
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/core:$Id: TSchemaRule.h 34641 2010-07-28 18:12:36Z pcanal $
00002 // author: Lukasz Janyst <ljanyst@cern.ch>
00004 #ifndef ROOT_TSchemaRule
00005 #define ROOT_TSchemaRule
00007 class TBuffer;
00008 class TVirtualObject;
00009 class TObjArray;
00011 #include "TObject.h"
00012 #include "TNamed.h"
00013 #include "Rtypes.h"
00014 #include "TString.h"
00016 #include <vector>
00017 #include <utility>
00019 namespace ROOT {
00021    class TSchemaRule: public TObject
00022    {
00023       public:
00025          class TSources : public TNamed {
00026          private:
00027             TString fDimensions;
00028          public:
00029             TSources(const char *name = 0, const char *title = 0, const char *dims = 0) : TNamed(name,title),fDimensions(dims) {}
00030             const char *GetDimensions() { return fDimensions; }
00032             ClassDef(TSources,2);
00033          };
00035          typedef enum
00036          {
00037             kReadRule    = 0,
00038             kReadRawRule = 1,
00039             kNone        = 99999
00040          }  RuleType_t;
00042          typedef void (*ReadFuncPtr_t)( char*, TVirtualObject* );
00043          typedef void (*ReadRawFuncPtr_t)( char*, TBuffer&);
00045          TSchemaRule();
00046          virtual ~TSchemaRule();
00048          TSchemaRule( const TSchemaRule& rhs );
00049          TSchemaRule& operator = ( const TSchemaRule& rhs );
00050          Bool_t operator == ( const TSchemaRule& rhs );
00053          void             Clear(Option_t * /*option*/ ="");
00054          Bool_t           SetFromRule( const char *rule );
00056          const char      *GetVersion( ) const;
00057          Bool_t           SetVersion( const TString& version );
00058          Bool_t           TestVersion( Int_t version ) const;
00059          Bool_t           SetChecksum( const TString& checksum );
00060          Bool_t           TestChecksum( UInt_t checksum ) const;
00061          void             SetSourceClass( const TString& classname );
00062          const char      *GetSourceClass() const;
00063          void             SetTargetClass( const TString& classname );
00064          const char      *GetTargetClass() const;
00065          void             SetTarget( const TString& target );
00066          const TObjArray* GetTarget() const;
00067          const char      *GetTargetString() const;
00068          void             SetSource( const TString& source );
00069          const TObjArray* GetSource() const;
00070          void             SetEmbed( Bool_t embed );
00071          Bool_t           GetEmbed() const;
00072          Bool_t           IsAliasRule() const;
00073          Bool_t           IsRenameRule() const;
00074          Bool_t           IsValid() const;
00075          void             SetCode( const TString& code );
00076          const char      *GetCode() const;
00077          void             SetAttributes( const TString& attributes );
00078          const char      *GetAttributes() const;
00079          Bool_t           HasTarget( const TString& target ) const;
00081          Bool_t           HasSource( const TString& source ) const;
00082          void             SetReadFunctionPointer( ReadFuncPtr_t ptr );
00083          ReadFuncPtr_t    GetReadFunctionPointer() const;
00084          void             SetReadRawFunctionPointer( ReadRawFuncPtr_t ptr );
00085          ReadRawFuncPtr_t GetReadRawFunctionPointer() const;
00086          void             SetInclude( const TString& include );
00087          const TObjArray* GetInclude() const;
00088          void             SetRuleType( RuleType_t type );
00089          RuleType_t       GetRuleType() const;
00090          Bool_t           Conflicts( const TSchemaRule* rule ) const;
00092          void             AsString( TString &out, const char *options = "" ) const;
00093          void             ls(Option_t *option="") const;
00095          ClassDef( TSchemaRule, 1 );
00097       private:
00099          Bool_t ProcessVersion( const TString& version ) const;
00100          Bool_t ProcessChecksum( const TString& checksum ) const;
00101          static void ProcessList( TObjArray* array, const TString& list );
00102          static void ProcessDeclaration( TObjArray* array, const TString& list );
00104          TString                      fVersion;        //  Source version string
00105          mutable std::vector<std::pair<Int_t, Int_t> >* fVersionVect;    //! Source version vector (for searching purposes)
00106          TString                      fChecksum;       //  Source checksum string
00107          mutable std::vector<UInt_t>* fChecksumVect;   //! Source checksum vector (for searching purposes)
00108          TString                      fSourceClass;    //  Source class
00109          TString                      fTargetClass;    //  Target class, this is the owner of this rule object.
00110          TString                      fTarget;         //  Target data mamber string
00111          mutable TObjArray*           fTargetVect;     //! Target data member vector (for searching purposes)
00112          TString                      fSource;         //  Source data member string
00113          mutable TObjArray*           fSourceVect;     //! Source data member vector (for searching purposes)
00114          TString                      fInclude;        //  Includes string
00115          mutable TObjArray*           fIncludeVect;    //! Includes vector
00116          TString                      fCode;           //  User specified code snippet
00117          Bool_t                       fEmbed;          //  Value determining if the rule should be embedded
00118          ReadFuncPtr_t                fReadFuncPtr;    //! Conversion function pointer for read rule
00119          ReadRawFuncPtr_t             fReadRawFuncPtr; //! Conversion function pointer for readraw rule
00120          RuleType_t                   fRuleType;       //  Type of the rule
00121          TString                      fAttributes;     //  Attributes to be applied to the member (like Owner/NotOwner)
00122    };
00123 } // End of namespace ROOT
00125 #endif // ROOT_TSchemaRule

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:11:40 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1