00001 void logscales() {
00005 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1",
00006 "Various options on LOG scales plots",0,0,700,900);
00007 c1->SetFillColor(30);
00009 pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1",0.03,0.62,0.50,0.92,32);
00010 pad2 = new TPad("pad2","pad2",0.51,0.62,0.98,0.92,33);
00011 pad3 = new TPad("pad3","pad3",0.03,0.02,0.97,0.535,38);
00012 pad1->Draw(); pad2->Draw(); pad3->Draw();
00014 title = new TPaveLabel(0.1,0.94,0.9,0.98,
00015 "Various options on LOG scales plots");
00016 title->SetFillColor(16);
00017 title->SetTextFont(42);
00018 title->Draw();
00020 pave = new TPaveText(0.1,0.55,0.9,0.61);
00021 pave->SetFillColor(42);
00022 pave->SetTextAlign(12);
00023 pave->SetTextFont(42);
00024 pave->AddText("When more Log labels are requested, the overlaping \
00025 labels are removed");
00026 pave->Draw();
00028 pad1->cd();
00029 pad1->SetLogy();
00030 pad1->SetGridy();
00031 TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","x*sin(x)*exp(-0.1*x)+15",-10.,10.);
00032 TF1 *f2 = new TF1("f2","(sin(x)+cos(x))**5+15",-10.,10.);
00033 TF1 *f3 = new TF1("f3","(sin(x)/(x)-x*cos(x))+15",-10.,10.);
00034 f1->SetLineWidth(1); f1->SetLineColor(2);
00035 f2->SetLineWidth(1); f2->SetLineColor(3);
00036 f3->SetLineWidth(1); f3->SetLineColor(4);
00038 f1->Draw();
00039 f2->Draw("same");
00040 f3->Draw("same");
00041 f1->GetYaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
00042 pave1 = new TPaveText(-6,2,6,6);
00043 pave1->SetFillColor(42);
00044 pave1->SetTextAlign(12);
00045 pave1->SetTextFont(42);
00046 pave1->AddText("Log scale along Y axis.");
00047 pave1->AddText("More Log labels requested.");
00048 pave1->Draw();
00050 pad2->cd();
00051 double x[10] = { 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 650, 700, 710, 900,1000 };
00052 double y[10] = { 200, 1000, 900, 400, 500, 250, 800, 150, 201, 220 };
00053 g_2 = new TGraph(10,x,y);
00055 g_2->Draw("AL*");
00056 g_2->SetMarkerColor(2);
00057 g_2->GetYaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
00058 g_2->GetYaxis()->SetNoExponent();
00059 pad2->SetLogy();
00060 g_2->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
00061 pad2->SetLogx();
00062 pad2->SetGridx();
00063 pave2 = new TPaveText(150,80,500,180);
00064 pave2->SetFillColor(42);
00065 pave2->SetTextFont(42);
00066 pave2->SetTextAlign(12);
00067 pave2->AddText("Log scale along X and Y axis.");
00068 pave2->AddText("More Log labels on both.");
00069 pave2->AddText("No exponent along Y axis.");
00070 pave2->Draw();
00072 pad3->cd();
00073 pad3->SetGridx();
00074 pad3->SetGridy();
00075 pad3->SetLogy();
00076 pad3->SetLogx();
00077 TF1 *f4 = new TF1("f4a","x*sin(x+10)+25",1,21);
00078 f4->SetLineWidth(1);
00079 f4->Draw();
00080 f4->SetNpx(200);
00082 f4->GetYaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
00083 f4->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels();
00084 f4 = new TF1("f4b","x*cos(x+10)*sin(x+10)+25",1,21);
00085 f4->SetLineWidth(1); f4->Draw("same");
00086 f4->SetNpx(200);
00087 Int_t a = 20;
00088 for (int i=a; i>=1; i--) {
00089 f4 = new TF1(Form("f4b_%d",i),"x*sin(x+10)*[0]/[1]+25",1,21);
00090 f4->SetParameter(0,i);
00091 f4->SetParameter(1,a);
00092 f4->SetNpx(200);
00093 f4->SetLineWidth(1); f4->SetLineColor(i+10);
00094 f4->Draw("same");
00095 f4 = new TF1(Form("f4c_%d",i),"x*cos(x+10)*sin(x+10)*[0]/[1]+25",1,25);
00096 f4->SetParameter(0,i);
00097 f4->SetParameter(1,a);
00098 f4->SetNpx(200);
00099 f4->SetLineWidth(1); f4->SetLineColor(i+30); f4->Draw("same");
00100 }
00101 pave3 = new TPaveText(1.2,8,9,15);
00102 pave3->SetFillColor(42);
00103 pave3->AddText("Log scale along X and Y axis.");
00104 pave3->SetTextFont(42);
00105 pave3->SetTextAlign(12);
00106 pave3->AddText("More Log labels on both.");
00107 pave3->AddText("The labels have no exponents (they would be 0 or 1)");
00108 pave3->Draw();
00109 }