00003 void gldemos()
00004 {
00005 TControlBar *bar = new TControlBar("vertical", "GL painter demo",20,20);
00006 bar->AddButton("Help on demos", "help()", "Description");
00007 bar->AddButton("glsurfaces", ".x $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glsurfaces.C", "Surface painter example");
00008 bar->AddButton("glrose", ".x $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glrose.C", "Surface in polar system");
00009 bar->AddButton("gltf3", ".x $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/gltf3.C", "TF3 painter");
00010 bar->AddButton("glbox", ".x $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glbox.C", "BOX painter");
00011 bar->AddButton("glparametric", ".x $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glparametric.C", "Parametric surface");
00012 bar->Show();
00013 }
00015 void help()
00016 {
00017 new TCanvas("chelp","Help on gldemos",200,10,700,600);
00019 TPaveLabel *title = new TPaveLabel(0.04, 0.86, 0.96, 0.98, "These demos show different gl painters.");
00020 title->SetFillColor(32);
00021 title->Draw();
00023 TPaveText *hdemo = new TPaveText(0.04, 0.04, 0.96, 0.8);
00024 hdemo->SetTextAlign(12);
00025 hdemo->SetTextFont(52);
00026 hdemo->SetTextColor(kBlue);
00027 hdemo->AddText("1. Glsurfaces demo shows glsurf4, glsurf1, glsurf3, glsurf1cyl, glsurfpol, gltf3 options.");
00028 hdemo->AddText("2. Glrose demontrates \"glsurf2pol\" drawing option and user-defined palette.");
00029 hdemo->AddText("3. Gltf3 demo shows \"gltf3\" option.");
00030 hdemo->AddText("4. Glbox demo shows \"glbox\" and \"glbox1\" options for TH3.");
00031 hdemo->AddText("5. Glparametric demo shows how to define and display parametric surfaces.");
00032 hdemo->AddText("You can zoom any plot: press 'J', 'K', 'j', 'k' keys, or use mouse wheel.");
00033 hdemo->AddText("Rotate any plot:");
00034 hdemo->AddText(" ---select plot with mouse cursor,");
00035 hdemo->AddText(" ---move mouse cursor, pressing and holding left mouse button ");
00036 hdemo->AddText("Pan plot:");
00037 hdemo->AddText(" ---select with mouse cursor a part of a plot, other than back box planes ,");
00038 hdemo->AddText(" ---move mouse cursor, pressing and holding middle mouse button ");
00039 hdemo->AddText("Selected part of a plot is higlighted (TF3 higlighting is not implemented yet.)");
00040 hdemo->AddText("You can select one of back box planes, press middle mouse button and move cursor-");
00041 hdemo->AddText("this will create \"slice\" (TF does not support yet).");
00042 hdemo->AddText("After the slice was created, you can project it on a back box");
00043 hdemo->AddText(" ---press key 'p' (now implemented only for surf options ).");
00044 hdemo->AddText("Left double click removes all slices/projections.");
00046 hdemo->Draw();
00048 }