
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // @(#)root/base:$Id: TUri.h 20877 2007-11-19 11:17:07Z rdm $
00002 // Author: Gerhard E. Bruckner 15/07/07
00004 /*************************************************************************
00005  * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
00006  * All rights reserved.                                                  *
00007  *                                                                       *
00008  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
00009  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
00010  *************************************************************************/
00012 #ifndef ROOT_TUri
00013 #define ROOT_TUri
00016 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00017 //                                                                      //
00018 // TUri                                                                 //
00019 //                                                                      //
00020 // This class represents a RFC3986 compatible URI.                      //
00021 // See http://rfc.net/rfc3986.html.                                     //
00022 // It provides member functions to return the different parts of        //
00023 // an URI.                                                              //
00024 //                                                                      //
00025 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00027 #ifndef ROOT_TObject
00028 #include "TObject.h"
00029 #endif
00030 #ifndef ROOT_TString
00031 #include "TString.h"
00032 #endif
00035 class TUri;
00036 Bool_t  operator==(const TUri &u1, const TUri &u2);
00039 class TUri : public TObject {
00041 friend Bool_t operator==(const TUri &u1, const TUri &u2); // comparison operator
00043 private:
00045    // In order to represent the five basic components of an URI,
00046    // we use 7 member variables (authority gets splitted in 3 parts)
00047    //
00048    //   foo://user:pass@example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
00049    //   \_/   \________________________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
00050    //    |                 |                |            |        |
00051    //  scheme          authority           path        query   fragment
00052    //
00053    // In many cases we have to distinguish between empty
00054    // TString and undefined value (i.e. delimiter not found).
00055    // Therefore, we use a TString to hold the string value
00056    // and a corresponding Bool_t to store if it is defined or not.
00057    // The Bool_t has precedence.
00059    TString fScheme;
00060    TString fUserinfo;     // authority/userinfo: user@password, ...
00061    TString fHost;         // authority/host: hostname or ip-address
00062    TString fPort;         // authority/port: port number, normally 1-65535
00063    TString fPath;
00064    TString fQuery;
00065    TString fFragment;
00067    Bool_t fHasScheme;
00068    Bool_t fHasUserinfo;
00069    Bool_t fHasHost;
00070    Bool_t fHasPort;
00071    Bool_t fHasPath;
00072    Bool_t fHasQuery;
00073    Bool_t fHasFragment;
00075 public:
00076    TUri(const TUri &uri);
00077    TUri() { Reset(); }
00078    TUri(const TString &uri);
00079    TUri(const char *uri);
00080    TUri &operator=(const TUri &rhs); //copy ctor
00081    virtual ~TUri() { }
00083    const TString GetUri() const;
00084    const TString GetScheme() const { return fScheme; }
00085    const TString GetHierPart() const;
00086    const TString GetRelativePart() const;
00087    const TString GetAuthority() const;
00088    const TString GetUserInfo() const { return fUserinfo; }
00089    const TString GetHost() const { return fHost; }
00090    const TString GetPort() const { return fPort; }
00091    const TString GetPath() const { return fPath; }
00092    const TString GetQuery() const { return fQuery; }
00093    const TString GetFragment() const { return fFragment; }
00095    Bool_t HasScheme() const { return fHasScheme; }
00096    Bool_t HasHierPart() const { return IsHierPart(GetHierPart()); }
00097    Bool_t HasAuthority() const { return fHasHost; }
00098    Bool_t HasUserInfo() const { return fHasUserinfo; }
00099    Bool_t HasHost() const { return fHasHost; }
00100    Bool_t HasPort() const { return fHasPort; }
00101    Bool_t HasPath() const { return fHasPath; }
00102    Bool_t HasQuery() const { return fHasQuery; }
00103    Bool_t HasFragment() const { return fHasFragment; }
00104    Bool_t HasRelativePart() const { return IsRelativePart(GetRelativePart()); }
00106    Bool_t SetUri(const TString &uri);
00107    Bool_t SetScheme(const TString &scheme);
00108    Bool_t SetHierPart(const TString &hier);
00109    Bool_t SetAuthority(const TString &authority);
00110    Bool_t SetUserInfo(const TString &userinfo);
00111    Bool_t SetHost(const TString &host);
00112    Bool_t SetPort(const TString &port);
00113    Bool_t SetPath(const TString &path);
00114    Bool_t SetQuery(const TString &path);
00115    Bool_t SetFragment(const TString &fragment);
00117    Bool_t SetRelativePart(const TString&);
00119    void   Print(Option_t *option = "") const;
00120    Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; }
00122    void Normalise();
00123    void Reset();
00125    Bool_t IsAbsolute() const;
00126    Bool_t IsRelative() const;
00127    Bool_t IsUri() const;
00128    Bool_t IsReference() const;
00130    static Bool_t IsUnreserved(const TString &string);
00132    static const TString PctEncode(const TString &source);
00133    static const TString PctDecode(const TString &source);
00134    static const TString PctDecodeUnreserved(const TString &source);
00135    static const TString PctNormalise(const TString &source);
00137    static Bool_t IsScheme(const TString&);
00138    static Bool_t IsHierPart(const TString&);
00139    static Bool_t IsAuthority(const TString&);
00140    static Bool_t IsUserInfo(const TString&);
00141    static Bool_t IsHost(const TString&);
00142    static Bool_t IsIpv4(const TString&);
00143    static Bool_t IsRegName(const TString&);
00144    static Bool_t IsPort(const TString&);
00145    static Bool_t IsPath(const TString&);
00146    static Bool_t IsPathAbsolute(const TString&);
00147    static Bool_t IsPathAbempty(const TString&);
00148    static Bool_t IsPathNoscheme(const TString&);
00149    static Bool_t IsPathRootless(const TString&);
00150    static Bool_t IsPathEmpty(const TString&);
00151    static Bool_t IsQuery(const TString&);
00152    static Bool_t IsFragment(const TString&);
00154    static Bool_t IsRelativePart(const TString&);
00156    static const TString RemoveDotSegments(const TString&);
00158    static TUri Transform(const TUri &reference, const TUri &base);
00159    static const TString MergePaths(const TUri &reference, const TUri &base);
00161    ClassDef(TUri, 1)  //Represents an URI
00162 };
00164 #endif

Generated on Tue Jul 5 14:10:32 2011 for ROOT_528-00b_version by  doxygen 1.5.1