
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id$
00002 // Author:  Valeriy Onuchin   03/05/2007
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers and Reiner Rohlfs *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 /**************************************************************************
00014     HTML widget for xclass. Based on tkhtml 1.28
00015     Copyright (C) 1997-2000 D. Richard Hipp <>
00016     Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Hector Peraza.
00018     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00019     modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00020     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00021     version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00023     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00024     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00026     Library General Public License for more details.
00028     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00029     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00030     Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00032 **************************************************************************/
00034 #ifndef ROOT_TGHtmlTokens
00035 #define ROOT_TGHtmlTokens
00037 // NOTE: this list was generated automatically. If you make any
00038 // modifications to it, you'll have to modify also the
00039 // file accordingly.
00041 enum {
00042   Html_Text = 1,
00043   Html_Space,
00044   Html_Unknown,
00045   Html_Block,
00046   Html_A,
00047   Html_EndA,
00048   Html_ADDRESS,
00049   Html_EndADDRESS,
00050   Html_APPLET,
00051   Html_EndAPPLET,
00052   Html_AREA,
00053   Html_B,
00054   Html_EndB,
00055   Html_BASE,
00056   Html_BASEFONT,
00057   Html_EndBASEFONT,
00058   Html_BGSOUND,
00059   Html_BIG,
00060   Html_EndBIG,
00061   Html_BLOCKQUOTE,
00062   Html_EndBLOCKQUOTE,
00063   Html_BODY,
00064   Html_EndBODY,
00065   Html_BR,
00066   Html_CAPTION,
00067   Html_EndCAPTION,
00068   Html_CENTER,
00069   Html_EndCENTER,
00070   Html_CITE,
00071   Html_EndCITE,
00072   Html_CODE,
00073   Html_EndCODE,
00074   Html_COMMENT,
00075   Html_EndCOMMENT,
00076   Html_DD,
00077   Html_EndDD,
00078   Html_DFN,
00079   Html_EndDFN,
00080   Html_DIR,
00081   Html_EndDIR,
00082   Html_DIV,
00083   Html_EndDIV,
00084   Html_DL,
00085   Html_EndDL,
00086   Html_DT,
00087   Html_EndDT,
00088   Html_EM,
00089   Html_EndEM,
00090   Html_EMBED,
00091   Html_FONT,
00092   Html_EndFONT,
00093   Html_FORM,
00094   Html_EndFORM,
00095   Html_FRAME,
00096   Html_EndFRAME,
00097   Html_FRAMESET,
00098   Html_EndFRAMESET,
00099   Html_H1,
00100   Html_EndH1,
00101   Html_H2,
00102   Html_EndH2,
00103   Html_H3,
00104   Html_EndH3,
00105   Html_H4,
00106   Html_EndH4,
00107   Html_H5,
00108   Html_EndH5,
00109   Html_H6,
00110   Html_EndH6,
00111   Html_HR,
00112   Html_HTML,
00113   Html_EndHTML,
00114   Html_I,
00115   Html_EndI,
00116   Html_IFRAME,
00117   Html_IMG,
00118   Html_INPUT,
00119   Html_ISINDEX,
00120   Html_KBD,
00121   Html_EndKBD,
00122   Html_LI,
00123   Html_EndLI,
00124   Html_LINK,
00125   Html_LISTING,
00126   Html_EndLISTING,
00127   Html_MAP,
00128   Html_EndMAP,
00129   Html_MARQUEE,
00130   Html_EndMARQUEE,
00131   Html_MENU,
00132   Html_EndMENU,
00133   Html_META,
00134   Html_NEXTID,
00135   Html_NOBR,
00136   Html_EndNOBR,
00137   Html_NOEMBED,
00138   Html_EndNOEMBED,
00139   Html_NOFRAMES,
00140   Html_EndNOFRAMES,
00141   Html_NOSCRIPT,
00142   Html_EndNOSCRIPT,
00143   Html_OL,
00144   Html_EndOL,
00145   Html_OPTION,
00146   Html_EndOPTION,
00147   Html_P,
00148   Html_EndP,
00149   Html_PARAM,
00150   Html_EndPARAM,
00151   Html_PLAINTEXT,
00152   Html_PRE,
00153   Html_EndPRE,
00154   Html_S,
00155   Html_EndS,
00156   Html_SAMP,
00157   Html_EndSAMP,
00158   Html_SCRIPT,
00159   Html_SELECT,
00160   Html_EndSELECT,
00161   Html_SMALL,
00162   Html_EndSMALL,
00163   Html_STRIKE,
00164   Html_EndSTRIKE,
00165   Html_STRONG,
00166   Html_EndSTRONG,
00167   Html_STYLE,
00168   Html_SUB,
00169   Html_EndSUB,
00170   Html_SUP,
00171   Html_EndSUP,
00172   Html_TABLE,
00173   Html_EndTABLE,
00174   Html_TD,
00175   Html_EndTD,
00176   Html_TEXTAREA,
00177   Html_EndTEXTAREA,
00178   Html_TH,
00179   Html_EndTH,
00180   Html_TITLE,
00181   Html_EndTITLE,
00182   Html_TR,
00183   Html_EndTR,
00184   Html_TT,
00185   Html_EndTT,
00186   Html_U,
00187   Html_EndU,
00188   Html_UL,
00189   Html_EndUL,
00190   Html_VAR,
00191   Html_EndVAR,
00192   Html_WBR,
00193   Html_XMP,
00194   Html_EndXMP,
00195   Html__TypeCount
00196 };
00198 #define Html_TypeCount         (Html__TypeCount - 1)
00199 #define HTML_MARKUP_COUNT      (Html__TypeCount - 5)
00200 #define HTML_MARKUP_HASH_SIZE  (Html__TypeCount + 11)
00202 #endif  // ROOT_TGHtmlTokens

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:22:16 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1