
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/eg:$Id: TParticle.h 31515 2009-12-03 08:36:59Z brun $
00002 // Author: Rene Brun , Federico Carminati  26/04/99
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00011 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00012 //                                                                      //
00013 // TParticle: defines  equivalent of HEPEVT particle                    //
00014 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00016 #ifndef ROOT_TParticle
00017 #define ROOT_TParticle
00019 #ifndef ROOT_TNamed
00020 #include "TNamed.h"
00021 #endif
00022 #ifndef ROOT_TAttLine
00023 #include "TAttLine.h"
00024 #endif
00025 #ifndef ROOT_TAtt3D
00026 #include "TAtt3D.h"
00027 #endif
00028 #ifndef ROOT_TLorentzVector
00029 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
00030 #endif
00032 class TParticlePDG;
00034 class TParticle : public TObject, public TAttLine, public TAtt3D {
00037 protected:
00039   Int_t          fPdgCode;              // PDG code of the particle
00040   Int_t          fStatusCode;           // generation status code
00041   Int_t          fMother[2];            // Indices of the mother particles
00042   Int_t          fDaughter[2];          // Indices of the daughter particles
00043   Float_t        fWeight;               // particle weight
00045   Double_t       fCalcMass;             // Calculated mass
00047   Double_t       fPx;                   // x component of momentum
00048   Double_t       fPy;                   // y component of momentum
00049   Double_t       fPz;                   // z component of momentum
00050   Double_t       fE;                    // Energy
00052   Double_t       fVx;                   // x of production vertex
00053   Double_t       fVy;                   // y of production vertex
00054   Double_t       fVz;                   // z of production vertex
00055   Double_t       fVt;                   // t of production vertex
00057   Double_t       fPolarTheta;           // Polar angle of polarisation
00058   Double_t       fPolarPhi;             // azymutal angle of polarisation
00060   TParticlePDG*  fParticlePDG;          //! reference to the particle record in PDG database
00061   //the line above should be changed to the following line when all compilers
00062   //will be able to digest the mutable keyword (We want to have GetPDG const !!)
00063   //mutable TParticlePDG*  fParticlePDG;  //! reference to the particle record in PDG database
00064   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00065   //  functions
00066   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00067 public:
00068                                 // ****** constructors and destructor
00069    TParticle();
00071    TParticle(Int_t pdg, Int_t status,
00072              Int_t mother1, Int_t mother2,
00073              Int_t daughter1, Int_t daughter2,
00074              Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz, Double_t etot,
00075              Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Double_t time);
00077    TParticle(Int_t pdg, Int_t status,
00078              Int_t mother1, Int_t mother2,
00079              Int_t daughter1, Int_t daughter2,
00080              const TLorentzVector &p,
00081              const TLorentzVector &v);
00083    TParticle(const TParticle &part);
00085    virtual ~TParticle();
00087    TParticle& operator=(const TParticle&);
00089 //   virtual TString* Name   () const { return fName.Data(); }
00090 //   virtual char*  GetName()   const { return fName.Data(); }
00092    Int_t          GetStatusCode   ()            const { return fStatusCode;                                     }
00093    Int_t          GetPdgCode      ()            const { return fPdgCode;                                        }
00094    Int_t          GetFirstMother  ()            const { return fMother[0];                                      }
00095    Int_t          GetMother       (Int_t i)     const { return fMother[i];                                      }
00096    Int_t          GetSecondMother ()            const { return fMother[1];                                      }
00097    Bool_t         IsPrimary       ()            const { return fMother[0]>-1 ? kFALSE : kTRUE;                  } //Is this particle primary one?
00098    Int_t          GetFirstDaughter()            const { return fDaughter[0];                                    }
00099    Int_t          GetDaughter     (Int_t i)     const { return fDaughter[i];                                    }
00100    Int_t          GetLastDaughter ()            const { return fDaughter[1];                                    }
00101    Double_t       GetCalcMass     ()            const { return fCalcMass;                                       }
00102    Double_t       GetMass         ();
00103    Int_t          GetNDaughters   ()            const { return fDaughter[1]>0 ? fDaughter[1]-fDaughter[0]+1 : 0;}
00104    Float_t        GetWeight       ()            const { return fWeight;                                         }
00105    void           GetPolarisation(TVector3 &v);
00106    TParticlePDG*  GetPDG          (Int_t mode = 0);
00107    Int_t          Beauty          ();
00108    Int_t          Charm           ();
00109    Int_t          Strangeness     ();
00110    void           Momentum(TLorentzVector &v)   const { v.SetPxPyPzE(fPx,fPy,fPz,fE);                           }
00111    void           ProductionVertex(TLorentzVector &v) const { v.SetXYZT(fVx,fVy,fVz,fVt);                       }
00113 // ****** redefine several most oftenly used methods of LORENTZ_VECTOR
00115    Double_t       Vx              ()            const { return fVx;                                             }
00116    Double_t       Vy              ()            const { return fVy;                                             }
00117    Double_t       Vz              ()            const { return fVz;                                             }
00118    Double_t       T               ()            const { return fVt;                                             }
00119    Double_t       R               ()            const { return TMath::Sqrt(fVx*fVx+fVy*fVy);                    } //Radius of production vertex in cylindrical system
00120    Double_t       Rho             ()            const { return TMath::Sqrt(fVx*fVx+fVy*fVy+fVz*fVz);            } //Radius of production vertex in spherical system
00121    Double_t       Px              ()            const { return fPx;                                             }
00122    Double_t       Py              ()            const { return fPy;                                             }
00123    Double_t       Pz              ()            const { return fPz;                                             }
00124    Double_t       P               ()            const { return TMath::Sqrt(fPx*fPx+fPy*fPy+fPz*fPz);            }
00125    Double_t       Pt              ()            const { return TMath::Sqrt(fPx*fPx+fPy*fPy);                    }
00126    Double_t       Energy          ()            const { return fE;                                              }
00127    Double_t       Eta             ()            const
00128    {
00129       Double_t pmom = P();
00130       if (pmom != TMath::Abs(fPz)) return 0.5*TMath::Log((pmom+fPz)/(pmom-fPz));
00131       else                         return 1.e30;
00132    }
00133    Double_t       Y               ()            const
00134    {
00135       if (fE != TMath::Abs(fPz))   return 0.5*TMath::Log((fE+fPz)/(fE-fPz));
00136       else                         return 1.e30;
00137    }
00139    Double_t         Phi   () const { return TMath::Pi()+TMath::ATan2(-fPy,-fPx); }  // note that Phi() returns an angle between 0 and 2pi
00140    Double_t         Theta () const { return (fPz==0)?TMath::PiOver2():TMath::ACos(fPz/P()); }
00142               // setters
00144    void           SetFirstMother  (int code)                                               { fMother[0]   = code ; }
00145    void           SetMother  (int i, int code)                                             { fMother[i]   = code ; }
00146    void           SetLastMother  (int code)                                                { fMother[1]   = code ; }
00147    void           SetFirstDaughter(int code)                                               { fDaughter[0] = code ; }
00148    void           SetDaughter(int i, int code)                                             { fDaughter[i] = code ; }
00149    void           SetLastDaughter(int code)                                                { fDaughter[1] = code ; }
00150    void           SetCalcMass(Double_t mass)                                               { fCalcMass=mass;}
00151    void           SetPdgCode(Int_t pdg);
00152    void           SetPolarisation(Double_t polx, Double_t poly, Double_t polz);
00153    void           SetPolarisation(const TVector3& v)                                       {SetPolarisation(v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z());}
00154    void           SetStatusCode(int status)                                                {fStatusCode = status;}
00155    void           SetWeight(Float_t weight = 1)                                            {fWeight = weight; }
00156    void           SetMomentum(Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz, Double_t e)           {fPx=px; fPy=py; fPz=pz; fE=e;}
00157    void           SetMomentum(const TLorentzVector& p)                                     {SetMomentum(p.Px(),p.Py(),p.Pz(),p.Energy());}
00158    void           SetProductionVertex(Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Double_t t)   {fVx=vx; fVy=vy; fVz=vz; fVt=t;}
00159    void           SetProductionVertex(const TLorentzVector& v)                             {SetProductionVertex(v.X(),v.Y(),v.Z(),v.T());}
00161              // ****** overloaded functions of TObject
00163    virtual void      Paint(Option_t *option = "");
00164    virtual void      Print(Option_t *option = "") const;
00165    virtual void      Sizeof3D() const;
00166    virtual Int_t     DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);
00167    virtual void      ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py);
00168    virtual const     char *GetName() const;
00169    virtual const     char *GetTitle() const;
00172    ClassDef(TParticle,2)  // TParticle vertex particle information
00173 };
00175 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:27:55 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1