FTFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for FTFont, including all inherited members.

Advance(const wchar_t *string)FTFont
Advance(const char *string)FTFont
Advance(const wchar_t *string)FTFont
Advance(const char *string)FTFont
Ascender() constFTFont
Ascender() constFTFont
Attach(const char *fontFilePath)FTFont
Attach(const unsigned char *pBufferBytes, size_t bufferSizeInBytes)FTFont
Attach(const char *fontFilePath)FTFont
Attach(const unsigned char *pBufferBytes, size_t bufferSizeInBytes)FTFont
BBox(const char *string, float &llx, float &lly, float &llz, float &urx, float &ury, float &urz)FTFont
BBox(const wchar_t *string, float &llx, float &lly, float &llz, float &urx, float &ury, float &urz)FTFont
BBox(const char *string, float &llx, float &lly, float &llz, float &urx, float &ury, float &urz)FTFont
BBox(const wchar_t *string, float &llx, float &lly, float &llz, float &urx, float &ury, float &urz)FTFont
CharMap(FT_Encoding encoding)FTFont
CharMap(FT_Encoding encoding)FTFont
charSizeFTFont [protected]
CheckGlyph(const unsigned int chr)FTFont [inline, private]
CheckGlyph(const unsigned int chr)FTFont [inline, private]
Depth(float)FTFont [inline, virtual]
Depth(float)FTFont [inline, virtual]
Descender() constFTFont
Descender() constFTFont
errFTFont [protected]
Error() constFTFont [inline]
Error() constFTFont [inline]
faceFTFont [protected]
FaceSize(const unsigned int size, const unsigned int res=72)FTFont [virtual]
FaceSize() constFTFont
FaceSize(const unsigned int size, const unsigned int res=72)FTFont [virtual]
FaceSize() constFTFont
FTFont(const char *fontFilePath)FTFont
FTFont(const unsigned char *pBufferBytes, size_t bufferSizeInBytes)FTFont
FTFont(const char *fontFilePath)FTFont
FTFont(const unsigned char *pBufferBytes, size_t bufferSizeInBytes)FTFont
glyphListFTFont [private]
glyphListFTFont [private]
LineHeight() constFTFont
LineHeight() constFTFont
MakeGlyph(unsigned int g)=0FTFont [protected, pure virtual]
MakeGlyph(unsigned int g)=0FTFont [protected, pure virtual]
penFTFont [private]
PostRender()FTFont [inline, virtual]
PostRender()FTFont [inline, virtual]
PreRender()FTFont [inline, virtual]
PreRender()FTFont [inline, virtual]
preRenderCalledFTFont [private]
Render(const char *string)FTFont [virtual]
Render(const char *string, float w_max, float w_fade)FTFont [virtual]
Render(const wchar_t *string)FTFont [virtual]
Render(const char *string)FTFont [virtual]
Render(const char *string, float w_max, float w_fade)FTFont [virtual]
Render(const wchar_t *string)FTFont [virtual]
UseDisplayList(bool useList)FTFont
UseDisplayList(bool useList)FTFont
useDisplayListsFTFont [protected]
~FTFont()FTFont [virtual]
~FTFont()FTFont [virtual]

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:25:32 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1