTab)
00168       {if (!(XTab = (XrdXrootdFile **)malloc(allocsz))) return -1;
00169        memset((void *)XTab, 0, allocsz);
00170        XTnum   = XRD_FTABSIZE;
00171        XTfree  = 1;
00172        XTab[0] = fp;
00173        return XRD_FTABSIZE;
00174       }
00176 // Find a free spot in the external table
00177 //
00178    for (i = XTfree; i < XTnum; i++) if (!XTab[i]) break;
00179    if (i < XTnum)
00180       {XTab[i] = fp; XTfree = i+1; return i+XRD_FTABSIZE;}
00182 // Extend the table
00183 //
00184    if (!(newXTab = (XrdXrootdFile **)malloc(XTnum*sizeof(XrdXrootdFile *)+allocsz)))
00185       return -1;
00186    memcpy((void *)newXTab, (const void *)XTab, XTnum*sizeof(XrdXrootdFile *));
00187    memset((void *)(newXTab+XTnum), 0, allocsz);
00188    oldXTab = XTab;
00189    XTab = newXTab;
00190    XTab[XTnum] = fp;
00191    i = XTnum;
00192    XTfree = XTnum+1;
00193    XTnum += XRD_FTABSIZE;
00194    free(oldXTab);
00195    return i+XRD_FTABSIZE;
00196 }
00198 /******************************************************************************/
00199 /*                                   D e l                                    */
00200 /******************************************************************************/
00202 void XrdXrootdFileTable::Del(int fnum)
00203 {
00204    XrdXrootdFile *fp;
00206    if (fnum < XRD_FTABSIZE) 
00207       {fp = FTab[fnum];
00208        FTab[fnum] = 0;
00209        if (fnum < FTfree) FTfree = fnum;
00210       } else {
00211        fnum -= XRD_FTABSIZE;
00212        if (XTab && fnum < XTnum)
00213           {fp = XTab[fnum];
00214            XTab[fnum] = 0;
00215            if (fnum < XTfree) XTfree = fnum;
00216           }
00217            else fp = 0;
00218       }
00220    if (fp) delete fp;  // Will do the close
00221 }
00223 /******************************************************************************/
00224 /*                       P r i v a t e   M e t h o d s                        */
00225 /******************************************************************************/
00226 /******************************************************************************/
00227 /*                               b i n 2 h e x                                */
00228 /******************************************************************************/
00230 int XrdXrootdFile::bin2hex(char *outbuff, char *inbuff, int inlen)
00231 {
00232     static char hv[] = "0123456789abcdef";
00233     int i, j = 0;
00235 // Skip leading zeroes
00236 //
00237     for (i = 0; i < inlen; i++) if (inbuff[i]) break;
00238     if (i >= inlen)
00239        {outbuff[0] = '0'; outbuff[1] = '\0'; return 1;}
00241 // Format the data
00242 //
00243     for (i = i; i < inlen; i++)
00244        {outbuff[j++] = hv[(inbuff[i] >> 4) & 0x0f];
00245         outbuff[j++] = hv[ inbuff[i]       & 0x0f];
00246        }
00247      outbuff[j] = '\0';
00248      return j;
00249 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:47:04 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1