
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 TCanvas * fonts()
00002 {
00003    TCanvas *Tf = new TCanvas("Tf", "Tf",0,0,500,700);
00004    Tf->Range(0,0,1,1);
00005    Tf->SetBorderSize(2);
00006    Tf->SetFrameFillColor(0);
00008    double y = 0.95;
00009    for (int f = 12; f<=152; f+=10) {
00010       if (f!=142) drawtext(0.02,y, f,"ABCDEFGH abcdefgh 0123456789 @#$");
00011       else drawtext(0.02,y, f,"ABCD efgh 01234 @#$");
00012       y- = 0.065;
00013    }
00014    return Tf;
00015 }
00017 void drawtext(double x, double y, int f, char *s)
00018 {
00019    TLatex *t = new TLatex(x,y,Form("#font[41]{%d :} %s",f,s));
00020    t->SetTextFont(f);
00021    t->SetTextAlign(12);
00022    t->SetTextSize(0.048);
00023    t->Draw();
00024 }

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