
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: TComplex.h 22866 2008-03-27 15:32:50Z rdm $
00002 // Author: Federico Carminati   22/04/2004
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 #ifndef ROOT_TComplex
00013 #define ROOT_TComplex
00015 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // TComplex                                                             //
00018 //                                                                      //
00019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00021 #ifndef ROOT_Riosfwd
00022 #include "Riosfwd.h"
00023 #endif
00024 #ifndef ROOT_TMath
00025 #include "TMath.h"
00026 #endif
00029 class TComplex {
00031 protected:
00032    Double_t fRe;    // real part
00033    Double_t fIm;    // imaginary part
00035 public:
00036    // ctors and dtors
00037    TComplex(): fRe(0), fIm(0) {}
00038    TComplex(Double_t re, Double_t im=0, Bool_t polar=kFALSE);
00039    virtual ~TComplex() {}
00041    // constants
00042    static TComplex I() {return TComplex(0,1);}
00043    static TComplex One() {return TComplex(1,0);}
00045    // getters and setters
00046    Double_t Re() const {return fRe;}
00047    Double_t Im() const {return fIm;}
00048    Double_t Rho() const {return TMath::Sqrt(fRe*fRe+fIm*fIm);}
00049    Double_t Rho2() const {return fRe*fRe+fIm*fIm;}
00050    Double_t Theta() const {return (fIm||fRe)?TMath::ATan2(fIm,fRe):0;}
00051    TComplex operator()(Double_t x, Double_t y, Bool_t polar=kFALSE)
00052       { if (polar) { fRe = x*TMath::Cos(y); fIm = x*TMath::Sin(y); }
00053         else { fRe = x; fIm = y; } return *this; }
00055    // Simple operators complex - complex
00056    TComplex operator *(const TComplex & c) const
00057       {return TComplex(fRe*c.fRe-fIm*c.fIm,fRe*c.fIm+fIm*c.fRe);}
00058    TComplex operator +(const TComplex & c) const
00059       {return TComplex(fRe+c.fRe, fIm+c.fIm);}
00060    TComplex operator /(const TComplex & c) const
00061       {return TComplex(fRe*c.fRe+fIm*c.fIm,-fRe*c.fIm+fIm*c.fRe)/c.Rho2();}
00062    TComplex operator -(const TComplex & c) const
00063       {return TComplex(fRe-c.fRe, fIm-c.fIm);}
00065    TComplex operator *=(const TComplex & c)
00066       {return ((*this) = (*this) * c);}
00067    TComplex operator +=(const TComplex & c)
00068       {return ((*this) = (*this) + c);}
00069    TComplex operator /=(const TComplex & c)
00070       {return ((*this) = (*this) / c);}
00071    TComplex operator -=(const TComplex & c)
00072       {return ((*this) = (*this) - c);}
00074    TComplex operator -()
00075       {return TComplex(-fRe,-fIm);}
00076    TComplex operator +()
00077       {return *this;}
00079    // Simple operators complex - double
00080    TComplex operator *(Double_t c) const
00081       {return TComplex(fRe*c,fIm*c);}
00082    TComplex operator +(Double_t c) const
00083       {return TComplex(fRe+c, fIm);}
00084    TComplex operator /(Double_t c) const
00085       {return TComplex(fRe/c,fIm/c);}
00086    TComplex operator -(Double_t c) const
00087       {return TComplex(fRe-c, fIm);}
00089    // Simple operators double - complex
00090    friend TComplex operator *(Double_t d, const TComplex & c)
00091       {return TComplex(d*c.fRe,d*c.fIm);}
00092    friend TComplex operator +(Double_t d, const TComplex & c)
00093       {return TComplex(d+c.fRe, c.fIm);}
00094    friend TComplex operator /(Double_t d, const TComplex & c)
00095       {return TComplex(d*c.fRe,-d*c.fIm)/c.Rho2();}
00096    friend TComplex operator -(Double_t d, const TComplex & c)
00097       {return TComplex(d-c.fRe, -c.fIm);}
00099    // Convertors
00100    operator Double_t () const {return fRe;}
00101    operator Float_t  () const {return static_cast<Float_t>(fRe);}
00102    operator Int_t    () const {return static_cast<Int_t>(fRe);}
00104    // TMath:: extensions
00105    static TComplex Sqrt(const TComplex &c)
00106       {return TComplex(TMath::Sqrt(c.Rho()),0.5*c.Theta(),kTRUE);}
00108    static TComplex Exp(const TComplex &c)
00109       {return TComplex(TMath::Exp(c.fRe),c.fIm,kTRUE);}
00110    static TComplex Log(const TComplex &c)
00111       {return TComplex(0.5*TMath::Log(c.Rho2()),c.Theta());}
00112    static TComplex Log2(const TComplex &c)
00113       {return Log(c)/TMath::Log(2);}
00114    static TComplex Log10(const TComplex &c)
00115       {return Log(c)/TMath::Log(10);}
00117    static TComplex Sin(const TComplex &c)
00118       {return TComplex(TMath::Sin(c.fRe)*TMath::CosH(c.fIm),
00119                        TMath::Cos(c.fRe)*TMath::SinH(c.fIm));}
00120    static TComplex Cos(const TComplex &c)
00121       {return TComplex(TMath::Cos(c.fRe)*TMath::CosH(c.fIm),
00122                        -TMath::Sin(c.fRe)*TMath::SinH(c.fIm));}
00123    static TComplex Tan(const TComplex &c)
00124       {TComplex cc=Cos(c); return Sin(c)*Conjugate(cc)/cc.Rho2();}
00126    static TComplex ASin(const TComplex &c)
00127       {return -I()*Log(I()*c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(1.-c*c));}
00128    static TComplex ACos(const TComplex &c)
00129       {return -I()*Log(c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(c*c-1.));}
00130    static TComplex ATan(const TComplex &c)
00131       {return -0.5*I()*Log((1.+I()*c)/(1.-I()*c));}
00133    static TComplex SinH(const TComplex &c)
00134       {return TComplex(TMath::SinH(c.fRe)*TMath::Cos(c.fIm),
00135                        TMath::CosH(c.fRe)*TMath::Sin(c.fIm));}
00136    static TComplex CosH(const TComplex &c)
00137       {return TComplex(TMath::CosH(c.fRe)*TMath::Cos(c.fIm),
00138                        TMath::SinH(c.fRe)*TMath::Sin(c.fIm));}
00139    static TComplex TanH(const TComplex &c)
00140       {TComplex cc=CosH(c); return SinH(c)*Conjugate(cc)/cc.Rho2();}
00142    static TComplex ASinH(const TComplex &c)
00143       {return Log(c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(c*c+1.));}
00144    static TComplex ACosH(const TComplex &c)
00145       {return Log(c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(c*c-1.));}
00146    static TComplex ATanH(const TComplex &c)
00147       {return 0.5*Log((1.+c)/(1.-c));}
00149    static Double_t Abs(const TComplex &c)
00150       {return c.Rho();}
00152    static TComplex Power(const TComplex& x, const TComplex& y)
00153       {Double_t lrho=TMath::Log(x.Rho());
00154        Double_t theta=x.Theta();
00155        return TComplex(TMath::Exp(lrho*y.Re()-theta*y.Im()),
00156                        lrho*y.Im()+theta*y.Re(),kTRUE);}
00157    static TComplex Power(const TComplex& x, Double_t y)
00158       {return TComplex(TMath::Power(x.Rho(),y),x.Theta()*y,kTRUE);}
00159    static TComplex Power(Double_t x, const TComplex& y)
00160       {Double_t lrho=TMath::Log(TMath::Abs(x));
00161        Double_t theta=(x>0)?0:TMath::Pi();
00162        return TComplex(TMath::Exp(lrho*y.Re()-theta*y.Im()),
00163                        lrho*y.Im()+theta*y.Re(),kTRUE);}
00164    static TComplex Power(const TComplex& x, Int_t y)
00165       {return TComplex(TMath::Power(x.Rho(),y),x.Theta()*y,kTRUE);}
00167    static Int_t Finite(const TComplex& c)
00168       {return TMath::Min(TMath::Finite(c.Re()),TMath::Finite(c.Im()));}
00169    static Int_t IsNaN(const TComplex& c)
00170       {return TMath::Max(TMath::IsNaN(c.Re()),TMath::IsNaN(c.Im()));}
00172    static TComplex Min(const TComplex &a, const TComplex &b)
00173       {return a.Rho()<=b.Rho()?a:b;}
00174    static TComplex Max(const TComplex &a, const TComplex &b)
00175       {return a.Rho()>=b.Rho()?a:b;}
00176    static TComplex Normalize(const TComplex &c)
00177       {return TComplex(1.,c.Theta(),kTRUE);}
00178    static TComplex Conjugate(const TComplex &c)
00179       {return TComplex(c.Re(),-c.Im());}
00180    static TComplex Range(const TComplex &lb, const TComplex &ub, const TComplex &c)
00181      {return Max(lb,Min(c,ub));}
00183    // I/O
00184    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const TComplex& c);
00185    friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, TComplex& c);
00187    ClassDef(TComplex,1)  //Complex Class
00188 };
00190 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:26:42 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1