
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 //+   Example to fit two histograms at the same time via TVirtualFitter
00003 //
00004 // To execute this tutorial, you can do:
00005 //
00006 // root > .x fit2dHist.C  (executing via CINT, slow)
00007 //   or
00008 // root > .x fit2dHist.C+     (executing via ACLIC , fast, with Minuit)
00009 // root > .x fit2dHist.C+(2)  (executing via ACLIC , fast, with Minuit2)
00010 //   or using the option to fit independently the 2 histos
00011 // root > .x fit2dHist.C+(10) (via ACLIC, fast, independent fits with Minuit)
00012 // root > .x fit2dHist.C+(12) (via ACLIC, fast, independent fits with Minuit2)
00013 //
00014 // Note that you can also execute this script in batch with eg,
00015 //  root -b -q "fit2dHist.C+(12)"
00016 //
00017 // or execute interactively from the shell
00018 //  root fit2dHist.C+
00019 //  root "fit2dHist.C+(12)"
00020 //
00021 // Authors: Lorenzo Moneta, Rene Brun 18/01/2006   
00023 #include "TH2D.h"
00024 #include "TF2.h"
00025 #include "TCanvas.h"
00026 #include "TStyle.h"
00027 #include "TRandom3.h"
00028 #include "TVirtualFitter.h"
00029 #include "TList.h"
00031 #include <iostream>
00033 double gauss2D(double *x, double *par) {
00034    double z1 = double((x[0]-par[1])/par[2]);
00035    double z2 = double((x[1]-par[3])/par[4]);
00036    return par[0]*exp(-0.5*(z1*z1+z2*z2));
00037 }   
00038 double my2Dfunc(double *x, double *par) {
00039    return gauss2D(x,&par[0]) + gauss2D(x,&par[5]);
00040 }
00043 // data need to be globals to be visible by fcn 
00044 TRandom3 rndm; 
00045 TH2D *h1, *h2;
00046 Int_t npfits;
00048 void myFcn(Int_t & /*nPar*/, Double_t * /*grad*/ , Double_t &fval, Double_t *p, Int_t /*iflag */  )
00049 {
00050   TAxis *xaxis1  = h1->GetXaxis();
00051   TAxis *yaxis1  = h1->GetYaxis();
00052   TAxis *xaxis2  = h2->GetXaxis();
00053   TAxis *yaxis2  = h2->GetYaxis();
00055   int nbinX1 = h1->GetNbinsX(); 
00056   int nbinY1 = h1->GetNbinsY(); 
00057   int nbinX2 = h2->GetNbinsX(); 
00058   int nbinY2 = h2->GetNbinsY(); 
00060   double chi2 = 0; 
00061   double x[2]; 
00062   double tmp;
00063   npfits = 0;
00064   for (int ix = 1; ix <= nbinX1; ++ix) { 
00065     x[0] = xaxis1->GetBinCenter(ix);
00066     for (int iy = 1; iy <= nbinY1; ++iy) { 
00067       if ( h1->GetBinError(ix,iy) > 0 ) { 
00068         x[1] = yaxis1->GetBinCenter(iy);
00069         tmp = (h1->GetBinContent(ix,iy) - my2Dfunc(x,p))/h1->GetBinError(ix,iy);
00070         chi2 += tmp*tmp; 
00071         npfits++;
00072       }
00073     }
00074   }
00075   for (int ix = 1; ix <= nbinX2; ++ix) { 
00076      x[0] = xaxis2->GetBinCenter(ix);
00077     for (int iy = 1; iy <= nbinY2; ++iy) { 
00078       if ( h2->GetBinError(ix,iy) > 0 ) { 
00079         x[1] = yaxis2->GetBinCenter(iy);
00080         tmp = (h2->GetBinContent(ix,iy) - my2Dfunc(x,p))/h2->GetBinError(ix,iy);
00081         chi2 += tmp*tmp; 
00082         npfits++;
00083       }
00084     }
00085   }
00086   fval = chi2; 
00087 }
00089 void FillHisto(TH2D * h, int n, double * p) { 
00092   const double mx1 = p[1]; 
00093   const double my1 = p[3]; 
00094   const double sx1 = p[2]; 
00095   const double sy1 = p[4]; 
00096   const double mx2 = p[6]; 
00097   const double my2 = p[8]; 
00098   const double sx2 = p[7]; 
00099   const double sy2 = p[9]; 
00100   //const double w1 = p[0]*sx1*sy1/(p[5]*sx2*sy2); 
00101   const double w1 = 0.5; 
00103   double x, y; 
00104   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
00105     // generate randoms with larger gaussians
00106     rndm.Rannor(x,y);
00108     double r = rndm.Rndm(1);
00109     if (r < w1) { 
00110       x = x*sx1 + mx1; 
00111       y = y*sy1 + my1; 
00112     }
00113     else { 
00114       x = x*sx2 + mx2; 
00115       y = y*sy2 + my2; 
00116     }      
00117     h->Fill(x,y);
00119   }
00120 }
00125 int fit2dHist(int option=1) { 
00127   // create two histograms 
00129   int nbx1 = 50;
00130   int nby1 = 50;
00131   int nbx2 = 50;
00132   int nby2 = 50;
00133   double xlow1 = 0.; 
00134   double ylow1 = 0.; 
00135   double xup1 = 10.; 
00136   double yup1 = 10.; 
00137   double xlow2 = 5.; 
00138   double ylow2 = 5.; 
00139   double xup2 = 20.; 
00140   double yup2 = 20.; 
00142   h1 = new TH2D("h1","core",nbx1,xlow1,xup1,nby1,ylow1,yup1);
00143   h2 = new TH2D("h2","tails",nbx2,xlow2,xup2,nby2,ylow2,yup2);
00145   double iniParams[10] = { 100, 6., 2., 7., 3, 100, 12., 3., 11., 2. };
00146   // create fit function
00147   TF2 * func = new TF2("func",my2Dfunc,xlow2,xup2,ylow2,yup2, 10);
00148   func->SetParameters(iniParams);
00150   // fill Histos
00151   int n1 = 1000000;
00152   int n2 = 1000000; 
00153   FillHisto(h1,n1,iniParams);
00154   FillHisto(h2,n2,iniParams);
00156   // scale histograms to same heights (for fitting)
00157   double dx1 = (xup1-xlow1)/double(nbx1); 
00158   double dy1 = (yup1-ylow1)/double(nby1);
00159   double dx2 = (xup2-xlow2)/double(nbx2);
00160   double dy2 = (yup2-ylow2)/double(nby2);
00161   // scale histo 2 to scale of 1 
00162   h2->Sumw2();
00163   h2->Scale(  ( double(n1) * dx1 * dy1 )  / ( double(n2) * dx2 * dy2 ) );
00165   bool global = false;
00166   if (option > 10) global = true;
00167   if (global) { 
00168     // fill data structure for fit (coordinates + values + errors) 
00169     std::cout << "Do global fit" << std::endl;
00170     // fit now all the function together
00172     //The default minimizer is Minuit, you can also try Minuit2
00173     if (option%10 == 2) TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Minuit2");
00174     else                TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Minuit");
00175     TVirtualFitter * minuit = TVirtualFitter::Fitter(0,10);
00176     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {  
00177       minuit->SetParameter(i, func->GetParName(i), func->GetParameter(i), 0.01, 0,0);
00178     }
00179     minuit->SetFCN(myFcn);
00181     double arglist[100];
00182     arglist[0] = 0;
00183     // set print level
00184     minuit->ExecuteCommand("SET PRINT",arglist,2);
00186     // minimize
00187     arglist[0] = 5000; // number of function calls
00188     arglist[1] = 0.01; // tolerance
00189     minuit->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2);
00191     //get result
00192     double minParams[10];
00193     double parErrors[10];
00194     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {  
00195       minParams[i] = minuit->GetParameter(i);
00196       parErrors[i] = minuit->GetParError(i);
00197     }
00198     double chi2, edm, errdef; 
00199     int nvpar, nparx;
00200     minuit->GetStats(chi2,edm,errdef,nvpar,nparx);
00202     func->SetParameters(minParams);
00203     func->SetParErrors(parErrors);
00204     func->SetChisquare(chi2);
00205     int ndf = npfits-nvpar;
00206     func->SetNDF(ndf);
00208     // add to list of functions
00209     h1->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(func);
00210     h2->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(func);
00211   }
00212   else {     
00213     // fit independently
00214     h1->Fit(func);
00215     h2->Fit(func);
00216   }          
00218   // Create a new canvas.
00219   TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Two HIstogram Fit example",100,10,900,800);
00220   c1->Divide(2,2);
00221   gStyle->SetOptFit();
00222   gStyle->SetStatY(0.6);
00224   c1->cd(1);
00225   h1->Draw();
00226   func->SetRange(xlow1,ylow1,xup1,yup1);
00227   func->DrawCopy("cont1 same");
00228   c1->cd(2);
00229   h1->Draw("lego");
00230   func->DrawCopy("surf1 same");
00231   c1->cd(3);
00232   func->SetRange(xlow2,ylow2,xup2,yup2);
00233   h2->Draw();
00234   func->DrawCopy("cont1 same");
00235   c1->cd(4);
00236   h2->Draw("lego");
00237   gPad->SetLogz();
00238   func->Draw("surf1 same");
00240   return 0; 
00241 }

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