
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /******************************************************************************/
00002 /*                                                                            */
00003 /*                  X r d X r o o t d P r o t o c o l . c c                   */
00004 /*                                                                            */
00005 /* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University  */
00006 /*       All Rights Reserved. See XrdInfo.cc for complete License Terms       */
00007 /*   Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract    */
00008 /*              DE-AC03-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy              */
00009 /******************************************************************************/
00011 #include "XrdVersion.hh"
00013 #include "XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh"
00014 #include "Xrd/XrdBuffer.hh"
00015 #include "Xrd/XrdLink.hh"
00016 #include "XProtocol/XProtocol.hh"
00017 #include "XrdSys/XrdSysTimer.hh"
00018 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdAio.hh"
00019 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFile.hh"
00020 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock.hh"
00021 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFileLock1.hh"
00022 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdMonitor.hh"
00023 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdPio.hh"
00024 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdProtocol.hh"
00025 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdStats.hh"
00026 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdTrace.hh"
00027 #include "XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdXPath.hh"
00029 /******************************************************************************/
00030 /*                               G l o b a l s                                */
00031 /******************************************************************************/
00033 XrdOucTrace          *XrdXrootdTrace;
00035 XrdXrootdXPath        XrdXrootdProtocol::RPList;
00036 XrdXrootdXPath        XrdXrootdProtocol::XPList;
00037 XrdSfsFileSystem     *XrdXrootdProtocol::osFS;
00038 char                 *XrdXrootdProtocol::FSLib    = 0;
00039 XrdXrootdFileLock    *XrdXrootdProtocol::Locker;
00040 XrdSecService        *XrdXrootdProtocol::CIA      = 0;
00041 char                 *XrdXrootdProtocol::SecLib   = 0;
00042 char                 *XrdXrootdProtocol::pidPath  = strdup("/tmp");
00043 XrdScheduler         *XrdXrootdProtocol::Sched;
00044 XrdBuffManager       *XrdXrootdProtocol::BPool;
00045 XrdSysError           XrdXrootdProtocol::eDest(0, "Xrootd");
00046 XrdXrootdStats       *XrdXrootdProtocol::SI;
00047 XrdXrootdJob         *XrdXrootdProtocol::JobCKS   = 0;
00048 char                 *XrdXrootdProtocol::JobCKT   = 0;
00050 char                 *XrdXrootdProtocol::Notify = 0;
00051 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::hailWait;
00052 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::readWait;
00053 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::Port;
00054 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::Window;
00055 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::WANPort;
00056 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::WANWindow;
00057 char                  XrdXrootdProtocol::isRedir = 0;
00058 char                  XrdXrootdProtocol::chkfsV  = 0;
00059 XrdNetSocket         *XrdXrootdProtocol::AdminSock= 0;
00061 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::hcMax        = 28657; // const for now
00062 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::maxBuffsz;
00063 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::maxTransz    = 262144; // 256KB
00064 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxperlnk = 8;   // Max ops per link
00065 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxperreq = 8;   // Max ops per request
00066 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxpersrv = 4096;// Max ops per server
00067 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_segsize   = 131072;
00068 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_miniosz   = 32768;
00069 #ifdef __solaris__
00070 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_minsfsz   = 1;
00071 #else
00072 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_minsfsz   = 8192;
00073 #endif
00074 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_maxstalls = 5;
00075 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_force     = 0;
00076 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_noaio     = 0;
00077 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_nosf      = 0;
00078 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::as_syncw     = 0;
00080 const char           *XrdXrootdProtocol::myInst  = 0;
00081 const char           *XrdXrootdProtocol::TraceID = "Protocol";
00082 int                   XrdXrootdProtocol::myPID = static_cast<int>(getpid());
00084 struct XrdXrootdProtocol::RD_Table XrdXrootdProtocol::Route[RD_Num] = {{0,0}};
00086 /******************************************************************************/
00087 /*            P r o t o c o l   M a n a g e m e n t   S t a c k s             */
00088 /******************************************************************************/
00090 XrdObjectQ<XrdXrootdProtocol>
00091             XrdXrootdProtocol::ProtStack("ProtStack",
00092                                        "xrootd protocol anchor");
00094 /******************************************************************************/
00095 /*                         L o c a l   D e f i n e s                          */
00096 /******************************************************************************/
00098 #define UPSTATS(x) SI->statsMutex.Lock(); SI->x++; SI->statsMutex.UnLock()
00100 /******************************************************************************/
00101 /*                       P r o t o c o l   L o a d e r                        */
00102 /*                        X r d g e t P r o t o c o l                         */
00103 /******************************************************************************/
00105 // This protocol can live in a shared library. The interface below is used by
00106 // the protocol driver to obtain a copy of the protocol object that can be used
00107 // to decide whether or not a link is talking a particular protocol.
00108 //
00109 extern "C"
00110 {
00111 XrdProtocol *XrdgetProtocol(const char *pname, char *parms,
00112                               XrdProtocol_Config *pi)
00113 {
00114    XrdProtocol *pp = 0;
00115    const char *txt = "completed.";
00117 // Put up the banner
00118 //
00119    pi->eDest->Say("Copr.  2007 Stanford University, xrootd version "
00120                    XROOTD_VERSION " build "  XrdVERSION);
00121    pi->eDest->Say("++++++ xrootd protocol initialization started.");
00123 // Return the protocol object to be used if static init succeeds
00124 //
00125    if (XrdXrootdProtocol::Configure(parms, pi))
00126       pp = (XrdProtocol *)new XrdXrootdProtocol();
00127       else txt = "failed.";
00128     pi->eDest->Say("------ xrootd protocol initialization ", txt);
00129    return pp;
00130 }
00131 }
00133 /******************************************************************************/
00134 /*                                                                            */
00135 /*           P r o t o c o l   P o r t   D e t e r m i n a t i o n            */
00136 /*                    X r d g e t P r o t o c o l P o r t                     */
00137 /******************************************************************************/
00139 // This function is called early on to determine the port we need to use. The
00140 // default is ostensibly 1094 but can be overidden; which we allow.
00141 //
00142 extern "C"
00143 {
00144 int XrdgetProtocolPort(const char *pname, char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi)
00145 {
00147 // Figure out what port number we should return. In practice only one port
00148 // number is allowed. However, we could potentially have a clustered port
00149 // and several unclustered ports. So, we let this practicality slide.
00150 //
00151    if (pi->Port < 0) return 1094;
00152    return pi->Port;
00153 }
00154 }
00156 /******************************************************************************/
00157 /*               X r d P r o t o c o l X r o o t d   C l a s s                */
00158 /******************************************************************************/
00159 /******************************************************************************/
00160 /*                           C o n s t r u c t o r                            */
00161 /******************************************************************************/
00163 XrdXrootdProtocol::XrdXrootdProtocol() 
00164                     : XrdProtocol("xrootd protocol handler"), ProtLink(this),
00165                       Entity("")
00166 {
00167    Reset();
00168 }
00170 /******************************************************************************/
00171 /*                   A s s i g n m e n t   O p e r a t o r                    */
00172 /******************************************************************************/
00174 XrdXrootdProtocol XrdXrootdProtocol::operator =(const XrdXrootdProtocol &rhs)
00175 {
00176 // Reset all common fields
00177 //
00178    Reset();
00180 // Now copy the relevant fields only
00181 //
00182    Link          = rhs.Link;
00183    Link->setRef(1);      // Keep the link stable until we dereference it
00184    Status        = rhs.Status;
00185    myFile        = rhs.myFile;
00186    myIOLen       = rhs.myIOLen;
00187    myOffset      = rhs.myOffset;
00188    Response      = rhs.Response;
00189    memcpy((void *)&Request,(const void *)&rhs.Request, sizeof(Request));
00190    Client        = rhs.Client;
00191    AuthProt      = rhs.AuthProt;
00192    return *this;
00193 }
00195 /******************************************************************************/
00196 /*                                 M a t c h                                  */
00197 /******************************************************************************/
00199 #define TRACELINK lp
00201 XrdProtocol *XrdXrootdProtocol::Match(XrdLink *lp)
00202 {
00203         struct ClientInitHandShake hsdata;
00204         char  *hsbuff = (char *)&hsdata;
00206 static  struct hs_response
00207                {kXR_unt16 streamid;
00208                 kXR_unt16 status;
00209                 kXR_int32 rlen;
00210                 kXR_int32 pval;
00211                 kXR_int32 styp;
00212                } hsresp={(isRedir == 'M' ? 0xffff : 0), 0, htonl(8),
00213                          htonl(XROOTD_VERSBIN),
00214                          (isRedir ? htonl(kXR_LBalServer)
00215                                   : htonl(kXR_DataServer))};
00217 XrdXrootdProtocol *xp;
00218 int dlen;
00220 // Peek at the first 20 bytes of data
00221 //
00222    if ((dlen = lp->Peek(hsbuff,sizeof(hsdata), hailWait)) != sizeof(hsdata))
00223       {if (dlen <= 0) lp->setEtext("handshake not received");
00224        return (XrdProtocol *)0;
00225       }
00227 // Trace the data
00228 //
00229 // TRACEI(REQ, "received: " <<Trace->bin2hex(hsbuff,dlen));
00231 // Verify that this is our protocol
00232 //
00233    hsdata.fourth  = ntohl(hsdata.fourth);
00234    hsdata.fifth   = ntohl(hsdata.fifth);
00235    if (dlen != sizeof(hsdata) ||  hsdata.first || hsdata.second
00236    || hsdata.third || hsdata.fourth != 4 || hsdata.fifth != ROOTD_PQ) return 0;
00238 // Respond to this request with the handshake response
00239 //
00240    if (!lp->Send((char *)&hsresp, sizeof(hsresp)))
00241       {lp->setEtext("handshake failed");
00242        return (XrdProtocol *)0;
00243       }
00245 // We can now read all 20 bytes and discard them (no need to wait for it)
00246 //
00247    if (lp->Recv(hsbuff, sizeof(hsdata)) != sizeof(hsdata))
00248       {lp->setEtext("reread failed");
00249        return (XrdProtocol *)0;
00250       }
00252 // Get a protocol object off the stack (if none, allocate a new one)
00253 //
00254    if (!(xp = ProtStack.Pop())) xp = new XrdXrootdProtocol();
00256 // Bind the protocol to the link and return the protocol
00257 //
00258    UPSTATS(Count);
00259    xp->Link = lp;
00260    xp->Response.Set(lp);
00261    strcpy(xp->Entity.prot, "host");
00262    xp->Entity.host = (char *)lp->Host();
00263    return (XrdProtocol *)xp;
00264 }
00266 /******************************************************************************/
00267 /*                               P r o c e s s                                */
00268 /******************************************************************************/
00270 #undef  TRACELINK
00271 #define TRACELINK Link
00273 int XrdXrootdProtocol::Process(XrdLink *lp) // We ignore the argument here
00274 {
00275    int rc;
00277 // Check if we are servicing a slow link
00278 //
00279    if (Resume)
00280       {if (myBlen && (rc = getData("data", myBuff, myBlen)) != 0)
00281           {if (rc < 0 && myAioReq) myAioReq->Recycle(-1);
00282            return rc;
00283           }
00284           else if ((rc = (*this.*Resume)()) != 0) return rc;
00285                   else {Resume = 0; return 0;}
00286       }
00288 // Read the next request header
00289 //
00290    if ((rc=getData("request",(char *)&Request,sizeof(Request))) != 0) return rc;
00292 // Deserialize the data
00293 //
00294    Request.header.requestid = ntohs(Request.header.requestid);
00295    Request.header.dlen      = ntohl(Request.header.dlen);
00296    Response.Set(Request.header.streamid);
00297    TRACEP(REQ, "req=" <<Request.header.requestid <<" dlen=" <<Request.header.dlen);
00299 // Every request has an associated data length. It better be >= 0 or we won't
00300 // be able to know how much data to read.
00301 //
00302    if (Request.header.dlen < 0)
00303       {Response.Send(kXR_ArgInvalid, "Invalid request data length");
00304        return Link->setEtext("protocol data length error");
00305       }
00307 // Read any argument data at this point, except when the request is a write.
00308 // The argument may have to be segmented and we're not prepared to do that here.
00309 //
00310    if (Request.header.requestid != kXR_write && Request.header.dlen)
00311       {if (!argp || Request.header.dlen+1 > argp->bsize)
00312           {if (argp) BPool->Release(argp);
00313            if (!(argp = BPool->Obtain(Request.header.dlen+1)))
00314               {Response.Send(kXR_ArgTooLong, "Request argument is too long");
00315                return 0;
00316               }
00317            hcNow = hcPrev; halfBSize = argp->bsize >> 1;
00318           }
00319        if ((rc = getData("arg", argp->buff, Request.header.dlen)))
00320           {Resume = &XrdXrootdProtocol::Process2; return rc;}
00321        argp->buff[Request.header.dlen] = '\0';
00322       }
00324 // Continue with request processing at the resume point
00325 //
00326    return Process2();
00327 }
00329 /******************************************************************************/
00330 /*                      p r i v a t e   P r o c e s s 2                       */
00331 /******************************************************************************/
00333 int XrdXrootdProtocol::Process2()
00334 {
00336 // If the user is not yet logged in, restrict what the user can do
00337 //
00338    if (!Status)
00339       switch(Request.header.requestid)
00340             {case kXR_login:    return do_Login();
00341              case kXR_protocol: return do_Protocol();
00342              case kXR_bind:     return do_Bind();
00343              default:           Response.Send(kXR_InvalidRequest,
00344                                 "Invalid request; user not logged in");
00345                                 return Link->setEtext("protocol sequence error 1");
00346             }
00348 // Help the compiler, select the the high activity requests (the ones with
00349 // file handles) in a separate switch statement
00350 //
00351    switch(Request.header.requestid)   // First, the ones with file handles
00352          {case kXR_read:     return do_Read();
00353           case kXR_readv:    return do_ReadV();
00354           case kXR_write:    return do_Write();
00355           case kXR_sync:     return do_Sync();
00356           case kXR_close:    return do_Close();
00357           case kXR_truncate: if (!Request.header.dlen) return do_Truncate();
00358                              break;
00359           case kXR_query:    if (!Request.header.dlen) return do_Qfh();
00360           default:           break;
00361          }
00363 // Now select the requests that do not need authentication
00364 //
00365    switch(Request.header.requestid)
00366          {case kXR_protocol: return do_Protocol();   // dlen ignored
00367           case kXR_ping:     return do_Ping();       // dlen ignored
00368           default:           break;
00369          }
00371 // Force authentication at this point, if need be
00372 //
00373    if (Status & XRD_NEED_AUTH)
00374       {if (Request.header.requestid == kXR_auth) return do_Auth();
00375           else {Response.Send(kXR_InvalidRequest,
00376                               "Invalid request; user not authenticated");
00377                 return -1;
00378                }
00379       }
00381 // Process items that don't need arguments but may have them
00382 //
00383    switch(Request.header.requestid)
00384          {case kXR_endsess:   return do_Endsess();
00385           default:            break;
00386          }
00388 // All remaining requests require an argument. Make sure we have one
00389 //
00390    if (!argp || !Request.header.dlen)
00391       {Response.Send(kXR_ArgMissing, "Required argument not present");
00392        return 0;
00393       }
00395 // Construct request ID as the following functions are async eligible
00396 //
00397    ReqID.setID(Request.header.streamid);
00399 // Process items that keep own statistics
00400 //
00401    switch(Request.header.requestid)
00402          {case kXR_open:      return do_Open();
00403           case kXR_getfile:   return do_Getfile();
00404           case kXR_putfile:   return do_Putfile();
00405           default:            break;
00406          }
00408 // Update misc stats count
00409 //
00410    UPSTATS(miscCnt);
00412 // Now process whatever we have
00413 //
00414    switch(Request.header.requestid)
00415          {case kXR_admin:     if (Status & XRD_ADMINUSER) return do_Admin();
00416                                  else break;
00417           case kXR_chmod:     return do_Chmod();
00418           case kXR_dirlist:   return do_Dirlist();
00419           case kXR_locate:    return do_Locate();
00420           case kXR_mkdir:     return do_Mkdir();
00421           case kXR_mv:        return do_Mv();
00422           case kXR_query:     return do_Query();
00423           case kXR_prepare:   return do_Prepare();
00424           case kXR_rm:        return do_Rm();
00425           case kXR_rmdir:     return do_Rmdir();
00426           case kXR_set:       return do_Set();
00427           case kXR_stat:      return do_Stat();
00428           case kXR_statx:     return do_Statx();
00429           case kXR_truncate:  return do_Truncate();
00430           default:            break;
00431          }
00433 // Whatever we have, it's not valid
00434 //
00435    Response.Send(kXR_InvalidRequest, "Invalid request code");
00436    return 0;
00437 }
00439 /******************************************************************************/
00440 /*                               R e c y c l e                                */
00441 /******************************************************************************/
00443 #undef  TRACELINK
00444 #define TRACELINK Link
00446 void XrdXrootdProtocol::Recycle(XrdLink *lp, int csec, const char *reason)
00447 {
00448    char *sfxp, ctbuff[24], buff[128];
00450 // Document the disconnect or undind
00451 //
00452    if (lp)
00453       {XrdSysTimer::s2hms(csec, ctbuff, sizeof(ctbuff));
00454        if (reason) {snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s (%s)", ctbuff, reason);
00455                     sfxp = buff;
00456                    } else sfxp = ctbuff;
00458        eDest.Log(SYS_LOG_02, "Xeq", lp->ID,
00459              (Status == XRD_BOUNDPATH ? (char *)"unbind":(char *)"disc"), sfxp);
00460       }
00462 // If this is a bound stream then we cannot release the resources until
00463 // the main stream closes this stream (i.e., lp == 0). On the other hand, the
00464 // main stream will not be trying to do this if we are still tagged as active.
00465 // So, we need to redrive the main stream to complete the full shutdown.
00466 //
00467    if (Status == XRD_BOUNDPATH && Stream[0])
00468       {Stream[0]->streamMutex.Lock();
00469        isDead = 1;
00470        if (isActive)
00471           {isActive = 0;
00472            Stream[0]->Link->setRef(-1);
00473           }
00474        Stream[0]->streamMutex.UnLock();
00475        if (lp) return;  // Async close
00476       }
00478 // Check if we should monitor disconnects
00479 //
00480    if (XrdXrootdMonitor::monUSER && Monitor) Monitor->Disc(monUID, csec);
00482 // Release all appendages
00483 //
00484    Cleanup();
00486 // Set fields to starting point (debugging mostly)
00487 //
00488    Reset();
00490 // Push ourselves on the stack
00491 //
00492    ProtStack.Push(&ProtLink);
00493 }
00495 /******************************************************************************/
00496 /*                                 S t a t s                                  */
00497 /******************************************************************************/
00499 int XrdXrootdProtocol::Stats(char *buff, int blen, int do_sync)
00500 {
00501 // Synchronize statistics if need be
00502 //
00503    if (do_sync)
00504       {SI->statsMutex.Lock();
00505        SI->readCnt += numReads;
00506        cumReads += numReads; numReads  = 0;
00507        SI->prerCnt += numReadP;
00508        cumReadP += numReadP; numReadP = 0;
00509        SI->writeCnt += numWrites;
00510        cumWrites+= numWrites;numWrites = 0;
00511        SI->statsMutex.UnLock();
00512       }
00514 // Now return the statistics
00515 //
00516    return SI->Stats(buff, blen, do_sync);
00517 }
00519 /******************************************************************************/
00520 /*                       P r i v a t e   M e t h o d s                        */
00521 /******************************************************************************/
00522 /******************************************************************************/
00523 /*                               C l e a n u p                                */
00524 /******************************************************************************/
00526 void XrdXrootdProtocol::Cleanup()
00527 {
00528    XrdXrootdPio *pioP;
00529    int i;
00531 // If we have a buffer, release it
00532 //
00533    if (argp) {BPool->Release(argp); argp = 0;}
00535 // Delete the FTab if we have it
00536 //
00537    if (FTab) {delete FTab; FTab = 0;}
00539 // Handle parallel stream cleanup. The session stream cannot be closed if
00540 // there is any queued activity on subordinate streams. A subordinate
00541 // can either be closed from the session stream or asynchronously only if
00542 // it is active. Which means they could be running while we are running.
00543 //
00544    if (isBound && Status != XRD_BOUNDPATH)
00545       {streamMutex.Lock();
00546        for (i = 1; i < maxStreams; i++)
00547            if (Stream[i])
00548               {Stream[i]->isBound = 0; Stream[i]->Stream[0] = 0;
00549                if (Stream[i]->isDead) Stream[i]->Recycle(0, 0, 0);
00550                   else Stream[i]->Link->Close();
00551                Stream[i] = 0;
00552               }
00553        streamMutex.UnLock();
00554       }
00556 // Handle statistics
00557 //
00558    SI->statsMutex.Lock();
00559    SI->readCnt += numReads; SI->writeCnt += numWrites;
00560    SI->statsMutex.UnLock();
00562 // Handle Monitor
00563 //
00564    if (Monitor) {Monitor->unAlloc(Monitor); Monitor = 0;}
00566 // Handle authentication protocol
00567 //
00568    if (AuthProt) {AuthProt->Delete(); AuthProt = 0;}
00570 // Handle parallel I/O appendages
00571 //
00572    while((pioP = pioFirst)) {pioFirst = pioP->Next; pioP->Recycle();}
00573    while((pioP = pioFree )) {pioFree  = pioP->Next; pioP->Recycle();}
00574 }
00576 /******************************************************************************/
00577 /*                               g e t D a t a                                */
00578 /******************************************************************************/
00580 int XrdXrootdProtocol::getData(const char *dtype, char *buff, int blen)
00581 {
00582    int rlen;
00584 // Read the data but reschedule he link if we have not received all of the
00585 // data within the timeout interval.
00586 //
00587    rlen = Link->Recv(buff, blen, readWait);
00588    if (rlen  < 0)
00589       {if (rlen != -ENOMSG) return Link->setEtext("link read error");
00590           else return -1;
00591       }
00592    if (rlen < blen)
00593       {myBuff = buff+rlen; myBlen = blen-rlen;
00594        TRACEP(REQ, dtype <<" timeout; read " <<rlen <<" of " <<blen <<" bytes");
00595        return 1;
00596       }
00597    return 0;
00598 }
00600 /******************************************************************************/
00601 /*                                 R e s e t                                  */
00602 /******************************************************************************/
00604 void XrdXrootdProtocol::Reset()
00605 {
00606    Status             = 0;
00607    argp               = 0;
00608    Link               = 0;
00609    FTab               = 0;
00610    Resume             = 0;
00611    myBuff             = (char *)&Request;
00612    myBlen             = sizeof(Request);
00613    myBlast            = 0;
00614    myOffset           = 0;
00615    myIOLen            = 0;
00616    myStalls           = 0;
00617    myAioReq           = 0;
00618    numReads           = 0;
00619    numReadP           = 0;
00620    numWrites          = 0;
00621    numFiles           = 0;
00622    cumReads           = 0;
00623    cumReadP           = 0;
00624    cumWrites          = 0;
00625    totReadP           = 0;
00626    hcPrev             =13;
00627    hcNext             =21;
00628    hcNow              =13;
00629    Monitor            = 0;
00630    monUID             = 0;
00631    monFILE            = 0;
00632    monIO              = 0;
00633    Client             = 0;
00634    AuthProt           = 0;
00635    mySID              = 0;
00636    CapVer             = 0;
00637    reTry              = 0;
00638    PathID             = 0;
00639    pioFree = pioFirst = pioLast = 0;
00640    isActive = isDead  = isNOP = isBound = 0;
00641    memset(&Entity, 0, sizeof(Entity));
00642    memset(Stream,  0, sizeof(Stream));
00643 }

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:47:04 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1