XrdOssCache Member List

This is the complete list of members for XrdOssCache, including all inherited members.

Adjust(dev_t devid, off_t size)XrdOssCache [static]
Adjust(const char *Path, off_t size, struct stat *buf=0)XrdOssCache [static]
Adjust(XrdOssCache_FS *fsp, off_t size)XrdOssCache [static]
Alloc(allocInfo &aInfo)XrdOssCache [static]
Find(const char *Path, int lklen=0)XrdOssCache [static]
fsCountXrdOssCache [static]
fsdataXrdOssCache [static]
fsfirstXrdOssCache [static]
fsFreeXrdOssCache [static]
fsLargeXrdOssCache [static]
fslastXrdOssCache [static]
fsSizeXrdOssCache [static]
fsTotalXrdOssCache [static]
fsTotFrXrdOssCache [static]
fuzAllocXrdOssCache [private, static]
Init(const char *UDir, const char *Qfile, int isSOL)XrdOssCache [static]
Init(long long aMin, int ovhd, int aFuzz)XrdOssCache [static]
List(const char *lname, XrdSysError &Eroute)XrdOssCache [static]
minAllocXrdOssCache [private, static]
MutexXrdOssCache [static]
ovhAllocXrdOssCache [private, static]
Parse(const char *token, char *cbuff, int cblen)XrdOssCache [static]
QuotasXrdOssCache [private, static]
Scan(int cscanint)XrdOssCache [static]
UsageXrdOssCache [private, static]
XrdOssCache()XrdOssCache [inline]
~XrdOssCache()XrdOssCache [inline]

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:50:36 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1