MSIDirEntry Member List

This is the complete list of members for MSIDirEntry, including all inherited members.

fLongNameMSIDirEntry [private]
fParentMSIDirEntry [private]
fPathMSIDirEntry [private]
fShortNameMSIDirEntry [private]
GetId() constMSIDirEntry
GetLongName() constMSIDirEntry [inline]
GetMyId() constMSIDirEntry [private]
GetParent() constMSIDirEntry [inline]
GetPath() constMSIDirEntry [inline]
GetShortName() constMSIDirEntry [inline]
MSIDirEntry(const char *name, MSIDir *parent, bool dir)MSIDirEntry
SetShortName(bool dir)MSIDirEntry [private]
WriteLongShort(ostream &out) const MSIDirEntry
WriteRecurse(ostream &out, string indent) const=0MSIDirEntry [pure virtual]
~MSIDirEntry()MSIDirEntry [inline, virtual]

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