
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/foam:$Id: TFoam.h 24840 2008-07-16 06:33:28Z brun $
00002 // Author: S. Jadach <>, P.Sawicki <>
00004 #ifndef ROOT_TFoam
00005 #define ROOT_TFoam
00007 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00008 //                                                                          //
00009 // TFoam is the main class of the multi-dimensional general purpose         //
00010 // Monte Carlo event generator (integrator) FOAM.                           //
00011 //                                                                          //
00012 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00014 #ifndef ROOT_TObject
00015 #include "TObject.h"
00016 #endif
00018 #include "TString.h"
00020 class TH1D;
00021 class TRefArray;
00022 class TMethodCall;
00023 class TRandom;
00024 class TFoamIntegrand;
00025 class TFoamMaxwt;
00026 class TFoamVect;
00027 class TFoamCell;
00029 class TFoam : public TObject {
00030 protected:
00031   // COMPONENTS //
00032     //-------------- Input parameters
00033    TString fName;             // Name of a given instance of the FOAM class
00034    TString fVersion;          // Actual version of the FOAM like (1.01m)
00035    TString fDate;             // Release date of FOAM
00036    Int_t   fDim;              // Dimension of the integration/simulation space
00037    Int_t   fNCells;           // Maximum number of cells
00038    Int_t   fRNmax;            // Maximum No. of the rand. numb. requested at once
00039    //-------------------
00040    Int_t   fOptDrive;         // Optimization switch =1,2 for variance or maximum weight optimization
00041    Int_t   fChat;             // Chat=0,1,2 chat level in output, Chat=1 normal level
00042    Int_t   fOptRej;           // Switch =0 for weighted events; =1 for unweighted events in MC
00043    //-------------------
00044    Int_t   fNBin;             // No. of bins in the edge histogram for cell MC exploration
00045    Int_t   fNSampl;           // No. of MC events, when dividing (exploring) cell
00046    Int_t   fEvPerBin;         // Maximum number of effective (wt=1) events per bin
00047    //-------------------  MULTI-BRANCHING ---------------------
00048    Int_t  *fMaskDiv;          //! [fDim] Dynamic Mask for  cell division
00049    Int_t  *fInhiDiv;          //! [fDim] Flags for inhibiting cell division
00050    Int_t   fOptPRD;           //  Option switch for predefined division, for quick check
00051    TFoamVect **fXdivPRD;      //! Lists of division values encoded in one vector per direction
00052    //-------------------  GEOMETRY ----------------------------
00053    Int_t   fNoAct;            // Number of active cells
00054    Int_t   fLastCe;           // Index of the last cell
00055    TFoamCell **fCells;           // [fNCells] Array of ALL cells
00056    //------------------ M.C. generation----------------------------
00057    TFoamMaxwt   *fMCMonit;    // Monitor of the MC weight for measuring MC efficiency
00058    Double_t   fMaxWtRej;      // Maximum weight in rejection for getting wt=1 events
00059    TRefArray *fCellsAct;      // Array of pointers to active cells, constructed at the end of foam build-up
00060    Double_t  *fPrimAcu;       // [fNoAct] Array of cumulative probability of all active cells
00061    TObjArray *fHistEdg;       // Histograms of wt, one for each cell edge
00062    TObjArray *fHistDbg;       // Histograms of wt, for debug
00063    TH1D      *fHistWt;        // Histogram of the MC wt
00065    Double_t *fMCvect;         // [fDim] Generated MC vector for the outside user
00066    Double_t  fMCwt;           // MC weight
00067    Double_t *fRvec;           // [fRNmax] random number vector from r.n. generator fDim+1 maximum elements
00068    //----------- Procedures
00069    TFoamIntegrand *fRho;      //! Pointer to the user-defined integrand function/distribution
00070    TMethodCall *fMethodCall;  //! ROOT's pointer to user-defined global distribution function
00071    TRandom         *fPseRan;  // Pointer to user-defined generator of pseudorandom numbers
00072    //----------- Statistics and MC results
00073    Long_t   fNCalls;          // Total number of the function calls
00074    Long_t   fNEffev;          // Total number of effective events (wt=1) in the foam buildup
00075    Double_t fSumWt, fSumWt2;  // Total sum of wt and wt^2
00076    Double_t fSumOve;          // Total Sum of overveighted events
00077    Double_t fNevGen;          // Total number of the generated MC events
00078    Double_t fWtMax, fWtMin;   // Maximum/Minimum MC weight
00079    Double_t fPrime;           // Primary integral R' (R=R'<wt>)
00080    Double_t fMCresult;        // True Integral R from MC series
00081    Double_t fMCerror;         // and its error
00082    //----------  working space for CELL exploration -------------
00083    Double_t *fAlpha;          // [fDim] Internal parameters of the hyperrectangle
00084    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00085    //                                     METHODS                                              //
00086    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00087 public:
00088    TFoam();                          // Default constructor (used only by ROOT streamer)
00089    TFoam(const Char_t*);             // Principal user-defined constructor
00090    virtual ~TFoam();                 // Default destructor
00091    TFoam(const TFoam&);              // Copy Constructor  NOT USED
00092    // Initialization
00093    virtual void Initialize();                // Initialization of the FOAM (grid, cells, etc), mandatory!
00094    virtual void Initialize(TRandom *, TFoamIntegrand *); // Alternative initialization method, backward compatibility
00095    virtual void InitCells();                 // Initializes first cells inside original cube
00096    virtual Int_t  CellFill(Int_t, TFoamCell*);  // Allocates new empty cell and return its index
00097    virtual void Explore(TFoamCell *Cell);       // Exploration of the new cell, determine <wt>, wtMax etc.
00098    virtual void Carver(Int_t&,Double_t&,Double_t&);// Determines the best edge, wt_max reduction
00099    virtual void Varedu(Double_t [], Int_t&, Double_t&,Double_t&); // Determines the best edge, variace reduction
00100    virtual void MakeAlpha();                 // Provides random point inside hyperrectangle
00101    virtual void Grow();                      // Adds new cells to FOAM object until buffer is full
00102    virtual Long_t PeekMax();                 // Choose one active cell, used by Grow and also in MC generation
00103    virtual Int_t  Divide(TFoamCell *);       // Divide iCell into two daughters; iCell retained, taged as inactive
00104    virtual void MakeActiveList();            // Creates table of active cells
00105    virtual void GenerCel2(TFoamCell *&);     // Chose an active cell the with probability ~ Primary integral
00106    // Generation
00107    virtual Double_t Eval(Double_t *);        // Evaluates value of the distribution function
00108    virtual void     MakeEvent();             // Makes (generates) single MC event
00109    virtual void     GetMCvect(Double_t *);   // Provides generated randomly MC vector
00110    virtual void     GetMCwt(Double_t &);     // Provides generated MC weight
00111    virtual Double_t GetMCwt();               // Provides generates MC weight
00112    virtual Double_t MCgenerate(Double_t *MCvect);// All three above function in one
00113    // Finalization
00114    virtual void GetIntegMC(Double_t&, Double_t&);// Provides Integrand and abs. error from MC run
00115    virtual void GetIntNorm(Double_t&, Double_t&);// Provides normalization Inegrand
00116    virtual void GetWtParams(Double_t, Double_t&, Double_t&, Double_t&);// Provides MC weight parameters
00117    virtual void Finalize(  Double_t&, Double_t&);  // Prints summary of MC integration
00118    virtual TFoamIntegrand  *GetRho(){return fRho;} // Gets pointer of the distribut. (after restoring from disk)
00119    virtual TRandom *GetPseRan() const {return fPseRan;}   // Gets pointer of r.n. generator (after restoring from disk)
00120    virtual void SetRhoInt(void *Rho);              // Set new integrand distr. in interactive mode
00121    virtual void SetRho(TFoamIntegrand *Rho);       // Set new integrand distr. in compiled mode
00122    virtual void ResetRho(TFoamIntegrand *Rho);                // Set new distribution, delete old
00123    virtual void SetPseRan(TRandom *PseRan){fPseRan=PseRan;}   // Set new r.n. generator
00124    virtual void ResetPseRan(TRandom *PseRan);                 // Set new r.n.g, delete old
00125    // Getters and Setters
00126    virtual void SetkDim(Int_t kDim){fDim = kDim;}            // Sets dimension of cubical space
00127    virtual void SetnCells(Long_t nCells){fNCells =nCells;}  // Sets maximum number of cells
00128    virtual void SetnSampl(Long_t nSampl){fNSampl =nSampl;}  // Sets no of MC events in cell exploration
00129    virtual void SetnBin(Int_t nBin){fNBin = nBin;}          // Sets no of bins in histogs in cell exploration
00130    virtual void SetChat(Int_t Chat){fChat = Chat;}          // Sets option Chat, chat level
00131    virtual void SetOptRej(Int_t OptRej){fOptRej =OptRej;}   // Sets option for MC rejection
00132    virtual void SetOptDrive(Int_t OptDrive){fOptDrive =OptDrive;}  // Sets optimization switch
00133    virtual void SetEvPerBin(Int_t EvPerBin){fEvPerBin =EvPerBin;}  // Sets max. no. of effective events per bin
00134    virtual void SetMaxWtRej(Double_t MaxWtRej){fMaxWtRej=MaxWtRej;}  // Sets max. weight for rejection
00135    virtual void SetInhiDiv(Int_t, Int_t );            // Set inhibition of cell division along certain edge
00136    virtual void SetXdivPRD(Int_t, Int_t, Double_t[]); // Set predefined division points
00137    // Getters and Setters
00138    virtual const char *GetVersion() const {return fVersion.Data();}// Get version of the FOAM
00139    virtual Int_t    GetTotDim() const { return fDim;}              // Get total dimension
00140    virtual Double_t GetPrimary() const {return fPrime;}            // Get value of primary integral R'
00141    virtual void GetPrimary(Double_t &prime) {prime = fPrime;}      // Get value of primary integral R'
00142    virtual Long_t GetnCalls() const {return fNCalls;}            // Get total no. of the function calls
00143    virtual Long_t GetnEffev() const {return fNEffev;}            // Get total no. of effective wt=1 events
00144    // Debug
00145    virtual void CheckAll(Int_t);     // Checks correctness of the entire data structure in the FOAM object
00146    virtual void PrintCells();        // Prints content of all cells
00147    virtual void RootPlot2dim(Char_t*);   // Generates C++ code for drawing foam
00148    virtual void LinkCells(void);         // Void function for backward compatibility
00149    // Inline
00150 private:
00151    Double_t Sqr(Double_t x) const { return x*x;}      // Square function
00152    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00153    ClassDef(TFoam,1);   // General purpose self-adapting Monte Carlo event generator
00154 };
00156 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:26:54 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1