
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/rpdutils:$Id: globus.cxx 36116 2010-10-06 13:58:05Z ganis $
00002 // Author: Gerardo Ganis    7/4/2003
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00013 //                                                                      //
00014 // globus                                                               //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // Set of utilities for rootd/proofd daemon authentication via Globus   //
00017 // certificates.                                                        //
00018 //                                                                      //
00019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00021 #include <stdio.h>
00022 #include <string.h>
00023 #include <stdlib.h>
00024 #include <unistd.h>
00025 #include <pwd.h>
00026 #include <fcntl.h>
00027 #include <sys/stat.h>
00028 #include <errno.h>
00030 #include "rpdp.h"
00033 extern int gDebug;
00035 namespace ROOT {
00038 //--- Globals ---------------------------------------------------------------
00040 //___________________________________________________________________________
00041 void GlbsToolError(char *msg, int maj, int min, int tok)
00042 {
00043    // Handle error ...
00045    char *e = 0;
00047    if (globus_gss_assist_display_status_str(&e, msg, maj, min, tok) || !e) {
00048       ErrorInfo("Error: %s: error messaged not resolved"
00049                 " (majst=%d,minst=%d,tokst:%d)", msg, maj, min, tok);
00050    } else {
00051       ErrorInfo("Error: %s (majst=%d,minst=%d,tokst:%d)", e, maj, min, tok);
00052       delete [] e;
00053    }
00054    NetSend(kErrFatal, kROOTD_ERR);
00055 }
00057 //_________________________________________________________________________
00058 int GlbsToolCheckCert(char **subjname)
00059 {
00060    // Load information about available certificate and find our
00061    // subject name (needed by the client).
00062    // Returns 0 on success, 1 otherwise
00064    if (gDebug > 2)
00065       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: enter");
00067    // Get the path to the hostcert.conf file
00068    std::string hcconf = "/hostcert.conf";
00069    if (getenv("ROOTHOSTCERT")) {
00070       hcconf = getenv("ROOTHOSTCERT");
00071    } else {
00072       if (getenv("ROOTETCDIR"))
00073          hcconf.insert(0,getenv("ROOTETCDIR"));
00074       else
00075          hcconf.insert(0,"/etc/root");
00076    }
00077    // std::string::insert is buggy on some compilers (eg gcc 2.96):
00078    // new length correct but data not always null terminated
00079    hcconf[hcconf.length()] = 0;
00081    std::string fns[4];
00082    FILE *fconf = 0;
00083    if ((fconf = fopen(, "r"))) {
00084       char line[kMAXPATHLEN];
00085       if (gDebug > 2)
00086          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: reading file %s", hcconf.c_str());
00088       // Parse the lines: keep the last non empty one
00089       while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fconf)) {
00090          if (line[0] == '#') continue;     // skip comment lines
00091          if (strlen(line) == 0) continue;  // skip empty lines
00092          if (line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n')
00093             line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
00094          int i = 0;
00095          char *p0 = &line[0];
00096          char *p1 = p0;
00097          while ((p1 = strchr(p0+1, ' '))) {
00098             *p1 = '\0';
00099             fns[i++] = p0;
00100             p1++;
00101             while (p1[0] == ' ')
00102                p1++;
00103             p0 = p1;
00104          }
00105          // Do not miss the last one
00106          if (i < 4) fns[i++] = p0;
00107          // Fill the remaining ones with the default symbol
00108          while (i < 4)
00109             fns[i++] = "*";
00110       }
00111       fclose(fconf);
00112       if (gDebug > 2)
00113           ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: from file: {%s,%s,%s,%s}",
00114                     fns[0].c_str(), fns[1].c_str(), fns[2].c_str(), fns[3].c_str());
00115    } else {
00116       // Fill with the default symbol
00117       int i = 0;
00118       while (i < 4)
00119          fns[i++] = "*";
00120    }
00122    // Check one by one now, usign the default, if needed
00123    int rdir = 0, rcer = 0;
00125    // Certificate directory
00126    std::string dir = fns[0];
00127    if (access(dir.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00128       // Try default
00129       dir = "/etc/grid-security/certificates";
00130       if (access(dir.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00131          // Failure
00132          if (gDebug > 0)
00133             ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: no readable certificate dir found");
00134          rdir = 1;
00135       }
00136    }
00137    if (!rdir)
00138       if ((rdir = setenv("X509_CERT_DIR", dir.c_str(), 1)))
00139          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: unable to set X509_CERT_DIR ");
00141    // Gridmap file
00142    std::string map = fns[3];
00143    if (access(map.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00144       // Try default
00145       map = "/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile";
00146       if (access(map.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00147          // Failure
00148          if (gDebug > 0)
00149             ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: no readable grid-mapfile found");
00150          rdir = 1;
00151       }
00152    }
00153    if (!rdir)
00154       if ((rdir = setenv("GRIDMAP", map.c_str(), 1)))
00155          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: unable to set GRIDMAP ");
00157    // Certificate and key
00158    std::string cert = fns[1];
00159    std::string key = fns[2];
00160    if (access(cert.c_str(), R_OK) || access(key.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00161       // Try first default
00162       cert = "/etc/grid-security/root/rootcert.pem";
00163       key = "/etc/grid-security/root/rootkey.pem";
00164       if (access(cert.c_str(), R_OK) || access(key.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00165          // Try second default
00166          cert = "/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem";
00167          key = "/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem";
00168          if (access(cert.c_str(), R_OK) || access(key.c_str(), R_OK)) {
00169             // Failure
00170             if (gDebug > 0)
00171                ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: no readable {cert, key} pair found");
00172             rcer = 1;
00173          }
00174       }
00175    }
00176    if (!rcer) {
00177       // Set envs
00178       if ((rcer = setenv("X509_USER_CERT", cert.c_str(), 1)))
00179          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: unable to set X509_HOST_CERT ");
00180       if ((rcer = setenv("X509_USER_KEY", key.c_str(), 1)))
00181          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: unable to set X509_HOST_KEY ");
00183       // Open the certificate to get the subject name
00184       FILE *fcert = fopen(cert.c_str(), "r");
00185       X509 *xcert = 0;
00186       if (!PEM_read_X509(fcert, &xcert, 0, 0)) {
00187          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: unable to load certificate from %s",
00188                    cert.c_str());
00189          rcer = 1;
00190       } else {
00191          *subjname = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(xcert), 0, 0);
00192          if (gDebug > 2)
00193             ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: subject: %s", *subjname);
00194       }
00195    }
00197    // Notify (on success)
00198    if (!rdir && !rcer)
00199       if (gDebug > 2)
00200          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckCert: using: {%s,%s,%s,%s}",
00201                     dir.c_str(), cert.c_str(), key.c_str(), map.c_str());
00203    // Done
00204    return ((rdir != 0 || rcer != 0) ? 1 : 0);
00205 }
00207 //______________________________________________________________________________
00208 int GlbsToolCheckContext(int shmId)
00209 {
00210    // Checks validity of security context exported in shared memory
00211    // segment shmId. Returns 1 if valid, 0 othrwise.
00213    int retval = 0;
00214    OM_uint32 majstat = 0;
00215    OM_uint32 minstat = 0;
00216    gss_ctx_id_t context_handle = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT;
00217    OM_uint32 gssRetFlags = 0;
00218    OM_uint32 glbContLifeTime = 0;
00219    int dum1, dum2;
00220    gss_OID mechType;
00221    gss_name_t *targname = 0, *name = 0;
00223    if (gDebug > 2)
00224       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckContext: checking contetx in shm : %d",
00225                 shmId);
00227    // retrieve the context from shared memory ...
00228    gss_buffer_t databuf = (gss_buffer_t) shmat(shmId, 0, 0);
00229    if (gDebug > 2)
00230       ErrorInfo
00231           ("GlbsToolCheckContext: retrieving info from shared memory: %d",
00232            shmId);
00234    // Import the security context ...
00235    gss_buffer_t secContExp =
00236        (gss_buffer_t) new char[sizeof(gss_buffer_desc) + databuf->length];
00237    secContExp->length = databuf->length;
00238    secContExp->value =
00239        (void *) ((char *) secContExp + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(void *));
00240    void *dbufval =
00241        (void *) ((char *) databuf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(void *));
00242    memmove(secContExp->value, dbufval, secContExp->length);
00243    if ((majstat =
00244         gss_import_sec_context(&minstat, secContExp,
00245                                &context_handle)) != GSS_S_COMPLETE) {
00246       GlbsToolError("GlbsToolCheckContext: gss_import_sec_context",
00247                     majstat, minstat, 0);
00248    } else if (gDebug > 2)
00249       ErrorInfo
00250           ("GlbsToolCheckContext: GlbsTool Sec Context successfully imported (0x%x)",
00251            context_handle);
00253    delete[]secContExp;
00255    // Detach from shared memory segment
00256    int rc = shmdt((const void *) databuf);
00257    if (rc != 0) {
00258       ErrorInfo
00259           ("GlbsToolCheckContext: unable to detach from shared memory segment %d (rc=%d)",
00260            shmId, rc);
00261    }
00262    // Check validity of the retrieved context ...
00263    if (context_handle != 0 && context_handle != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT) {
00264       if ((majstat =
00265            gss_inquire_context(&minstat, context_handle, name, targname,
00266                                &glbContLifeTime, &mechType, &gssRetFlags,
00267                                &dum1, &dum2)) != GSS_S_COMPLETE) {
00268          GlbsToolError("GlbsToolCheckContext: gss_inquire_context",
00269                        majstat, minstat, 0);
00270          // mark segment for distruction
00271          struct shmid_ds shm_ds;
00272          if (!shmctl(shmId, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds))
00273             ErrorInfo
00274                 ("GlbsToolCheckContext: unable to mark shared memory segment %d for desctruction",
00275                  shmId);
00276       } else {
00277          if (gDebug > 2)
00278             ErrorInfo
00279                 ("GlbsToolCheckContext: found valid context in shm %d",
00280                  shmId);
00281          retval = 1;
00282       }
00283    }
00285    return retval;
00286 }
00288 //______________________________________________________________________________
00289 int GlbsToolStoreContext(gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, char *user)
00290 {
00291    // Exports a security context for later use and stores in a shared memory
00292    // segments. On success returns Id of the allocated shared memory segment,
00293    // 0 otherwise.
00295    OM_uint32 majstat;
00296    OM_uint32 minstat;
00297    key_t shm_key = IPC_PRIVATE;
00298    int shm_flg = 0777;
00299    struct shmid_ds shm_ds;
00301    if (gDebug > 2)
00302       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolStoreContext: Enter");
00304    // First we have to prepare the export of the security context
00305    gss_buffer_t secContExp = new gss_buffer_desc;
00306    if ((majstat =
00307         gss_export_sec_context(&minstat, &context_handle,
00308                                secContExp)) != GSS_S_COMPLETE) {
00309       GlbsToolError("GlbsToolStoreContext: gss_export_sec_context",
00310                     majstat, minstat, 0);
00311       gss_release_buffer(&minstat,secContExp);
00312       delete secContExp;
00313       return 0;
00314    } else if (gDebug > 2)
00315       ErrorInfo
00316           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: security context prepared for export");
00318    // This is the size of the needed shared memory segment
00319    int shm_size = sizeof(gss_buffer_desc) + secContExp->length;
00320    if (gDebug > 2)
00321       ErrorInfo
00322           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: needed shared memory segment sizes: %d",
00323            shm_size);
00325    // Here we allocate the shared memory segment
00326    int shmId = shmget(shm_key, shm_size, shm_flg);
00327    if (shmId < 0) {
00328       ErrorInfo
00329           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: while allocating shared memory segment (rc=%d)",
00330            shmId);
00331       gss_release_buffer(&minstat,secContExp);
00332       delete secContExp;
00333       return 0;
00334    } else if (gDebug > 2)
00335       ErrorInfo
00336           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: shared memory segment allocated (id=%d)",
00337            shmId);
00339    // Attach segment to address
00340    gss_buffer_t databuf = (gss_buffer_t) shmat(shmId, 0, 0);
00341    if (databuf == (gss_buffer_t)(-1)) {
00342       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolStoreContext: while attaching to shared memory"
00343                 " segment (rc=%d)", shmId);
00344       gss_release_buffer(&minstat,secContExp);
00345       shmctl(shmId, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds);
00346       return 0;
00347    }
00348    databuf->length = secContExp->length;
00349    databuf->value =
00350        (void *) ((char *) databuf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(void *));
00351    memmove(databuf->value, secContExp->value, secContExp->length);
00353    // Now we can detach from the shared memory segment ...
00354    // and release memory we don't anylonger
00355    int rc = 0;
00356    if ((rc = shmdt((const void *) databuf)) != 0) {
00357       ErrorInfo
00358           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: unable to detach from shared memory segment (rc=%d)",
00359            rc);
00360    }
00362    // Release buffer used for export
00363    if ((majstat = gss_release_buffer(&minstat, secContExp)) != GSS_S_COMPLETE)
00364       GlbsToolError("GlbsToolStoreContext: gss_release_buffer",
00365                     majstat, minstat, 0);
00366    delete secContExp;
00368    // We need to change the ownership of the shared memory segment used
00369    // for credential export to allow proofserv to destroy it
00370    if (shmctl(shmId, IPC_STAT, &shm_ds) == -1) {
00371       ErrorInfo
00372           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: can't get info about shared memory segment %d",
00373            shmId);
00374       shmctl(shmId, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds);
00375       return 0;
00376    }
00377    // Get info about user logging in
00378    struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(user);
00380    if (pw) {
00381       // Give use ownership of the shared memory segment ...
00382       shm_ds.shm_perm.uid = pw->pw_uid;
00383       shm_ds.shm_perm.gid = pw->pw_gid;
00384       if (shmctl(shmId, IPC_SET, &shm_ds) == -1) {
00385          ErrorInfo
00386              ("GlbsToolStoreContext: can't change ownership of shared memory segment %d",
00387              shmId);
00388          shmctl(shmId, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds);
00389          return 0;
00390       }
00391    } else {
00392       ErrorInfo
00393           ("GlbsToolStoreContext: user %s unknown to the system!", user);
00394    }
00395    // return shmId to rootd
00396    return shmId;
00397 }
00399 //______________________________________________________________________________
00400 int GlbsToolStoreToShm(gss_buffer_t buffer, int *shmId)
00401 {
00402    // Creates a shm and stores buffer in it.
00403    // Returns 0 on success (shm id in shmId), >0 otherwise.
00405    key_t shm_key = IPC_PRIVATE;
00406    int shm_flg = 0777;
00407    struct shmid_ds shm_ds;
00409    if (gDebug > 2)
00410       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolStoreToShm: Enter: shmId: %d", *shmId);
00412    // This is the size of the needed shared memory segment
00413    int shm_size = sizeof(gss_buffer_desc) + buffer->length;
00414    if (gDebug > 2)
00415       ErrorInfo
00416           ("GlbsToolStoreToShm: needed shared memory segment sizes: %d",
00417            shm_size);
00419    // Here we allocate the shared memory segment
00420    int lshmId = shmget(shm_key, shm_size, shm_flg);
00421    if (lshmId < 0) {
00422       ErrorInfo
00423           ("GlbsToolStoreToShm: while allocating shared memory segment (rc=%d)",
00424            lshmId);
00425       return 1;
00426    } else if (gDebug > 2)
00427       ErrorInfo
00428           ("GlbsToolStoreToShm: shared memory segment allocated (id=%d)",
00429            lshmId);
00431    *shmId = lshmId;
00433    // Attach segment to address
00434    gss_buffer_t databuf = (gss_buffer_t) shmat(lshmId, 0, 0);
00435    if (databuf == (gss_buffer_t)(-1)) {
00436       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolStoreToShm: while attaching to shared memory"
00437                 " segment (rc=%d)", lshmId);
00438       shmctl(lshmId, IPC_RMID, &shm_ds);
00439       return 2;
00440    }
00441    databuf->length = buffer->length;
00442    databuf->value =
00443        (void *) ((char *) databuf + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(void *));
00444    memmove(databuf->value, buffer->value, buffer->length);
00446    // Now we can detach from the shared memory segment ... and release memory we don't anylonger
00447    int rc = 0;
00448    if ((rc = shmdt((const void *) databuf)) != 0) {
00449       ErrorInfo
00450           ("GlbsToolStoreToShm: unable to detach from shared memory segment (rc=%d)",
00451            rc);
00452    }
00453    return 0;
00454 }
00456 //______________________________________________________________________________
00457 char *GlbsToolExpand(char *file)
00458 {
00459    // Test is expansion is needed and return full path file name
00460    // (expanded with $HOME).
00461    // Returned string must be 'delete[] ed' by the caller.
00463    char *fret = 0;
00465    if (file) {
00467       if (file[0] == '/' || (!getenv("HOME"))) {
00468          fret = new char[strlen(file) + 1];
00469          strncpy(fret, file, strlen(file));
00470       } else {
00471          fret = new char[strlen(file) + strlen(getenv("HOME")) + 2];
00472          if (file[0] == '~') {
00473             SPrintf(fret, strlen(file) + strlen(getenv("HOME")) + 2, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), file + 1);
00474          } else {
00475             SPrintf(fret, strlen(file) + strlen(getenv("HOME")) + 2, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), file);
00476          }
00477       }
00479    }
00480    return fret;
00481 }
00483 //_________________________________________________________________________
00484 int GlbsToolCheckProxy(char **subjname)
00485 {
00486    // Check existence and validity of user proxy
00487    // Return 0 on success, 1 otherwise
00489    // Check if there is a proxy file associated with this user
00490    char pxy[256];
00491    SPrintf(pxy, 256, "/tmp/x509up_u%d", getuid());
00493    if (gDebug > 2)
00494       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: testing proxy file: %s", pxy);
00496    if (gDebug > 3)
00497       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: uid:%d euid:%d gid:%d egid:%d",
00498                 getuid(), geteuid(), getgid(), getegid());
00500    if (!access(pxy, R_OK)) {
00502       if (setenv("X509_USER_PROXY", pxy, 1))
00503          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: unable to set X509_USER_PROXY ");
00505 #ifdef R__GLBS22
00506       globus_gsi_cred_handle_t pxycreds = 0;
00508       // Init proxy cred handle
00509       if (globus_gsi_cred_handle_init(&pxycreds, 0)
00510           != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) {
00511           ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: %s",
00512                     "couldn't initialize proxy credential handle");
00513           return 1;
00514       }
00516       // Read proxies
00517       if (globus_gsi_cred_read_proxy(pxycreds, pxy)
00518           != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) {
00519           ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: %s %s",
00520                     "couldn't read proxy from:", pxy);
00521           globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy(pxycreds);
00522           return 1;
00523       }
00525       // Get time left to expiration (in seconds) */
00526       time_t lifetime;
00527       if( globus_gsi_cred_get_lifetime(pxycreds,&lifetime)
00528           != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) {
00529           ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: %s %s",
00530                     "couldn't get proxy remaining lifetime");
00531           globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy(pxycreds);
00532           return 1;
00533       }
00534       globus_gsi_cred_handle_destroy(pxycreds);
00536       if (lifetime > 0) {
00538          if (lifetime < 3600)
00539             ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: WARNING: %s",
00540                       "proxy will soon expire (less than %d s)",
00541                        lifetime);
00543         // Get issuer to be sent back to the client
00544         X509 *xcert = 0;
00545         FILE *fcert = fopen(pxy, "r");
00546         if (fcert == 0 || !PEM_read_X509(fcert, &xcert, 0, 0)) {
00547            ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: unable to load user proxy certificate ");
00548            return 1;
00549         }
00550         fclose(fcert);
00551         *subjname = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(xcert), 0, 0);
00552         if (gDebug > 3)
00553            ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: %s %s",
00554                    "Proxy Issuer:", *subjname);
00556       } else {
00557          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: ERROR: %s",
00558                      "proxy are invalid (expired)");
00559          return 1;
00560       }
00562 #else
00563       // Old version: completly different ...
00564       char *                proxy_type;
00565       proxy_cred_desc *     pcd = 0;
00566       time_t                time_after;
00567       time_t                time_now;
00568       time_t                time_diff;
00569       ASN1_UTCTIME *        asn1_time = 0;
00571       // Init credential descriptor
00572       pcd = proxy_cred_desc_new();
00574       // Load user proxy certificate
00575       pcd->type=CRED_TYPE_PROXY;
00576       if (proxy_load_user_cert(pcd, proxy_file, 0, 0)) {
00577          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: ERROR: %s (%s)",
00578                      "cannot load proxy certificate",proxy_file);
00579          return 1;
00580       }
00582       // Load user public key
00583       if ((pcd->upkey = X509_get_pubkey(pcd->ucert)) == 0) {
00584          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: ERROR: %s",
00585                      "cannot get public key");
00586          return 1;
00587       }
00589       // validity: set time_diff to time to expiration (in seconds)
00590       asn1_time = ASN1_UTCTIME_new();
00591       X509_gmtime_adj(asn1_time,0);
00592       time_now = ASN1_UTCTIME_mktime(asn1_time);
00593       time_after = ASN1_UTCTIME_mktime(X509_get_notAfter(pcd->ucert));
00594       time_diff = time_after - time_now ;
00596       if (time_diff > 0) {
00598          if (time_diff < 3600)
00599             ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: WARNING: %s",
00600                       "proxy will soon expire (less than %d s)",
00601                        time_diff);
00603         // Get issuer to be sent back to the client
00604         *subjname = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(pcd->ucert), 0, 0);
00605         if (gDebug > 3)
00606            ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: %s %s",
00607                    "Proxy Issuer:", *subjname);
00609       } else {
00610          ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: ERROR: %s",
00611                      "proxy are invalid (expired)");
00612          return 1;
00613       }
00615 #endif
00617    } else {
00618       // Proxy file not existing or not readable
00619       ErrorInfo("GlbsToolCheckProxy: Proxy file not existing or"
00620                      "not readable");
00621       return 1;
00622    }
00624    return 0;
00625 }
00627 } // namespace ROOT

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:46:13 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1