XrdOssPath Member List

This is the complete list of members for XrdOssPath, including all inherited members.

bin2hex(char *inbuff, int dlen, char *buff)XrdOssPath [private, static]
chkAllXrdOssPath [static]
chkMemXrdOssPath [static]
chkMigXrdOssPath [static]
chkPfnXrdOssPath [static]
Convert(char *dst, int dln, const char *oldP, const char *newP)XrdOssPath [static]
Extract(char *path, char *lbuf, int &lbsz)XrdOssPath [static]
genPath(const char *inPath, const char *cgrp, char *sfx)XrdOssPath [static]
genPFN(fnInfo &Info, char *buff, int blen, const char *Path=0)XrdOssPath [static]
genPFN(char *dst, int dln, const char *src)XrdOssPath [static]
getCname(const char *path, char *Cache, char *lbuf=0, int lbsz=0)XrdOssPath [static]
h2cXrdOssPath [private, static]
Init(char *pfnPfx)XrdOssPath [private, static]
isAnew enum valueXrdOssPath
isBase enum valueXrdOssPath
isFail enum valueXrdOssPath
isLock enum valueXrdOssPath
isMkeep enum valueXrdOssPath
isMlock enum valueXrdOssPath
isMmap enum valueXrdOssPath
isPfn enum valueXrdOssPath
isPin enum valueXrdOssPath
isStage enum valueXrdOssPath
isXA(const char *path)XrdOssPath [inline, static]
pathType(const char *Path, int chkWhat=chkAll)XrdOssPath [static]
posCname(char *lbuf, int lbsz, int &cnsz)XrdOssPath [private, static]
SfxXrdOssPath [static]
sfxLast enum valueXrdOssPath
sfxLenXrdOssPath [static]
sfxMemF enum valueXrdOssPath
sfxMemL enum valueXrdOssPath
sfxMigF enum valueXrdOssPath
sfxMigL enum valueXrdOssPath
sfxNum enum valueXrdOssPath
theSfx enum nameXrdOssPath
Trim2Base(char *eP)XrdOssPath [static]
xCharXrdOssPath [static]
XrdOssPath()XrdOssPath [inline]
~XrdOssPath()XrdOssPath [inline]

Generated on Tue Jul 5 16:50:37 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1