
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/vmc:$Id: TMCProcess.h 35238 2010-09-13 10:21:18Z ivana $
00002 // Author: Alice collaboration
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.                    *
00006  * Copyright (C) 2002, ALICE Experiment at CERN.                         *
00007  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00008  *                                                                       *
00009  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00010  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00011  *************************************************************************/
00013 #ifndef ROOT_TMCProcess
00014 #define ROOT_TMCProcess
00015 //
00016 // List of MonteCarlo processes
00017 //
00018 #include "Rtypes.h"
00020 const Int_t kMaxMCProcess = 48;
00022 enum TMCProcess
00023 {
00024   kPPrimary = 0,             // Primary interaction
00026   kPMultipleScattering = 1,  // multiple scattering
00027   kPCoulombScattering = 45,  // single Coulomb scattering
00028   kPEnergyLoss = 2,          // continuous energy loss
00029   kPMagneticFieldL = 3,      // bending in mag. field
00030   kPDecay = 4,               // particle decay
00031   kPPair = 5,                // photon pair production or
00032                              // muon direct pair production
00033   kPCompton = 6,             // Compton scattering
00034   kPPhotoelectric = 7,       // photoelectric effect
00035   kPBrem = 8,                // bremsstrahlung
00036   kPDeltaRay = 9,            // delta-ray production
00037   kPAnnihilation = 10,       // positron annihilation
00038   kPAnnihilationRest = 11,   // positron annihilation at rest
00039   kPAnnihilationFlight = 12, // positron annihilation in flight
00041   kPHadronic = 13,           // hadronic interaction
00042   kPEvaporation = 14,        // nuclear evaporation
00043   kPNuclearFission = 15,     // nuclear fission
00044   kPNuclearAbsorption = 16,  // nuclear absorption
00045   kPPbarAnnihilation = 17,   // antiproton annihilation
00046   kPNbarAnnihilation = 18,   // antineutron annihilation
00047   kPNCapture = 19,           // neutron capture
00048   kPHElastic = 20,           // hadronic elastic scattering
00049   kPHIElastic = 21,          // hadronic elastic incoherent scattering
00050   kPHCElastic = 22,          // hadronic elastic coherent scattering
00051   kPHInhelastic = 23,        // hadronic inelastic scattering
00052   kPPhotonInhelastic = 24,   // photon inelastic scattering
00054   kPMuonNuclear = 25,        // muon nuclear interaction
00055   kPElectronNuclear = 26,    // electron nuclear interaction
00056   kPPositronNuclear = 27,    // positron nuclear interaction
00057   kPPhotoNuclear = 46,       // photo nuclear interaction
00059   kPTOFlimit = 28,           // exceeded time of flight cut
00060   kPPhotoFission = 29,       // nuclear photofission
00062   kPRayleigh = 30,           // Rayleigh scattering
00064   kPNull = 31,               // no mechanism is active, usually at the entrance
00065                              // of a new volume
00066   kPStop = 32,               // particle has fallen below energy threshold
00067                              // and tracking stops
00069   kPLightAbsorption = 33,    // Cerenkov photon absorption
00070   kPLightDetection = 34,     // Optical photon detection (absorption + photoelectron production)
00071   kPLightScattering = 35,    // Cerenkov photon reflection/refraction
00072   kStepMax = 36,             // step limited by STEMAX
00074   kPCerenkov = 37,           // Cerenkov photon generation
00075   kPFeedBackPhoton = 38,     // Feed back photon in RICH -- ALICE specific
00076   kPLightReflection = 39,    // Cerenkov photon reflection
00077   kPLightRefraction = 40,    // Cerenkov photon refraction
00078   kPSynchrotron = 41,        // synchrotron radiation generation
00079   kPScintillation = 42,      // scintillation
00081   kPTransportation = 43,     // Transportation
00082   kPUserDefined = 47,        // User defined process
00084   kPNoProcess = 44           // unknown process
00085 };
00087 static const char * const TMCProcessName[kMaxMCProcess] = {
00088   "Primary particle emission",
00089   "Multiple scattering",
00090   "Energy loss",
00091   "Bending in magnetic field",
00092   "Decay",
00093   "Lepton pair production",
00094   "Compton scattering",
00095   "Photoelectric effect",
00096   "Bremstrahlung",
00097   "Delta ray",
00098   "Positron annihilation",
00099   "Positron annihilation at rest",
00100   "Positron annihilation in flight",
00101   "Hadronic interaction",
00102   "Nuclear evaporation",
00103   "Nuclear fission",
00104   "Nuclear absorbtion",
00105   "Antiproton annihilation",
00106   "Antineutron annihilation",
00107   "Neutron capture",
00108   "Hadronic elastic",
00109   "Hadronic incoherent elastic",
00110   "Hadronic coherent elastic",
00111   "Hadronic inelastic",
00112   "Photon inelastic",
00113   "Muon nuclear interaction",
00114   "Electron nuclear interaction",
00115   "Positron nuclear interaction",
00116   "Time of flight limit",
00117   "Nuclear photofission",
00118   "Rayleigh effect",
00119   "No active process",
00120   "Energy threshold",
00121   "Light absorption",
00122   "Light detection",
00123   "Light scattering",
00124   "Maximum allowed step",
00125   "Cerenkov production",
00126   "Cerenkov feed back photon",
00127   "Cerenkov photon reflection",
00128   "Cerenkov photon refraction",
00129   "Synchrotron radiation",
00130   "Scintillation",
00131   "Transportation",
00132   "Unknown process",
00133   "Coulomb scattering",
00134   "Photo nuclear interaction",
00135   "User defined process",
00136 };
00138 #endif //ROOT_TMCProcess

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